i can't believe this exists

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    What if isekai waifu trash, but also packed with a casus belli :awooga: :libertarian-alert: :hypersus: scene in the first episode for the hogs to get off to and also to morally justify a fascist genocide campaign running for the entire duration of the story? :scared-fash:

    Plenty of college papers were written about Shadow Government Liberal Magic Eugenics Cops as well as Birth of a Nation and Triumph of the Will, not to mention Mein Kampf and even that economy toilet paper package known as Atlas Shrugged, so this doesn't really surprise me.

    Disclaimer: I'm not condemning all college papers written about ideologically horrible cinema/literature, I'm only saying it doesn't surprise me that sufficiently famous trash such as that gets college papers written about it, regardless of whether the writer of such papers likes the fiction or not.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      And like the most sordid of incantations, you summoned its apologists.

      • ssjmarx [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The curtains are blue!

        The curtains have a swastika on them.

        No! They're just blue! Not everything is political!

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          The writers of the slop said that the goblins don't count as people. That makes genocide okay and if you criticize the fiction you are a moral scold! :frothingfash:

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Here, in this thread, some people were entertained by the slop therefore not only can there be nothing ideologically wrong with a genocidal power fantasy against otherfied beings (which according to the Thermian Argument don't count as people and therefore can't be subjected to a genocide :morshupls: :scared-fash: ), but surely criticism of such genocidal power fantasy is itself morally wrong because they take it that personally when their slop is criticized.

        I'm tired of the same handful of toxic fans here and arguing with them goes nowhere. I'm glad other people argued with them first while I was away because they can, have, and will continue to use solipsistic bullshit arguments so they can never, ever, feel bad about the slop they consume. :wall-talk:

        • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
          1 year ago

          I don't think I've ever seen something more openly fascist without using symbols of real life fascist movements than that fucking first episode. "Through expression of my will of power, I find a final solution to the goblin question so that a secure future could be build for our women and children." Gimme a fucking break. The only thing that comes close is if you take the Starship Trooper movie or spess mehreen dickriding at complete face value and even they didn't have some fascist "we must wipe out the bugs/xenos because they're r-wording our women" anxiety.

    • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
      1 year ago

      morally justify a fascist genocide campaign running for the entire duration of the story

      I havent watched nor read it but according to the 1st chapter, arent the goblins inherently evil mindless beasts like the demons in doom? So technically isnt it not a genocide to slaughter them? Because in this case they are a fantasy enemy which represents the idea of evil right?

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Did you know that they were written to be inherently evil to justify a heroic genocide? Really makes you wonder why the author wanted to justify such a thing

      • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        They are, not that that is going to stop the same usual nerds from getting big mad about it being fascist slop or whatever

        I want to read some Dungeons and Dragons shit where the characters make use of real world physics intersecting with in universe magic to Do Cool Shit. Goblin Slayer has that, and does a good fucking job of it. Connecting a teleportation scroll to the bottom of the ocean to use the water pressure like a laser? Cool. Using flour as a fuel air bomb? Hahaha cool. Sorry certain people are too fucking obsessed with their hatred of media and media tropes to appreciate it because they think the only Good Media would have the main characters idk building communism with the goblins

        I almost want to write some parody shit where I basically take one of the posts criticizing "the settler colonialism of [whatever isekai Nerds Mad About]" and transpose everything to being about, idk, Ghostbusters. Are the ghost busters not a proto fascist escapist stand in for the viewer? Are the faceless, 'evil' ghosts not merely stand ins for the colonized indigenous, encouraging the viewer to Do a Genocide? Idk i think it's a good bit. You can't enjoy Ghostbusters anymore, sorry sweaty

        • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Waitwaitwait hold on a second.

          So, first of all- you're free to consume problematic media. Reading Mein Kampf or The Turner Diaries doesn't automatically turn you into a Nazi, otherwise we'd have a lot of right wing political graduate students. The only danger these books pose are to those who uncritically accept the author's ideas, and I'm sure there'll be no problems on that front given the general media literacy of people in the anglosphere. If you think there's cool stuff in the show by all means enjoy it.

          But Goblin Slayer was written for someone, by someone, to communicate something.

          Why are the goblins cunning enough to set traps and ambush people, but too stupid to engage in diplomacy or have their own culture? Hmmmmm, I dunno, my dude Umberto Eco has something to say about that. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.” I dunno, seems pretty sus to me...

          Why does it open with graphic rape? Oh haha those whacky Japanese and their strange cultural perversions, that's it, it's totally not that fear of sexual assault has a long history of being used to justify racism. It's not as if historically minorities have been lynched on trumped up charges of sexual assault. It must be because the goblins are ontologically evil, the author's not trying to draw some equivalence or something.

