There's a lot to analyze here. Dishwashers being new to Korea, Korean meals requiring a lot of bowls, that this was intentional to make women clean more, because if they're cleaning more they can't catch the feminism. Posted by a fellah (has to be a dude) going by Breast Milk Enjoyer. This seems pretty well thought out.
Bit idea: bibimbap as a feminist conspiracy to put a bunch of things in one big bowl
Wow a person named "breast milk enjoyer" has a shit ass take?
Color me surprised
Wtf just happened? I spent the day driving a bus and I come back to see a message in my inbox of someone getting dusted by a mod.
checks logs
o, a disgusting reactionary. Go back to Facebook or something.
Naming your account "Breast Milk Enjoyer" and being a weird racist sexist to epically troll people? Masterful bait clearly.
Also the account is a genuine maga chud anyway. This is just how dumb they are.
Right, like as if it's implausible that this is real. Similar way to how people try to dismiss awful shit on 4channel, a strat which insults your intelligence on two levels.
As others have pointed out, the account seems pretty geniune, this line of thinking is common among rightist "people" such as yourself
I'm considering burning everything I have that contains written words. We must return to an oral tradition.
Never have I ever felt the urge to press someone's face on a burning grill before this post.
how long does this guy think it takes to wash a couple dozen little bowls
at first i parsed it as "the dishwasher was civilization" which i was like, "a weird take" but i am willing to consider any thesis that seems to be centering household labor and the unforeseen ways technology and appliances reconfigure our experiences.
then i realized he was saying that civilization is when people of lower social standing are conscripted to wash a bunch of dishes all day so fancy people can have wildly opulent treats requiring an absurd amount of effort by the former, because otherwise they might have thoughts about it.
this made me too irate to even notice the name until you pointed it out, which is somehow rivaling the rest to be the craziest part of this post. like what in the shit.
Ohhh, yeah, that is a weirdly placed hyphen. I think he's saying it was an invention that ruined Korean civilization not that it was a metaphorical civilization which ended Korean innovation. The way you read it is technically more correct, but this guy is a dumbass.
Guy who went to a Korean BBQ place once and has decided that his experience there generalizes to all Korean culture throughout time
In ancient Korea, the wisest of the men got together to figure out what to do about the feminist mental illness plaguing their villages. One man sat in solemn silence through the squabble and after hitting a gong to quiet the rabble, produced many bowls from under his robes.
Western culture is more feminist and woke because there are less plates and the dishwasher is a woke machine, might be the funniest version of this I've ever seen
In the dprk each meal can only have one bowl and if a woman washes it by hand instead of going to the only dishwasher in the central square that is watched dsy and night by armed guards, they will be executed and shot before serving a prison sentence and being fined.
CW: image probably isn't vegan
ShowThese wikipedia photos are all evidence taken by the juche Guy Fieri before he personally executed everyone at the restaurant and chowed down on some tasty grub.
I am all about the kinds of meals with a dozen little dishes each with a unique and interesting flavour.
I guess that means I'm a sexist bastard who wants to keep women down(?) Damn.
Wanting a 12 dish bansang makes you a monarchist, too. I'm sorry, I wish it didn't have to end like this
The best meals are when you can get little bits of a bunch of meals at once. This is never normal for home cooking and in pretty much any culture is either s special occasion or restaurant thing
Probably why I like it so much, it's a nice treat, not an everyday thing.
Give this person some to read, and they will become a from the pov, that no machines = no woke
MacArthur seething in the grave that his genocidal bombs didn't contain dishwashers
But the culinary tratition that he (or she!) claims to enjoy in their username uses no bowls at all...
I think Breast Milk Enjoyer might be a bit of a feminist.
Josephine Cochrane was the inventor of the dishwasher and ended out being widowed while working on it in the late 1800s and inherited her husband's debt which was in today money about $90k and sold her newfangled machines tohotels and got unburied from her husband's debt and then did pretty well for herself. I don't know much about her outside of that story but her motivation was being a housewife and not liking doing the dishes. This Breast Milk Enjoyer guy is still wrong, cause like, yeah, when women washed and did all the cooking families were also multi generational and I'm certain as hell sisters and moms and grandmothers were using that private time well.
It's either dry bowls or a liquid. This dipshit has never seen someone try to clean a dirty dish before.
With a username like that, i would've assumed their only familiar with casseroles or with the occasional non-newtonian dishes.
Probably still somehow uses every single kitchen appliance and 'leaves it to soak'
The Butlerian Jihad didn't include dishwashers and that's how they got the Bene Jessarit Witches!