Remember, EM POC only!

How are you all doing? Anything exciting you wanna share? Anything you wanna share that's not so exciting but rather frustrating instead?

Spill it all here, comrades.

  • Angel [any]
    21 days ago

    I'm gonna go first: I'm getting closer and closer to this utterly amazing, beautiful person that I have been giving so much love to as of late. Her heart is growing for me; she is getting so much more excited to talk to me and spend time with me, and I'm just feeling blessed that I shot my shot. A part of me, initially, was like, "Nah, no chances, Angel. Just don't say anything," but I'm glad I didn't listen to that part!

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    19 days ago

    Once you get labeled as "bad" by western white liberals, there's literally nothing you or their governments can do to prove otherwise, more than a 100k likely dead in Gaza and they're still acting like Hamas is satan

  • Amerikan
    21 days ago

    Watching how the bottom fell out of the Uncommitted movement with Kamala's anointment might've broken me. Like... There is an undousable, indestructible hatred brewing in my gut for everyone who still calls themselves Amerikan, and I don't know how to mitigate that anymore. We're going back to Zero-th Reich standards, and these motherfuckers just cheer and cheer and cheer for it.

    Are we damned? Do we even deserve liberation anymore? I don't know how to answer the questions my internal monologue asks anymore. My faith is eroding.

    • Comp4 [comrade/them]
      21 days ago

      I've always thought things would get much worse before they get better, meaning a lot of suffering is coming our way. It's a shame that most of it will hit some of the most oppressed people. But I'm hopeful that once the empire crumbles, there'll be a new dawn.

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    21 days ago

    We should make a News or Megathread on Malawi one day. Its an African country of 20 million people and I bet a way to high amount of folks dont even know it exists. Mind you I dont have much knowledge on it either.

    Here is its flag which looks pretty cool I think.


  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    17 days ago

    Sometimes I watch white people instinctively clump together with each other and immediately distrust them.

  • Amerikan
    18 days ago

    Another day, another butting-of-heads with another cracker mod who feels comfortable calling me out of place and out of name without ever once having actually been in community with me. What prompts white 'leftists' to go all literally demiurge over the places they consider their fiefdoms? Like, is this residual redditism? What makes crackers so prone to powertripping? I really wanna know.

    Cause the more I think about what happened the other day, the more it pisses me off; like-- the guy I was taking to task got pinched for ableism in the first place tryna hide his laziness behind "uwu I'm autistic" when I've never once seen that dude around the neurodiverse comms; never once seen that dude on any hexbear or lemmygrad comms for that matter-- and then here comes the big-dicked demiurge of the comm, demanding I lower my standards of communication 'cause it doesn't match his. And when I try to leave it at a 'agree to disagree' level, he bans me for a lack of 'proper deference' to the M next to his name, I fuckin guess.

    I'm so tired of crackers.

    • Angel [any]
      18 days ago

      ...unless it's Ritz.

      Yeah, no, a sheltered white "feminist" recently told me that I have "male privilege" simply because I'm trans. Claiming to be a "feminist" while believing in bioessentialism so hard that you think being born with a certain type of genital automatically ties you to a certain spot in the gender hierarchy is absurd.

      She was horrible in a lot of other ways too, including insulting other cis women such as my girlfriend, saying ableist things about autistic people, and just being an all-around asshole in every way imaginable.

      As stated verbatim by my indigenous friend who is also a cis woman that watched all of this unfold over some social media drama my girlfriend and I got into:

      as a white woman telling a minority of multiple facets they have any “privilege” opposed to her is CRAZYYY.

      • Amerikan
        15 days ago

        Yeah, no, a sheltered white “feminist” recently told me that I have “male privilege” simply because I’m trans.

        Somehow, this doesn't surprise me. This current wave of feminism has a totally unaddressed issue with bioessentialism so bad that even if I wasn't AMAB and comfortably in a fluid state, I still wouldn't want to refer to myself as a feminist anymore for fear of being lumped with white TERF-adjacency. You have my sincerest condolences that bullshit happened to you, though-- and because I didn't drop in on that thread celebrating your recent partnering, congratulations, too; I think I've told you in the past that it was genuinely a matter of time.

        Also, I'm tired of Ritz too; I've always considered Townhouses superior.

        • Angel [any]
          18 days ago

          I'm so fucking relieved that I'm not the only one who has noticed that this issue does seem like it's not being addressed at all. I've been feeling delusional for ages for feeling like your average feminist (at least the white ones) has an absurdly transphobic, bioessentialist point of view. They also, oddly enough, tend to be cisheteronormative as fuck. This isn't even me talking specifically about the more mask-off Rowlingesque TERF types. This is what I'd say about mainstream liberal feminists who have not even the slightest sense of materialism or understanding of feminist theory. I've been feeling more comfortable thinking back to womanism more than anything else because of this.

          • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
            18 days ago

            This is what I'd say about mainstream liberal feminists who have not even the slightest sense of materialism or understanding of feminist theory.

            I'm a cisshit hetero guy. Not to toot my own horn, but I find myself being more radical on women's issues than a lot of women. There's a large number of """feminists"""" who say things that promote rape culture, ignore obvious signs of sexism, using sexist words, etc. And the slut shaming. Holy shit. It's so ingrained into lib brains I don't know if you could even take it out by scooping out gray matter with a spoon.

            I'm preaching to the choir, but "Believe all women, unless it's a woman who was assaulted by a man we like (such as Biden or Clinton), in which case fuck her she's a liar." And putting conditions on when a person can have an abortion (there should be zero prerequisites).

            Sgdyudjdxixcuufudisbrhudsiosjsiaj it's all so tiresome.

            • Amerikan
              15 days ago

              I’m preaching to the choir, but “Believe all women, unless it’s a woman who was assaulted by a man we like (such as Biden or Clinton), in which case fuck her she’s a liar.”

              That was exactly what radicalized to an unfixable level honestly, was watching a social movement made to address the most monstrous excesses of patriarchy get totally fuckin scuttled the minute it tried to turn its gaze to the political arena. People I'd seen fucking howling about all kinds of Hollywood and Silicon Valley elites suddenly went silent the minute Tara Reade started talking.

              And that's just the silent ones! That's not talking about the men and women who went straight piranha, accusing her of all kinds of skullduggery and deception; all the way to the point that she had to flee to Russia the same way Snowden did. That was simultaneously the day any last 'blue' drained out of me, and the day that I stopped trusting liberal women; especially the white ones. Started sounding to me like the kind of misleaders we have; the ones that don't want to change the system, but just want to sit on top of it.

              Led to my mantra, regarding women and how I interact with them. "Unless your feminism looks like that of bell hooks, Ion't want to hear it."

    • sneak100 [she/her, they/them]
      16 days ago

      What makes crackers so prone to powertripping? I really wanna know.

      My best guess is that living life and moving through the world as a cracker, you're constantly being put in positions where you have power over others, to the point where you internalise this feeling of control as "normal" and see anything less as oppression. Similarly to how when a rich person and a poor person says they're "broke" they mean very different things.

      So then when a cracker becomes a mod they see it as them getting what they've always deserved and were destined for - a position of relative power. And if you disagree with them you've got to be shown your place. They're ✨a mod✨ after all, so they know what's right in way that's more valid due to their status.

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    21 days ago

    Greetings folks.

    Im back from my vacation. It was nice but im happy to be back home. (Will write more on it). Just saying hi to the new thread.

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    17 days ago

    A white non-vegan tried to whitesplain veganism to me today and I think I deserve financial compensation for that tbh.

    • Angel [any]
      17 days ago

      What a fucking coincidence! Me and my white partner (both vegan) have been involved in awful social media drama because of this. Tons of white non-vegans were saying that "It's offensive to call what animals are going through as slavery!" and when I expressed disagreement as a black person whose grandparents were born in their country of origin when it was still a fucking British colony, they called me her "token." They kept making these complaints about "white veganism," and now we're involved in drama mainly because there's this very upset white woman who is using her drones to harass us and she is shittalking us and other vegans on her livestreams obsessively as well. We're working on getting her booted because she apparently has a long history of bullying people, so this is just a part of her whole schtick. And, yes, she is the person that this post is about. Every bit of this drama is deeply unserious yet also seriously frightening at the same time. These people are so concerning that it almost feels like some very depraved, elaborate trolling scheme.

      • khizuo [ze/zir]
        16 days ago

        What is it with white non-vegans and thinking they're morally superior to everyone? istg

        • Angel [any]
          16 days ago

          Gotta love how these people literally said that """"white veganism"""" is a form of white supremacy. It's fucking absurdly ironic.

            • Angel [any]
              16 days ago

              Another comparison that works is Zionist Gentiles finding ways to accuse anti-Zionist Jews of being antisemitic, which, somehow, I've seen.

  • khizuo [ze/zir]
    20 days ago

    I'm so lucky that I have a fantastic falafel place near me. I've had some really awful falafel before and now that I know the joys of a good falafel sandwich I can never go back.

    • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
      19 days ago

      I've had some really awful falafel

      Guess you could say you falafel'd...

      now that I know the joys of a good falafel sandwich I can never go back.

      Huh, srsly tho, I never rlly knew there was such things as falafel sandwiches...


      • khizuo [ze/zir]
        19 days ago

        it's falafel, some veggies, and tahnini sauce in a pita. just amazing.

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    18 days ago

    White Guatemalans are the most insufferable people. No I don’t care that your grandparents moved from Denmark and that’s why you have blue eyes. Now go away and get some damn sunscreen.

