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    • lvysaur [he/him]
      4 years ago

      "he was a good boy and didn't do anything"

      right projection #9028340928340934802389409384039481923701248974056734567

      • Superduperthx [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Literally " d i n d u nuffin" racist meme, except for white people

        • lvysaur [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Like I said, literally every single last thing that spews from their mouth is projection. I wish it was hyperbole.

  • FactuallyUnscrupulou [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The DA, Michael Graveley, also has another high profile murder one case to prosecute. Remember Chrystal Kizer, the young girl who killed the sex trafficker in self defense. I predict the little piggie gets off while she gets sentenced. The Rodney King riots started when the cops were acquitted. If Derek Chauvin gets acquitted at the same time period these conviction's occur this country will be boiling over.

  • krothotkin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    The gun charge? He's clearly fucked. He'll plea guilty to that one.

    The murder charge? Doubt it. Even on a plea deal I bet he gets manslaughter. More likely some chud organization bankrolls a private criminal defense firm that will argue self-defense. The fact that there's no video of the previous shooting, he was on the ground being swarmed, and the confusion of the moment will be the basis for the argument that he was in reasonable fear of imminent bodily harm or death. He'll walk out to the cheers and applause of the entire political right. In four years he'll attend the RNC.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      4 years ago

      There is video of the previous shooting though, he seemed to be shooting and missing someone else, and the guy tried to come up behind him and he shot several times and hit him in the head.

  • AnarchoLeninist [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Transportation/illegal possession of a firearm bumps it up to first degree. Committing a criminal act while in the process of homicide out rules self defense

    • AnarchoLeninist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This is all with the generous assumption that the state is smart enough to make an example of him.

    • 56GraNma [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That's a really good point but I dont see anything in Wisconsin's statutes that lays this out as far as minors in possesion of a deadly weapon. He will get be hit with a misdemeanor but there is nothing I can see that then renders any action taken after as automaticaly criminal. ( It doesnt say anything about it in Statutes in regards to self defense either. (

  • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The second shooting video shows another person with a hand gun chasing him... I feel like this going to allow his defense to claim self defense, nevermind the fact that he was being chased in the first place for shooting a guy in the head.

    Even if he can claim self-defense at that point (which would probably be a hard sell) it'll be tough to apply that backwards to his first victim.

      • SerLava [he/him]
        4 years ago

        But in what world can you do a murder and then legally shoot someone who comes to shoot you? You don't have a right to self defense at that point. You have to literally beg for mercy

        • GeneralMaosChicken [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Also, the guy with the pistol never once fired it, despite having plenty of opportunity to do so.

  • livingperson2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Next 3 weeks news coverage gonna look like that.

  • 56GraNma [he/him]
    4 years ago

    He will be tried as an adult. All seventeen year olds in Wisconsin will be handled by the regular justice system. To paraphrase a post I made elsewhere, a conviction is far from a sure thingin this case. As long as the first shooting is not on video, this kid will claim he was attacked, feared grave bodily harm and iced someone. He will then say he fled to surrender to police, was attacked again and shot in self defense once more. The real kicker is what happened before video is rolling. If the defense is able to muddy the waters he wont be convicted.

  • RenaiCirculation [any]
    4 years ago

    I have feeling they'll do the "He was a good white christian boy with a bright future and he has a good school and family" dogshit like that one case.

  • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm conflicted, because my opinion is usually that trying a teenager as an adult is almost always bad. This should probably be an exception though

    • StalinistApologist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Why isn't the teenage murder penalty enough? (I don't know enough about the law to know what happens in both cases)

    • El_Pilso [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Why? He's still a kid. He's a violent and dangerous kid, but still. We should not be ambiguous about these things. Man.. fuck, 17 is so fucking young. Most of the anger should be directed at his parents and the system that made this behaviour possible. He's a nothing but a tool to them.

      Not that there is any hope of justice in this system. But giving a 17 year old prison for life or something comparable seems insane, no matter the crime (and to be frank, also uniquely American).

      • Fakename_Bill [he/him]
        4 years ago

        What should happen to a 17-year-old who travels to another state with a gun with the explicit intent of killing protesters, and then murders two people? What would other countries do in this situation?

        • El_Pilso [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Trial him as a minor. Not have arbitrary laws that say "oh he felt adult" and adjust your penalty to that. That's the reasoning used against black teenagers all the time. It's what's used in rape defenses.."she looked older". Fuck that. It's wrong then and it's wrong now.

          For all its dumb flaws in a capitalist "justice" system, treating kids different than fully grown adults in their capability to judge the world and how intensely they are influenced by it, is not the worst thing.

          Fuck the kid but fuck everyone who made him this way even more. Fuck everyone who made it possible for him to have a gun. Fuck everyone who made him regard other people as lesser life.

          He's a tool. That's how everyone on the right is treating him. A tool that fulfilled their wildest most racist dreams. There is no humanity left. Focusing on his deeds is precisely the way to distract from the underlying cruelty that made him possible.

          • Shmyt [he/him,any]
            4 years ago

            I'm not American or a lawyer, but from some of the things I'm reading it seems like depending on age or the crime or criminal history some states have laws that literally remove those cases from juvenile courts' jurisdiction.

            Some states don't even allow juvenile court for anyone 16+ regardless of the charge, I don't know if the state he is from mattered or if WI has those specific legislative bits. It seems that in many cases involving firearms or murder the question of juvenile or adult trial is determined by the law beforehand and not by the lawyers or judges.

            I think in a good world he would be tried as a child and everyone involved in making him into a murderer (whoever radicalized him, gave him access to a gun, encouraged him to shoot people, etc) would be tried as an accessory to murder, but in a good world this shouldn't happen.

  • Themfor [any]
    4 years ago

    Could go either way. If they're smart they'll throw the book at him, but I'm not sure that they're that smart these days. It's hard to properly imagine the increase in violence that will ensure if they let him off.

  • Phish [he/him, any]
    4 years ago

    I'd hate to say it but I think you're probably right. The amount of people I've seen change their minds after watching the videos is alarming. It's like people are actively trying to believe he was just defending himself.

    This dumbass kid went to a different town with a rifle so he could stand in front of a business to shoot anyone who tried to damage the property. He wanted this to happen. He fantasized about this happening. He's a brainwashed little asshole.

    I do think some of the gun related charges will stick. Hopefully I'm wrong about the murder charge.

      • Phish [he/him, any]
        4 years ago

        Damn, shitweasel, is that a Dreamcatcher reference?

        You're absolutely right. I saw a reddit post with sequential videos and explanations for each one. The guy who posted it built a very believable narrative and supported it with video evidence. After a few people chimed in with 'wow yeah now that I see these you're totally right!' and the whole self-defense angle took off in the court of public opinion.

        Nevermind that the kid shouldn't have been there in the first place. Nevermind that he was already breaking the law. Nevermind that the video shows his first victim chasing him and NOTHING before that.

        There's literally not enough evidence to make the call one way or the other if you're just some asshole on the internet, but that isn't stopping people.

        Hope you're right about the murder charge.