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I used to go to this weekly Marxist thing and every fucking time some weird ass Ben Shapiro nerd would show up to debate us. Like, a different one each time. We'd usually just bully them for trying to debate us while not even knowing the literature, just dumb assumptions from conservative media
Me n the bf convinced one of them that Marxists and libertarians should be friends if you follow the logic through. We hate the government and so do you, lmfao
Also technically its better to talk to someone and find things in common rather than start adversarial. Obviously, don't do this with Nazis and stuff but libertarians are just high on their own supply
Yeah there's the "just disaffected with american politics" ones and the Rothbard ones, and one is possible to help
For real There is seriously the ability for a libertarian to leftist pipeline, thanks to Americans purposely lacking any political education it’s very easy for someone with no real ideology but is actively disenfranchised by capitalism to see “wow our government is deeply corrupt and does not serve our interests” and think okay well obviously the solution is to dissolve or minimize it and some may also believe that corporations must be broken up too. But because the left has little presence on mainstream political discourse libertarians/conservatives fill that whole perfectly with their deep anti-government complaining, occasionally co-opting of leftist language and “corpratism” bs but those who don’t subscribe very deeply to the unfettered capitalism and reactionary parts of libertarianism can easily be educated on how capitalism can actively encourages everything that is disenfranchising them, and class dynamics etc… that is if they are willing to engage in good faith and all that but it’s at least worth a shot.
Even if you don't see any immediate change, even showing them the non-propaganda version of communism and communists might plant some seeds. I can trace my leftward trajectory all the way back to a single moment over 20 years ago so who knows?
We would occasionally get weirdo debate people when I worked with Food Not Bombs, because sometimes we'd have a sign or someone would be wearing a shirt with a political slogan. I had a sickle and hammer pin that got me yelled at one time. One time we had a sign that said "no war in Iran" and a guy tried debating with about how war with Iran was necessary because in his words "they did 9/11"
One time a guy at a mall yelled at me for my pin because his dad died in the Korean War, then he tried calling the cops on me lmao
One time a guy at a mall yelled at me for my pin because his dad died in the Korean War, then he tried calling the cops on me lmao
We like winners not losers folks
have you considered that he was getting off on his shaming kink for free?
America isn't even allowed to have social democracy, objectively the moderate wing of fascism, but if five people get together to read Marx this shit happens
Bit idea: convince America to adopt basic socdem reforms by telling them its the moderate wing of fascism (good)
"but have you considered that makes you a nazi too?" –enlightened centrists everywhere
Absolute cowards. They're harassing folk at a library like that makes them big tough scary fascists.
They must do all their murder and racist beatings during their day jobs when they've got their badges and guns.
woulda been cool if someone sabotaged their vehicles while this shit was happening
Leftists don’t wanna be the aggressors but they shouldn’t be victims either. That’s a lot of people you need to protect and behooves organizers putting these kinds of events to keep security in mind - either hosting or inviting left-wing armed groups or asking someone with security experience to show up.
Announcements should go to private listservs not social media, limited need to know basis, and folks with guns. You announce this shit on social media, 30 people see, 15 rsvp, 5 show up. Meanwhile, the local nazi group now has a time and date to harass you with zero infiltration or data gathering on their part.
This country isn't safe for leftists fucking act like it.
I think this all is good and makes sense, but how do we balance that with outreach and educating folks who are not already past the line of interested?
Awesome thank you for your thoughts here, sounds like you’re great at organizing comrade
:gun-felix: for real though time to join a local leftist armed group and learn how to shoot safely y'all if you predict dealing with even more aggressive chuds and nazis in the future
Damn if there are nazis in providence there are nazis everywhere
yeah I guess this video just rly drives the point home
That's a good call. I really don't want a firearm at this point for similar reasons, but no reason to be defenceless either.
you can't keep that stuff in your car, unfortunately
i mean you can't really keep a gun in your car either lol
Protip: it’s not particularly sus to have a baseball bat with a glove and a ball in your trunk
emphasis on the complete set, any extra baseball gear helps
it needs to be plausible
I always just Velcro it to the inside of the trunk for quick access and to keep it from rolling around
Southern New England requires you to interact with cops to own a firearm, it fucking sucks.
Can’t bring them onto public property like libraries, parks, and federal buildings
Reading group is inside, friendly militants on watch outside, friendly armed militants nearby waiting for call for QRF.
Can I bring them into book depositories? Or should I stick to the grassy knoll?
I can't practice using it without a) owning a car and b) going out into the sticks to ranges that are predominantly populated by cops, fash, and those sympathetic to both. I'm neither white nor cis and so the risk of violence is too real to ask others to put themselves in danger and come with me to a range like that. I'll re-evaluate when my situation changes but it's unworkable for now.
owning a gun and not practicing with it is security theater.
Check for an SRA chapter around you and if you can't find one, get an air rifle or a .22 for practice. You can shoot those almost anywhere without much risk. If you're getting a weapon for defense, choose something reasonably priced that uses cheap/common (hunting) ammo.
I'll take you to the range any time you want bb and I'll
beat upget murdered by those fash np.
My friends and family are liberals who view gun ownership as a moral wrong. The progressive element of society I am embedded within would admonish me for it. It is socially undesirable.
Just shove that shit in the closet and don't talk about it unless it's someone you trust
Must be nice to have the luxury of not worrying about this stuff, and knowing that the police will protect the hetero, white, Christian liberals who take this stance. I usually shame people who do this by asking "What is your plan to defend the non-white, non-cisgender, non-christian people who are in danger?" "Oh, Nothing?.Then STFU!"
This shit's scary af, tbh. I'm getting to the point where I want to join a leftist org, share theory, and help the community - but even something as harmless as reading a book puts a target on your head.
I want to learn how to shoot and join up with an armed group, but I don't want to own any firearms because of my depression. Ugh.
Any organized armed group should have no problems setting up an "armory" for those who cannot or do not, want to keep firearms on them or in their homes at all times.
One of the most positive responses I've ever got towards unionization in my area was when I brought up the idea of a union armory for defending ourselves against cops and fascists during the protests.
Too bad anything like that would immediately paint a massive target on your back for both federal and local authorities who only want their fascist clubs having armories.
It honestly bothers me how like, naive some leftists are. A lot of the antifascist groups in the US who directly fuck with fascists seem to keep an extremely low profile because they probably understand that NO ONE is going to help them or keep them safe (probably from direct experience) but the amount of naivete some DSA chapters and other leftist groups I've seen around me show is honestly jarring. Like the DSA near me has an instagram with people's faces and shit, and a local antifa news guy frequently posts pic of himself and his dog....
It's like they bought the narrative that the USA is this democracy with respect for "both sides" when the Reinhol killing should have made it very clear what the deal is...
When you find yourself constantly preoccupied with the worry that your stature disqualifies you from sufficient Aryan purety, or whatever.
Video is traumatizing might not want to view it if you've been the victim of right wing violence.
Remember when Cobb said 'this non-violence stuff will get you killed?'
This is why.