• HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      2 months ago

      their declaration is mostly about how much CPUSA sucks. they're trying to split a useless, reactionary party into two useless, reactionary parties.

      • D61 [any]
        2 months ago

        Hey, the right wingers adopted something useful from the Left. peltier-laugh

      • Yeah good description of this recursive bullshit. I'm starting to become convinced this branch of the Maupin extended universe and certain podcasts are trying to create the illusion CPUSA has political relevance at all.

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      2 months ago

      I am super curious why such a far-right deviation of "communism" like MAGA Communism exists. Like, what are the underlying material conditions that give rise to it? We understand Communism, we understand fascism, but PatSocs? Mystery to me.

      If anyone has something to add, please, enlighten me.

      • alcoholicorn@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        I am super curious why such a far-right deviation of “communism” like MAGA Communism exists.


        • Cowbee [he/him]
          2 months ago

          Ya know, that's on me, haha. Should've realized.

      • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
        2 months ago

        1: 90% of it is an Op.

        2: Some people out there don't like capitalism but also are socially reactionary so they buy in the narrative some conservatives in AES states have about homosexuality being "western decadence" or whatever.

        3: Kinda related to two, but I think some of these guys are just Russophilies who get into weird brand of modern Russian Nationalism that still revers the USSR and just mimic those guys' politics. Wouldn't be surprised if some of these dorks have pictures of Stalin and Czar Nicholas on their wall.

      • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
        2 months ago

        Outside of being an op, the only explanation I have is that it's based on pure vibes. They believe Western propaganda about Stalin and think it's based. They like Putin because he's not woke. They're anti-Zionist because they're actually antisemitic.

        They basically do the "criticizing communism while describing capitalism" bit but in reverse, where they praise communism based on anti-communist propaganda that's supposed to make it sound like fascism.

      • jaywalker [they/them, any]
        2 months ago

        Reminds me a lot of national socialism? They're just doing the thing they always do and stealing words/ideas and corrupting them to make shit more confusing.

        • booty [he/him]
          2 months ago

          idk, it doesnt even seem that intentional to me. i feel like it's more like anarcho-capitalism, just a bunch of half thought through ideas jammed awkwardly together none of which would ever work, based entirely on vibes. patsocs are basically just what happens when an average chud realizes that capitalism is bad but doesn't want to read theory and retains all of their racist and nationalist brainworms

          • jaywalker [they/them, any]
            2 months ago

            Rightwingers are regularly intentional without being coherent. Anarcho capitalism is actually a great example of them being intentional, but not necessarily coherent.

      • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
        2 months ago

        They're an op by feds first and foremost. Beyond that they're a bunch of rich first world crackers attempting to cobble together leftist thought from their living rooms full of treats. Just imagine yourself to be the laziest, most pointless American white guy who wants for nothing. Now imagine you've read the tiniest bit of Lenin, or maybe you've just played as the Soviets in a video game. Rather than doing something cool like joining a local mutual aid group or working at a shelter, instead you simply adopt politics in the most white cracker way possible. You make a grift about how upper middle class white suburban Americans are actually the most threatened segment of the proletariat.

      • HamManBad [he/him]
        2 months ago

        To the extent that it isn't an op, they basically just want an American version of lukashenko-tired

      • I_CAST_BEAM_OF_BATS_I_CAST_BOLT_OF_BATS [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        Tl;dr - They're a mirror image of Twitter Maoists and comments like yours further my suspicion they were cooked up by the feds specifically for you, the CPUSA, DSA, etc to get mad at and validate your popcorn-munching obsession with the compatible left.

        If you don't believe me, well, consider it something to think about every time you introduce this new thing you have to get mad about to people. Nobody even knows who these people are, and they're clout chasers.

        The loonier "MAGA communists" espouse the same fantasies of taking on the US military by dropping trees on tanks in Alabama. They randomly come up with Helter Skelter esque scenarios. (e.g. Kendrick / Drake beef could spiral into US Civil War 2 Electric Boogaloo (they really said this, not as a joke)).

      • I_CAST_BEAM_OF_BATS_I_CAST_BOLT_OF_BATS [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        Why do you bring up their sole redeeming quality other than having read three articles by Gabriel Rockhill about Adorno and Marcuse etcetera for me to get mad at it.

