How far are we from: “The GOP talked for decades about privatizing social security BUT WE THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!!!” :vote:
Nah thats going to be the 23-24 democrat policy push to “appeal to moderates” for the 2024 election
For anyone who thinks this comment is just talking about this being core to the spirit of West Wing, this actually literally happens in the show and it's framed as a victory
"We are investing less and decreasing the social safety net, vote for us"
Personal savings are below average pre-pandemic levels, while corporate profits are insanely above average. Technically, things are going extremely well (corporate profits), but we are probably heading for a recession. Weird, how things aren't as simple as economics 101 would predict!
the deficit cut they're trying to play off as a Biden accomplishment is just the COVID tax breaks from Trump expiring.
The great part is that funding capital's supremacy will end up being at odds with austerity. They won't be able to both cut government spending and maintain a world where people can attain a personal net worth of billions. Making this the loudest wet fart in history.
I was listening to a very interesting interview of an American living in France that talked about how in France the far right is actually to the left of the neoliberals when it comes to social safety nets, with the wrinkle being of course that they are racist in deciding who gets it (French born, everyone else can fuck off and die)
The next hitler could easily find themselves in charge of the worlds largest military with a strategy that pivots left economically but for white cishets only… the liberals are pretty much asking for it. And anyone who says the right could never sell social policies to their brainwashed electorate forgets that Fox News can pivot on a dime and your average American doesn’t have coherent political beliefs and has the memory of a goldfish
I mean.. not wrong at all :cheeto-man: gave me money and that was the first positive interaction I've had with the goverment that helped me in a real way food stamps been trying to get forever its means tested to oblivion.
Many people are saying it. Including me. Trump just needs to legalize cannabis, and deploy Medicare for all (for all natural born americans only) and he will be god emperor of America.
Also didnt like thousands of people die these past few years? If lives lost doesn't lower it. Then what does.....?? 🤔
Posting L's like they are wins, now thats what I call classical liberalism. :free-real-estate:
This is so fucked, so removed from reality, these fucking dumbasses....
They do unlike Republicans, which is funny because they hand ring when its polticaly useful.
Except it doesn't? And on top of that, compared to what we spent in 'quantitative easing' (which is arguably the true culprit of inflation as they did not use any of that money to stimulate the economy) this is just drop in the bucket stuff.
Reducing the deficit while people are suffering is a BAD THING. You should be increasing the deficit and using that money to spend on taking care of people! Literally bragging about how they refuse to help. Unbelievable.
Well, if they say they did it then it must be working. Thanks Joe