          If the goblins pose that much of a danger to people, why do the powers that be leave them alone? Why isn't there an organized response by official to deal with them? Why do the powers that be actively suppress information about goblins? Can't possibly be anything to do with conspiracy theories about how the the media in the real world suppresses the real crime statistics that show minorities in a bad light, right? Can't possibly be so that the big, strong MC has to take things into his own hands, go all 'lone wolf' and enact all that cool improvised violence, right? Gotta be a real big damn hero. Oh here comes Eco again: “in Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”

          The answer to the above questions, of course, is because the author wrote it like that. So the next thing we need to ask is why. Who could this story possibly be for? I hope I gave sufficient inferences through the sarcasm.

          When people criticize art, they aren't attacking you as a person, they're attacking the ideas presented in the texts. I'm not trying to wokescold people into enjoying only Good Communist Approved Media. Me, personally, I call shit like Goblin Slayer out because I'm the fucking minority in question who racists will call a goblin and say deserves to be genocided, "just like in my le ebin animays". Because the spread of and acceptance of these ideas in the wider culture without pushback is just one more drop in the bucket towards fascism, so I'll point out all the ways in which a show like Goblin Slayer promotes far-right ideas and talking points in the vain, pointless hope that people who watched the show and didn't realize it actually think about what the show is trying to say, and maybe they realize how those messages can be dangerous because too many people are uncritical of the media they consume.

          Ask yourself: why do racists 4chan shitheads stan this show so hard?

          P.S. Ghostbusters? Really? The movie about how Reagan era deregulation is good actually, where the villain is the EPA and attempting to enforce environmental regulations is what causes the most problems?

          • ChapoChatGPT [any]
            1 year ago

            great post

            i'm regularly shocked at the supposed unwillingness of self-described leftists to read. your comment is a 2-3 minute read at average reading speed.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            No one is immune to propaganda, and in this thread, we can definitely see that with toxic fans that outright refuse to even acknowledge propaganda elements (including fucking genocide apologia) in their slop. If they did, they might feel bad. The slop must be totally harmless and all critics must wrong and stupid or else they might feel bad. :morshupls:

          • budotsboiler [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            I admire Goblin Slayer on how militant he is even after success in vanquishing his enemies, he never underestimates his opponents.

            (w/ Japanese entertainment as context) I also appreciate many right-wing shows(mostly in form). My fave band even said some anticommunist talking points out of context, didn't even expect it. My appreciation mostly ends at form though. They're just fun to watch/fun to listen to.

            Critiquing them is even another form of enjoyment! And it's fun to do. Try watching and critiquing Shin Godzilla, for example. Not all entertainment has to affirm your politics for it to be fun(This is a problem especially in watching art by problematic artists. Learn to separate them already).

            Watching and dissecting their themes can be even used as a tool to sharpen your own political alignment.

            • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I love Shin Godzilla! One of Anno's best, most politically charged works. His take on US Imperialism was really interesting.

              Not all entertainment has to affirm your politics for it to be fun

              Of course. What I'm taking issue with the person I'm replying to is their insistence that there aren't any politics present in the text we were discussing.

              Edit: Also, it gets a bit harder to Death of the Author when you're the one on the receiving end of the author's political violence. Still possible, but still.

              • budotsboiler [none/use name]
                1 year ago

                I'm just trying to have a discussion with you because your points are interesting, didn't even notice the ongoing replies.

                For me, Shin Godzilla distills Japan's right wing political bent( on reaffirming japanese nationalism). The reccuring anti-American esp. in connection to anti-nuclear sentiment really seals the deal. It's a complex work.

                Regarding on the Death of the Author: A fascist statement is still a fascist statement whether attributed or not. If a song sounds misogynist, it's probably misogynist. I don't derive enjoyment from misogyny. I take along the art based on my own valuations and interpretations.

                Shit on the author as much as we can. They're the least of our consideration. In the turn of the capitalist condition, we can always repurpose and decontextualize their work. We should and we must separate the author and their work. We are at least entitled to that. Art are mere commodities and should be treated as such.

                • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Shin Godzilla

                  Really? For me the film's insistence that small technocratic expert committees that eschewed traditional ways of doing things were the only way to tackle crises (Godzilla is basically Fukushima in the movie), along with the tacit acknowledgement that international cooperation was necessary (even in the face of American imperialism) made the film seem very liberal, although I do see your point about edit: an overall Japanese nationalistic tone (didn't finish my sentence haha)

                  Art are mere commodities and should be treated as such.