        In fact, I doubt they have read it, since a lot of these guys try to recoup Heidegger and Zizek while pretending none of their critics have done more than draw associations between them and reactionary thought & institutions - not true of course. It's not that difficult to tear apart stuff like Heidegger's word games about being, and saying that shit really displays how little they read of criticism of their favorite writers, suggesting they haven't gotten through much of the original texts, enough to quote mine probably.

        Their rejection of structural racism and invention of reverse woke structural racism (analysis of structurally embedded racism in US finance capital is all throughout writing by Michael Hudson, as he talks about the legacy of redlining and the 2008 catastrophe of black household wealth, they also pretend to have read him!!) seems like direct fed counterplay to me, but I'm not going to bother with deep investigation into more infuencer debate tourney bullshit if I don't have to. None of this lends any legitimacy to Sakaiist Twitter leftist ideology.

        • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
          2 months ago

          jesse-wtf i'm really not interested in your personal esoteric rejection of both these nazbol grifters and whatever you seem to think third worldism is about.

          • It's not a "personal esoteric rejection" it's a broader grounding in Marxist theory, specifically anti-imperialist theory, dependency theory, unequal exchange, core/periphery and other world systems models, sorry that's not informed by Twitter and Youtube leftists from the anglosphere-dominated internet, but instead informed by Marxist texts already popular in China and Latin America, but only translated within the past 5 years. Personally I think I'm lucky.

            I think you are the ones with a personal esoteric rejection. It's like attacking Caleb Maupin and Tariq Nasheed for being sexually perverse, instead of being obvious informants. It's clear the existence of "patriotic socialists" is met with absolute glee by the online western left. It validates you as much as NAFO people and the CPUSA base.

            • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
              2 months ago

              you're posting on an anonymous internet forum called "chapo trap house" if you want to educate people make an actual c/effort post about it and do so. but so far you're just rocking into a shitpost and claiming to have achieved such great theoretical understanding that you have moved beyond thinking that Settlers is a useful text, which is fine, but you also refuse to elaborate. you're making assumptions about me at least because i don't know who the fuck you're talking about or what glee i'm supposed to be experiencing about patsoc grifters. i'm personally disappointed. so. not really sure what you're thinking you're doing here. if this is a bit, then blackmoldfutures did it better

                • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                  2 months ago

                  you have been commenting paragraphs of jargon at me for making a joke about patsocs being scared by Maoist/Third Worldists, i don't think i'm the upset one here. on a communist shitposting forum. either be more coherent or restrain yourself more, multiple users here are asking if you're a joke account (bmf aka blackmoldfutures). i'm only half convinced you aren't a joke account.


                  Sorry if I disturbed the third worldist (?) validation that these guys give you for having read one pamphlet.

                  i have no fucking clue what you think you're talking to me about or whatever your personal beef with the book Settlers is, but i'm pretty clearly making this thing called a "joke" about how fascists are afraid of it. you know, because this is an unserious thread about making jokes and not having serious academic discussions of historical materialism.

                  • I_CAST_BEAM_OF_BATS_I_CAST_BOLT_OF_BATS [none/use name]
                    2 months ago

                    I'm glad you bring this up BTW because you can go back and see this is the exact same crowd. Sorry if double replying is antagonistic or something, but just look at how one of the MWM guys used to be part of a Texan Maoist organization. Maupin was at Occupy Wall Street. A lot of the MAGA Communists were literally democratic party vat children mere years ago. Whether that's a direct ideological connection to the compatible left I'm talking about or fed informants switching up their jobs it's a good example of how they're very similar to and contiguous with it. I say they're just part of it. I ignore the branding.

                    Go look at the language used in any of the articles on the More Perfect Union site. Same babble about the Constitution.

                    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                      2 months ago

                      i don't think double replying is antagonistic, personally. yes, the few of the name-signers on this particular fed-site of nazbol grifters that i recognize are people that were spending their time just a few years ago posting about their readings of Capital

                      • All the good stuff in MWM's work comes from reapplying Gabriel Rockhill and Michael Hudson. You stray outside that and the wrestling coach Liger is turning in sophomoric articles about chronic lyme disease.

                        I'm worried people are going to shitcoat it.

