Good! Anakin! Good!

  • GenXen [any, any]
    2 years ago

    Gotta love the mandatory "If you don't vote Democrat, do you want THIS to happen again!?"

    ......and it will be a picture of January 6 where capitol police let a bunch of LARPing chuds run rough shot over the place.

  • Mizokon [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Why isn't General Secretary Biden sending in the tanks like in Iraq to defend women's rights!? Smh my head

      • Sleve_McDichael [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Listen Jack… excuse me, Jacqueline. We’re gonna tread on the patriarchy with these tank treads.

    • Lerios [hy/hym]
      2 years ago

      i can't believe i bothered to go check how right you were :internet-delenda-est: :doomjak:

    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      "I know you're frustrated, but that's exactly why you need to :vote: Remember that democrats basically can't do anything unless they never lose any branch of government ever again and also have a 90:10 supermajority in the senate!"

      • Quimby [any, any]
        2 years ago

        also, those 90 senators need to all be from New York, California, Maryland, and Connecticut.

  • Quimby [any, any]
    2 years ago

    her entire thread is REALLY good and should be mandatory reading.

    • CrimsonSage [any]
      2 years ago

      I think that's giving them too much credit. They aren't doing anything because they are a collection of craven incompetent morons.

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They aren't doing anything about it because they're republicans on a 30 year delay

    • boffa [ey/em,e/em/eir]
      2 years ago

      That's like 90% an excuse. Abortion does not appear to drive people to the polls...ignore the libertarian website for the hyperlinks

      There's a huge difference between do you favor legalization and is this your priority. The latter gets the vote out.

      The party is doing exactly what it "should" for a constituency who wants to support an issue but is unwilling to deprioritize any other issue.

      Abortion only directly effects certain demos and of them those who "matter" (people of means) will find a way to elect out of prohibition and therefore don't have to prioritize the legislative issue. :doomjak:

  • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    The Democrats being outright hysterically hostile to anyone who mildly points out their inaction and negligence of the causes they aesthetically support, by telling them that they deserve suffering for not voting hard enough is one of the most psychologically bizarre ways of coping with the knowledge that the party they support is based on nothing, surviving on fumes and has nothing to offer anyone except an unfeeling empty void with motivation posters tacked around the edges of the void to make the descent into oblivion "not as bad".

    I say "cope" an not "convince to vote" because its very obvious that the average Democrat isn't interested in any kind of political project but rather maintaining their own self-image of being "a good person" and their feelings of unwarranted moral superiority to anything that votes , lives or thinks "wrong".

    Politically engaged Dems on twitter and in media are not interested in political change, they're interested in feeling superior to people who don't live their upper-middle class bougie life style and being beloved for their moral superiority and upper-middle class bougie lifestyle by the plebians they thumb their noses at.

    • zeal0telite [he/him,they/them]
      2 years ago

      They think that their threats will work. The only problem with a threat is that you have to back it up with something real.

      "Vote for Democrats or things will get worse under the GOP"

      This line only works if things don't actively get worse under Dem control as well.

      I also like the line of "vote for Dems or 01/06 will happen again" like it wasn't a Dem getting voted in that was the issue for the rioters in the first place. January 6th literally happened and all Biden can do is call the people in the GOP who stoked the fire "good friends".

  • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    I read the first three replies and now I have permanent psychic damage

    "all the states that passed abortion bans are republican!!! you cant blame dems!!!" they could make Roe v Wade the law of the land right the fuck now if they wanted. they won't, because they need a carrot for the stick they use to get their base to :vote: Libs who parrot this rachel maddow shit are less than useless, they're downright evil

    • Bloobish [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      Right, for them if your state becomes republican led it is personally "your" fault and so you "must suffer". This means these fuckers are cool with women, minorities and LGBTQ peeps getting fucked over in red states as long as they get to feel superior in knowing they kept their own state "blue" for whatever the fuck that is worth on the national stage.

  • Bloobish [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    "The far left side of the political compass is a pathway to many abilities capitalists consider to be unnatural..."

    "Is it possible to learn this power?"

    "Not from a liberal..."

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Was she someone that used to get dunked on? Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing if this kind of disillusion will every stick. Seems like all the dems have to do is fearmonger and people fall right in line with them.

  • FidelCashflow [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The only reason it took this long for the gop to ban abortion is because they didn't have a new wedge issue to replace it with. Now that they can shit on trans people they don't need that old toy anymore.