• BlueMagaChud [any]
        2 years ago

        oh, well then, starting offer should be: proletarian dictatorship of the means of production organized under democratic centralism + lifetime enslavement of the bourgeoisie and reactionaries for public works + ten thousand dollars each

          • BlueMagaChud [any]
            2 years ago

            of the bourgeoisie? I initially put euthanization, but they should do something useful for us and I ain't gonna make excuses for the red terror

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    Biden casually mentions someone making $120 grand needing financial help. Does anyone have that hilarious report from like 5 years ago from some DC thinktank that has an example family making $400k per year?

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        That's the one, was from the Wall Street Journal apparently. It's mind numbing how they couldn't even conceive of a person making less than six figures.

        • Creakybulks [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Not only that, but an example of someone who doesn't have at least $25,000 per year in PASSIVE INCOME. HOLY SHIT.

          at 5% that means that you've managed to save HALF A MILLION DOLLARS. GET FUCKED

    • Quimby [any, any]
      2 years ago

      I keep telling y'all--that's really how people around here (DC / people in power) think. People here live in a completely different world, and they can't conceptualize what the average person's life is like.

    • Bruja [she/her, love/loves]
      2 years ago

      9 years ago— Wall Street Journal

  • Wildgrapes [she/her]
    2 years ago

    You seem to have forgotten my $8k Biden. Give it to me. Now.

    He's talking about the $8k child tax credit is t he? Like god-damned they love to stretchhhhh. That's not a check Brandon. So cut that check right now yourself.

    Also $120k lol ya that's the normal income in America.

    • ShittyWallpaper [they/them]
      2 years ago

      I just moved from $35k to $45k and it feels fucking decadent. People making $120k are cartoonishly wealthy in my head. Eating out every meal. Hiring servants and shit. Taking vacations every year and flying everywhere. If I know anyone who makes 6 figures, they’ve had the sense to not tell me

      • Runcible [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        it is more regional than you'd think because of housing and other similar expenses. I lived in a city where the median income for a person (not household) was 100k. I got forced out, and so is anyone else not in tech. I don't want to downplay the differences here because those people are absolutely secure in a way that I am not but when a region hits that point a lot of that money is just gone to stuff that is good to have but doesn't feel extravagant as far as luxury (i.e. housing, car related taxes and licensing, retirement funds, etc.).

        The area is a great example of how the Democratic Party has no answers that materially help people without money and their policies just lead to ever increasing expenses and taxes.

      • InsideOutsideCatside [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I've been living off ~17k/yr max and just getting the enhanced unemployment was a life changing amount and it only worked out to be what a $15 wage would get me. I literally do not understand what people do with their fucking money.

        • ShittyWallpaper [they/them]
          2 years ago

          I used to be friends with a dude who was born in intense poverty, shot up into the 1% as the CEO of a medical tech company in the 90’s, lost everything in 2008, and died on welfare eating in soup kitchens.

          He once told me that when he was rolling in it he was part of a bougie cigar club even though he wasn’t super into cigars. I asked him why and he said, “I dunno, man. It’s what you do. When you’ve got money, you spend it.”

      • Wildgrapes [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Hmm this is reasonable. I mean Biden is surely not that far off so that extra difference will average to what another couple thousand? No way he is more off than that

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      2 years ago

      I honestly don’t understand why people who make that much money work for as long as they do. If I made that much money I could live my not particularly frugal lifestyle and retire by like 35.

        • Quimby [any, any]
          2 years ago

          That's part of it.

          However, there is a "FIRE" (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement that tries to essentially do what you're talking about (work for a few years, save up money, retire) and some people do it successfully.

          But speaking for myself, for example, I'd rather try to enjoy myself more day to day, as you never know what will happen. So I've made a conscious decision to work for longer in order to enjoy myself more each day along the way.

          It does help that white collar work is less taxing too.

      • Sharon [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Once you're in it's a never ending ladder of more expensive status symbols that are price of entry to keep your position let alone rise

        • Bloobish [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          This. It's why a WFH position is awesome, you don't have to do keeping up with the Jones' shit with your coworkers and don't feel bad about not buying cruise tickets or other insipid shit.

      • Soap_Owl [any]
        2 years ago

        But why retire when work isn't hard and if you keep at it you get jetski

  • Foolio [any]
    2 years ago

    The stimulus check was means tested so a lot of people who make 120 grand didn't get it lol. And acting like making over $80k ($35-38/hr depending on OT) is at all normal is just 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Holy shit. My dad is four years older than Biden but a hundred times more coherent.

