Votes are in for September.* Putting the current lineup at: ≠=================================== 10/9 - "Wall-E"(2008) - Cute robots destroy FALVSC & "Ryu Ga Gotoku"(2007) - Yakuza: The Game: The Movie

17/9 - "Attack the block" (2011) - British drug dealers experience xenophobia & "TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, PLEASE STAND BY" (null) - *please see below

24/9 - "Moscow does not believe in Tears" (1979) - Soviet Comedy/Drama about a young single mother trying to find love and recognition.


*RIGHT SO - The lineup is a little screwy, cause a few of the top nominations didn't have links, and finding them is going to take more than just some light googling. Right now I'm looking for links for - "Blade Runner"(either), 'District 9", "Sorry to Bother you", & "Judas and the Black Messiah."

If anyone has a file or source, DM me. I'll keep looking myself. Whatever can be found and hosted will be the double features for the 17th & 24th. Will update as time goes on.


ALSO OF NOTE: Anime Sundays continues this weekend with Evangelion (1995) episodes 18-24.

Movies usually play 16:00 MSK and again the following morning at 04:00 MSK (08:00 & 20:00 ET). Music plays all the time. Well… Like half the time. All Genres accepted.

DM me for any questions/concerns or if you wanna schedule something. There's been a lot more movies & stuff on randomly recently, come queue something up.