please do not dox yourself and post your actual names please thanks
i can do trans masc/nb names too but i don't feel super qualified to rate them
In my head canon she's just a nice Russian lady who loves to bake Blini cakes
Those are my only notes
okay google tells me that's a character from Star Trek, so I got to give that a Swirlie/Shoved into a locker
I unfortunately do know about homestuck.
I know you're all communists but you should still be wary of giant red flags out of ten
i know nothing about homestuck and i'm going to choose to keep it this way
this is actually someone ive met. i also know a trans lady whose irl nickname is Pleather.
there's a lot of those outside of my house. Weird name but I like trees. 8/10
oh that is perfect, if not something I've heard to be terrible for the environment. 9.8/10
pleather has incredible energy imo. top tier name. its her 'queer' name she has another one for dealing with the cissies
for a slightly different scent you could try Cedar; I never knew one personally but it was chosen name of Cedar Paul who was a communist trans lator (not a trans girl).
im watching the OG Gundam anime and this is the name of a Zeon soldier.
i couldnt have told you any ones name from the OG Gundam 2 weeks ago, it was just funny to see. And yea, he pretty.
isn't that the one game where dude pretend to be professional soldiers? 9/10
everyone else on earth should just get rid of their names, they all suck compared to this one. perfect/10nevermind this is 5 names, hang on
I know a trans girl named Jennifer IRL so I'm a bit worried she might see this and judge me for it. It's decent though, 8/10
perfect. 14/10
why the n? Laura is good, Laurel would be really pretty, by Lauren? eh, not doing it for me. 3.3/10
All can be abbrev to Millie
I love grandma trans girl names, 9/10
Alma (Turkic for "apple"), Xingxing (Chinese for "twin stars"), Thana (Arabic for "praise").
I can only rate that name in an incomprehensible alien script i can't read, but it roughly translates to a 9/10
Alice, Zoe
If your name is Alice, Emily, or Zoe, I immediately think you're a trans woman and even if I know better then I will continue assuming you're trans. They're good names but like, come on, there are other ones too. 4/10
Very trans femme coded name as well, but possibly a good NB name. Unfortunately, the moon sucks, I hate it, and Dr. Eggman pissed on it. 2/10
Actually this one is really cute, I like monosyllabic names too. 9.2/10
Oooh, that's a good one. 8/10, or 7/10 if you spell it with the umlaut. Fuck umlauts
Never heard of that one but I like it. 7.759/10
I don't care WHY he pissed on it, it's still covered in piss. YUCKY!
Huh, I've never actually met a trans girl Alice I dont think. Emily and Zoe(y) I've met (only one each though I think) but Alice being a common one is new.