I don't want to kill Donald Trump, I want to chain him to the toilet and give him a phone that can only access Twitter.
I want to take away all of his stuff and make him live in a small but adequate apartment for the rest of his miserable life. I cannot think of anything that would be more horrible to the ultra-rich that taking away all their stuff and making them live like everyone else.
My post-revlution punishment idea for Bezos is that he has to work as a delivery driver for the rest of his mortal existence, and he's also the last delivery driver on the planet who has to pee in a bottle. This will be worse for him than getting drawn and quartered, burnt at the stake, eaten by lions in the arena or whatever else there is in regards to brutal methods of execution.
Absolutely. They don't actually want to abolish the FBI. They just want it to be more fascist
abolish FBI, hand their duties and jurisdiction to border patrol, re-name it to some court of the starchamber shit, do more fascism.
A good historical example of this is how Hitler always had beef with the German military (who didn't always to go along with some of his riskier plans) and so he sought to replace them with the Waffen SS.
idk man young people are getting more and more pissed off about things and socialism isn't a dirty word anymore. I think if the ruling class doesn't crack down hard and soon there's a possibility for extremely rapid organic growth of the left wing movement. We just gotta get kids to stop listening to Vaush and start reading actual theory.
Kids don’t even know who he is. Just a select few weirdos
One thing that would really help is if we could pose a sort of unified solution of anti-capitalism, degrowth, and personal thriving. Most people aren't going to want to put their lives on hold for some asserted better future 100-200 years from now, or to be fodder in the violent consequences of class war, or to save up a lot of wherewithal just to pin it to some all-or-nothing prospect of overthrowing the bourgeoisie.
But communism has just the tools to address this. You get together with like-minded people you can trust, share resources, make use of economies of scale, look after each other, make joint strategic decisions that the standard capitalist model doesn't promote but can't crack down on, develop informal/parallel economies, fly under the radar, maximize the drain on the state while minimizing the tax revenue it gets from you. It's like economic hacking.
And the Jews of course. And the secret alliance of blue haired non-binary baristas.
Unironically, people with degrees basically. Chuds are just as idealist as libs, they don't think about materialism at all. They just have a different vibe based idealism.
Elementary school teachers, college professors, anyone who uses a pronoun in their email signature, union organizers, antifa supersoldiers, atheists, liberal college students, anyone on Medicaid or SNAP, the Squad, billionaires (if they support Democratic politicians, otherwise they're OK), black folks who express any displeasure with the status quo, undocumented workers, video game designers who don't make submissive female characters with big boobs, people who make fun of Tim Pool, big tech CEOs, cultural Marxists, and so on and so on
The Jews, Hollywood(except the ones they like), and anyone who lives in a major city.
Oh look, 2 liberals playing politics like it’s a fucking pick up soccer game, while the apartheid police state continues to crush the rest of us all day every day.
This is such a ridiculous mindset to keep. Any phrase used by people you don't like, no matter the reason, is now blanket reason to attack anyone who uses the phrase. It's basically just begging to let rightwingers appropriate whatever they want, because anything they say is now a shibboleth that someone is one of them, even if it's a useful term that has been used for centuries before their little petri dish subculture picked it up.
Do you think that this is how promoting socialism and good ideology works? Or are you just so caught up in the bit that you can't be bothered to do anything else?
It's especially a shame considering you could really use having the ability to distinguish when someone is speaking in good or bad faith. There are situations where this response is appropriate, but here you are 100% just using it as an excuse for complacency and circlejerking.
bro they're just disenfranchised bro, he's not lying he's just in bad faith bro, it's not racist subhuman murderers it's just institutional bro
seeing MTG and chuds talk this way is like a weird real time experience learning why some socialists were brainwormed enough into joining the Nazis. the whole "beefsteak" Nazi thing where some socialists/communists tried joining fascist parties out of some craven opportunistic tactic to swerve the whole project based on superficial compatibility.
folks, fascists don't have your interests in mind no matter how much they talk about elites or ruling classes. they just know what words to say because it's all a game to them.
This. The question you should always ask fash is: "And then what?" I guarantee you it isn't reforming the carceral state and community policing. It's replacing the existing structure with their own people or with something far worse.
The question you should always ask fash is: “And then what?”
"Then we Night of the Long Knives you. Duh."
Yeah they'd never re-constitute the FBI with the staff that they'd find politically acceptable and loyal under a new name that'd never happen.
I don't take calls from the right about abolishing anything seriously because they're not talking abolishment in what an organization or institution actually is, they're calling for cleansing these organizations of elements they find unacceptable.
Hahaha abolish the fbi and replace it with the gestapo hahahahaaaa...
You don't need to be smart to become a congressperson. You just need money and right wing brainworms.
this is so close to good:
Marjorie Taylor Greene is right about the FBI, bad faith or not. In today’s Radar, I argue that the left should take advantage of the right’s new wildly unhinged and half-baked bloodlust flavor of the week and push to abolish the FBI— an institution that has always protected elite power, not the people.
I argue that the left should take advantage of the new right's acknowledgement...
Does this mean Brie is going to start inviting right-wingers on her show?
I haven't paid attention to her, she had a show with virgil for a while but I didn't listen to it much bc Democrats bad, cool lets talk about something else. I think it's somewhat good to get ahead of facists using leftist talking points.
is she still a :pika-pickaxe: or has she entered the grift zone, I remember in a much earlier episode she said she was dual card :DSA: :SAlt:
She is a basket of contradictions, like most American leftists (myself included), it's just she has decided to do her politics podcast while she figures stuff out, instead of, you know, dipping out for abit.
I feel like she's been in the grift zone since the Bernie campaign ended
She’s only been on like 45 versions of what is the internet age version of selling newspapers