• Wheelbarrowwight [any]
    2 years ago

    fund ... social services

    No ressources for that, V****ite government would still be in all the forever wars

    • sovietknuckles [they/them]
      2 years ago

      You simply need to work for the Socialist Department of Defense to receive them. The forever wars are the socialist social services

      • Wheelbarrowwight [any]
        2 years ago

        I guess it's Keynesianism to dig holes (with bombs) and fill them again (with bodies) for no reason, and actually good for the economy, and my post was pro-Austerity and cringe

      • Joker [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        the US military is considered welfare and bombing campaign on Yemen is social work

        :astronaut-2: :astronaut-1:

        the military is a murderous make-work for the white middle class of the imperial core

  • Ploumeister [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Don’t forget that your taxes go to the worker owned Lockheed Martin in order to make more missiles for the peoples war in Afghanistan

  • SadStruggle92 [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Reminder: This is not a debate subreddit, it's a place to circle-jerk about communism being cool and good.


  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    2 years ago

    Meme is good, though to nerd out, if the workplace and apartment are democratic co ops, 9 to 5 and getting kicked out aren't super-likely to happen.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      2 years ago

      It's a coop with weighed voting, our entrepreneur comrades clearly know more about running a business so their vote counts more than the average worker.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      2 years ago

      The democracy of the democratic workplaces and apartments is succdem democracy. So yes, these things are very likely to happen.

      Don't like it? :vote: for a different elected representative in four years time and hope he'll be different despite coming from the same pool of sociopathic nerds as your current one.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        2 years ago

        It's absolutely milquetoast Succdem (or, really, DemSoc by modern standards) but it's not nothing, look at Red Vienna for an example of this type of reformism that was actually taken seriously and was a roaring success (until reaction murdered them all in the 30s).

        Of course if the Vaushites run it it'll be a hellhole of the Sociopathic nerds. But they couldn't run a charity BBQ let alone a workers state.

        • SoyViking [he/him]
          2 years ago

          I'm all for doing all the reforms you can but a thing like Red Vienna was only possible because a socialist revolution was a likely alternative. Today we have nothing to scare the bourgeoisie into accepting reforms.

        • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
          2 years ago

          The best possible outcome of a bourgeois democracy is that it fails so spectacularly at organising itself that workers are forced to organize as a result.

          But that never happens because industrial capitalists are actually really good at organizing labor through exploitation that if they're allowed to continue to exist they'll subsume the failed state and institute feudalistic or fascist ideologies.

          So yeah, we gotta liquidate the bourgeoisie either through proletarianization or other means if we ever want a spontaneously organized worker's democracy to form.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      I mean, 9-5 isn't even the worst of it. Plenty of people are stuck with Just-In-Time schedules and Zero Hour Contracts where they don't know when or how long they'll be working until the week - or even day - they get the call to come in.

      The meme is very Urban Professional in its outlook. Oh no! I'll still have menial bullshit work in a menial bullshit job! This isn't the Utopia I was promised!

      My brother, there are worse things than a 9-5 office job.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        2 years ago

        I mean, a 9-5 office job is just a 7 hour workday plus lunch lmao. Slicing off 5 hours in a workweek is not too bad.

        • Norm_Chumpsky [he/him]
          2 years ago

          Not to split hairs, but it depends. A lot of companies don't have paid lunch, so it's 9-5 @ 35 hrs/week or 9-6/8-5. But yeah, still not nearly as bad as tons of much harder jobs with longer hours and less personal autonomy.

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      You can always tell people who have no real experience with the contemporary reality of working. They drop shit that hasn't existed for most people forever like 9 to 5

      • KiaKaha [he/him]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, the weirdest part about 90s/00s culture is the idea that a stable desk job in an air conditioned office is the worst thing ever.

        • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
          2 years ago

          I mean that genuinely does suck when you're doing it. The fact that many other people have worse jobs doesn't change the fact that if you spent 10 years pretending to be an important businessman at the business factory you'd feel like a drained, soulless husk too.

          We've all got it shitty in this fucked up system. The only ones winning are the rich and even those fuckers manage to be miserable lmao

          • ShittyWallpaper [they/them]
            2 years ago

            Desk work in an office was the most performative, exhausting thing I’d ever done. I remember starting factory work and having it fucking reshape my body worse than the start of any workout I’d ever tried. Like the physical demand of it was brutal. But there were no weird stigmas about talking to people or not talking to people. I didn’t feel like I had to pretend to work when we weren’t busy. My boss didn’t feel the need to constantly imply that I might lose my job. I never questioned whether what I was doing was useful.

            And with factory work, my body eventually caught up. I got in shape and even though I was physically tired at the end of the day, my brain was alright and I could myself to do a load of dishes or spend some time with my kids. Even when I was exhausted, I knew I had a good reason to be. For some reason, sitting in an office chair doing nothing for 8 hours is incredibly taxing. I’ve corroborated that with so many people. It’s bizarre. Office work turned me into a shell of a person. I was in a brain fog for months at a time with only a few hours of reprieve, just enough to remind me what being normal felt like and that I was depressed.