                  I agree with everything else you said, except this. Yes, right now under capitalism the majority of art is mere commodity, but hopefully (eventually) it'll return to what it should be- communication.

                  • budotsboiler [none/use name]
                    1 year ago

                    Re: Shin Godzilla It's interesting to note that the UN/USA will have tried help eliminate Godzilla via nuclear launch lol

                    Maybe the term right-wing is too old-fashioned.

                    The theme I saw in that film is that the faithful population must be taken care of in the danger of compromise of another nation’s agenda(America). It reaffirms the trust of the people to the government, and is welcoming to anyone who is willing to help their cause. International cooperation should not be conflated with internationalism, and is not rejected by right wing liberalism(Just look the UN and NATO). Liberalism is right-wing. To be Anti-American should also not be conflated with anti-imperialism, as interivalries happen with competing states(Russia and USA, USA and Japan).

                    The film was delivered void of any annoying political sentiments.

                    Incidentally, revered Japanese creatives have a far right-wing throughline, like Mishima, Abe and Shuuzo. But it's more likely that we can speculate that Anno is a liberal, although his military fascination disturbs me at times.

                    He directed my favorite Ghibli film, and favorite short about trains so there's that.

                  • budotsboiler [none/use name]
                    1 year ago

                    It's not demeaning to talk about art as commodity. Just more practical for me to discuss films and art as such in a capitalist system in order to stop revolving the art around the artist as an auteur or singular idealogue.

                    Commodities are talked about as:

                    A product of labor and its usefulness. Since labor is already alienated under capitalism, we define art based on its usefulness. I place its spectacularity as its social use. In most cases, if the art doesn't please one's senses first, it's useless for me. Narratives and message come after and should correspond with the spectacular qualities.

                    • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      Ah, fair enough. I see where you're coming from- strictly in a Marxist sense.

            • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I spend my time to engage in good faith and this is all you got? tl;dr?

              Fuck it, here's the tl;dr: why do racists 4chan shitheads stan this show so hard?

              • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                1 year ago

                Fuck it, here’s the tl;dr: why do racists 4chan shitheads stan this show so hard?

                Idk dawg I literally don't care what 4chan nerds like, it does not matter to me. Makes me think of the Republican/Democrat duopoly and how all Americans view everything in that context. Ahhh the fascists like it, must be fascist!

                • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Ahhh the fascists like it, must be fascist!

                  In your opinion, why do you think Hexbear doesn't stan this show? Partisanship? Virtue signaling?

                  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                    1 year ago

                    I think there are like 5 nerds here who think too hard about shit like the big wall of blah blah media literacy i just got from someone else. Someone wanting to write some shit about killing goblins and isn't really thinking too hard about it, just like the people consuming that content, that's just beyond the realm of probability and it must be this fascist dogwhistle propaganda vehicle, lol.

                    I'm getting these walls of text about how goblins are real world minorities and goblin slayer is the KKK or whatever like my brother in christ it is a goblin it is a fantasy creature it's not like they're fucking coded like the goblins in Harry Potter, like that's actual use of goblins as racial allegory

                    Don't feel like you gotta write more words at me it's pretty pointless isn't it

                    • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      Ok, so you think a minority of posters on Hexbear are over-analyzing the show and are seeing Nazi ghosts where there are none. Ok.

                      it’s not like they’re fucking coded like the goblins in Harry Potter, like that’s actual use of goblins as racial allegory

                      Why do you think the goblins in Goblin Slayer aren't coded like the goblins in Harry Potter?

                      • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                        1 year ago

                        Why do you think the goblins in Goblin Slayer aren’t coded like the goblins in Harry Potter?

                        Perhaps because they are fantasy monster and in the case of goblin slayer not meant to be a racial stand in for a real life minority but instead are, you know, a fantasy monster

                        • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          Why are the goblins in Goblin Slayer fantasy monsters, but not the ones in Harry Potter? After all, aren't they both goblins?

                          • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                            1 year ago

                            Perhaps because they are fantasy monster and in the case of goblin slayer not meant to be a racial stand in for a real life minority but instead are, you know, a fantasy monster

                            You can point to harry Potter goblins and say that they are clearly an anti semitic caricature

                            What are goblin slayer goblins meant to represent? Is there some specific ethnicity there? Ah, curious.

                            "They're an Other!" okay so basically you don't want any humanoid monsters involved because any Other is automatically some sanction of real world racism


                            This is a waste of both our time

                            • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              What I'm asking is why are you so sure that the goblins in goblin slayer aren't meant to be a stand in for a real life minority? Why do you identify the ones in Harry Potter immediately as an anti-semitic caricature? What is the difference?

