• p_sharikov [he/him]
    4 years ago

    So is Obama a backstabbing psychopath? I kind of figured he was just a highly ideological neoliberal who was otherwise somewhat personable.

    • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
      4 years ago

      He threw his pastor under the bus when his pastor's extremely based "god damn america" sermon went viral.

        • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
          4 years ago

          "god damn america for treating its citizens as less than human" is a line that is extremely good and accurate

      • TossedAccount [he/him]
        4 years ago

        By refusing to confirm or deny the Jeremiah Wright thing was true or not until after the election (turns out Obama didn't listen to those amazing sermons), Obama allowed the GOP propaganda machine to trick Black socialist voters into thinking Obama was much more based than he actually was.

        The GOP's brazen lies about Dems play a significant role in tricking left lesser-evil voters into believing that lib reformists are hiding their power level.

        I apparently misremembered, Obama did deny hearing Wright's speeches during the campaign. The point I made still stands though - the GOP tried to smear Obama by presenting him as more radical than he actually was, as part of a pattern of behavior that inevitably is gonna mislead a few radical and progressive voters.

    • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
      4 years ago

      Saw an interview with a photographer who had hung out with every president since FDR, and his two worst were Trump for obvious reasons, and then Obama because apparently he was very cold. Never asked him how his day was, or if he'd like a coffee or whatever.

    • LeninsRage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yes, he's the epitome of an ambitious, intelligent, charismatic careerist.

      Brings to mind Felix's rant about respecting Clinton reptiles more than the Obama people because the former are so cynical they come as more genuine whereas the latter push the West Wing performative virtue into the stratosphere

    • TossedAccount [he/him]
      4 years ago

      In addition to the Jeremiah Wright thing, Obama absolutely backstabbed ACORN - who probably helped him win in 2008! - by failing to defend it against the (in hindsight) mostly bullshit voter registration fraud accusations against the org originating with a fucking Project Veritas hit piece. He and the other Dems allowed the congress Republicans to practically destroy ACORN. The fucking scumbag touted his experience as a community organizer and sat idly by, letting a community organization with a track record of helping consistent poor Black people - including helping them to vote - get ruthlessly torn apart by reactionaries clearly motivated to suppress Black votes.

    • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      He might be but this was just about the primaries. He worried that Joe would blow iowa and that would then just hand everything over to Bernie in a landslide.

  • femboi [they/them, she/her]
    4 years ago

    What am I going to do tomorrow when the joys of watching chuds cry are over and I wake up, still living in hellworld with no way out?

  • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They could have just let Bernie in, then undermined everything. Jesus.

    • modsarefascist [he/him]
      4 years ago

      the elites get it, they are just on the other side

      the recognize the same reality we do cus they are smart enough to not drink their own koolaid. they just see the world for what it is and like it cus they're able to use their positions to prey on others and succeed that way

      • mazdak
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

    • Magjee [any]
      4 years ago

      Uhh, let me be clear

      I love you back

    • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      You don't, this was about him losing the primaries in a way that just handed things over to Bernie bc he was filling a lane that could've been better held by more centrist candidates.

  • GreyBear [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    So Obama knew that Biden fucks up easily and would be a risk in the general and he still intervened on his behalf to defeat Bernie because, say it with me folks:

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I haven't come across Branko Marchetich before but that is a seriously great set of tweets to link to newly-blackpilled libs and start them on their journey away from the whole "the people failed the democrats" narrative

  • abc [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    Man reading that full article is depressing, with how likely Biden will be our President.

    Choice quotes:

    Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive -- he repeated the third grade (dunno why they felt the need to highlight this specifically but it made me imagine a young Joe Biden as Forrest Gump lmao) , earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in “Great English Writers” and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students.

    It was in the midst of the handoff to Clinton that Beau Biden’s health began deteriorating. Joe Biden had had an especially deep bond with his eldest son since Beau’s mother and sister died in a car accident that seriously injured Beau and his brother Hunter. Before the 46-year-old Beau passed away that May from an aggressive form of brain cancer, he had been a firm advocate for his Dad to run and, even in intense grief, Biden made serious preparations in the summer and fall of 2015 to jump into the race.

    The Clinton camp took Biden’s deliberations seriously. Podesta told people he believed Biden would go for it. The Clinton team assembled an oppo-research book on him with the code name “Project Acela,” according to one former Clinton official. Negative stories began popping up. The Clinton campaign denied having had any role, but Biden was skeptical. Obama pressed the issue in another private meeting. “The president was not encouraging,” Biden recalled.

    A more direct kind of brushback occurred that fall. Plouffe—the Obama strategist who had been quietly advising Clinton since 2013—met with Biden and told him not to end his career in embarrassment with a third place finish in Iowa (:bernie:) according to multiple accounts of the meeting.

    Clinton’s campaign conducted a survey around the same time showing Biden in third in Iowa. In a foreshadowing of Biden’s 2020 performance, the analysis also showed his tremendous strength among African American voters. (:bruh-moment:) “With Biden in the race, our support among African Americans drops by 23 points,” an internal Clinton memo noted ominously. “While we still lead, it is not the overwhelming, commanding lead we hold in a one-on-one race with [Bernie] Sanders.”

    The most stinging rebuke, however, came when Klain—Biden’s former chief of staff who went back decades with him to when he was chief counsel on Biden’s Judiciary Committee in 1989—defected to Clinton. “It’s been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise,” Klain wrote to Podesta in October 2015, a week before Biden gave in and announced he would not run. “I am definitely dead to them—but I’m glad to be on Team HRC.” According to the email, which was released by WikiLeaks in what American intelligence officials have concluded was a Russian-backed effort to hurt the Clinton campaign, Klain added: “Thanks for inviting me into the campaign, and for sticking with me during the Biden anxiety.” (:hillary:)

    In the years since Clinton’s loss, Democrat operatives have chuckled at Klain’s attempts to earn his way back into Biden’s good graces including lots of Twitter praise for the former vice president. Klain is not on the campaign’s payroll but remains an adviser, and observers assume he’s hoping to be chief of staff in a Biden White House (:cat-confused:) Klain refused to elaborate on the situation: “I’m not going to comment on a story that uses Russian intelligence measures.”

    In a sign of the raw feelings, Biden’s aides declined to comment on the fallout from Klain’s defection but said they are happy he is on board in 2020

    Biden’s weaknesses were such that even Clinton reconsidered her decision not to get into the race last fall, according to Reines. “There were a number of people who decided not to run and then around, October, before Thanksgiving said to themselves, ‘You know, did I make the right decision?,’ he said, name-checking Mike Bloomberg and Deval Patrick who did make late entries. “She went through that exercise.” (can you fucking imagine oh my god)

    :agony-consuming: :agony-consuming: :xi-plz: :xi-plz: :amerikkka:

  • hirsute [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    That was a good thread but over the past ten(?) years we’ve had way too many good threads and not near enough praxis.