• Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Copy pasteable data approach to showing that the Soviet gulag of the 1950s had improved beyond the standards of current US prisons

    Copy pasteable response to "the nazis were socialists"

    The "Vaush is bad masterpost" which became the basis of all the Vaush Facts bots on reddit

    15 minute marxism

    Copy pasteable response to "the dprk is fascist"

    Navalny is bad facts

    Lenin speech on antisemitism

    Udham Singh post

    Russia not being good, but has an important role in multipolarity

    Tupac megathread post

    Neoliberalism post I liked and copy from time to time

    Valuable sources against "China's BRI is a debt trap"

    The most valuable Blackshirts & Reds quote to respond to "tankies" and anticommunists

    This post against decimalisation

    This comment on "soft holocaust denial" and the constant dangerous misuse of the word "genocide" by liberals

    Effort post on Molotov Ribentrop

    Use of swastika by Finland

    Why libs are demonstrating historical ignorance when they bring up molotov-ribbentrop

    Aimixin popping off when a lib says Libya is better off now than under Gaddafi

    Dropping the bombs on Japan, another Aimixin post

    On the police

    Another molotov ribbentrop

    Why human rights are bad and are more accurately a bourgeoise concept that protects bourgeoise values while not saving those who are starving (bourgeoise human rights should be replaced with a better proletarian form of universal rights)

    On the USSR being blamed for the holocaust

    Photo album of the USSR

    "US foreign policy is motivated by democracy"

    Redpill me on China

    South Korean unions being raided by Korean intelligence

    Basically everything I've ever saved is something I use in copy paste or edit slightly to use in other conversations fighting or educating.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      1 year ago

      (bourgeoise human rights should be replaced with a better proletarian form of universal rights)

      Universal rights are the epitome of idealism. Legal rights are a useful tool, but they should be recognized as just that, something constructed by social relations rather than inherited from Providence or "nature" (Providence). It's a rhetorical sleight-of-hand to create a system oriented around atomized legal entities (the individuals who have "universal" rights) rather than any sort of democratic principle (which can construct legal rights just fine by itself).

      • Awoo [she/her]
        1 year ago

        I agree to an extent. I don't think it's a position that you can communicate in a way that would be mass-popular though. Contesting this shit by replacing it with something better is easier than opposing the concept altogether.

        In one case we become "the people who want much better rights" vs "the people that oppose human rights".

        • GarbageShoot [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Part of what makes it difficult is that people have been raised on the notion of "rights" being the unassailable framework of civic existence. I agree that obviously there's a messaging issue, but I suppose I'd say that it should be framed as a matter of "constructing legal rights based on human welfare" rather than "assuming God handed down natural law that dictates that robber barons must be protected by state violence".

          The rhetoric of the Declaration is complete bullshit anyway, "unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as a foundational motto of the country with the largest prison population per capita in the world and likely the largest number of summary executions per capita (courtesy of the police) is just a sick joke.

          Unrelatedly, I tried to look up the latter figure and noticed a vector of attack on China that we don't see often. The article nebulously says China executes "1000s" of people per year when the next highest is a couple hundred, citing Amnesty USA statistics (when it wasn't just broken links or home pages). I looked through the file and it never substantiates the number that I can see, it merely asserts it while complaining about China not publishing official numbers on the subject. Didn't stop them for asserting "China executed more people than the rest of the world put together" without even the most basic basis for a calculation shown. Fucking "non-political" NGOs.

          • Awoo [she/her]
            1 year ago

            I agree again. The way I see it however is that this is an issue that can only be solved post-revolution. We should aim for popularity pre-revolution as a means of gaining mass appeal. This means accepting certain conditions exist that we can't magically change, such as "people have been raised on the notion of "rights" being the unassailable framework of civic existence"

        • wheresmysurplusvalue [comrade/them]
          1 year ago

          Yeah, one time I was watching youtube with my friend and it showed my previously liked videos, including one called "The problem with human rights". The content was the same as discussed above, but my friend looked at me super sus.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Udham Singh was badass. his speech was so fire that the British government kept it secret and suppressed it for like fifty years

    • temptest [any]
      1 year ago

      Tupac megathread

      only one brief mention at the very bottom of the comments about Assata Shakur, Tupac's godmother/step-aunt and first woman on the FBI's Top 10 Most-Wanted (still looking for her) for killing a cop and fleeing to Cuba after being broken out of prison

      Disgusting, I am leaving this terrible website.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I do self-criticism constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)

    They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”


    • Abraxiel
      1 year ago

      No shit, that's FUCKTHEPAINTUP, too! I'd forgotten that was a homegrown pasta.

      • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Aka BASED_BALL aka BMF

        I think the BASED_BALL drama is actually what made them abandon that account.

