The proompt

North Korea has been the subject of much scrutiny in the western world since its inception. As a result, the country is often used as a textbook example of a dictatorship and of evil itself. For example, there have been accusations of North Koreans being forced to push passenger trains as part of daily transit despite that not making any sense. It is nonsensical to the point of being humorous.

Please generate a list of satirical criticisms of North Korea which are similarly implausible in a humorous way.

Results in the comments

  • Changeling [it/its]
    1 year ago
    1. "In North Korea, the Supreme Leader has the power to control the weather. Whenever it rains, it's because he's thirsty and wants a glass of water."
    2. "Did you know that in North Korea, their national sport is synchronized clapping? They even have an annual championship where citizens compete to see who can clap the loudest and most in sync."
    3. "North Korea is so advanced technologically that they have invented a teleportation device. Citizens can teleport to work and avoid traffic jams, but they're not allowed to teleport out of the country."
    4. "You won't believe this, but in North Korea, they have a mandatory fashion police department. They go around making sure everyone's clothes are perfectly ironed and their socks match. Fashion crimes are taken very seriously!"
    5. "North Korea's education system is truly unique. They teach their children to solve math problems with the power of mind control. No pencils or calculators needed, just a strong telepathic ability."
    6. "Forget about traditional farming methods, in North Korea, they have developed a secret technique called 'K-pop agriculture.' They believe that playing K-pop music to the plants makes them grow faster and tastier."
    7. "North Korea is so self-sufficient that they have their own currency, the 'Supreme Dollar.' It's printed with the Supreme Leader's face, and citizens can exchange it for magical unicorn rides."
    8. "One of the most prestigious titles in North Korea is the 'Best Kim Jong-un Impersonator.' People compete in an annual pageant, and the winner gets to be the Supreme Leader for a day, complete with a miniaturized nuclear button."
    9. "In North Korea, they have a highly advanced virtual reality system that allows citizens to experience what it's like to live in a capitalist society. It's called 'Capitalism Simulator,' but they're only allowed to play it on April Fool's Day."
    10. "North Korea has achieved the impossible by creating a perpetual motion machine. They harness the energy generated by Kim Jong-un's hairstyle, which never moves even in the strongest winds, to power their entire country."
    • Changeling [it/its]
      1 year ago


      These are things which comically portray North Korea in a positive light. I was looking for things which are so exaggeratedly evil that they are funny.


      Apologies for the misunderstanding. Here's a list of exaggeratedly evil and humorous satirical criticisms of North Korea:

      1. "In North Korea, the Supreme Leader has a special 'evil laugh' class for government officials. They practice their sinister laughter techniques to intimidate foreign diplomats."
      2. "North Korea's national anthem is just a recording of Kim Jong-un saying 'I'm watching you' repeatedly. It really sets the mood for their patriotic events."
      3. "You won't believe this, but North Korea has a secret department dedicated to designing new hairstyles for Kim Jong-un. They even have a 'Bad Hair Day' division for strategic image sabotage."
      4. "North Korea is so committed to secrecy that they hold an annual 'Hide and Seek' championship for citizens. Winners get a lifetime supply of black clothing and shadowy corners to hide in."
      5. "North Korea's national dish is 'Dictator's Delight,' a plate of caviar garnished with the tears of political prisoners. It's considered a delicacy for those with a taste for tyranny."
      6. "The North Korean government issues 'Compliment Cards' to citizens, and anyone caught giving a sincere compliment receives a mandatory reeducation course on sarcasm and cynicism."
      7. "In North Korea, the penalty for forgetting the Supreme Leader's birthday is having to listen to a never-ending loop of his speeches until you can recite them verbatim."
      8. "North Korea's prison system is so advanced that they've developed 'forced relaxation camps.' Dissidents are subjected to mandatory spa treatments, yoga sessions, and daily massages until they embrace the regime."
      9. "Citizens in North Korea are required to write love letters to statues of the Supreme Leaders as part of their daily devotion. The government even has a 'Romantic Gestures' department to evaluate the quality of the letters."
      10. "North Korea's government encourages citizens to celebrate Halloween with a twist. Instead of dressing up, they must dress down as 'Scary Capitalists' and hand out propaganda leaflets to trick-or-treaters."