    His brain is soup.

    • Soap_Owl [any]
      2 years ago

      Biden has been having strokes since the 80s. Given the situation a man of his age at that time having a stroke was probably all gakked up without medical oversight. Which does match up with the patterns fo behavior we see in his children. One leaving for the military first chance he got and the other traumatically self medicating untill it spirals out of controll

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        2 years ago

        And he was always a piece of shit even back when his brain worked.

        Motherfucker is to the right of Reagan, and they're trying to gaslight us into believing that he's "the most progressive president ever".

        • Soap_Owl [any]
          2 years ago

          I think he had a stroke at what would have been a young age to start having them from getting gakked up and doing hunter biden shit. Not so bad anyone in DC would notice or care. But bad enough that his kid found someplace else to be first chance they got. He would always have been shitty and an asshole. Drugs and then strokes would only have made thst worse. Strokes can make you grumpy. Useually not bad. But when you are rich and shitty your behavior can always get worse in ways people are forced to tolerate

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        2 years ago

        Combine that with the obscene cost of housing, healthcare, lack of social services, transportation, the dehumanizing nature of most low wage jobs and the abuse workers are forced to endure (and most jobs in general), along with massive prison populations and prison labor, and just who is trapped in the worst of those material conditions, it is not hyperbolic to say that slavery never really went away, and for a lot of people they cannot even see their chains.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Is $3000 enough to live on there? My rent is $1700/month and food is about $150/week. Transportation is all personal so $4.25/gallon for gas on a commute that's usually 30-45 minutes. Health insurance is around $500/month per person, childcare is $1200-$2000/month until they reach 5.

        $31,000 is the median wage, so a lot of people make like than that and have to deal with the same expenses I just listed. It's insane how little money is actually worth in America

        • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          It depends on where you live. It's pretty bad in the cities where the rent eats up a huge chunk of that. I'm in an area where the house was built myself and I'm so far removed from civilization that they don't really bother to make me pay property taxes. Health insurance and food/water is what eats it all up.

    • Soap_Owl [any]
      2 years ago

      I am making that in an area with abkve average cost of lving. Oof

  • sooper_dooper_roofer [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Daily reminder that they're mandating everyone to prove that they're eligible for the pandemic payouts (after having already done so) and one of the conditions is proof of employment in 2020

  • dead [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Here's the video >>


    One of the things that I find is — I look at and I take it very seriously the confidence level of the American people in the economy. And they’re so down and they’re looking — there’s reason to be down, but I started thinking about it. And, Brian, you and I talked about it just a little bit.

    You know, the first year, we were able to, with the — with the Rescue Plan, we were able to send them a check for eight grand. I mean, a check. One — and beyond that, by the way; there was more than that.

    But when you’re mak- — if you’re making 120 grand and you get a check for 8 grand, that’s a lot of money. And so it helped save a lot of people, in terms of getting thrown out of their homes and rental housing and a whole range of things.

    But I started thinking about it, just as, you know, somebody who’s raised as a middle-class kid. One year, even though you didn’t have the job you have now, even though you didn’t get a raise that year, the difference between having a job, having a 5 percent raise or whatever — 3,5,7, whatever it happens to be — in the face of inflation, the price at the pump — although that’s down every day so far. But, you know, it’s like, “Whoa, I feel worse off.” But then again, I didn’t get a check for eight grand from the government. They just — among other things. Does that make any sense to anybody, or is it just me?

    :biden-troll: Does that make any sense to anybody, or is it just me?

    • Fartbutt420 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      for four years we had to deal with libs spitting out rambling transcripts exactly like this as proof of not only Trump's incompetency, but his genuine insanity, or sundowning inability to function as an adult - and here we are, where the same shit or worse is just buried.

      • Soap_Owl [any]
        2 years ago

        Not to whataboutism but in thsi case both can be senile. A life of no consequences or real stress and easy drugs plus age appropriate congnative decline gives you about this kinda thing

        • Fartbutt420 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Yeah I guess that was my point. Pudding brained geezers on all sides, yet libs only made a big deal about the orange man and bend over backwards to make excuses for ol' joe

        • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
          2 years ago


          It's the same shit with how each party will see the other's ties to :epstein: but be blind to the monsters on their side

          Just spiderman pointing at spiderman

  • BeamBrain [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Not even pretending they aren't just another party for the rich.