The principal of this school and mayor of the town (pictured in the bottom-middle photo) is nicknamed "Happy" :cringe:

    • 6bicycles [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Supposedly it’s a student led thing

      I hate to do this to you, I believe you, but literally every word of that setence is doing a hell of a lot of work

    • mr_world [they/them]
      3 years ago

      I don't know how groups of highschool boys let this happen. "Bro let's put on panties and rub our middle-aged principal" Who the fuck says yes to that? Please get these kids some internet, stat.

      • KollontaiWasRight [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        “Bro let’s put on panties and rub our middle-aged principal” Who the fuck says yes to that?

        I think the only positive response I can give you is, "God bless you, you pure being."

        Please get these kids some internet, stat.

        I really don't think that's gonna make anything better...

      • steve5487 [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        if anything that's too much internet back in school thinking about it we probably wouldn't have made fun of saying something like that because we'd have thought that they might need actual medical help

  • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
    3 years ago

    don't wanna effort-post and let's be crystal clear its a toxic expression of a patriarchal society and wrong

    but there's kinds of role-reversal rituals like this in staunchly conservative spaces, where the idea of pretending to be in perceived weaker roles reinforces the power structure. its funny playtime because actual reversals of power are unimaginable and unnatural. the peasant sits on the throne, the man dresses as a woman, but when the festival is over they go back and hang peasants and beat their wives.

    i hope that makes sense? i've read about traditions like this in ancient & medieval societies & im sure alot of us have witnessed fratboys doing drag in nonqueer ways. theres reading for this topic but its buried in yearsold coursework

        • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
          3 years ago

          In ancient Rome they used to have holidays like this where the slaves and masters would switch roles. They also had traditions of, uhh, ephibophilia.

          • AlexandairBabeuf [they/them]
            3 years ago

            yes. its almost as if systems of sexual oppression aren't great for kids?

            pedo shit is going on, its widely acknowledged in the thread sorry my pointing out of something else to consider didn't adequately highlight that

    • 420clownpeen [they/them,any]
      3 years ago

      Yeah I know exactly what you're talking about. By doing a sanctioned, parodic reversal of these structures they reify the structures' power. Iirc Trickster Makes This World by Lewis Hyde touched on the subject though I may be misremembering.

      Powderpuff Football is a much more typical version of this in US high schools, where female students play in a football game while football players and other male student athletes dress up as cheerleaders and perform on the sidelines.

    • Ovuan [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Have you seen american entertainment? they literally get mad if some shitty mass entertainment story doesn't have porn or atrocity porn in it. It's actually considered "deep" if the story has some type of porn or atrocity porn in it.

      Look at shit like "Last of Us" to see how crappy atrocity porn is celebrated as if it was "deep". What's the value of a rapist wanting to rape a kid? how does that make the story good? what does it contribute? the whole zombie genre, loved by americans, is the epitome of it: white middle aged dude needs to save his loved ones from hordes of monsters is literally the worldview of white american boomers.

      america is culturally bankrupt and frozen in time. What systemic piss poor education and functional illiteracy does to a society.

      I believe that ultimately the need to propagandize western masses with war propaganda to justify mass atrocities for generations and generations have left these societies deeply scarred at a psychological level. If you are told that literal rape and murder is good, that humans are basically objects, that any concept of community is bad, that you must literally fund the most blatant rape and murder with your taxes, you would inevitably fall in the hellhole that anglos have fallen into.

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    America: we have a literacy rate of 88%

    American education system: don't worry I have a crazy idea that just might work

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    3 years ago

    when i was a young the high schools still did ritualized crossdressing days as well as "slave for a day" markets. my kink addled brain was kind of into the concept but those traditions disappeared by the time i was old enough.

      • Des [she/her, they/them]
        3 years ago

        students basically put bids on other students and "owned" them for the day. supposed to carry their stuff, etc.. pretty fucked up