My false-meat empanadas are the best.

Try using 50/50 minced meat/TVP and you won't notice the difference. I don't know how it behaves when doing meatballs or hamburguers, it probably crumbles if you don't add something else, but idk.

  • penguin_von_doom [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Im not even vegetarian or vegan and I love meat substitutes. Will definitely try this.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      It does come plain or "flavored" with smoke/caramel/etc. They are good, but I usually buy the plain one cuz cheaper.

  • dontlisten2me [he/him]
    4 years ago

    That stuff gives me violent gas and that thing where little poops shoot out like a potato gun when I try to poop.

      • dontlisten2me [he/him]
        4 years ago

        It does that to other people too, so fair warning. In terms of flavor and texture I rank it at the absolute bottom of, tofu, seitan (although this fucks my stomach up too but has better texture), tempe, beans, mushrooms, and other things people call meat subs.

        • RNAi [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Protein is a bitch generally, but also beans (ie all of the things you mention) have weird sugars that make the intestine flora go crazy

          • dontlisten2me [he/him]
            4 years ago

            huh, I didn't know. Beans give me gas too but it's manageable. I mostly just need to watch how much hot sauce I use with them. I just had bean tacos for lunch actually, heated refried beans with spinach and cheddar, toasted the corn tortillas and then topped with diced tomato, parsley, pepperoni, feta, and tajin, so good

            • RNAi [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Ah sorry, seitan and mushrooms aren't beans. But lentils, chickpeas, soy and all that are from the bean family that makes my inners bloat sometimes.

  • Abraxiel
    4 years ago

    Indeed very good. There's an incredible diversity of meat substitutes and TVP these days and it's a very easy way to reduce meat consumption, which is inarguably a good thing from a material standpoint of not cooking this good Earth.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Why would anyone be staunchly anti-vegan? Like, you think is morally bad some people choosing not to eat meat and etc?

      • goodyman123 [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        good question. idk. i dont eat meat and wouldnt advocate it. but veganism is eugenics. and it should be obvious that there are reactions to rich privileged young adults belittering those less fortunates for not believing in the eugenics

        • RNAi [he/him]
          4 years ago

          veganism is eugenics


          Vegans aren't killing people who eat meat, they are telling them "yo, there's this logical list of reason we should stop eating meat and etc you know". If suddenly most vegans agreed in starting killing/sterilizing people who eat meat, and somehow they got the political power to do it, then yeah.

          If you mean "they are killing cultures cuz meat is an important part of societies cuisine so they are basically hitler", then we genocided the culture of witch burning, or human sacrifice, or the culture of using a telegraph, or the culture of eating Dodos, or the culture of dying of measles, or the culture of women being married at 13 yo, or the culture of jacking off to blackandwhite photographs of a woman showing off her ankles and I couldn't care less pal.

        • ssjmarx [he/him]
          4 years ago

          bruv I'm an omni and you're making a pretty strong case for me to turn vegan right now.

          • goodyman123 [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            always been a lib site but people getting horny off eugenics is on another level of disgracefulness

        • prismaTK
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • goodyman123 [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            the role of fertilizer in agroecological systems

            the vegan is anti-killing beings in the sense that they necessitate turning nature into wastelands in order to save that big, beautiful creature as if those millions of other creatures are useless. domesticated animals in symbiosis with human food production is intrinsic to ecological healthy coexistence. the ancient cultural, emotional and existential links of the domesticated animal-human relationship is disregarded for a non-holistic dogma of animal welfare which implementation neccessitate the creation of chemical-industrial wastelands. its the shortsightedness of human arrogance that selectively chooses what to destroy and what to salvage at its surface without the grace to properly handle its causal chains. remember, this is not a livestock-industrial argument. but drinking the milk of the cow that shits your fields is good.

            e. on second thought, i think its much more poignant to just say that veganism is an amazing vehicle for the sustainability of israeli avocado exports

            and if somebody finds a way to avoid fertilizers this argument falls apart. but so far all agroecological systems need animals. animals are good, folks

            • RNAi [he/him]
              4 years ago

              This is deffinitely a bit, but lessgo

              • You know cows don't eat natural pastures right? You gotta fertilize the maize fields to then harvest it and feed it to the cow. "But some cows do eat natural pastures" yeah, not the ones feeding the 99% of people, but anyways you gotta tend those pastures with fertilizer and shit too. Every element that gets exported from that field in the form of meat needs to be replenished somehow or it will run out.

