It looks like the vote to force the rail workers back to work will get at least 70+ votes. No filibuster or parliamentarian.

[edit] 80 votes at the moment, 80-15

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      Canada's rail did it. They forced Trudeau back to the bargaining table.

      Would be funny as hell to see the incoming GOP Congress (intentionally or strictly by contrarian nature) side with the rail workers against Biden. But I'm not holding my breath on that one.

    • VenetianMask [any]
      2 years ago

      he would have voted exactly the same way as AOC if the 7 day bill passed

      AOC would have voted exactly the same as Bernie if the 7 day bill didn't pass in the house

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        2 years ago

        If the 7-day bill had passed, he could have defended his vote. AOC voting for the sick-leave bill meant nothing once it was severed from the main legislation.

        Nevermind the horrid optics of making this an industry specific bill. This is getting dangerously close to that GOP gimmick of passing legislation specifically to fight over Terri Shaivo. I wonder if this shit technically qualifies as a Bill of Attender.

    • macabrett
      2 years ago
      the unions wanted it :very-intelligent:


    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      It was a shit vote, without a doubt. And I'm sure - if you ask them - they'll tell you that they "bargained" for the sick leave vote that got strangled under the filibuster, so aktuly it was very savvy 11D chess.

      But I'm far too jaded to believe a few House Republicans couldn't have been convinced to cross the aisle in support of this to think it wouldn't have passed. The only benefit The Squad would have had was the optics.

    • SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      "Listen, I know they always bend the knee, and at best they just do nothing until they lose to some lunatic, but you gotta vote for them over the other capitalist party it's super important"

      -clowns here and elsewhere

  • kristina [she/her]
    2 years ago

    god at least one of the 'demsocs' isnt a fuckin scab. fuckin ilhan and aoc. give rashida a gundam

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      give rashida a gundam

      Beginning to think she's literally the only good House Rep.

  • Wertheimer [any]
    2 years ago

    Roll call vote isn't up yet on the site, but the separate bill with seven days of sick leave failed 52-43.

    The proposal to give workers seven days of sick leave, which was championed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and other liberal Democrats, failed to pick up enough Republican support to overcome a 60-vote threshold set for adopting the measure and fell 52-43.

    Six Republicans voted for the sick leave measure: Sens. Mike Braun (Ind.), Ted Cruz (Texas), Lindsey Graham (S.C.), Josh Hawley (Mo.), John Kennedy (La.) and Marco Rubio (Fla.).

    Sen. Joe Manchin (W Va.) was the only Democrat to vote against it.

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        2 years ago

        60 votes required to do the good things, 50 votes required to do the bad things.

        The worst things get done by the courts or executive order.

      • ElGosso [he/him]
        2 years ago

        It was supposed to fail, that's why it was put in a separate bill

      • Wertheimer [any]
        2 years ago

        And, as usual, they didn't force the filibuster people to actually filibuster. It's just "Hey, you mind making 60 the minimum vote from now on?" and the Dems say, "Yeah, sure, no problem."

      • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
        2 years ago

        Also, the "60-vote threshold" isn't real. 60 votes is what you need to break a filibuster. There was no filibuster. I'm pretty sure there hasn't been in years.

        • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
          2 years ago

          used to be you had to actually keep speaking to do a filibuster. Strom Thurmond talked for 25 hour straight to try stop the civil rights act, even pissed in a bucket on the Senate floor so he could keep talking. Now they are such fucking cowards, they just have to "declare" a fillibuster and that's that, unlimited stalling. If I was a lib I'd just revoke that, make these old fucks try to talk for 30 hours about how much they hate minorities without having a heart attack. you aren't even getting rid of the stupid thing so you'd think it would be easy to do, but everyone there just wants to collect donor money and do as little work as possible

          • Rod_Blagojevic [none/use name]
            2 years ago

            There's something to be said here about they're inability to relate to or actually do physical work. Their whole world is in the mind, unencumbered by any physical reality or experience. They have no value, in their own lives, for actually having the ability to physically act on the world. They only care about words and bullshit.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          2 years ago

          There was no filibuster.

          There was a threat to filibuster, which is all filibusters really are now.

          Would have been entertaining to watch the GOP parade around for the next three weeks arguing against sick leave for rail workers. But then the Senate would be logjammed and Biden wouldn't have an opportunity to expedite more military funding for Ukraine. Nobody wants that.

      • D61 [any]
        2 years ago


        :specter: The specter of the electoral college haunts Congress. :specter-global:

    • InternetLefty [he/him]
      2 years ago

      They will try to force the workers to continue the status quo after years of negotiation with what amounts to a "fuck you troublemakers get back to work". They gotta strike. If they do we need to support them

  • Owl [he/him]
    2 years ago

    In Freedom Country, the government passes a law forcing you to go to work.

    • AHopeOnceMore [he/him]B
      2 years ago

      Make sure it's a wildcat strike fund. The official unions will each have one but won't be able to use it.

      Edit: I should probably mention that so far as I know strike funds haven't been shared yet.

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Holy fuck, the Republicans crossed the aisle more unanimously than even I expected

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      they aren't the ones crossing the aisle though? Strike breaking is their default position.

      • LeninsRage [he/him]
        2 years ago

        What I mean is that the Democrats are selling this splitting the bills thing on the assumption that a single bill incorporating both wouldn't have passed. That's obviously wrong now, the Republicans would have voted for it to protect their own bottom lines. The strike would almost certainly have triggered the recession everyone has been expecting for months now.

        • Tachanka [comrade/them]
          2 years ago

          citations needed had a good analysis on it. The democrats are splitting the bills because they want

          A) to break the strike, because they are a bourgeois party with bourgeois members

          B) to get the symbolic credit for trying to get the workers sick pay but not actually tying it to the strike breaking bill

          If the democrats actually tied the two bills together instead of giving up their leverage, the republicans might actually call their bluff. The point for both parties is to give the workers as little as possible while pretending that they "tried"

            • Tachanka [comrade/them]
              2 years ago

              no number, it's their most recent news brief, which is an unnumbered episode. it's funny that they called it a news brief because it runs longer than some of their mainline episodes.