do you have the chunk that does that by chance, i believe it id just love to see how they weaseled that in because its gotta be certifiably fuckign insane
And my parents and family are wondering why I am moving to California. They tell me that I am not going to be affected by this stuff so why should I care. I tell them its a matter of time before they come after trans people like me but they say I am just being irrational.
Yeah I'm trying to find affordable farm land and every time my dad says something about cheap land down south I tell him to fuck off because I'm well aware that land comes with the massive caveat that the fash can sieze it whenever they want, which is to say whenever they decide my being half Jewish or my political beliefs make me an undesirable to be be exterminated
No, I need farm land here in NY to feed the troops on our side, to feed my comrades and fuel the revolution and before that becomes necessary to feed anyone hungry
Fucking cultists
Never forget Mormons are disproportionately represented in the alphabet agencies because they're a bunch of teetotalers
Since American Patriotism is considered cool and good to Mormons, not to mention the whole "no hot drinks" thing, I'm surprised they don't come down with it more often
Can't come down with psychosomatic mystery illness if no part of your humanity cries out against your crimes
not sure how much them being teetotalers has to do with it when the CIA literally invented a disease to cover up having hangovers. i'd say they are disproportionately represented mostly because they literally worship america and are more or less forced to spend 2 years abroad learning a foreign language at 18
Reminds me of a joke about the CIA being filled with Mormons who drink and Catholics who don't.
The fundamentalist clerics took power in the Iranian Revolution by purging the communists who had formed a temporary alliance with them to defeat the Shah. The USA put the Shah in power. The USA overthrew Mossadegh because he wanted to nationalize petroleum companies. People in America (or other imperial core countries) using Iran as a benchmark example of a "backwards" country is odd given the history of what the US has done to Iran since 1953, and what Britain did to Iran before that. I know you were trying to say that Iran is more progressive than Utah, but that comparison comes with the expectation that it's supposed to surprise us, because it is assumed that everyone thinks Iran is just naturally backwards. It's important to question that assumption.
I think he picked Iran because it has problematically more "progressive" policies on trans people. Also I doubt anyone here doesn't know the history of the US involvement in iran.
I think he picked Iran because it has problematically more “progressive” policies on trans people.
Right. and this is supposed to surprise us for the reasons I explained. The implication is that even Iran is more progressive than the US. You know what I mean? Can you see the rhetorical implication there? the implication being its supposed to surprise you because there's an established myth of supremacy that is assumed to be the default. In this case that myth being that the US is "progressive" by default and Iran is "backwards" by default. So when Iran is even "ironically" or "problematically" more "progressive" on a particular issue, it's supposed to be surprising to the American, who has internalized their supremacy to such an extent that anything which contradicts it is a statistical anomaly.
Also I doubt anyone here doesn’t know the history of the US involvement in iran.
I don't assume knowledge in others. I just say things, and if they say "I know that already." then I say "cool!"
One day Salt Lake will dry and turn into a dust storm to deliver the force of God upon Utah
The Great Salt Lake is about to become the Great Salt Dustbowl in like 5 years but it's good to see Utah focusing on the important issues
Mormonism has for a long time had a seedy underbelly that took some of the lost boys to Las Vegas to pimp them out as gay prostitutes against their will in a form of sexual slavery
The only reason they publicly accepted gay people was to formalize this shit they were already doing while getting a PR win with the neoliberals
Like other teenagers who leave fundamentalist Mormon communities, Stephen was not prepared to enter the world at large. To cope with the disorientation and loneliness of leaving one world for another, many turn to drugs. Another group of kids called the Lost Boys, who were kicked out of the polygamist cult the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, ended up on the streets of Las Vegas and Phoenix, some turning tricks for drugs like meth and heroin.
Oh good. I'll have to read that when I'm in a more emotionally stable spot
:guts-rage: I will wage jihad on Mormonism, I will become the Son of Perdition!
The Domino Meme, but the small domino is "Joseph Smith wanted bigamy to be legal" and the giant domino is "The State of Utah"
Democrats win enormous electoral victories: fascism creeps steadily forward
Democrats lose: fascism creeps steadily forward, but the donation emails are more urgent
It's Nancy.
When we begged for money a week ago you said NO. When we begged for money yesterday you gave NOTHING. Are you really going to make us beg AGAIN? We're just $25k short from our funding goal with 15 minutes left, and if you give now, our generous partner Jeff McSexpest will 10x MATCH your donation.
If you don't give now I am literally going to PISS AND SHIT all over myself and then DONALD TRUMP AND THE MAGA REPUBLICANS are going to walk into the bathroom at Denny's and laugh at me and I'm going to be crying and it's going to mix with the PISS AND SHIT and then there will a weird TEAR-PISS-SHIT MIXTURE on the floor for the Denny's janitor to clean up. Are you going to let that happen?
Democrats win enormous electoral victories: fascism creeps steadily forward and the donation emails are more urgent because you can't let the other team win the most important election of your lives.
Senator Michael Kennedy, the proponent and chief sponsor of the bill, said that he opposed banning breast implants for cisgender kids
Those who are or potentially affected have standing need to sue on grounds that these laws are unconstiutional.
Ballot initatives that include sexual orientation and gender identity in state non discrimatory clauses.
Boycott states that enact these laws. No travel, vacation, buying goods from there. Back in the Anita Bryant and Lavender Scare days (and we need to call it a Lavender Scare and call out the modern Red Scare) there was a boycott on Orange Juice.
Find out who is sponsoring these politicians and drive boycotts of their goods and services.
Look at the drama that is happening with Steven Crowder - he, and I would suspect others at Daily Wire - have in their contracts that if enough sponsors bail or get deplatformed, they will have their lucrative pay cut hard. Crowder basically showed everyone that boycotts and deplatorming works. CW - Sam Sedar / Crowder
Everytime I get a DW commercial shoved at me on YT, I fill out an abuse report. The organization is a stochastic terroist hate group. There is ample evidence to back these claims up as real world violence, terrorism, and unconstiutional laws that have derrived from their content.
DW, and by extention Libs of Tik Tok (CW Daily Wire, transphobia, Keffals) is funded by theocratic nationalist billionaires, the Wilks Brothers.. They basically own state Republican orgs such as Texas and Florida GOP, in such their homophopic, transphobic platforms (CW LGBTQ-phobia, :reddit-logo: but on a trans safe space sub exposing platform)
I think more attention should be drawn to them rather than their flack jacket pawn mouth pieces.