• EllenKelly [comrade/them]
    3 hours ago

    Starting a vapers union to declare we refuse to endorse repubs or dems, vapers support PSL 🌬️

  • grandepequeno [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    Honestly "I'll unban the stuff they banned" is probably an effortless win strategy for republicans

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    Once again the fascists are doing something liberals would never do: offering to improve people's material conditions here and now. Liberals would never do such a thing. To them, actually giving voters something they actually want is undemocratic.

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    12 hours ago

    In all seriousness I got a piece of political junkmail on how the "Democrats are going after vaping". It felt absolutely unreal, especially given how short on sleep and overworked I was when I pulled that from the mailbox.

    • MayoPete [he/him, comrade/them]
      12 hours ago

      Seriously, the 99% Hitler party could win over a lot of young voters if they stopped being such prudes over smoking, vaping, marijuana, and got all the age requirements to line up. If you're old enough to die for America you should be able to drink!

      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
        8 hours ago

        Personally I think we should just set everything to 19. It means raising the age of consent, the voting age, loans, legal contracts, and the age you can join the military. You'd get a lower drinking age, smoking age, some protections/rights only available to people who are 21, etc.

        The reason is because by 19, you've graduated high school. Then we assume you're now an adult old enough to do adult stuff. If you're old enough to get married you should be able to drink at your wedding. If you're old enough to fight in a war you should be old enough to rent a car.

        The US has a Madonna-whore complex that's all kinds of ass backwards.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        10 hours ago

        It's these dumb hills they die on that are largely performative that alienate a lot of people. It's why the "healthcare pls" meme continues to be relevant. They can't actually challenge entrenched power or capital influence so they go for all this bullshit on the margins and sometimes those margins are where people are able to find things like vaping or weed or whatever that help them cope with the insurmountable systemic problems in their lives. Like banning giant soda. Soda is unhealthy. It's actually kinda gross. But how about those corn subsidies? Those will continue. So now you can only drink 48 ounces instead of 64 ounces of high fructose diabetes juice. Won't somebody think of the children?!

  • bortsampson [he/him, any]
    13 hours ago

    But will he improve the coil technology to handle said flavored vapes? MAH COILS DYIN YUNG.

  • hotcouchguy [he/him]
    12 hours ago

    You guys may laugh, but this is the last remaining issue where they disagree

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    12 hours ago

    Honest question, is there a consensus on the harm caused by not just vaping and cigarettes but excessive dopamine in general? I probably sound like a boomer, but the infinite algorithm has to be comparable and I wish that shit would be regulated too

    • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
      11 hours ago

      You're definitely right, I think it is just incredibly hard to study long term. Almost certainly linked to the rise in ADHD imo.

      • bortsampson [he/him, any]
        10 hours ago

        ADHD is more than likely hereditary and in some cases due to environmental factors completely unrelated to social media. There seems to be at least some link to lead exposure. The rise in identified cases of ADHD is due to an increase in the availability of telemedicine, better research, higher awareness, and better diagnostics.

        • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
          10 hours ago

          I mostly agree, but I think the term unrelated is a bit of a stretch. At the very least, heavy digital and social media use exacerbates and worsens ADHD symptoms.

          All you said about better recognition and diagnosis is true, but worsening symptoms also increases chance of diagnosis.

          • bortsampson [he/him, any]
            9 hours ago

            True, If you have ADHD anything of sufficient stimulation can be difficult to tear yourself away from. So if it wasn't social media it would likely be something else. It's important to be clear on the cause of ADHD and the symptoms. The misinformation out there about ADHD has long been a problem for people with the condition. I can't even get my meds cause the feds restricted the supply for a while. Of course with that decrease in supply came a flood much more expensive and much less effective medications on the market. Guess what happened to the supply of effective and cheap medicines when the DEA decided to loosen those restrictions?

            • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
              9 hours ago

              Trust me, I'm not trying to spread misinformation or limit people's access to medication lol

              Honestly, when DSM 6 releases, we will probably see a separate diagnosis related to social media use disorder/social media induced dopamine dysregulation.

              • bortsampson [he/him, any]
                9 hours ago

                I'm sorry if I came across as personally accussing you. It's just a frequent struggle and I know how quickly the pseudoscience can spread. You seem alright to me and I definitely did not assume nefarious intentions lol

                Oh for sure on DSM. Social Media Slot Machine is no good.

      • Hohsia [he/him]
        10 hours ago

        Super interesting to me, particularly because I’ve noticed that some people I know who have ADHD just can’t get enough stimulation (like my boss who takes like 30 mg of aderall while downing multiple cups of coffee in the process)

        ADHD or not, that shit cannot be good for your heart lol

        • jaywalker [they/them, any]
          10 hours ago

          people I know who have ADHD just can’t get enough stimulation

          Yes, that's a big part of what ADHD is. Also, 30mg of Adderall isn't that much

          • Hohsia [he/him]
            8 hours ago

            Well yeah, but there is a point where enough is enough. Like I said, whether you need stimulation or not is one thing, fucking up your nervous system with cocaine-adjacent substances is another

            Then again though, maybe it’s a preferable alternative to the reality idk

            • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
              7 hours ago

              Cocaine and amphetamines are only related in that they’re both stimulants.

              Oral amphetamines are designed to correct an already existing imbalance in neurotransmitters.

  • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
    13 hours ago

    Love to keep the kids off the vape by offering banana bubble gum explosion flavored nicotine

    • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
      12 hours ago

      Holy shit c'mon. The regulators think "tobacco" is the neutral flavor that should be the only one allowed. By far worse than unflavored.

      I can barely get snus online because "mint" is too attractive to children I guess.

      Why cant a guy vape in peace.

      • AmericaDelendaEst [comrade/them]
        11 hours ago

        I wanna know is why are all the "think of the children!" folks always thinking about children?? Seems kinda sus

        • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
          10 hours ago

          Personally I think kids should vape more. Teen vaping is on a downward trend which I think is tragic. These kids are such dorks.

          They pivot the anti-smoking ads to vaping, acting like its the same thing, and these losers eat it up.

          • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
            8 hours ago

            I roll my eyes whenever some adult is complaining about teen sex/drinking/smoking. Those have all been on a downward trend over the last century. Beatniks in the 50s were doing more drugs than kids in the 70s. And those kids from the 70s had kids who did less of everything in the 90s and 2000s.

            Today's kids are a bunch of fucking squares who always say no to drugs lmao

      • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
        11 hours ago

        I mean, I'd go as far as to say you shouldn't be able to by tobacco products online at all. How is minimum age to purchase enforced?

        • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]M
          11 hours ago

          I've seen sites where you have to upload a pic of your license/ID to a third party age verification system before you can complete the purchase.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    12 hours ago

    I switched from smoking to vaping so I suppose I owe our wet boy some thanks. It's still not good for you, but when there's microplastic in the water, what is?

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    13 hours ago

    I don't know why it is so, but every single vaper I've personally known in my life, every single one, was already or became a full blown MAGAt.

    • featured@lemmygrad.ml
      10 hours ago

      Almost everybody I know vapes, could be geographic or age related but it doesn’t indicate a political leaning to me at all.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        8 hours ago

        Like I already said, it was a subjective experience and maybe a regional thing.

    • lil_tank [any, he/him]
      12 hours ago

      That's a very American thing then because in Europe vapers are pretty normal

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        12 hours ago

        Cigarette smokers were all over the place, but vapers for some reason, from what I experienced, were all in the MAGA corner.

        • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
          11 hours ago

          You said that before your move you were surrounded by chuds. Maybe that has something to do with it? Idk just throwing ideas around.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            8 hours ago

            Quite possible.

            Not everyone around me now is a comrade by any means, but the chud concentration did go way down.