Permanently Deleted

  • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Found you lot.

    Really enjoyed the old cth sub, was pretty bummed when it went buhbye.

    This is so much better

      • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Thx - I know shit posting is generally regarded by us as a waste of time, but honestly just that glimpse of community & a like-minded take has really bolstered my rhetoric IRL and much more importantly gotten the gears turning re: actually joining an org to make a real fucking material difference. Like it's super useful to enlarging the leftist network.

        Imagine there's SO many people out there that just aren't engaged, waiting to be cultivated and brought aboard.

        Glad to be here, comrade 🍻

        • ZestyDwarf [he/him,comrade/them]
          4 years ago

          There's value in knowing there's likeminded people out there.. to just know that maybe you're not insane when you feel detached from the insanity that seems so obvious to you, but for the most part goes unnoticed.

          I wouldn't be around on chapo if not for shitposting. And if not for chapo i'd probably not be as determined at reading, school, workout and just generally be in an ok mood most of the time in the face of climate disaster and all the other horrible shit that's going on. What i learned here is that it's ok to care, and sometimes it's YOU who's gotta dunk on the chuds and the hawks and the libs. And if nothing else, you can always retreat back to your comrades!

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            4 years ago

            I have to wear a lot of different hats and remember to tailor my leftism to a lot of different audiences in my day to day life, so it's a relief to be able to come here and vent or just look at pictures of dope ass anteaters.

            • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Yeah, tailoring the message to your target audience is so fucking key. I used to be real prone to just blabbing about the evils of empire, CIA nastiness, just sounding like a crank as I rant for 5 minute monologue. Lately I've found it so much better to be subtle, just little morsels here and there instead of abrupt jostling tyriads.

              I've actually been finding alot of common ground with my Trumper old man - he's half decent at recognizing issues, it's usually the rX that's faulty. Like recently he was talking about how him & some of the fellas at work are talking about unionizing..made for all sorts of great conversation all the way to Marxist theory - which head on he'd never participate in, but roundabout he's like "yeah hell yea."

              It's cool

  • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    My lib friends are all disillusioned with the bullshit system we toil under, so I've been steadily telling them about class consciousness, imperialism and manufacturing consent. Also been telling the stories of various government atrocities against innocent people in the name of capital that the schoola wouldn't tell them. So far I've had my Palpatine moment with 3 of them, and it has yet to go wrong.

    • VolcelVanguard [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Have you ever heard the tale of Karl Marx the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Liberals would tell you. Marx was a philosopher so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to seize the means of production.

  • GottaJiBooUrns [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Slightly off topic, but: I think it would be a good idea if we started doing something like this biweekly? Or maybe just weekly? Hellworld sucks, and as much as I love everyone here it can get a bit depressing at times, learning about atrocities and other shit that I wouldn't have otherwise learned about. So I think some regular "what's good?" threads would be a healthy thing.

    Also, I ordered a package in April, it got lost in the mail, I paid shipping alone for a replacement, and then just a few days ago the original package showed up so now I've got double of what I ordered.

    • ShitPosterior [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Yeah, hellablack podcast does that - every ep they open up with "Black Joy."

      I'm super fond of it, it's a real relief because it can be so easy to just get stuck in "what's bad" as opposed to also noting "what's good."

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Yeah I would also love to see this become a weekly thing

  • MichelLouise [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Tried meditation the other day and really think this could help me if I manage to make it a real habit

    • moonlake [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Mindfulness is basically a super power. I definitely recommend to make meditation a habit.

    • quartz242 [she/her]M
      4 years ago

      I started a daily meditation a few years ago and its changed my life. Good for you comrade!

    • Mitski [she/her,they/them]
      4 years ago

      how did you start? did you use an app? if you could share some pointers that would be great.

      • Papajohnsmisty [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Anyone looking for an app should check out medito. Its free, the ui is clean and the guided meditations are quality

      • MichelLouise [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Going trough a rough time right now. Some relative told me she started using an app a few months ago. Dom't remember the name

        I simply watched few youtube videos explaining the general concept and tried this one to guide me through the first try. No idea if this is a good video. Probably not truly beneficial to do it only once. But I definitely found myself in a state that was different from the usual depressing stuff.

      • moonlake [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I learned mindfulness meditation using the Headspace program called Take 10. It's a great guided meditation program designed to teach meditation to beginners. You just sit and listen to the guided meditation for 10 minutes every day. It's super simple. I think the app is not free but I just downloaded those mp3s on pirate bay. I think this torrent might be the one I used. Check out Insight Timer, it has a bunch of guided meditations. I also like to listen to 10% Happier, which is a podcast about meditation, Buddhism, mindfulness and so on.

    • lizbo [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Honestly helps so much with anxious and intrusive thoughts, I need to get back into it

  • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Just finished recording a new ep with one of my bands and it sounds killer, so that's pretty good.

    • moonlake [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That's cool! What's your instrument? What kind of music is your band playing?

      • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
        4 years ago

        I play bass guitar, the band is a kind of hardcore punk thing. I've linked to it here before, so might as well do it again, this is our ep from last year:

  • deadtoddler420 [any]
    4 years ago

    i made some fuckin tasty chocolate covered potato chips this morning.

    my dad bought a gaming headset for work calls. he didnt like it but he forgot to return it on time and gave it to me when i visited him recently

  • Parysian [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Up to 20 pullups without stopping. Quarantine bodyweight exercises starting to pay off.

    • moonlake [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Damn, that's dope! I just started practicing bodyweight exercises, do you have any tips? I started doing the minimal routine from r/bodyweightfitness. I'd like to create a low intensity routine that I can do for like 20 minutes around 2 or 3 times a week. Nothing crazy, just to stay healthy and feel well.

      • Parysian [they/them]
        4 years ago

        Honestly I've been pretty sloppy and disorganized about it, so I don't have much sage advice. The one thing I had going for me was consistency, so I guess there's that. Having one of those pull up bars you out in a dorrway helped, since it's always right there. If you've got an actual routine you can keep to, you're already in a faster lane than me.

        Diet is very important too. I noticed when I started eating more eggs and less beer there was a noticeable difference in a couple weeks.

  • skeletorlaugh [he/him,any]
    4 years ago

    I made a coffee table and it came out pretty good. now I get to look at it and go nice job, me.

    • ChapoBapo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      That’s awesome. Being able to use something you made with your hands every day feels great. I built some bookshelf speakers from a kit even though that’s not anything I have any real experience with and they turned out pretty good and they make me happy.