                        By the way this Tariq Nasheed guy is one of the most obvious informants that has ever lives. Used to be named Marcus Sanders.

                        • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                          2 months ago

                          i've kept an eye on eddie liger for the last couple years. he strikes me as like a destiny type that has read more Marx but has all the exact same hang ups in deference to the state structure of the us dictatorship of the bourgeois. his initial criticisms of popular discourse were relatively standard fare, but of course these days it's full fedposting

                          By the way this Tariq Nasheed guy is one of the most obvious informants that has ever lives. Used to be named Marcus Sanders.

                          that's hilarious holy shit

                          • It seems he got off on a murder plea while others around him went to prison and he went around doing his wedge issue fed shit. It's disturbing a lot of posters have pointed to him trying to undo peace treaties between gangs that were turning into almost more community oriented organization. Look if we can have socialistic attributes to Arab nationalism it can happen in the hood. I'm no expert.

                            But anyways he was in a Michael Moore movie which has me drawing disturbing parallels between that old curmudgeon and Alex Jones and I'm sure more strange connections will turn up.

                  • They are not scared of anyone who they are able to indefinitely feud with online, no. Don't kid yourself. If you don't believe me, refer to any of their monologues about antagonizing "soyboy leftists" and the far right for engagement. They thrive off of outrage bait. It seems you are glazing over everything I'm saying. There's no time limit on responding to my mountains of "jargon". Just go live your life. Unless you really need to pretend you know better, just go drink some water and go for a walk.

                    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                      2 months ago

                      you are being mind-shatteringly serious about a joke. do you not understand what jokes are? i have not claimed anything to do with Settlers other than a familiarity with the general contents. to make a joke. you're posting to a lot of people that they need to read another pamphlet and talking about who all is a fed, which is a wild thing to do so seriously about a joke. it's not that i necessarily agree with you or not, i just don't think you understand the current location you're in. i think that Settlers is flawed and that i'm not well-read enough to attempt any form of organized sectarian resistance to american empire from within. i personally have distaste for Maoist/tw rejection of aes countries. but i made a joke about settlers because it's a meme. again, not sure if you know what jokes are because you seem to be thinking that i genuinely believe that fascists are afraid of settlers. i do not. that is why it's a joke to say that they are. because they make a lot of noise as if they are. which is how jokes work.

                      • None of this analysis is actually predicated on the fixation "patsocs" have on Settlers. It is just one angle from which we can discuss their need to draw people into online feuds to gain notoriety, and their factual links to the compatible left in the US, like how Pettis used to be a Maoist, but there are oodles of examples. I just use it as a springboard, I used another random comment in the other thread about this.

                        Writing these people off with inaccurate and simultaneously sensationalist + downplaying descriptions doesn't help. I think Ben Norton has the best strategy for dealing with their attacks. Ignore them except for one recent response video.

                        Settlers has its own interesting history but I'd rather not get into that either. My point is these guys are not so different from orgs posted around here and that's not a good sign haha

                        • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                          2 months ago

                          yeah sure, i personally am doubtful of any particular org posted around here. this is an anonymous forum populated by internet shitposters that like communism and trans people and hate general reactionary sentiments and actions. sectarianism doesn't fly here; this isn't a suitable place to organize or i think to make serious defences of any particular us "communist" org. i personally think that any openly communist org of any size is in some way captured because of the general violence imposed by the american empire. but people who are sectarian usually get banned soon enough. the user you're being compared to, u/blackmoldfutures was famous for posting rants about "DSA Karens" that were a bit too explicitly anti ancom to really fly. there's a high likelihood it was a bit, but no one can be too sure, might have just been someone a bit too cranky to understand effective text communication. this is a small site though, people here posting about it is effectively ignoring it for most of us.

                            • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                              2 months ago

                              i would recommend trying to avoid posting too seriously in the more meme oriented subs. there are absolutely locations for serious discussion and a tolerance towards trying to direct people towards it from things like the megathreads, like c/effort. the reading group as well. u/bmf was a classic, i have personal sympathy towards light-hearted ML-flavor shitposting about the "DSA Karens that are scared to eat the bugs."

  • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
    2 months ago

    But when a long train of abuse, corruption and usurpations of this procedure render the Party inept and unresponsive before history, disgracing it in procedural, operational reality to the status of a Communist Party in name only, it becomes both historically and practically necessary that the authority of the Communist Party be reconstituted on a fresh basis.

    ewwww their riffing on the us declaration of independence. marx-joker moment

    • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Good, you beat me to it. I was wondering how they got that symbol to look as frightening as possible.

    • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Red Faction were not just not Patsocs, not only internationalists, but inter-planetary. red-fist

      • Bros are telling me to read Heidegger, support the Teamsters, spend all my attention on far right influencers and take them seriously and post about them, calling for basic social welfare and less corruption in Washington, reposting Chris Hedges articles, buddy these people were democrats three years ago. I know the compatible left when I see it, despite their protestations.

          • I_CAST_BEAM_OF_BATS_I_CAST_BOLT_OF_BATS [none/use name]
            2 months ago

            I recommend never looking directly into the Infrared Substacks my fellow poster

            But yeah most people at least confuse it by citing a guy who cites a guy who cites a guy who cites a guy who cites Heidegger. I guess we went full circle. Fuck this. I'm going to read about what is going on in Uganda. We are all above this.

            • combat_brandonism [they/them]
              2 months ago

              looking directly into the Infrared Substacks


              before the substack he posted here and we bullied him until he caught a ban and left lol, the only way you could get me to read his bullshit

      • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
        2 months ago

        every organization falls into the compatible left until they're not.

        I really do not like the label because it's easy to fall into a logic that goes "X organization exists in the imperial core? it means it's allowed to exist so its compatible left".

      • I_CAST_BEAM_OF_BATS_I_CAST_BOLT_OF_BATS [none/use name]
        2 months ago

        Please refer to The CIA as Organized Crime for a full definition of what part of the media & political sphere this phrase encapsulates.

        It's surprisingly narrow it's just that this site exists as a fandom for it.

        We're talking about parties and media outlets and journalists and activists that exist in symbiosis or are at least fully penetrated with law enforcement. The Intercept, Robert Evans, politicians like Mike Gravel, the CPUSA, people like Seymour Hersh, organizations that showed up to ANSWER including these "patsocs" as they are called in this thread for some reason. It seems some third worldist Maoists on the site have a bone to pick with nationalism in the periphery themselves as they were slapping this label on parties in Bangladesh for some reason? Anyways a lot of these outlets put out good material but you can quickly identify the points where they lose the plot either because they're not Marxist or they're just chasing engagement (like the Grayzone).

  • sawne128 [he/him]
    2 months ago

    We are all going to have pie in our faces when they recruit the whole working class and leads a successful revolution.

    Source: Some guy on Reddit

  • Snackuleata [any]
    2 months ago

    All Chapters aligned with the Party, including all affiliated social media accounts, are registered and verified exclusively on the official public blockchain ledger


  • save_vs_death [they/them]
    2 months ago

    why is their website so dogshit; the runt copmala website dems slapped together in case genocide brandon dropped out is better than this

  • blobjim [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Their announecement youtube video was already recommended to me. The thumbnail video looked like it was literally just stock footage of stuff but with a red and white color scheme snd some hammer and sickles. I wonder if there was even a narration.

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    I am far too green when it comes to existing communist organizations within the USA. Looking at the end of their declaration, I was trying to figure out if PCUSA was a typo, but actually, it's just another communist party. I recognize some of these names at the end of the declaration, but mainly from dunk threads here. Specifically, Eddie "Colonization Good Actually" Smith. Regularly would appear in my TikTok feed about a year ago. The whole "Midwestern Marxist" aesthetic always felt like a honeypot for deeply rural chuds.

    I'm left not really capable of forming a thought about this, other than, I'll probably die old in a capitalist hellscape while the American Left squabbles and bickers with each other over aesthetics and bureaucratic disagreements.

    Having literally just came to the understanding of what the "compatible left" is, I'll scratch my previously doomerist statement. I should probably read Settlers.

    • QueerCommie [comrade/them, she/her]
      2 months ago

      PCUSA is a shitty small patsoc party who thinks they’re the real vanguard/bearers of CPUSA’s legacy (split ten years ago) who don’t understand dialectics and mostly have a lot of zoom meetings and sex parties.

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      I was trying to figure out if PCUSA was a typo

      Don't worry, the U.N also keeps making the same typo lol