              • Vegans aren't against people having a cow pet you know? They can behave like a dog.

              • Who the fuck buys avocados from israel? That shit can grow anywhere, go get some trees, put them in a near park if you don't have a backyard or sidewalk and you'll have a shitton of avocados.

              • goodyman123 [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                feels more like a dunkfest than dialogue. i wouldnt extend the argument to extremist ecotopian primitivists, this is more about the casual supermarket shopper who buys a product that doesnt involve killing a cow but instead killing a whole allotment. of course buying the cow has the baggage of the latter and its own garbage on top. i explicitly stayed clear on that. the point is that a sane semi-normal human can try to not harm living creatures by eating if they aquire food from agroecology. animals are involved. maybe they are pets, but if that is acceptable why is milk not allowed for vegans? because of the involuntary involvement of sentiens into human processes. my argument is perfectly fit for vegetarianism advocacy fwiw

            • RNAi [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Wait, you mean "cows are necesary to fertilize the fields"? Dude, no, the phosphorous in the ground, that takes the plant, that then eat the cow can do only two things: be shitted for the loop to start again, or become part of meat, that will get sent to a big city, where people will eat it and permanently become human meat, or be shitted and end up in the ocean where it has no way to go back to the field. In short: you need to add fertilizer to a field or eventually it will run out of it.

                • RNAi [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  Huh? I can call an agronomic ingeneer and an ecologist if you want.

            • vegangobrr [he/him]
              4 years ago

              How does someone get to the point where they can say this unironically? Did you feel really bad about eating animal products deep down or something so you searched for literally anything to justify it?

              • goodyman123 [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                i genuinely wish to derive my diet from ecological sound processes. this requires me to accept that animals are a part of the process. there is no way to artificially remove them from the entire picture without following the logic of petrochemical agroindustrial ecocidal techniques. you choose to eat "ethical" by sacrificing b to save a. none of you have engaged with, i dont think anyone of you actually understand, this but its a sound point

  • Bluemaga [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    If your going to be vegan and mainly consume soy you arnt really helping like you think you are.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago


      I'm not fanning myself as the messiah of what to eat, I just shared a cheap ingredient that is not that well know yet is tasty and nutritious and everyone can enjoy and is really cheap.

      • Bluemaga [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        It's cheap cuz it's a giant mono crop spayed with tons of pesticides.

        If your vegan and a huge part of your diet is soy you arnt really doing much from a climate change aspect.

        • prismaTK
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • Bluemaga [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            No idea what that is

            Ag in America is 20% of carbon. Vast majority of that is for corn and soy. Methane is 50% that is mostly ranching.

            • prismaTK
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

              • Bluemaga [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Ah yeah.

                I eat local pork mostly. I don't touch beef die to my dislike of ranching practices.

                Also have my own farm. Also avoid soy due to gmo and estrogen.

                • thisismyrealname [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  you're thinking of phytoestrogens, and there isn't any conclusive scientific evidence that they act like estrogen in your body. milk (and meat too iirc) have actual estrogen, which does actually affect you

            • mars [none/use name]
              4 years ago

              Worldwide, 80% of soy is fed to livestock. The rest is mostly soybean oil. Soy isn't an issue because of specialty vegan products.

              • Bluemaga [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Oh yeah I know that.

                Its just the idea that you are saving animals by participating in factory farms is a bit absurd. Soy and corn harvesting leads to massive wild life death. Along with all the habitat destroyed to keep it going.

                I don't eat beef or soy and really only eat local corn grown on small plots.

                • mars [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

                  Again, soy consumption, and the many negatives associated with it, is fueled almost entirely by the growing demand for meat. Not direct human consumption. We could sustainably provide soy for direct human consumption.

          • Bluemaga [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            All these are estimated lb per acre and USDA data is always on the low side

            Soy. 4000#

            Cabbage 40000#

            Beets no tops 16000-24000

            Kale 10000#

            Carrots 20000#

            Potatoes 10000


            Soy is a garbage crop that is only prevalent due to its rotation with corn and that they both come in round up ready and dicamba ready seeds.

              • Bluemaga [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                It's Calorie per lbs.

                Cabbage can be pickled and fermented which makes it leap past soy on any metric.

                Sorry but I don't care about getting protein from plants.

