I'm glad she acknowledged that part instead of lying but come on
The ivermectin shit is so weird because it’s not even a weird secret cure all, it’s a normal drug that has a specific use case. It’s prescribed to humans all the time, for parasites!
It was tried a couple times on covid patients to see if it helped with that too. It didn’t!
No one ever claimed it cured cancer! Where did you even get that from???
I read an interesting argument for what might’ve been going with the handful of studies that found a correlation between the two (excising the ones that were clearly problematic or bullshit). All of those just happened to be done in places that have elevated levels of parasitic infections. So argument was, what was most likely going on there was the ivermectin was treating underlying parasitic infections which improved symptoms, not that it did anything against Covid. Which is why all the studies done where parasites aren’t so endemic found no correlation.
I don't know, seems to be working for her husband; I remember when I got an infection a while back I was gaming at that time and the infection went away; coinkydink? I think not.
I was also taking antibiotics; my doctor was SHOCKED!
Yup; just found out that my mom dosed herself and my leukemia patient uncle with both ivermectin and colloidal silver after they took a trip to the Caribbean last summer. (Note: for COVID "prevention," not for any parasites that they might have picked up during the trip.) I may have called her a fucking dolt when she started blathering about "negative ions."
Negative protons and positive electrons.
Neutrons stay neutral because nobody respects a fence sitter.
Goddamn. I tell a dumb joke and then I learn something I never knew before in a reply. This place is the best.
Time is a flat circle. We will be here again, and again, and again...
My mom used it to “treat” her Covid almost a year ago. She did not make it to the new year.
Its here to stay i even hear colleagues at work mention using it for cancer or other ailments. Qanon brain is just the norm now
I started eating an orange every day to cure my coughing. I also stopped smoking six packs of cigarettes a day.
But the oranges really are doing the work.
Oranges are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which doctors say can cure death itself
Why did people latch onto ivermectin when there's so many fun drugs that also don't cure covid or cancer?
The doctor was probably astonished to hear someone is still talking about invermectin and talking about it as a cure for cancer.
When people say "wish in one hand and shit in the other - see which one fills up first" there's the implicit assumption that the person is capable of distinguishing one hand from the other.
It seems like that presumed level of competence is a bar that Shelley isn't capable of clearing.
Well, the shit in the one hand is full of dead intestinal lining, so clearly the "rope worms" were causing the cancer