
Here are some Other WOKE games:



remember nerds, Character Creator=Woke Agenda

  • blame [they/them]
    12 days ago


    lol these fuckin nerds cant even keep their racism subtle.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      12 days ago

      Feeemales must have -4 Strength attribute or it's woke, bucko. up-yours-woke-moralists

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      12 days ago

      I can totally see why and how Trump captivated these rightoid dipshits so much and kept feeding them lies. They really believe everything at face value. A game has a mixed race person in it, ipso facto the publishers are diehard communists and not just marketing a game to an american audience in 2024.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        12 days ago

        "Mixed race family" being an issue sounds fucking 1960s. That's how far back things are backsliding in Burgerland.

        • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
          12 days ago

          Something you'd think Archie Bunker would have ranted about is coming out of the mouth of a young black-pilled groyper in 2024.

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    12 days ago

    These guys are dumber than a box of rocks


    FFVII: Forced crossdressing! "Subtle pro-climate action messaging... you start the game working for an eco-terrorism group" data-laughing


    Witcher 2 is not woke despite the game being pretty heavyhanded about racism being bad. Also you can betray your cop friend and join forces with a minority freedom fighter after the first act


    Deus Ex is apparently not woke despite the same spreadsheet shitting on Cyberpunk 2077 for having anti-capitalist messaging and being pro-transhumanism and body modification

    • bunnygirl [she/her]
      12 days ago

      Witcher 2 also made me do a double take cause it has multiple gay characters, literally including a gay sex scene lmfao

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        12 days ago

        You'd think so but they give a yellow rating to 3

        Contains subtly pro-LGBTQ+ messaging. Several minor characters provide exposition regarding their experiences as homosexual individuals. This exposition includes light social commentary.

        The difference is of course that 1 and 2 came out before GamerGate before the nazi center in every gamer brain was activated

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          12 days ago

          Maybe the le sexy sex sex collection cards mitigated that wokeness... then again if Based Geraldo could collect a gay sex card that would be RAMMING IT DOWN THEIR THROATS pronouns

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]
      12 days ago

      Ah yes, Final Fantasy VII, famously released in 2013 by Square Enix as a launch title on the Playstation 4.

  • Alisu [they/them]
    12 days ago

    Civ VI doesn't have any leader of AES states. It's lib shit. I like it, but it's lib shit

    • barrbaric [he/him]
      12 days ago

      I thought I didn't buy Civ 5 or 6 because I was tired of the franchise but it turns out it's actually because I uphold AES, good to know.

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      12 days ago

      I've started growing weary of the franchise and still play 5 if I play at all. It's very eurocentric, believes in Great Man, and believes in End of History nonsense. It has warped multiple generations' understanding of history as something deterministic. Like Native Americans didn't have cars because they never researched animal husbandry so that's why they got wiped out by the technologically superior Spanish.

      There's no implementation of food cultivation outside of European style farming. There's no alternate tech trees for not having certain resources. Hint: if there aren't any sources of iron near you, you're not discovering steel. If there are no horses, you're not discovering horseback riding. The list goes on and on.

      This doesn't even get into how it applies government and law. It's still "Pick good guy form of government to make people happy and authoritarian evil gobermint to build military units faster."

    • SeekTheDeletion [none/use name]
      12 days ago

      Yeah in Civ VI they include communism, fascism and "democracy" in the game overtly as government types (Civ V had vague social policy trees of order, autocracy and freedom). Liberalism is a policy card that every government can use that gives happiness. Capitalism is a separate policy that everyone gets that includes some economic policy cards. Pretty damn lib shit, where to start with the problems here? It's so incoherent and capitalist-realist brained. Capitalism and Liberalism are inevitable and permanent. If you are communism you aren't a democracy apparently, and democracy is actually when you let corporations do whatever they want in a bourgeois dictatorship.

      They also made the prominent feature of communism internal trade routes, which really is just indicative of siege communism conditions of the USSR and the war mode of those revolutions. In Civ it wouldn't necessarily be that way if most of the world was communist and at peace for instance, the prominent boosts for communism should be happiness boosts, production boost and science boost is there and good & getting rid of gold as a resource and converting it into bonuses for other things like production and growth.