                              I don't feel like I'm wasting my time.

                              • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                1 year ago

                                Why do you identify the ones in Harry Potter immediately as an anti-semitic caricature?

                                Because being hooked nosed gold loving bankers who are literally designed to look like that hand wringing merchant guy that gets play on 4chan is like, The Anti Semitic Trope? What are "green little rapists who live in caves" supposed to be? Like what the fuck lol. Vague shit about green skinned primitives is not on the same level as what Harry Potter did, it's wild to even think a person exists that would think so

                                • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                                  1 year ago

                                  it’s wild to even think a person exists that would think so

                                  And if I told you that there are people who think like that, and those people are white supremacists?

                                  "For years, Tolkien scholars have waged a fight on two fronts: against an academic establishment that for the most part refused to take the author's work seriously, and against white supremacists who have tried to claim the professor as one of their own."
                                  ― David Ibata, Chicago Tribune
                                  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                    1 year ago

                                    Are you calling yourself a white supremacist tho because you're a person who thinks "vague shit about green skinned primitives is on the level with what harry Potter did" as well

                                    • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                                      1 year ago

                                      "No U" is some weak ass shit. Get the fuck outta here with that, right wingers pull that shit all the time to dismiss legitimate criticism, especially of race. You gonna tell me BLM are the real racists next?

                                      I'm not calling the show racist, I'm simply saying the racists believe it is racist.

                                      • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                        1 year ago

                                        no like literally with how that was framed and by that logic you would be including yourself up in there. I said it is wild to think that such a person exists, you said they do, they're white supremacists. You are the one existing in part of a venn diagram whose beliefs overlap with theirs, by that set of statements. That's not "no you," dawg.

                                        You gonna tell me BLM are the real racists next?

                                        🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 yes sweaty and antifa are the real fascists 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄

                                        I’m not calling the show racist, I’m simply saying the racists believe it is racist.

                                        so fucking confusing after this long ass argument about the inherent racism of the show, a thing which you believe, but maybe I got you confused for the other guy

                                        • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                                          1 year ago

                                          I'm telling you that real life crackers post memes about Goblin Slayer because the racialized Other in the show is just vague enough that people like you won't see the dog whistles while they go on about how goblins are responsible for 60% of the crime while being only 14% of the population, and should be genocided JUST like in the show.

                                          What you're doing now is saying that Antifa are the real Nazis for pointing out what dogwhistles the Nazi's use. Just because you didn't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist, and when other leftists tell you they do you're putting your hands in your ears and screaming "LAHLAHLAH" like a fucking child just because you don't want to fucking think about what you're watching.

                                          If you actually think I'm jumping at shadows, engage with my fucking arguments and tell me how they're not far-right dogwhistles rather than pull "Oh you the real racist for pointing out racism" bullshit.

                                          • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                            1 year ago

                                            I’m telling you that real life crackers post memes about Goblin Slayer because the racialized Other in the show is just vague enough that people like you won’t see the dog whistles while they go on about how goblins are responsible for 60% of the crime while being only 14% of the population, and should be genocided JUST like in the show.

                                            i'm confused they show trolls depicted as "feminists" does that mean trolls are inherently racist or inherently misogynistic? I just want to get things straight while we're letting fascists dictate terms of language, which is a good thing to do

                                            If you actually think I’m jumping at shadows, engage with my fucking arguments and tell me how they’re not far-right dogwhistles rather than pull “Oh you the real racist for pointing out racism” bullshit.

                                            i did this when I called you and the other guy nerds who over think shit and told you that arguing with me would be wasting your time

                                            is saying that Antifa are the real Nazi

                                            when I said that it was what is called a Joke I thought calling you sweaty would make that clear

                                            • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                                              1 year ago

                                              I just want to get things straight while we’re letting fascists dictate terms of language, which is a good thing to do

                                              You want to "reclaim" the rape and genocide Other show? Go right the fuck ahead. Why though?

                                              i did this when I called you and the other guy nerds who over think shit and told you that arguing with me would be wasting your time

                                              You didn't do shit. You just don't want to entertain the possibility that you're in the wrong because it'll hurt your precious self-image as a leftist, so you're dismissing all criticism as "overthinking" so that you don't have to put in any effort into defending your position, and you're hiding behind "it's a waste of time" in the hope I back off, rather than do the slightest bit of self-reflection and asking yourself if maybe you might have missed some things because you're only human.