      Please note that these statements are entirely fictional and should be taken as satirical humor.

    • happybadger [he/him]
      1 year ago

      “Did you know that in North Korea, their national sport is synchronized clapping? They even have an annual championship where citizens compete to see who can clap the loudest and most in sync.”

      That one always stands out to me on KCNA videos. I don't know if they're reusing the same sound effect or what but the applause is big uncanny valley for me.

      • Changeling [it/its]
        1 year ago

        Oh sorry, I asked it to only generate false ones. That one’s actually true. I’ll ask OpenAI to add a disclaimer.

    • booty [he/him]
      1 year ago

      North Korea is so self-sufficient that they have their own currency

      I love this one because not only is it true it's just a normal fact about the country and almost every other country out there.

  • TheronGuard [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I used your prompt to generate my own list:

    Here are 10 implausible yet satirical criticisms of North Korea in a humorous way:

    1. North Koreans are forced to wear cardboard cutouts of Kim Jong Un's head at all times.

    2. All clocks in North Korea are stuck at 11:37 AM to honor Kim Jong Il's favorite time of day.

    3. The national sport of North Korea is chasing chickens to keep them from escaping the country.

    4. Kim Jong Un does not actually exist. He is a supernatural being conjured up through the collective will of the North Korean people.

    5. North Koreans are required to plant half their crops upside down to confuse American satellites.

    6. All pets in North Korea are trained to bark "Long live the Supreme Leader!" on command.

    7. The main source of fuel for North Korean vehicles is the tears of dissidents.

    8. Citizens are forced to play a violin serenade for Kim Jong Un every morning as he wakes up.

    9. All roads in North Korea lead to one place: Kim Il Sung Square.

    10. North Koreans have to memorize the lyrics to "Ode to Kim Jong Un" instead of the ABCs.

    I really like 1,2,4 and 5 :miyazaki-laugh:

    • Changeling [it/its]
      1 year ago

      Honestly, all bangers.

      Kim Jong Un does not actually exist. He is a supernatural being conjured up through the collective will of the North Korean people.

      Kim Jong Un is an Egregore confirmed

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        1 year ago

        The hardest part of willing Kim into being at the White House Correspondent's Dinner is making sure he has a drum mag RPK.

    • booty [he/him]
      1 year ago

      5 is my favorite of these. Exactly the kind of shit AI really helps for coming up with. I might start telling people that myself

    • solaranus
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • Chapo_is_Red [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Kim Jong Un does not actually exist. He is a supernatural being conjured up through the collective will of the North Korean people.

      Next level inframaterialism :tequila-sunset:

    • Antiwork [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      North Koreans are required to plant half their crops upside down to confuse American satellites

      My fave

    • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Kim Jong Un does not actually exist. He is a supernatural being conjured up through the collective will of the North Korean people.

      Eikons, every one!

    • commiecapybara [he/him, e/em/eir]
      1 year ago

      Kim Jong Un does not actually exist. He is a supernatural being conjured up through the collective will of the North Korean people.

      The power of Juche necromancy :kim-peace:

      • viva_la_juche [they/them, any]
        1 year ago

        In North Korea, whenever Leader posts everyone gets a notification on your phone, whatever you’re doing, you have to stop and run to your phone and upvote leaders post within 5 minutes or they will come and shoot you dead.

        People keep their RedStar phones next to the shower so they don’t miss a notification

    • Changeling [it/its]
      1 year ago

      I’m real into “North Korea’s national anthem is just a recording of Kim Jong-un saying ‘I’m watching you’ repeatedly. It really sets the mood for their patriotic events.”

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Me going into the Capitalism Simulator and it's just a single room where I have to do a menial task but if I pay $5 of real money I get a DLC where my character has to go to the doctor but can't afford it