isn't it nuts how sanity perfectly aligns with the interests of bosses, landlords, and neoliberal lobbyists?

  • P00h_Beard [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Do I kill myself or have a cup of coffee, but when I get the cup of coffee the liberal calls me stupid for not investing that money.

    • KiaKaha [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Don’t kill yourself you’re a valuable economic input there’s so much commodity production for you to live for

      No we aren’t providing any support why do you ask

      • BigLadKarlLiebknecht [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Hey man what are you saying, my employer gave me a free meditation app to deal with the “inevitable stress of the workplace”. Nothing says “fixing a systemically toxic culture” like a recording of someone saying to breathe slowly for 10 minutes.

      • P00h_Beard [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I used to have to spend my vacation time just to see my therapist to the point where I could never take a paid vacation day if I wanted to be able to also function. I hate capitalism so much.

    • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
      3 years ago

      The "haha - my life is shit" realization is this can be you at ANY FUCKING POINT in your life while living under capitalism. Fuck me, I was having the same anxiety over taking my wife and daughter on vacation because on one hand we all know "down time is important" but on the other hand spending too much money and not socking it away for all my future pain is actually being a bad citizen. Another example: my dad lives with me because "he made bad decisions" (read: he's not rich) and will die here because we don't care if our elderly die in shame.

      At no point can you or will you ever relax.

      • P00h_Beard [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Worst part about vacation is that last day when you can no longer focus on your own wellbeing because you keep thinking about how it's your last day.

        • DickFuckarelli [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I mean, it's basically any Sunday night x100. At no time are we really allowed to not be thinking about work. And again, that's true no matter where you are in life. Going to school? Because you want to get that good job when you're done. Joining the military? It's because they'll give you real world experience. Have a job? You should be thinking about how to become management. Hate working for people? Start your own business where you pay twice the taxes for half the money and no time off. How's your insurance? How's your retirement? Are you saving enough?

          Meanwhile you pay for gas, transportation, parking, clothes, and food for the luxury of going to make other people money. And that's the real kick in the balls: you could quit but that would actually be worse. So the only thing shittier than working is being unemployed.

          There is literally no such thing as getting ahead. There's no making it. There's no destination; just more journeys in misery. And if you complain or merely point out how this is all less than ideal, you're the problem. You're the one with something wrong.

          Basically. You're fucked.

          • P00h_Beard [comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            I know I am going to die anyways so I am fucked either way. I am just working as hard as I can to end up doing a job where I feel satisfied within my labor. Hoping to be a teacher. I grew up poor, I know how to be poor, but I do not know how to cope with working 10 hours a day just making a boss richer.

  • lizbo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    In our culture, depression and apathy are always personal problems and never a symptom of material conditions. How anyone working 40+ hours a week at a minimum wage job can manage to not be depressed is beyond me.

    • cresspacito [he/him]
      3 years ago

      you can be like me and be working 45hrs for about 7-8hrs of work per week (browsing cha. and reading/writing for the rest of it) bc ur job is a government contract scam. that's probably like the only scenario

    • regenerativedespair [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Psychiatry, too, has a history one might call...ableist.

      I mean, what else would you call incarcerating people? Justified?

      For example: I grew up with symptoms of issues with eating since a very young age. Every time, whether I saw a primary care provider, or the psychologists and psychiatrists they referred me to, they always decided that it was because my mother decided to get divorced around that time, and that I was anorexic, depressed, crazy, etc. Eventually they gave up, and I stopped going to therapy after a few years. I was very young during this time, and had no agency within the process.

      15 years later, I almost died. Most pain I've ever woken up my life. They took me into surgery, with no idea what was wrong with me exactly, probably appendicitis but who knows was their guess.

      When I came out, I was told the surgeon had discovered I was born with a condition that resulted in me, as per the typical etiology, develop eating impairment around the time I was about 2 years old. Exactly when I had started exhibiting symptoms. So... it was the result of a non-psychological condition, in terms of the disease etiology. It should have been diganosed by a GI specialist long ago, according to the doctors I consulted afterwards, and most people who have it are diagnosed at a young age. I, somehow, survived for a decade and a half without dying of starvation or being institutionalized. I should have died, because they left me for dead, due to the systemic problems in the psychological sciences and medicinal fields associated.

      They said I was insane. And yet, they missed the obvious and direct cause of my issues, because they had placed me and my single mother in their gendered psychiatric boxes and refused to provide any other form of care.