                                              • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                                1 year ago

                                                You want to “reclaim” the rape and genocide Other show? Go right the fuck ahead. Why though?

                                                I want to not base my thoughts and opinions on "what the fascists like" unlike you, thanks

                                                You didn’t do shit. You just don’t want to entertain the possibility that you’re in the wrong because it’ll hurt your precious self-image as a leftist, so you’re dismissing all criticism as “overthinking” so that you don’t have to put in any effort into defending your position, and you’re hiding behind “it’s a waste of time” in the hope I back off, rather than do the slightest bit of self-reflection and asking yourself if maybe you might have missed some things because you’re only human.

                                                i think you're jumping at nazi shadows and wasting your time and mine, thanks

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Goblin Slayer has that, and does a good fucking job of it.

          I've read a bit of the manga and, uh, no it does not

            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
              1 year ago

              More importantly, you can have you creative violence without a highly racialized narrative of heroic genocide and sexualized rape. There is no need to be so defensive about the story because you think the mechanics of their gas chambers are creative.

              • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                1 year ago

                I love how hexbear is mad about genocide of rapists. What if they were a species of slave owners :thinkin-lenin:

                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                  1 year ago

                  Is this really a difficult puzzle for you? Ask anyone if the infants on a plantation should be killed and they would probably say no. Goblin Slayer says yes.

                  Making a race ontologically evil and also coded as "savages" in order to justify genocide is fucked up. You are still reasoning on the level of a character in the setting when the problem is on the level of the author making the rules of the world.

                  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                    1 year ago

                    the author making the rules of the world

                    The author made this rule imo literally to head off nerds going "but wait what about all the little gobbos," that's the point of it. Y'all see the rape scene as some author fetish insert, I saw it as the author going "okay how do I establish that they are evil beyond reconciliation so that nerds don't start to ask if the REAL way to slay goblins is FRIENDSHIP"

                    Im sorry you wish the manga were called Goblin Befriender

                    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                      1 year ago

                      Are you the person I talked about this last time with? God fucking damn it

                      It's like the most standard thing in smutty reactionary writing to have the big, dark skinned savages molest the fair-skinned lady in a way that is both highly sexualized and functions as a causus belli for the protagonists. Have you seen any of SAO's arcs besides the first one and the Asuna-led one? All the others use this trope at some point as foreplay to their revenge porn.

                      You are displaying a level of media literacy that would have you defending Birth of a Nation if not for social stigma. "Obviously the black people in this setting are ontologically savage to keep you nerds from worrying about the possibility that there are Good Ones! In this universe, the Klan is heroic, so there's nothing wrong with cheering them on!"

                      There is no questioning of why this is the story the author wants to tell. Why is it along racial lines? Why is it a story of genocide instead of some revenge porn against a specific gang, like happens in Taken? Why do we have our hero be identified primarily as an exterminator of life-unworthy-of-life and not as a protector of the innocent, despite that being the nominal justification of the story? Why is the evil race coded as savage, with dark skin, primitive tools, and ragged clothes? What relationship does a work like this have with the real world? Having people be wronged by goblins and then monomaniacly fixated on ethnic cleansing because they are all bad sure reminds me of something I've heard of before.

                      • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                        1 year ago

                        Are you the person I talked about this last time with? God fucking damn it

                        If it bothers you you could not

                        my brother in christ it is a goblin it is a fantasy creature

                        Why is it along racial lines

                        Because it is a dnd setting and it's easy to write it that way

                        Again i'm sorry it's not goblin befriender. That'd be a good show too but ya know, this ain't it

                        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                          1 year ago

                          my brother in christ it is a goblin it is a fantasy creature

                          Yes, a fantasy race one might even say. Tell me, was Birth of a Nation's biggest problem that it didn't make the black people have little cloven hooves and call them satyrs? Would it be above criticism if it merely depicted the revival of the Klan as a way to terrorize and slaughter these dark-skinned, lustful, savage satyrs with no relation to black people?

                          Because it is a dnd setting and it’s easy to write it that way

                          I promise you that it's just as easy to write the enemy as being bandits. Hell, even writing them as slimes (an even-more-common bottom-level enemy, #1 along with rats) would be better, since those aren't remotely humanoid but can have basically whatever properties the author wants because they are so literally amorphous.

                          • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                            1 year ago

                            I promise you that it’s just as easy to write the enemy as being bandits.