            Edit: may be relevant that I’m autistic. Office culture does seem to be designed for someone, just certainly not for me. And honestly whoever it’s designed for can fuck off out of principle

            • Catherine_Steward [she/her]
              2 years ago

              My last job was like this weird combination of both. We were in a food packaging plant with heavy machinery active all the time and no air conditioning (so like 100+ degrees at all times) doing hard manual labor for a total of like 2.5h each 8h shift. My direct supervisors didn't really give a shit if we were doing anything for the rest of the time, but we still had to either hide or pretend to work for the rest of the time, and we absolutely could not make any mistakes about it whatsoever. like you might literally be sitting around with nothing to do from 10 to 2, but if 2:02 comes around and you're still not doing anything but across the entire facility some work finally opened up at 1:59 well you're gonna have a fuckin meeting where they shout and threaten to fire you and accuse you of being lazy and shit

              have they considered actually doing their jobs as supervisors and letting us know when work opens up? no. of course not. we've just gotta know.

              absolutely fucked

              edit: just to spell it out as well (because its so ridiculous) they literally just expected us to be walking circles around the facility with a broom in hand for hours on end. that way we'd know when finally there was something to do. :agony-shivering:

              • ShittyWallpaper [they/them]
                2 years ago

                It’s infuriating because if that business were worker owned, you would clearly not organize things that way. You’d designate someone to round everyone up once the work comes in. Maybe rotate that out. Split up clerical work. Or just shorten working hours. What you’ve described sounds like hell

        • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
          2 years ago

          It's hollywood writers trying to think about how boring it must be to do anything other than be a writer and then being like "uh, what do they do again? they clock in at the business factory and stress over, uh, the scripts reports? presentation? what is it like a college course but with cubicles and more alienation? I was always worried about big papers and shit like that, so that's probably it. whatever they do, yeah that's gotta be the most stressful thing in their lives yeah" because they're a bunch of alienated ivy league failchildren churning out cookie cutter corporate drek to try to create something relatable to middle class suburbanites.

      • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
        2 years ago

        9 to 5 never existed unless your workplace skips lunch. An average office job is 8 to 5, 8 hours plus the one hour lunch, proving like you said how they're completely out of touch with even white collar office workers.

  • LibsEatPoop [any]
    2 years ago

    …tbf most of this can also describe various socialist states in the 20th century.

    • geikei [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      It really doesnt, at most it describes a lot of aspects and ereas of life of modern dengist driven China and Vietnam ,both of which dont claim or pretend to be even a tenth of the way towards achieving actual wholescale socialism and openly lay out "this is why and how we are here and what it means" . And that in the very important context of the historical and geopolitical development of those countries , the fall of the communist bloc and what their current situation represents and achieves in the basis of their imperialized and colonial past.

      The context for the meme in the pic isnt that under no concievable conditions and level of development of any project can a situation like this be "part of socialist construction". Its that even in the most developed and rich imperial nations of the world the best society socdems and radlibs can think of (or at least the end result of their politics ) is this. Vaushites have in America insane amounts of wealth to redistribute and no one from outside to imperialise or prevent them from building socialism and this is the society they would create

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I'm occasionally amazed at seeing Leftcoms and Dengists have it out online and once you strip away the jargon they're in complete agreement about what China is, it's just one thinks "and that's bad, please push Communism button now" and the other thinks "that's good, 200 years to Socialism!" (I'm on the "I hope it works out for them, can't we all be friends?" side)

        • mazdak
          10 months ago

          deleted by creator

      • mazdak
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • geikei [none/use name]
          2 years ago

          Yeah Social democracy in the form and content it had in the late 19th/early20tg century has been long dead and buried and today's parties and politicians that carry their name are further away from it than the most radical bolshavik and maoist is. By orders of magnitude even.

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Social services were expansive, rent was 5-11% of income (maintenance level) if you paid rent at all, and homelessness was virtually eliminated in the USSR except in the most extreme cases

      I say the states you're describing wouldn't have had the industrial capacity or infrastructure to solve these problems regardless of government ideology

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        2 years ago

        Actually Existing Transitional Dictatorship of the Proletariat is a bit hard to say in the tweet limit though.

    • BigAssBlueBug [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Honestly if I had social services guaranteed such as healthcare and public transportation I'd still be fine doing 8 hrs shifts

    • CyborgMarx [any, any]
      2 years ago

      The whole "democratic" homelessness and "socialist" landlord bit doens't sound like my idea of stability or security

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        2 years ago

        i think tronaldodumpo instituted the bot and had it spread around, so probably SLS and Green&Pleasant

        (EVS is a given)

        • ShittyWallpaper [they/them]
          2 years ago

          Tronaldo is a fucking treasure and the harassment he’s faced by rando Redditors and Reddit admins as well as their pet mods has been egregious. Apologies if I’ve missed some major details because the space of Reddit drama moves fast, but even the times when he seems to have genuinely messed, he’s been very good about apologizing and doing self crit. Good comrade. It’s no wonder there was a target on his back with his efficient that team has been

          • Mindfury [he/him]
            2 years ago

            tronaldo is goated, never seen them put a foot wrong.

            i think they quickly made an account here to talk about some issue they were having on reddit (probably more targeted harassment) but didn't hang around to post :sadness: