The pandering to us is fucking insulting, this is almost worse than Hilarys hot sauce in her bag, swag.
I’m so tired
She's less "southern" than even George Bush. She grew up outside Chicago and went to college in the Northeast.
Shit, HRC is more southern than me. And I've never lived outside the south.
I was going to watch it for the hilarious lib cringe but I'm definitely not going to now
I have somehow become even more pale, can speak only Scots Gaelic, and can now eat only boiled Turnip because I listened to this.
Love too do mass incarceration of black people and then represent myself as the illest rapper alive, yo.
did that black guy rapper just refer to another black guy rapper as an african american in this joe biden ad
It'll be the tall one wearing the shitty old man makeup from the early seasons of Star Trek TNG, and at one point he's going to be tossed a pair of aviators and do the Jurassic Park sunglasses thing at Trump while calling him a dinosaur. There will be an ice cream cone reference and Obama will do a hype man verse about the White House dinner where Trump got roasted.
The power of prophecy is a blessing and a curse, for none will heed my words before it's too late.
The best ERB is one where they do whatever the fuck and then Lincoln's finale verse is just him screaming until he begins choking on blood. He collapses to the ground. Both Trump and Biden face the viewer and in unison utter in children's voices: "Electoralism is the death of true progress. God is a mouldering corpse mounted and defiled by capitalism, and we suckle greedily at its swollen teat".
The video gets 200 million views and everyone who sees it gets an aneurysm.
This is amazing, actually. I have just enough nitrous to enjoy this.
Actually, this has insane meme potential because absolutely nothing they say will happen
Ok nope, the whippets didn't help. That was painful, and now I'm out of nitrous :(
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I feel more cucked than by the VP debate.
if i ever have to hear a single bar of the biden battle rap i will go insane
there are no bars because there is no rhythm or song. it's spoken word poetry
Necro posting but Charlie Clips was on Nick Cannon's Wild N Out variety show as a regular cast member, before that he was known for being in battle rap (the modern acapella pre-written format) where he had a pretty big stature. DNA is also a famous as a battle rapper.
And no, this did not go over well in the battle rap community, while a few have praised them for "making big moves", a lot of people are also ridiculing the two and/or calling them sell-outs.
I felt a shudder in my mortal soul. Please let this be the onion.