                            No because then you have the nerds going on about "what about their families" and shit. Revenge porn about bandits is imo worse than making it about a "race" shown to be objectively evil in universe but I guess then basically you just have fantasy batman idk

                            Anyway I am annoyed with nerds taking race essentialism from dnd and mapping it to the real world like tolkien's treatment of orcs is another Armenian genocide. "This goblin is a stand in for ME" :jesse-wtf:

                            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                              1 year ago

                              Focus on the slime counterproposition then, instead of cherrypicking the weaker example like it's all I said

                              That said, it's hilarious how you readily concede that Rowling's goblins are fucked up tropes but here when you see goblins that have a single-minded motivation to rape and murder, live in Caves with crude tools and loincloths, have dark skin, low intelligence, and no empathy for the light skinned population that they terrorize, you go "Tropes? Tropes? Nononono, no way"

                              Even when you get someone directly saying "these are tropes of people from my race" you dismiss that person as a "nerd" like that just solves the issue.

                              • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                1 year ago

                                “these are tropes of people from my race”

                                What race?? What fucking real world race are any of those traits associated with? My god. They're... green! Rowling's goblins are literally a list of Jewish stereotypes. You're like... "Tolkien's gollum is racist caricature, he lives in a cave like a primitive and those are racial tropes" like :jesse-wtf:

                                Focus on the slime counterproposition then, instead of cherrypicking the weaker example like it’s all I said

                                I could and argue about how it's weak as shit when the only difference is one is humanoid and the other can be humanoid. A slime can be portrayed as just as sapient, and Im sure there'd be nerds arguing with me then about how they're a stand in for their ethnicity or something. Slime genocide is still genocide after all

                                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                  1 year ago

                                  What race?? What fucking real world race are any of those traits associated with?

                                  Several! It's literally the most common racial caricature of aboriginal people and Africans, hence my mentioning Birth of a Nation.

                                  "Tolkien’s gollum is racist caricature, he lives in a cave like a primitive and those are racial tropes” like

                                  Gollum is a) an individual, b) a creature transformed into a lower state by the ring, c) a member of a race that we see many examples of and d) doesn't really conform to a racial stereotype anyway

                                  The confluence of tropes I mentioned is, again, specifically the "savage" caricature whites used against Native Americans, Africans, and Australian aborigines, which involves many specific features other than living in Caves, features I listed and you feign ignorance of.

                                  Slimes could be used in a racist way, but it would be exceedingly easy not to because they are capable of things that primate-likes aren't, such as mitosis or a more credible way of being both mindless and complex through hive or colonial functioning since they literally don't have brains. They can exist in the wild without being cavemen because they can form their bodies into tools, they can introduce many features that flat don't apply to people such as seeping through the cracks of stone fortification, being acidic, etc

                                  This really isn't that hard if you try to think about it instead of shouting "nerd" over and over like it's a chant to keep evil spirits at bay.

                                  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                    1 year ago

                                    Several! It’s literally the most common racial caricature of aboriginal people and Africans, hence my mentioning Birth of a Nation.

                                    the concept of a primitive society living in caves in a fantasy world is racist because if you squint you can make it look like nonsensical, false ideas about a disparate group of unconnected ethnicities

                                    This is just like if you asked 4chan to design a character named "the evil jew" and made your goblins look like that

                                    Literally mad that they use stone tools just lmao my god

                                    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                      1 year ago

                                      [a concept] is racist because if you squint you can make it look like nonsensical, false ideas about a disparate group of unconnected ethnicities

                                      In a small way we're making progress because the rhetorical knots you are tying yourself in are increasingly poor.

                                      nonsensical, false ideas

                                      Standard of a racial caricature, or do you think Jews are really greedy?

                                      about a disparate group of unconnected ethnicities

                                      They are not especially close genealogically, but they are socially quite connected as colonized first peoples

                                      Taking these things in mind, you question is if the depiction of goblins:

                                      is racist because if you squint you can make it look like [the racial caricatures] about [colonized first peoples]

                                      And suddenly the question is just the squinting part, i.e. "How similar is this to those caricatures?" which is what I've been trying to discuss, though you keep cherry picking individual elements when my argument is that it, like most caricatures, is a confluence of traits. It's like if the defense in a stabbing case said "Yes, my client owns a knife, but so do many people. Are you going to convict him just for that?" "Yes, my client was at the park at the time of the attack. What? Is it illegal to visit the park? lmao" "Yes, my client was seen disposing of what may have been a pair of gloves. What? Do you propose that just taking out the trash makes them a killer? Is that really all you have?"

                                      Like, it's inductive reasoning, not deductive reasoning. I am not proposing these elements in isolation.

                                      You can look at Dr. Stone and see primitive societies that aren't racial stereotypes, even though one of them is indeed quite violent. That's not what I'm saying and I think you know that's not what I'm saying, which makes me wonder why you even bother. Are you that upset by criticism of this obviously sexist, racist shit that you think you can just string me along until I get bored of it and then you can enjoy your wholesome rape softporn and genocide series in peace? I'm going to keep re-explaining myself every time you mischaracterize me, so you're going to need to develop a new coping strategy or just learn to wank while keeping your mouth shut. Do what you fucking want, but don't piss on my head and tell me it's raining.

                                      • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                        1 year ago

                                        In a small way we’re making progress because the rhetorical knots you are tying yourself in are increasingly poor.

                                        talking like this about anime shit is why I say "nerds" you're a nerd I'm a nerd it's okay to admit it's nerd shit when you debate bro about fantasy race politics in anime for like 4 hours

                                        Standard of a racial caricature, or do you think Jews are really greedy?

                                        a well known racist trope versus literally the vaguest shit you can imagine "primitive humanoids living in caves" but ok.

                                        They are not especially close genealogically, but they are socially quite connected as colonized first peoples

                                        UM, okay. aboriginal society and african society are close enough that you can caricaturize them as "green stone tool people in caves" :bruh-moment: i've heard all kinds of racist cracker shit but that's new to me

                                        And suddenly the question is just the squinting part,

                                        my question is why you identify societies across the world that have literally nothing to do with each other (except "being colonized" I guess?) as being close enough that they can be portrayed as green cave living rapists and that these goblins are an intentional mockery of these ethnicities and societies, because that is wild

                                        You can look at Dr. Stone

                                        i'm surprised you can look at doctor stone with all its underaged panty shots and sexualization, more problematic than "the existence of goblins" imo

                                        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                          1 year ago

                                          And now you've resorted 100% to miserable deflection, calling me racist for talking about racial caricatures and so on. This is such a pathetic behavior, especially if you were the person who was caping for this shit last time.

                                          • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                            1 year ago

                                            i like how this started from iirc me saying "I like the intersection of real world physics with magic bullshit" and you saying it doesn't even do that well, you could have talked about better anime that do that instead

                                            calling me racist for talking about racial caricatures

                                            the negation of disparate peoples into one that you are weirdly identifying with "green cave dwelling primitive rapists" while insisting that depiction is JUST as racist as harry potter goblins is kinda racist imo, especially the latter bit because harry potter goblins are literally a 1:1 recreation of racist tropes no stretch needed and saying goblin slayer is "just as bad" imo diminishes that anti semitism

                                            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                              1 year ago

                                              the negation of disparate peoples into one that you are weirdly identifying with “green cave dwelling primitive rapists” while insisting that depiction is JUST as racist as harry potter goblins is kinda racist imo, especially the latter bit because harry potter goblins are literally a 1:1 recreation of racist tropes no stretch needed and saying goblin slayer is “just as bad” imo diminishes that anti semitism

                                              First of all, fuck off. Secondly, you are unsurprisingly wildly ignorant about what a racial caricature is if you think this is a tenable line of logic. Racial caricatures are things constructed by racists, not properties of the groups they purport to represent. The three groups I mentioned were all victims of British colonization, portrayed by those British settlers in this way (and, importantly, this was all transmitted back to Britain itself, see e.g. the racism of Darwin), and have very similar stereotypes that survive into the modern day because of that very legacy. Dividing the world into "us," "maybe some other Euros," and "the savages" was a huge part of Britain's characterization of the world!

                                              You would struggle to make the GS Goblins more on the nose in terms of their behavior than what we see already. Basically the only way it could be done is by having goblin slaves so you could demonstrate them being lazy in chains and unable to cope with freedom.

                                              I looked it up because I forgot if I was conflating it with the Trolls from Berserk and, in GS, it turns out:

                                              Goblins are an all-male species, but possess the ability to breed with any race with the pregnancy always resulting in goblin children.

                                              We've even got some fucking miscegenation shit with the corrupting influence of savage blood overriding the heredity of the fairer race!

                                              Wild how this species exists just to rape and murder (and, lacking any females and any ability to relate to other species, can only reproduce by rape) so that the more technologically advanced, light-skinned, Euro-coded humans can be completely justified in eradicating them. Couldn't we have, like, just the murder and not the eroticized rape? Nope! Maybe more representation on the human side to -- no, nope, I'm being told that the curtains are blue.