      The statute of limitations had passed long ago, so I was unable to sue the doctors, or get any form of accountability from them, despite my investigation of and effort toward the matter.

      Your personal experiences aren't the unitary basis of reality. It offends you when people criticize a system of power imbalance? Sorry, but that doesn't mean people will stop discussing it. The rest of us have valid lived experiences as well, and opinions which are well-founded as yours.

        • regenerativedespair [she/her]
          3 years ago

          How TF did I speak on your condition? I said we had, both, valid experiences. My implied point was that you should not wokescold people for being critical of psychiatry as an institution.

          I agree, let's leave the discussion here.

    • Moonrise [comrade/them,they/them]
      3 years ago

      as someone who also suffers from mental illness, I think psychiatry deserves way more criticism than this post which is not even talking about psychiatry as a whole but just the conditions caused directly by capitalism.

        • SeizeTheseMeans [none/use name]
          3 years ago

          yeah, but there's more to anti-psychiatry than Scientology. It's like saying all Communists are like the Khmer-Rouge.

            • SeizeTheseMeans [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              They called themselves communists but their claims had no legitimacy. Scientology is very similar. It's anti-psychiatry, but offers no valid solutions, and their criticisms are suspect. There are many legitimate psychologists, psychiatrists, and philosophers associated with anti-psychiatry. Equating anti-psychiatry solely with the views of L Ron Hubbard and Scientology is precisely what they would want, and is just overly reductive and incorrect. Just read the Wikipedia page on it to get a better picture of the scope.

                • SeizeTheseMeans [none/use name]
                  3 years ago

                  Totally valid and I see what you mean. Antipsychiatry is the broad term often used to describe a lot of people critical of psychiatry, like on Wikipedia - despite many categorized under this term reject the label or never thought of themselves with that label. Everyone from L Ron Hubbard, Micheal Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari. I'm the one really nitpicking here because I really like Deleuze and Guattari and I wouldn't want people to get the idea that they're ableist because they're associated with the definitely ableist Scientologists on Wikipedia or the folks you mention suggesting diet and meditation to cure mood disorders. Apologies for grinding this axe with your comment haha. My issue is more with the word antipsychiatry and how others define who's a part of it than anything you've actually said. It is very unfortunate imo that Scientologists are in the same category as D&G, who don't at all claim that psychiatry in general does more harm than good (they would claim that Freudian psychoanalysis and some old institutional psychiatric treatments do however). I bring these guys up because their writings have helped me conceptualize and understand what happened to me during and after a drug induced psychosis, and ultimately get past it. Something that the psychiatrist I seen did absolutely nothing to help with besides prescribe anti-psychotics - great for physical brain disorders like schizophrenia, not so much for complex psychological problems that are not the result of a brain disorder.

    • ProfessionalSlacker
      3 years ago

      It's like that clown on twitter who was talking about how mental illness wouldn't exist under communism

  • RedArmor [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My brain was badly wired before I joined the army then got out and entered the “workforce.” My mental health is a joke. So many suicide attempts and idealization. (Attempts I guess meaning gun, loaded, to the head, finger on the trigger) I’ll never know if I was too brave or too much of a coward to do it.

    Historical/dialectical materialism saved me in a way. At least it introduced me to a new way of viewing the world, and connecting all of it together. What keeps me going now is my gf, dogs, and willingness to learn and organize for the working class under the guiding ideology of Marxism-Leninism.

    • flees [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      Glad you stuck around. It’s definitely not an easy world and it’s great that you’re trying to make it better.

  • Snackuleata [any]
    3 years ago

    Yeah. What radicalized me was the realization that my depression might be caused by material conditions and not just because "something's wrong with me."

  • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Adam Curtis talks about this a lot in all of the ten documentaries of his I just watched. In a society based completely around the individual if there's something wrong it's "all in your head."

  • Ryaina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    This is actually a widely acknowledged fact in psychiatry. mental "illnesses" are only pathological in so far as they interfear in living your daily life. this is even encoded into the diagnostic criteria in the manuals like the DSM.

    Now, getting a particular psychiatrist to follow that train of thought to "The issue is actually society" when it comes to things like ADHD, general depression, anxiety, etc. can be hit and miss. ...

  • blly509 [he/him,any]
    3 years ago

    I was just reading a post in the engineering subreddit that was like "DAE not do a full 8 hours of work a day? How do you justify your existence?" and it was a lot of struggling to justify fucking around with a few "you'll be the first to be laid off" sprinkled in for fun.