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    19 days ago

    Meeting my Girlfriend later today. I got them a gift from my vacation (nothing super fancy) I hope they like it.

  • homhom9000 [she/her]
    17 days ago

    Liberalism means not talking about things like cause and effect, even when it's blatantly obvious.

    Rant about Isreal,Antisemitism

    It seems the primary contradiction for antisemitism, at least in this moment, is isreal. We cannot target antisemitism until we solution isreal, which is nothing short of disarming and returing Palestinian land.

    Why does it feel whenever this conversation starts, we devolve into land acknowledgement like statements that materially mean nothing like "It's Zionism not Judaism". As I do strongly agre with the statement, when laws are being passed saying "Actually zionism is Judaism and calling someone a zionist is antisemitic", then must we continue to put this asterisk on our statements? The topic is now, the Jewish religion has been hijacked by genocidal freaks who want to hide behind their religion to commit evil acts. Freaks who successfully used their power to give themselves political cover, in the legal sense. Note, this is the same framing people had no issues spewing about Islam when suicide bombings and terrorist attacks were on the rise but they hold their tongue now.

    I'm really tired of having to center Jewish voices and feelings( even anti zionist ones) when it's Palestine that's the victim right now. My heart does go out to anti zionist Jews though, it must be lonely to be in a religion that has powerful people progressing a genocide. But the victims right now are Palestinians and anything less takes away from the current issue; a state propped up by foreign funding is allowed to commit countless warcrimes while genociding the native population.

    • weeen [any, any]
      17 days ago

      This has been happening for ages in the UK and it's insane.. Jeremy Corbyn got labelled an antisemite years ago for the even mildest anti Israel statement, it's a disgusting but effective strategy

      However it's working less and less now, people are less likely to care about 'the protests make me feel unsafe' types when they see photos of the babies Israel is killing

  • sneak100 [she/her, they/them]
    15 days ago
    salty rant

    I hate english. I hate that I dream in english. I hate that I now mostly think in english. I hate how rigid it feels and like I can't describe the most basic shit sometimes, because some concepts just don't exist in english. I hate how anglos literally couldn't be fucked to come up with names for some plants, animals or cloud formations or whatever, and just use latin instead to make themselves look more sophisticated. I hate that I had to switch languages mid-life and now I'm shit at both. I hate that I used to be such an avid reader, until I was dropped into a community of crackers where I was the only immigrant and convinced myself that I should only be reading in english from now on to help me learn the language better - it made me hate books and reading. I have no problems in everyday conversation, but can't read a book without a dictionary, because some anglo has to show off their big fucking dick about how many fancy words they know and how that makes them better than you. I hate that I don't get to talk to anyone in my native language anymore apart from a couple hours a few times a year. I hate the people who correct your grammar when you're the person breaking your tongue to express yourself in a way they would understand, especially when they know exactly what you meant already and are "just trying to be helpful". I hate the extra layer of politeness that gets smeared over every aspect of communication in the imperial core, like some kind of McCustomerService culture. I feel so trapped in this anglo nightmare mind prison.

    Idk this is a big rant and some of these things probably aren't that much of a big deal, but I'm feeling very fed up and salty that I struggle to express myself (I'm sure it's related to autism as well).

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      15 days ago

      I only speak English and I feel the same way's not just you. English is not a very efficient language. It's not spelled the same way it sounds. It's probably the only language where we have something like a thesaurus. Why do synonyms even exist in the first place? English is nice when we have very specific words (like "pretentious" vs. "ostentatious"), but I'd gladly trade those for consolidation of words like ran, sprint, dash, dart, race, hastened, and hurried into one word.

      • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
        15 days ago

        Ironically enough, yk how Pierre Poillievre said he liked Anglo-Saxon words for their simplicity...

        Honestly, I am now appreciating more the Romance and Greek influences, if not Germanic, of the language, for the fact that they can easily be broken down in etymology and yet are more technical, than just the Anglo-Saxon base... especially when used in political language

        "National Liberation", "Cultural Hegemony", "Base and Superstructure"...

        And I'll bet yer ass, there'd be like, Idk, a Spanish cognate of those terms

    • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
      15 days ago

      If you want to code, you're basically forced to learn English because virtually all coding languages are based on English.

    • Lemmygradwontallowme [he/him, comrade/them]
      15 days ago

      It's especially more shit when English is a co-official language of someone's personal nation of origin, and people keep on using {Insert language}-ish, a mix of native tongue and English, to commonly communicate...

      • sneak100 [she/her, they/them]
        15 days ago

        Definitely. My partner's home country is basically in this situation after the british were done with it. To the point where my partner comes from a family that only spoke english at home (or rather a mix, like you say, but it definitely leans heavily english). They now find it extremely difficult to learn the language of their diaspora later in life due to dyslexia, as well as social stigma of not knowing it and others not seeing them as >ethnicity< enough.