lmao like 3 weeks ago for some reason the top of my big toe like dried up cracked and bled one night (not like athletes foot though) and I have no idea why. I made a little splint so it could heal without me bending my toe and cracking it, and applying light moisturizer carefully, it's almost healed, medical bill avoided

Oh another fun one is ganglion cysts are easily treated by absolutely crushing your hand with a textbook

  • ami [they/them,he/him]
    3 years ago

    Y'all remember that scene in Castaway where Tom Hanks has to rip out an abcessed tooth hitting himself in the jaw with a coconut? I kinda did something similar.

    Dentist told me it'd be $1200 to pull 2 teeth that were getting fucked up by wisdom teeth that I also need to remove. I didn't have the money and they wouldn't let me do payment plans so I just said fuck it and didn't worry about it. A couple years go by and it starts becoming swollen and painful.

    After finding antibiotics online that were meant for fish, I also bought some painkillers from a friend because I couldn't afford to see a doctor and also they wouldn't prescribe them anyway.

    Took a bunch of painkillers one night and pulled the tooth myself with some pliers and used the fish antibiotics to prevent any infection and just stuffed hydrogen peroxide covered gauze in my mouth for a few hours.

    Still haven't gotten my wisdom teeth removed yet but I don't think I'll do that myself. I always love to see the look on my non American friend's faces when I tell them this. This country is a joke.

      • ami [they/them,he/him]
        3 years ago

        I saw a dude that started a gofundme for something like $500 for getting an abcessed tooth removed otherwise he was going to die from the infection. This is the reality for millions of people in this goddamn country.

        • BookOfTheBread [he/him]
          3 years ago

          That shit doesn't even make sense from a hardcore piece of shit money only capitalist view point, think of the amount of money a country invests into each person in school etc, the worth of their job experience etc., but the government are really gonna let them die for the sake of $500, your country isn't just fucked morally, its also stupid as fuck.

    • an_engel_on_earth [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      had to get two wisdom teeth removed, one of which was sideways which meant hourslong, complicated surgery. Paid a total of like 50 bucks. This was in kazakhstan. Guess we are greatest country in the world.

  • EatTheLibsToo [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Flew over from a country with nationalised healthcare to see a friend in California and go hiking through a few national parks and forests a couple of years ago. Just before flying out I had finger surgery, and they advised that I visit an ER in the US to have the stitches removed since I was over there about a month. Suffice to say I just did it myself after getting back from hiking with a scalpel, tweezers and shitloads of hydrogen peroxide in her bathroom. I do not have a steady hand. It sucked.

    At one point we thought it might be infected but didn't want to pay for healthcare so looked up over-the-counter antibiotics, which turns out are only animal antibiotics. Fish antibiotics have similar composition but aren't regulated, so after more digging we found that bovine antibiotics are similar and are also under FDA regulation. Luckily it wasn't infected in the end so no bovine antibiotics were enjoyed, but I still got to play some roulette with her dad's pain meds.

    Had an amazing time, but as soon as the plane touched down back home all I could feel was relief that a hospital was an actual option for things that weren't immediately killing me.

    • Cocknballsickle [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Coworker recently asked me to take out his stitches. Said there was no way he could pay the initial ER bill either. Shithole

  • ciaplant667 [he/him,fae/faer]
    3 years ago

    Shot my hand with a nail gun on a build a few months back. Held a rag to it and one of the other guys pulled it out with pliers and doused it with bactine. Everyone was like ‘sure glad it didn’t hit a nerve or a bone’. Healed up in about a week.

  • Blurst_Of_Times [he/him,they/them]
    3 years ago

    All of the procedures mentioned in this thread are things a video game from 2008 would make it's token Russian character do, to show how brutal and hard-scratch their upbringing in an eViL dIcTaToRsHiP was.

    • hotcouchguy [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Every time someone gets injured they immediately plead with everyone nearby not to call an ambulance

  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    i get cysts so i just boil a needle and stab myself and hope it isnt going too deep lmao.

  • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    3 years ago

    The amount of napkin-maskingtape bandages I've used is too damn high.

    • Creakybulks [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Sliced my hand open with a miter saw (reached for material before it stopped spinning like a big ol' dummy). Cut 3 fingers, one to the bone. Slapped some subfloor glue on that baby and wrapped it in duct tape. Hurt like a motherfucker but I figure I did a good job cause the scars are basically disappeared.

      • Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Oh god that makes me wince. I'm super big on safety in shops/garages/etc. I always try to tackle a car on stands. As a result, I only hurt my self a little bit on every project. I avoid the big oopsies for the most part.

        I had a coworker put some brake fluid that was about to overflow into an empty beer bottle, my empty beer bottle. I spit it out but i was afraid for 2 weeks that i ingested some and that the minor back pain I felt from lifting a wheel in a cramped garage was actually kidney failure. I was so pissed and he didn't give a shit.

        • Creakybulks [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I'm a big fan of safety until it's like 4:30 pm and if I can just hammer out the rest of this hardwood floor I can finish it and wont have to work tomorrow so I gotta go fast and FUCK DAMN IT.

          Now I gotta work tomorrow :(

  • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I get ingrown toenails every month or two, and they sometimes get slightly infected. I fix them by trimming more of the toenail, taking ibuprofen, and keeping my foot above my heart when I can to minimize swelling and pain, as well as by applying liberal amounts of antibiotic ointment

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I got sick once with a serious ear infection that wouldn't clear up. I went to the doctor, showed my AU medicare card, and got a prescription. The drugs were generics and heavily subsidised. Total cost $30 AUD.

    A friend in the states had the same recurring issue, and it cost them $700 USD out of pocket. They are fully insured and went to covered doctors. The next time it happened they bought a penicillin tea kit from a hippie store instead.

  • Sealand_macronation [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Horror Vanguard talked about this in their episode on the Lindsey Lohan movie I Know Who Killed (which bourgeois class traitor film critics panned): "hospitals are for rich people, the poor need to superglue or duct tape their wounds closed" https://podbay.fm/p/horror-vanguard/e/1596914997

  • MerryChristmas [any]
    3 years ago

    Back in college, I spent three days walking around with a pillow case for a sling because the student health center was closed and I couldn't afford the emergency room. I'd broken my elbow in three places.