• Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    letting the masses pick the toppings even when their takes are kind of bad and gross: this is the mass line

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Anchovy and pineapple is the people's topping choice and you will eat it

        • FourteenEyes [he/him]
          2 months ago

          best part is nobody eats your leftovers

          also if you add onions and garlic nobody will try to talk to you it's great

      • FlakesBongler [they/them]
        2 months ago

        Prepared properly, this would probably be pretty good

        Anchovies for that unparalled umami, thinly sliced pineapples that caramalize in the heat of the oven to add complex sweetness and acidity to cut through the richness of a good mozzarella

        Fuck, now I'm hungry

          • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            That's why pineapple needs to be in syrup and in chunks before being added to the pizza. Fresh/canned pineapple in rounds is the worst possible choice, because it won't caramelize in the short time it's in the oven, and it will water down the sauce with the water it already holds.

          • FlakesBongler [they/them]
            2 months ago

            And that's exactly why people hate pineapple on pizza

            Like a lot of things, it's a matter of technique

          • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
            2 months ago

            I cut pizzas and run the window where I work and am in a constant battle to keep things like pineapple cut thin. I've gotta cut these pizza whith a wheel and thick stuff like thst just turns it into a snowplow for freshly melted cheese and fucks up the pizza.

              • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
                2 months ago

                Thanks, these are fancy ass pizzas where people are paying $20-30 for an 11inch pizza. It's not harder work to cut ingredients right, it's actually easier cause thinner slices mean we use less per pizza and you do the job less often. I've been at this gig for almost 3 years now and am at a point where I understand pizza on a whole other level and get reeeeeal specific about how things should be done.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          2 months ago

          Pre-carmalize your pineapple but do so before slicing. Skin it, blast it with sugar and salt and heave it in the oven until it's brown. Then it's caramelized on the outside already and most of the way there for when you cook the pizza so you don't have to overcook the pizza to get it that way, (source: I do this every 3 days for my job)

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 months ago

      I make pizzas for a living, and they're high quality ones, fancy slop. Anyway, we have a pear pizza which is unconventional but very popular and I can imagine is damn good. The vegan version I made once was. It's a tarragon aoli, pears poached in red wine, shallots, goat cheese, prosciutto and arugula. Someone wanted the aoli subbed with tomato sauce and wanted anchovies added. This is food crime. There are thr occasional monstrosities that come up. Sometimes people do mods that turn out to be really smart. We have a gnocchi dish that's the taters, sundried tomato, roasted red pepper in marinara baked with breadcrumbs and bococcini on top, it's a mover but someone swapped the sauce to alfredo and thsts going on the next menu. The marinara with sundries tomato and roasted red peps is too much red food and the cream sauce seems like a better balance.

  • Sons_of_Ferrix
    2 months ago

    Oh, trust me, I have no delusions of LEADING the communist revolution. If Lenin 2.0 shows up I'll totally pick up a gun, and slice of pizza, but there's not fucking way my dorky ass is getting up on any podium. I don't even like giving presentations at college!

    • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
      2 months ago

      but there's not fucking way my dorky ass is getting up on any podium. I don't even like giving presentations at college!

      One of my quirks is that I have basically no issues with stage fright at all, despite having some pretty severe social anxiety otherwise. I think it's because the dynamics of giving a presentation are radically different compared to a one-on-one conversation or a group conversation: there's no turn-taking or backchanneling or eye contact or subtle body language to pay attention to, no chances of mishearing something because my ears couldn't filter the background noise from the interlocutor's speech, just me and my script and the knowledge that I have more or less full authority in that situation. Of course I know that there are things that one can and should do as a presenter, just as there are things that one can and should do as someone listening to a presentation, but following those norms and gauging audience attentiveness are nonetheless much easier than conversation, and so I guess a presentation simply feels less "risky".

      That said, I personally know people who have 200x more Thomas Sankara Energy than me. So although I have no issues with getting up on a podium, and people do compliment me on my abilities as a writer and presenter... I still have neither the political knowledge nor the charisma nor the other essential skills to personally be the symbolic head of a revolution. The only way that could happen is if I delegated away every responsibility BUT the podium, not even writing my own speeches (probably editing or co-authoring them though); and even then I'd still only be something like the third choice at best and only out of the people I personally know in real life.

      So I have no delusions of being Lenin 2.0, no, I'm the little enbitch who you see when Lenin 2.0 had to call in sick and couldn't give a speech for the opening of a refrigerator factory. And that's good enough for me: every position should be filled by the one best suited for it.

      • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        I'm now waiting tables, and I do a pretty good job of engaging people in witty banter and shit, despite the fact I'm an awkward mess in many social situations.

        Why is that? Because I've been masking my neurodivergence for so long that I just treat it as a performance. I have an answer ready for most things, I can fake friendliness no problem. I put up a facade and go be charming for a few hours. It's exhausting at the end of the day, but it's the only way I know how.

      • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
        2 months ago

        Damn I’m jealous of people who can publicly speak well. I basically blackout, forget any preparation, and ramble. To me it’s like if everyone is paying attention to you, you better have something really important to say and you better say it well. I cannot handle that kind of social pressure

        • charlie
          2 months ago

          My weird quirk is that I absolutely love presenting, especially lecturing or teaching. But as soon as I see one person not paying attention I get totally taken out of it, and would rather be doing anything else. Like, I don’t think it’s rude, and I don’t take it personally, but it pulls me out of my flow state and kind of bums me out for the rest of the day.

          • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
            2 months ago

            That's why one of the tricks they teach you about public speaking is picking one person and talking to them specifically. It helps if the person is engaged, but it kind of diffused the need to control a whole crowd.

            • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
              2 months ago

              oh no, now I can't listen to speeches, what if I'm the person the speaker chooses to specifically talk at??? stalin-stressed

            • charlie
              2 months ago

              I think that trick is more to overcome the anxiety of speaking to a group. I’m constantly scanning the group to get an idea of what level engagement is at, and if I’m losing people or if my efforts to be at least a little more entertaining are working or I need to try something else.

              It’s definitely not a control or anxiety thing, being ignored is a trigger probably from some childhood shit where I would info dump my latest interest and get ignored by my parents. Giving a training to people just to be ignored feels the exact same, even though rationally I know it isn’t.

              • TraschcanOfIdeology [they/them, comrade/them]
                2 months ago

                I see, yeah. It sounds like you're a very competent speaker already, so I believe you can work on that issue! (hope this doesn't come off as condescending or anything, I'm tired and trying to be positive)

                • charlie
                  2 months ago

                  Not at all, thank you!

                  It’s such a weird thing, I have a hard time explaining it without just sounding like I’m an asshole, so most advice is like, don’t be an asshole.

                  I know it’s a me problem, if it ever gets bad I just take a break and refocus, and most of the time even a quick ten minutes gets everyone else reset and focusing again too. If there’s a really egregious individual I try and one on one with them during the break and ask what’s up, but ironically I have terrible one on one social anxiety.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          2 months ago

          I get the blackout part, I've played in numerous bands and can remember setting up for and breaking down live sets but can't recall any performances for the life of me, even ones I was sober enough to do so. Any time I've seen videos of sets I've played it's like other people do it. I don't fuck up or anything, I just enter a fugue state. Same happens for me with public speaking, I think doing school in French and doing a lot of presentations and stuff in a foreign language made me very relaxed when doing the same in English, cause if there's one thing I'm really confident with, it's the English language. I still feel like a bumbling doofus but once again, if I play a recording or whatever, I sound great, I'll be mad at myself for thinking of better ways to say stuff after, like how you only think of a good comeback hours after the insult, but as far as form goes it's fine. Ya might be better than you think

      • Tabitha ☢️[she/her]
        2 months ago

        I still have neither the political knowledge nor the charisma nor the other essential skills to personally be the symbolic head of a revolution.

        yeah, I could do like anything on a stage (dance, sing, act, etc.), except come across as a debate winner or good politician, IDK it just doesn't come out of me.

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    2 months ago

    This reminds me of the first time I was at a meeting of my org (well, it was just watching a movie to get to know each other), and I was too anxious to speak so I just wrote on the whiteboard half the time. When the pizzas arrived I wrote:




    And then I joked that we would build revolution by providing pizza for the masses, in the same way that the Viet Minh raided rice storehouses

    • tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      2 months ago

      For real though, the police are always attacking free food orgs for a reason, they know if you provide the basics better than the state can more will turn against them. People expect free food to be like soup or porridge too, if you provided good pizza the hearts and minds of all would be won in no time.

      • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
        2 months ago

        Me when the commies don't give me free food: "gommunism is when no food vuvuzela no iphone 100 billion dead"

        Me when the commies make an absolute fuckin banger of a vegan pizza that's so good I literally have an out of body experience:

        Show Chinese communist poster with the text "Socialism is good!" in both Chinese Pinyin and English

      • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
        2 months ago

        This is absolutely true. I make extras at work and give em away after at the homeless camp on.mt way home.

    • Sons_of_Ferrix
      2 months ago

      Black Panthers Free Breakfast Pizza Program

    • FourteenEyes [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Applying for revolutionary clown position (making the comrades laugh)

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 months ago

      First off, why is Castro wearing Chuck Taylor's? Second, I think our boi might be feeling a little nostalgic and feeling some post hoc overconfidence there. Mass movements having lots of people supporting it is pretty essential. Sorry Castro, but if more than 10-15 people on your team died during the revolution, you probably did need some backup guys.

      • Comp4 [she/her]
        2 months ago

        Fidel Castro regularly took off his combat boots and put on a pair of Chuck Taylors to play some ball.

    • EstraDoll [she/her]
      2 months ago

      Ooh! I want to be the muscle! I've always wanted to be the muscle!

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    2 months ago

    I'm still too scared to order even vegan pizza because the maoist comrades (white terrorists) convinced me that using a bourgeois app to summon pizza slaves was "bad vibes".

    • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
      2 months ago

      I won't use any app to order food and will only get delivery from places that employ delivery drivers. I work restaurants and I'd be a scab not to.

      • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
        2 months ago

        Yeah, I'm a bit surprised that the business model there even works. I'd rather cut out the middleman, and interacting with a human is a positive and not a negative. Maybe people are so antisocial that they don't even want to make any communication with a delivery driver.

        • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
          2 months ago

          Even if I don't want to talk at all to anyone and retreat to my goblin cave with treats, I'll suck it up and do it because treating people who brought ou food with respect is the right thing to do Whether you want to or not

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    2 months ago

    If I had a bunch of the hardest, most dedicated shooters alongside me, I would totally go around agitating

    But I'm a slightly out of shape guy with glasses and the trademark autistic klutziness

    I'd be dead if someone threw something harder than a pillow at me

    And the pillow would probably kill me too if it had a zipper on it