• cummynism [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      Certainly not the cause of those numerous refinery explosions in the US because the oil companies are not performing simple preventative maintenance or upgrades. Good thing Industrial safety watchdogs can only make "recommendations" and have zero control over implementing safety standards or anything like that.

        • cummynism [she/her,they/them]
          4 years ago

          Absolutely, it was entirely preventable and was known and warned about multiple times, the scumbag owner threw a hissy fit and said fine I won't fix it and I'll just drain the lake which would be ecologically devastating instead of just doing the fucking maintenance work on a dam. So the state forced him to keep the levels at the right level, but didn't force him to fix it either. Gotta keep those stonks high. The state is now forced to intervene (when they should have already) because without those two dams shoring up the local economy it would pretty much devastate the area even more than just not fixing them. This is the common theme to capitalism, neglect everything and pull maximum profit possible, and cross your fingers and hope there isn't a disaster. Then when the disaster hits, hope the total profit gained outweighs the damages. Capitalism in a nutshell. Or if you know the damages are going to be severe, just make the State government, like California set a 4 Million dollar max penalty so something like the Camp fire which killed nearly 100 people and caused billions in damage, and the Utility pleads Guilty for manslaughter doesn't owe shit.

    • btbt [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, Boeing is a Chinese company, didn’t you know?

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          4 years ago

          My favorite bit about that whole debacle is everything started from the cost-cutting premise of "we will not have to retrain any pilots, removing that cost inherent in adopting any new airframe." But then the software that made the new plane handle like the old plane (despite having different aerodynamics) was shit. Imagine a world where the flight attendant gets up before the flight and announces cheerfully: "In the event of certain emergencies, the pilot may no longer be qualified to operate the aircraft."

  • Samsara [he/him,he/him]
    4 years ago

    but knowing workers attitude in communist society and chinese attitude in general

    like this mouth breather has been anywhere outside Nebraska.

  • Parysian [they/them]
    4 years ago

    I, a shifty and unscrupulous chinese communist laborer, love to steal cement, I-beams, and rebar from my job at the construction site for my own personal use.

      • LangdonAlger [any]
        4 years ago

        we built all our dams in the 1930s with, and out of, hobos. they only have a 75 year lifespan it seems

      • lvysaur [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Chinese people were completely banned from entering the US after the railroads were constructed (until the 1930s when they were only allowed in under restaurant work)

  • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    You know, communism, that system where workers are disconnected from the product of their labor and have no real incentive to do quality work so long as they keep their job.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The chud who wrote this is big Jordan Peterson fan, surprise surprise...

    • Darkmatter2k [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      However, the concern about the Three Gorges Dam is real. The detrimental effects of climate change simply could not be predicted during the design and construction, and it is causing a lot of concerns if it will fail within the next decade.

      The Chinese are still not the ones I would expect to bear the brunt of this, they pour more concrete in 3 years than the US has done in the 21st century, the current crisis is serious, and it's clear based on this season that measures should be taken to rectify the problem.

      That being said it's much more likely that the US, with its ageing infrastructure and political plutocracy will see more horrific consequences of climate change especially since those in power do not seem to give 2 shits about the people on the ground.

  • Parzivus [any]
    4 years ago

    At this rate, they're gonna go too hard and too fast where (at least on Reddit) the circlejerk will spin back around. There's already a ton of replies to that comment calling them an idiot racist. Can't wait to see people talking about this as if they never thought that and it was just a bunch of losers, like gamergate shit.

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Based accelerationism (in certain contexts)

      I used to purposely China-froth on reddit. I'd write rabidly angry posts against China, and I'd lace it with extremely easy-to-rebut points. Like, so fucking easily disproven that you'd have to be a fucking snail to not immediately see the contradiction.

      IE: FUCK THE CHINESE. China is the most INVASIVE and CONQUEST HUNGRY nation on earth, especially towards Muslims. Nothing that the west has done comes even close to what they're doing right now, in fact the Iraq War was a direct result of Chinese policies under Xi.

      (this comment effectively combines racism, blatant lies, blatant historical inaccuracy, and plainly sets US aggression (iraq war) in sight). Agree and escalate. This type of comment makes Taiwanese/HongKong people think twice about anti-China feelings, it also makes "moderates" a bit uneasy, and it makes people who care about historical facts think that the China-bashers are complete troglodtyes.

  • btbt [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Betting odds on this person being an ancap?

  • PhallicsJones [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    So I guess chinese workers stealing shit 3 generations ago when they built our railway system explains all the subsequent amtrak crashes a century later. damn chinese...

  • GamerCastro [he/him]
    4 years ago

    As America goes further into collapse, people are more and more hungry for foreign blood.

    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      but dude, the workers' altitude tho. Those Chinese workers are super fucking high

  • VYKNIGHT [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Be me Working on the 3 Gorges Dam Steals Rebar and Concrete for no fucking reason just as some white soyfaced redditor said