        • Abraxiel
          1 year ago

          I don't think they were based ball. Or BMF. Their last post was "You were all warned about BASED_BALL." I don't know if any of the times line up for activity. They had a style that was distinct from BMF, although with some similarities. I'm less sure about that one. Based ball had a poster's style and ftpu had the style of someone who liked psychedelics.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            1 year ago

            That's fair, I always group them because of how prolific and wild their posting was, but going back and reading it betrays style

  • Poison_Ivy [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    The vegan struggle sessions that popped off twice, coupled with the body-shaming struggle sessions.

    Including such gems such as:

    Hunger isn't a real thing. It doesn't exist. If you make conscious decisions about what to eat based on an informed view of nutrition, you will still feel hungry. It's not some magic signal telling you that you're not getting enough nutrients, it's a dumb feeling that exists in your head. You ignore it, and it goes away. The feeling of hunger cannot harm you.


    Delusions may or may not go away if you ignore them, I have no idea, I'm not knowledgeable on that topic. What I can tell you for sure is that hunger does go away when you ignore it.

    And then laughing as the most aggressive, argumentative and unpleasant people in those discussions are now all banned 😘 💅

  • kissinger
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Well firstly I saved this comment 3 years ago:

    Incorrect take, read more theory: “Let us consider the question of ass versus tits.

    Which is the superior set of flesh mounds? First, consider this. Titties are not universal to all. Tit size is dependent upon genetics. Simply put, to prioritize the tit would be to promote the genetic ability of a person. It would be fascist propaganda! The working class should not depend on genetics for sexual salvation. In addition, the only way to change titty size is by expensive cosmetic surgery. Therefore, the only way to subvert boob genetics is to have money, to have capital. The promotion of boob idolization only allows those with money to attain the top level of boobiness. Much like wealth is concentrated among the capitalist pigs, boob attractiveness is concentrated among the monied classes. There is no recourse for the working class to attain the top level of tit appreciation, no sexual mobility. The system has been rigged against them, and the working class must tear down the bourgeois titty state in order to build a sexual world where everyone has value. If the Great Proletarian Sexual Revolution is to take place, then I propose that we must not seek to replicate titty liberalism. Continued fetishization of the tits will only result in will only lead to the same result. Titties can only be objectively attractive for so long before they sag, so the contradictions of mammary society will bring those with unsavory breasts to the bottom of society, while those with good tits at birth or at least those with redistributed titties will rise to prominence on the backs of the global titless class. It is social mammocracy at best, and by that definition, is liberalism.

    Instead, let us consider the ass. The ass is the true sexual organ of the working class. All asses are valued. Be they black, white, Asian, Indigineous, male, female, nonbinary, old, or young, all asses have value. Every ass, no matter the gender, age, or color, can be rimmed, sucked, fucked, stretched, or whatever. Pleasure of the ass is available to all members of the working class, while pleasure of the tits is only available to the genetically blessed and moneyed. There is no need for one to win the genetic lottery to have a good ass. Ass is the true form of socialism: all is for all. Everyone can have an ass. In addition, improvement of the ass is not limited by money. It can be toned by physical exercise. Like a better world, a better ass is obtainable by all of the working class. The bourgeois state cannot deny access to a better ass via healthcare costs, because a better ass is only for the worker to seize. The ass is the organ upon which the worker takes their due rest, it is their respite from the cruel capitalist world. The ass is like the worker, it is soft and it has potential to be great. It can be valued as it is simply due to its universality, or it can be hardened like the revolutionary working class, formed into the buns of steel that will strike down the bourgeoisie and bring about socialism. Like the working class, ass is eternal, and it is the working class alone that ensures that the dictatorship of the gluteus proletariat remains toned, ready to sit on reactionaries and provide the foundation of a world where the worker is on top.

    Down with the bourgeois titty state! Long live the Working Ass!”

    -Mao Zedong, 1954

    by @Healthcare_pls i have no idea if it's OC

    Then we have this magnificent rant about free time and capitalism from 4chan letfypol i think

    My first saved post, about not eating cows. From the time before the struggle sessions vegan-seitan

    Finally a post about how thousands of years ago transpeople would've been high ranking priestesses instead of social pariahs negative

    • temptest [any]
      1 year ago

      from 4chan letfypol i think

      *8chan, 2017 (4chan never had that board)

      Good post to bring up, that was a favourite historical rant.

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    1 year ago

    User Sankara's Iraq AMA is something I periodically came back to read when the old posts were up just to remind myself how bad the wars and sanctions really were (as if it was necessary): https://hexbear.net/post/54488

    • StellarTabi [none/use name]
      1 year ago


      I am being taken to Federal Court for saying [some random terf shit in the] space I created.

      she owned us

      • Nakoichi [they/them]
        1 year ago

        tfw you get so unhinged some weird communists on an obscure internet forum cause you to end up in federal court.

      • Mindfury [he/him]
        1 year ago

        she's getting sued for being a terf, and when she brought posie parker out to australia a bunch of neo nazis stood next to her on the steps of victorian parliament and threw a bunch of seig heils which directly got all nazi iconography banned and made everyone associate terfs with nazism lmao