      I don't expect a mainstream game to use overt marxist analysis, but this is very sloppy design. Why not call the 3 government types instead "Liberal Democracy", "Communist Republic" & "Fascist Autocracy". Something like that at least to keep it consistent. Then have you unlock Liberal Democracy first, and then have some decisions and events and conditions that allow you to go one way or the other (by suppressing the revolution or by letting it wash over your nation). Fascist countries should demand constant war and burn out really quick, and have to regress back into a social-democratic "Liberal Democracy". Communist Republics could likewise regress through a color revolution event back into Liberal Democracies.

  • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
    12 days ago

    Reading the language used throughout the document it's funny to see how these guys have morphed from edgy 4chan gamers into pearl-clutching Pat Robertsons


    This really reads like some conservative Christian parents' guide to kids' media

    • jaywalker [they/them, any]
      12 days ago

      This really reads like some conservative Christian parents' guide to kids' media

      Isn't that what it is?

  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
    12 days ago

    “Go woke, go broke”

    proceeds to list the most successful games of the last ten years

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]M
    12 days ago

    Contains overtly pro-transhumanism messaging

    Lmao. It has the word trans in it, so it must be bad, whatever it is. pronounjak

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      12 days ago

      "LessWrong" style techbros crave cyber-godhood but are scared of it being used for anything but eternal 1950s white suburbia. yud-rational

      11 days ago

      They have a conspiracy myth going on that basically equates transhumanism with being transgender.

      Which sounds absolutely based, but as usual, that's lost on them.

  • bazingabrain [comrade/them]
    12 days ago HEAVY TW! Do NOT go in there unless youre prepared to read paragraphs of vile shit. heres the original post, 10 posts in and we already have a nazi, more follow, this list was put together by literal nazis.

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      12 days ago

      10 posts in and we already have a nazi

      Nah no way dead-dove-1

      more follow

      Oh shit dead-dove-2

      this list was put together by literal nazis.

      dead-dove-3 AAAAAAAAAAAA

    • barooboodoo (he/him)
      12 days ago

      They are of course, >!troonism!< & DEI is 5th generation asymmetric warfare against our supply lines. However, wars are won by logistics. Fighting any little skirmish along front lines in tertiary theaters is a strategical blunder that is bound to distract & avert and ultimately tire out before hot engagement has even begun. And precisely that is factored into the plans of the adversary already. It is critical to understand that we are at a huge strategical disadvantage at the current state of the war. We have neither the troops nor the supplies to enact an assault along the entire front line.

      Instead, in order to achieve operational dominance we must establish a schwerpunkt along critical infrastructure of the enemy from which we can effectively pivot into offensive operations. The fulcrum is not the internet and certainly not computer games, as much as I understand that many like to believe they are, but [TOP SECRET]. A thrust along this axis penetrating enemy lines would immediately disrupt the adversary's command and control over our supply lines and cause a cascading effect of disarray.

      By maintaining operational momentum we would be able to facilitate rapid exploitation of the breach achieving breakthrough, ultimately enveloping enemy forces and securing our most important strategic objectives for the moment.

      I mean... what do you even say after reading something like this. It's fucking embarrassing.

      • bazingabrain [comrade/them]
        11 days ago

        Oh my god these people are such dorks, OG nazis would also be embarrassed reading this shit.

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    12 days ago

    Here is a link to the list

    so which of your fave games is woke nerds??

    Age of Empires 2 and 3 definitive edition are woke lets gooo kirby-jammin


    FTL is not woke k-pain

    Dune Spice Wars is woke too, i should play it one day

    • mustGo [any]
      12 days ago

      Phew, so glad this list informed me, I nearly bought this!

      Show your royal gayness

      • Rom [he/him]
        12 days ago

        Your Royal Gayness has gay people in it?? surprised-pika-messed-up

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      12 days ago

      Half Life 2 is recommended? The game LITERALLY has TWO women in it. A BLACK who's HANDICAPPED. BLACK civilians. The BAD GUY is WHITE. Re-do this list.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        12 days ago

        Half Life 2 is recommended? The game LITERALLY has TWO women in it. A BLACK who's HANDICAPPED. BLACK civilians. The BAD GUY is WHITE. Re-do this list.