            • prismaTK
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

              • Bluemaga [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                I looked up cabbage. Lake would be hard for to mass weight loss from the stem and depending on harvest some do bunches some do a field cut which is taking all the leaves plus some stalk.

                1lb of cabbage is 189 1lb of soy bean is 350.

                Calories per acre

                Cabbage 7,596,000 Soy. 1,450,000

                There's a reason why brassicas are the predominate crop family.

        • HamidPayaamAbbasi [any,he/him]
          4 years ago

          I'm vegan so that I'm not paying anyone to stab an animal to death and end their brief torturous life they were bred into for no reason. If it were worse for the climate I'd still do it.

                • HamidPayaamAbbasi [any,he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  I'm not interested in getting in a debate with a bad faith person like yourself who is so violent that you can't respect the natural rights for other beings to exist. I will stop responding now. I don't agree with you.

            • HamidPayaamAbbasi [any,he/him]
              4 years ago

              What the hell do you think they feed animals you eat by the tons? Come on with this you should be embarrassed with yourself for making this point. By eating animals you are feeding 10x that amount of soy, alfalfa, and corn to the animals then murdering them. fuck outta here with this. Not interested in debating with bad faith losers making easily disprovable statements as shitposts. Veganism isn't about not killing any animals ever, its about not

              • Bluemaga [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                Hey like I said the pork I eat is local and they really don't give them much feed. I know the farmer personally. When I eat beef it's from a ranch that is 100% grass fed that roam mountinous forest. I have small vegatable farm.

                If you are eating soy you are still participating in the death of animals to get the food to your plate. And Eben of none do die in harvest you are still feasting off the left overs from live stock feed.

                I know where and how a vast amount of my food is grown when I'm cooking it.

                Going out to eat is differnt. But many of the places I eat are very local centric.

        • RNAi [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Ah, I get it. It's a good first step, no ethical consumption under capitalism, etc.

          It also helps my country pay it's enormous spurious debt and most importantly enlarge the Panama accounts of local agro-oligarchs.

  • kristina [she/her]
    4 years ago

    i like it actually! i cant eat it entirely due to weird ass stomach (and eating) issues that i have (which chicken, eggs, and cheese dont seem to flare up) but its great

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      But it's really cheap and works wonders as minced-meat-extender

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yes it does, and I love it. It really nails the texture.

    • lohs [she/her]
      4 years ago

      Asian markets will often carry it, but soy curls on Amazon are the same thing I believe.

  • Zo1db3rg [comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    TVP has a shit load of oxalate in it. If you have any digestive issues like leaky gut or have a family history of kidney stones I'd avoid as much soy as you can. It sucks cause i really like tofu but based on my diet i found out i was intaking waaay too much oxalate. Once i cut out all those high oxalate food from my diet i went straight into oxalate dumping symptoms as my body started purging itself. This is just a warning. I wish someone had taught me about that stuff sooner. Oxalates will fuck you up.

    • RNAi [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Ah I still remember the first and only time I googled oxalate crystals, nightmarish

      • Zo1db3rg [comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Yea its the big lame. I jist want to eat plants cause they are delicious but now so many of them are off limits and it sucks. I was intaking so much per day. Tons of mixed nuts, spinach, fucking turmeric capsules and shit. Started cutting out some meats for tofu. Soak thay shit in liquid aminos and pan fry it omg. Got on the full health train. At first i was doing great cause there was a ton of weight loss and exercise and muscle gain. Then out of nowhere i started feeling worse. Energy took a dive. Waking up im the middle of the night with suuper cloudy pee. Doctors couldnt find anything wrong with blood work or urin samples. I was having inflammation throughout my body. Antibiotics did nothing so it wasnt any kind of infection.

        Then there was a week when i cut it all out of my diet and started drinking citric acid (helps protect kidneys from the oxalates) and a lot of it cleared up. Sleeping way better, no more cloudy pee at night. Was nice. Then it all came back and its like a weekly cycle now. Theres a podcast i listened to about them here recently and this guy describes oxalate dumping and it was almost exactly what happened to me. Im still going through it now and its terrible and the dudes like "it can take years depending on how much has been sequestered in the body." Cool.

        And i mean sure, it could be something else. Im seeing a urologist in a few weeks and probably going to have my kidneys checked too but so far its lookin real sus with these oxalates. I actually almost hope im wrong and it turns out to be an legitimately medically diagnosable thing and not this oxalate hocus-pocus shit thay has had very little official research done outside of kidney stones. Sigh