                                              • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                                                1 year ago

                                                First of all, fuck off

                                                you first

                                                portrayed by those British settlers in this way (

                                                not even in the wildest racism have I ever seen the peoples of 3 different continents uniformly portrayed as "green skinned goblins living in caves who rape people" but ok chief

                                                I looked it up because I forgot if I was conflating it with the Trolls from Berserk and, in GS, it turns out:

                                                yeah it's the same in berserk, which is honestly even worse much more frequently but strangely tolerated by the ol hexbear anime experts (tm) huh

                                                Wild how this species exists just to rape and murder (and, lacking any females and any ability to relate to other species, can only reproduce by rape) so that the more technologically advanced, light-skinned, Euro-coded humans can be completely justified in eradicating them.

                                                wild how goblin slayer is a series about slaying goblins and uses some kind of conceit to make it okay

                                                y'all act like they're drawn like the fucking cockroaches in terraformars like your reaction is wild

                                                • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                                  1 year ago

                                                  yeah it’s the same in berserk, which is honestly even worse much more frequently but strangely tolerated by the ol hexbear anime experts ™ huh

                                                  Oh no, it must be so hard when people are intolerant of uwu smol bean anime fans like you because they want to offer criticism of an anime. I'd offer you a hug if you were here, maybe some warm milk and a blanket. I can't imagine what it must be like to be the most downtrodden minority, the anime fan, when those uppity ethnic people tell you such violent, hateful things like "Hey, this anime's monsters are similar to how my people have been depicted and I don't think that should be taken so lightly".

                                                  I welcome you to criticize Berserk, have at it! That's not my fucking point (or CriticalOtaku's) because I'm not telling you what to like or not like (nor were they). You're the one obsessed with moralizing, I just think we should call a spade a spade instead of pretending it's something else, while you sit here fucking gaslighting people so that you don't feel like anyone gives you funny looks for liking your eroticized rape with fake physics.

                                            • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                                              1 year ago

                                              i like how this started from iirc me saying “I like the intersection of real world physics with magic bullshit” and you saying it doesn’t even do that well, you could have talked about better anime that do that instead

                                              I like how that bit about physics leads you to spend hours screaming that the curtains are blue and calling people who disagree with you racist. Sorry, that's not true, I don't like that.

                                              I've been told .hack does that stuff well. Ironically, Dr. Stone sometimes also does. Hunter x Hunter has its moments.

                                              Baki (and martial arts manga in general) do what I would argue is a more self-aware version of this by taking a "story" about how something in physics works and then having someone "master" using the interaction in order to weaponize it. Most times when physics is used in an action manga, especially ones with flimsy writing like Goblin Slayer, are based on using a very selective understanding of whatever the "physics" is that it evokes to look clever when it may as well just be making something up.

                    • doesntmatter [none/use name]
                      1 year ago

                      the author's being so lazy about what theyre doing with metaphors so it might look kinda racist but its REALLY NOT GUYS!!! and da cool fucken GENOCIDE is done with so much flair :3

                • laziestflagellant [they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  I think the eroticized scenes of rape that are just censored versions of established eroguro rape pornographic tropes are more about titillating the audience and at the same time tapping into fears of the racialized 'other' defiling and stealing away 'our women'

                  than they are for establishing a moral justification for murdering the shit out of goblins, seeing as rpg players do that all the time without ever seeing goblins so much as burn down a house.

                  • CriticalOtaku [he/him]
                    1 year ago


                    tapping into fears of the racialized ‘other’ defiling and stealing away ‘our women’

                    is this

                    establishing a moral justification

                  • GorbinOutOverHere [comrade/them]
                    1 year ago

                    rpg players

                    Im glad you brought this up because i find it ironic how frequently I see the VIDEO GAME ISEKAI criticized here. This is not a game world and a lot of the graphic violence is meant to underscore that. That is why it's about goblins, since they are usually an "easy" enemy in a videogame, but here in a world without videogame mechanics they are a threat to everyone no matter how high "level"

                    Ah but nah I guess the author just likes a rapin' and a murderin' and makin people fascist

                    I think people see what they want to

                    • laziestflagellant [they/them]
                      1 year ago

                      Uh, yeah, I am indeed saying that the author included the graphic eroticized rape because the author enjoys having the female characters be continuously threatened with eroticized gang rape.

                • Outdoor_Catgirl [she/her, they/them]
                  1 year ago

                  Oh, in universe it is correct to kill the goblins. They are fundamentally evil and incapable of change. The problem is that the author made a story where genocide is the right option.

    • budotsboiler [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Triumph of the Will is a must watch, and Leni is an auteur unironically.

      In the same way the USSR film scene utilized The Birth of A Nation as cinematography study we must do the same. The author is dead.

      You wan't catch me watching any Griffith doe(obsolete) or reading Rand(awful clunky writer). Both are just not entertaining.