        Maybe the chud only remembers the game after it was heavily modded for goon cave use. awooga

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            12 days ago

            I didn't know the details... and now I wish I didn't know the details. kombucha-disgust

            • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
              12 days ago

              Typical, a beta male who respects women like a cuck like you wouldn't understand, femoids see my fully rendered Alyx vuvla and they hop right on me. Sucks for you cuck.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                12 days ago

                One of my most important epiphanies as I went through college was that seeing women as fellow human beings that have libidos and also like having sex was a sort of confidence and serenity aura that made dating relatively easy.

                I think a lot of chuds have this deeply entrenched dogmatic belief (reinforced by their treats) that they have to bribe, trick, coerce, or SV their way into someone's pants, and if they can't do that, then they have to consign themselves to the goon cave. peterson-pill-dinner

                • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
                  12 days ago

                  I think a lot of chuds have this deeply entrenched dogmatic belief (reinforced by their treats) that they have to bribe, trick, coerce, or SV their way into someone's pants, and if they can't do that, then they have to consign themselves to the goon cave

                  It's how the PUA industry took off. Those that can't get laid become incels and hate themselves and everyone around them and swallow the black pill and start freebasing esoteric fascism.

                  • UlyssesT [he/him]
                    12 days ago

                    "This ONE SIMPLE TRICK will get you laid without fail. If it fails, you better do a fascism and get that government appointed slave instead." up-yours-woke-moralists

    • Parzivus [any]
      12 days ago

      I was looking at this list the other day, it's really funny. They have straight up porn games on here and the description is like 🚨 contains gay sex! 🚨

  • jaywalker [they/them, any]
    12 days ago

    I didn't realize they were including shit like global warming in "woke" now. Why are the g*mers including science in my bigotry?

    • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
      12 days ago

      Conservatives have always been against climate change. It goes:

      "There is no global warming."

      "Okay global warming is real but it's not that bad."

      "It is that bad but it's not man-made so there's nothing we can do." (Mainstream conservatives are starting to take this position)

      "It is man-made and it's caused by non-Americans and non-whites, so we should eradicate those people."

      The neo-nazi, terminally online gamergaters are still on the "it's not real" part.

      • jaywalker [they/them, any]
        12 days ago

        Yeah, I understand that. I just didn't realize "woke" included literally everything conservatives oppose? Idk climate change just doesn't really fit what I had loosely defined it as on their behalf. I realize their ideology is incoherent anyway and there's not much point.

        Also I already see quite a few "most pollution is from China/India/Africa" arguments online

        • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
          11 days ago

          It is funny how these whiny nerds have been completely folded into the conservative movement and have the exact same views as a Koch bro

          such brave freethinkers

      • vegeta1 [none/use name]
        11 days ago

        Its always amusing how predictable the framing of this almost goes in this direction

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      12 days ago

      They wanted to not care about things above all else, so their default position as freeze-gamer is to be really mad at people caring about things, no matter how important those things were.

  • Rom [he/him]
    12 days ago

    Once again finding it extremely funny that these dorks are losing a culture war that only they are fighting.

    The "pro-DEI messaging" about Civ VI is also great. I guess it's DEI when a non-anglo nation has a leader who has the same ethnicity as the majority of its people? Which is even funnier considering that, historically, most leaders of anglo and non-anglo countries alike were never actually elected to begin with.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    12 days ago


    Haha, good

    Gonna get chromed up, go all "I never asked for this" on their asses

    They'll try to stab me with a pitchfork and I'll eat it like licorice

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      12 days ago

      They're fine with billionaires living forever with superpowers, but they get scared if there's affirmation of individual identity. I mean that. "LessWrong" style techbros crave cyber-godhood but are scared of it being used for anything but eternal 1950s white suburbia. yud-rational

      • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
        12 days ago

        "LessWrong" style techbros crave cyber-godhood but are scared of it being used for anything but eternal 1950s white suburbia.

        jesus-christ they're literally the evilest people on earth, we need to stop them before they manage to stumble into succeeding

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          12 days ago

          That's long been my take: their idea of "longtermist" paradise is a truly unprecedented hell world.

    • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
      12 days ago

      Gender stuff, anti-racism stuff, gay stuff. And some of the RR Martin stuff where it's well-meaning, but ugly and messy.

      • LaGG_3 [he/him, comrade/them]
        12 days ago

        I feel like most of the pronouns chuds got to the character creation menu and got upset about Type A and Type B bodies