• happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I love nofappers. Cum magick is the funniest pipeline to fascism and r/nofapchristians is like watching flagellants.

      • happybadger [he/him]
        3 years ago

        who practices celibacy and says he wears a cilice to keep his physical desires in check

        My greatest regret in life is not saving this youtube video before the creator made it private. It was called City Pig. A middle-aged bald man was dressed in leather clothes and standing in a city park. Behind him was a pond. He turned the camera on, stared directly into the lens, and without blinking walked backwards and submerged himself to his neck in the pond. Then he stared at the camera and bobbed a few times. I must have watched it a dozen times trying to figure out what the fetish was because even after growing up on the internet I've never seen as rare an animal as a city pig. Neither the appeal nor the audience made any sense to me.

        This is the guy who masturbates to city pig. You only need to wear spikes to remind yourself that god is vengeful when the most vanilla threshold of your sexuality is city pig.

      • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
        3 years ago

        Falun Gong too.

        "When you suppress the ejaculation, the de (德) gets held within the body and travels back up to the brain"

          • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
            3 years ago

            It's not the semen, it's the generalized idea of virtue. You gain or lose de in your spirit (housed in the brain) based on how altruistic your actions are. Or maybe de is stored in the balls, idk.

            Falun Dafa has a bunch of decent philosophical/spiritual concepts at its core; it'd be pretty valid if it didn't also have a lot of quackery and culty shit worked into it. Thanks Li Hongzhi for royally screwing up syncretism.

            • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
              3 years ago

              You gain or lose de in your spirit (housed in the brain) based on how altruistic your actions are.

              This is your brain on Reddit.

              Falun Dafa has a bunch of decent philosophical/spiritual concepts at its core; it’d be pretty valid if it didn’t also have a lot of quackery and culty shit worked into it. Thanks Li Hongzhi for royally screwing up syncretism.

              "Virtue as an individualist high score" is inherently liberal and generally bad.

  • LangdonAlger [any]
    3 years ago

    Lol yeah cuz a bunch of horned up dudes postponing their bust are definitely not going to be influenced by other people. That's why hot girls are so famously bad at getting money from men

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      Only men who recklessly release their soul energy upon the earth or within the caverns of their soul-negative female partners. True Men preserve their soul energy within themselves, only releasing it into other men in moments of ecstatic enlightenment.

  • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If you never jack off, the cum eventually backs up into your brain and crystallizes into mana. Not many people know this.

    • jmichigan_frog [he/him]
      3 years ago

      If you can make it 40 years without nutting, you become a wizard. It’s a Japanese saying

  • RION [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Hello brothers,

    I was introduced to this subreddit on the recommendation of a friend. The content I have seen so far is impressive and I'd like to add my voice to the chorus.

    Many people wonder...why does semen retention (supposedly) increase attraction? Think of it this way: all organisms that exist have a compelling desire for more life. Every organism wants to live life more abundantly. Plants stretch towards the warmth of the sun, people bask outside in the sunshine on a sunny day, animals of all kinds enjoy eating nourishment. All of these are in the pursuit of more life.

    As a human, we all are seeking more life in various ways, but this potential is frustrated in some. Some seek it through drugs and alcohol, some seek it through shopping, others seek it in eating harmful foods. The life-sustaining mechanism has been frustrated. The goal is more life but the organism thinks that the way it is going is the correct way. This concept is explained pretty well in the book "Psycho-Cybernetics".

    As a man, you hold the seed of creation within your ballsack. The spark that starts the flame. It wants to express itself through the mechanism of ejaculation, of pollination. When you hold this seed, when you retain it, you are ascending to a higher vibration. The purity of life within your semen vibrates at a high frequency. It is pure creation itself. As a result of holding this seed, you start to vibrate at a high frequency. You start to become the sun. You start to radiate. People seek the warmth of the sun, so they will congregate around someone who holds this energy. Why do you think the founders of the world religions had so many adherents? Because they carried the seed. They respected the seed. They cultivated the seed.

    A woman wants to bask in the warmth of the sun and express herself. Look how eager they are to shed their clothes when at the beach. Why wouldn't they feel the same way around a man who holds life, who has the sun within him? Women don't want to take their clothes off in front of men who disrespect themselves and the seed within them. These are cold men. They do not feel warmth around these men. That's why many women are not openly sexual with many men. They do not feel safe. A woman is a receptor of energy and the energy that constant fappers give off is dead energy.

    As for myself, I feel like I am very hollow individual without semen retention. When I used to spill my semen on a consistent basis, my nutsacks were constantly empty. I felt like a paper man. I felt as if I could be scraped off the surface of the Earth at any minute and no one would bat an eye. I felt hollow. My words are hollow, the feeling in my chest is hollow, everything seems dead. But when I retain, I feel full. I feel vibrant, I feel alive.

    So brothers, I encourage you - to press on. We will stand out against the hordes of empty men, the ones who use semen retention as a sword and a shield to fight in the name of God, in the name of the universe, in the name of LIFE.

  • Wmill [he/him,use name]
    3 years ago

    So the more you cum the more suspectable you are into be dommed. That explains a lot 😔

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        3 years ago

        Dom get pleasure from being doms? I assume it a mutual exchange thing otherwise why do it. I stand corrected I guess.

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        3 years ago

        Damn my inexperience is showing again. Here I thought I bamboozled y'all 😑.

        Whatever gonna keep vibing 😎

      • Wmill [he/him,use name]
        3 years ago

        What's up Cam? I can't think of anything smooth to say so how was your day?

          • Wmill [he/him,use name]
            3 years ago

            Hell yeah, rn got to wash dishes and prepare my :bean:s for tomorrow. Hope the rest of your day at least goes well.

  • moonlake [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Why should I listen to anything this guy says, his username is literally BetaMale69. Let me know when SigmaMale69 posts.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Pretty sure all this stuff is pushed by the far right because they believe that unhappy and sexually frustrated men are easier to turn into soldiers. I can't remember specifically who it was that they quote but it's some ancient warlord like Sun Tzu (but not him) and he says something about how men in times of sexual deprivation are far more easily recruited into their armies from the towns/villages.

  • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Typical beta male energy. As a virile, white, cishet alpha sigma epsilon half-life:alyx male I have to psychically masturbate approximately once every ten minutes or my overwhelming personality will begin to ooze out from my other orifices. One day I forgot to masturbate and my dick ate my dog while I slept. Never again.

  • Waldoz53 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    i remember seeing a post on there that said that if you don't cum, your sperm will undergo spermatogenesis

    the problem is that spermatogenesis is a real thing but...its just how the body produces sperm. its not an evolution of sperm like the post i saw seemed to imply

    the pseudoscience is wild man