soypoint-1 dumpster-fire soypoint-2

  • thelastaxolotl [he/him]
    14 days ago

    Trump in order to secure the g*mer vote should promise to finish Star Citizen, its probably more realistic than Biden promise to cure cancer

        14 days ago

        That would be genuinly better use of money than current though. Like the Pentagon budget chart goes like that, from best to worst use:

        Anything useful for people (impossible) -> slop -> embezzlement and corruption -> actual working weapons

      • Hexboare [they/them]
        14 days ago

        Chris Roberts missed his calling as a Boeing or Lockheed executive

    14 days ago

    Me normally: games should focus more on physics simulation, they haven't evolved past the PS360 era and in some cases regressed. How is it that a 2006 Bethesda game is ahead of the curve in this compared to modern titles?

    Me after seeing this video: Please make every object stactic and uninteractible.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      The F I D E L I T Y zealotry in Star Citizen is very selective in places. It has "bedsheet wrinkle physics" yet the spaceship gameplay is just WW2 dogfighting with internet spaceships that have "noclip" style floating, even at ground level.

      • Hexboare [they/them]
        14 days ago

        I vaguely recall they went to great efforts to develop a proper flight model for the ships, realised that combat was just flying past other ships at speed and none of the ships were very flyable because the models were developed without thinking how they would move, and so they stuck a bunch of thrusters on everything to make it like a bad imitation of WW2 dogfighting

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          I vaguely recall they went to great efforts to develop a proper flight model for the ships, realised that combat was just flying past other ships at speed and none of the ships were very flyable because the models were developed without thinking how they would move, and so they stuck a bunch of thrusters on everything to make it like a bad imitation of WW2 dogfighting

          That is true, yes. The developers (that are not the Roberts family and their immediate cronies) did their best with what they had to work with but the aging gamedad playerbase found the "FIDELITY(tm)" that they demanded to be unacceptable in the spaceship combat, so it was removed by popular demand and now the FIDELITY(tm) is about bedsheet wrinkles.

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    14 days ago

    I see Chris Robert's retirement fund shows no signs of stopping. It's unlikely it will anytime soon anyway. The other day I saw a clip of last year's CitizenCon with Chris entering the stage, with a giant ass CitizenCon logo behind him, and the crowd going apeshit when he appeared and screaming: "Chris! Chris! Chris! Chris! so-true" He couldn't help but smirk and revel in his status as God of bazinga universe.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      I've said it before and I'll say it again: Chris Roberts is the my-hero of a small but wealthy corner of the freeze-gamer universe. There's even some crossover: the marketing video (yes, they do hours of space-car commercials as part of the advertising!) for this internet spaceship blatantly presented it as a LE ZYBERTRUKKK in space.

      Or as an aging Top Gear reference.

  • daniyeg [he/him]
    14 days ago

    they've spent most of the money a long time ago. since then they've been on the death spiral, in order to keep going they have made stretch goals ane ship packs that are increasing the scope, therefore increasing the budget, which they need money for, down the spiral they go.

    i don't follow the game but my impression is that the huge amount of money they raised is shackling them to the wrong technical decisions they made many years ago. they can't start over otherwise that would be millions of donor money wasted. if this was a normal company they would've either cancelled the project or salvaged what they can and start over.

    it also looks like most of the experienced people quit due to mismanagement and most of the staff are new hires. all i can say is i wouldn't wanna work on a project like that.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      it also looks like most of the experienced people quit due to mismanagement and most of the staff are new hires. all i can say is i wouldn't wanna work on a project like that.

      Some of the Glassdoor entries are an adventure to read. Stuff like "as long as the boss isn't bumbling around and making you undo all your work for arbitrary reasons, you can just fuck off and get paid. It's bearable as long as you don't care about actually completing the project."

      • fox [comrade/them]
        14 days ago

        A job creation program as effective as the army and not nearly as evil

  • kleeon [he/him, he/him]
    14 days ago

    I remember in 2014 there was a lot of hype around star citizen so I decided to check it out on youtube. However all I could find were videos of middle-aged men soy facing while walking around an empty hanger. That was the moment I realised star citizen fans are completely delusional

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      Ever see CitizenCON pictures, or that notorious le epic steak dinner?

      It's the same aging bunch of increasingly divorced cishet white male gamedads, almost 15 years now and running.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          It really is like a decades-aged version of flashbang

      • AndJusticeForAll [none/use name]
        14 days ago

        The cool end of that demographic plays MechWarrior Online instead and basically subsidizes it for the F2P players.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          They are the cool end. I know this because when the grifting fucks at Piranha (particularly the CEO that pushed that "Star Citizen but worse" grift with MWO's kickstarter funds called "Transverse") peddled stupidly expensive gold-plated 'Mechs, that same playerbase playerkilled them so consistently out of disgust that I almost never saw them in actual matches after a few weeks.

          • KhanCipher [none/use name]
            14 days ago

            (particularly the CEO that pushed that "Star Citizen but worse" grift with MWO's kickstarter funds called "Transverse")

            Okay so that's flat out wrong, like not even close to what happened. Now before you make an ass of yourself, Transverse was an absolutely terrible tone deaf idea from Russ, but it wasn't made from the money that was gotten from the Founders packs. That honor goes to Mechwarrior Tactics, something that PGI had really nothing to do with as IGP who was PGI's publisher at the time decided to funnel a lot of the money gotten from the MWO Founders packs into MWT.

            peddled gold-plated 'Mechs

            Again that was IGP who pushed them to do that.

            Also good lord I didn't have seeing actual 2013 MWO dead game nonsense on my bingo card this year.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              14 days ago

              Okay so that's flat out wrong, like not even close to what happened. Now before you make an ass of yourself, Transverse was an absolutely terrible tone deaf idea from Russ, but it wasn't made from the money that was gotten from the Founders packs. That honor goes to Mechwarrior Tactics, something that PGI had really nothing to do with as IGP who was PGI's publisher at the time decided to funnel a lot of the money gotten from the MWO Founders packs into MWT.

              I misheard, then, if what you say is true. The word in the old MWO forums was that the funding was lifted from the kickstarter budget, but if they were wrong (I won't demand you provide evidence of that; you're just as believable as they were and you are coming on strong about this and I have no more horse in that race either way), they were wrong. sans-shrug

              I didn't say MWO was dead. I only talked about the pleasant sort of solidarity where playerkills discouraged those gold 'Mechs from being trotted out after a while.

              • KhanCipher [none/use name]
                14 days ago

                I didn't say MWO was dead.

                To be fair here, your post was about 95% indistinguishable to the group of people that went around in late 2013 to early 2014 that MWO was a "dead game". I've been playing MWO since closed beta, and was pretty active in the community then (and still am now), so I remember a lot of the major stuff that happened back then and throughout the years. Like there's a lot I can give shit towards PGI, but at the end of the day I can't be too hard on the people that finally told Harmony Gold to legally fuck off.

                I misheard, then, if what you say is true.

                Everything I said there only came out shortly after PGI bought themselves back from IGP so around 2015 I think it was, and they stopped just short (but still absolutely were) of throwing IGP under the bus.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  14 days ago

                  To be fair here, your post was about 95% indistinguishable to the group of people that went around in late 2013 to early 2014 that MWO was a "dead game". I've been playing MWO since closed beta, and was pretty active in the community then (and still am now), so I remember a lot of the major stuff that happened back then and throughout the years. Like there's a lot I can give shit towards PGI, but at the end of the day I can't be too hard on the people that finally told Harmony Gold to legally fuck off.

                  I never saw it as a dead game even after I played it. I can tell that the apparent similarity set you off enough to call me an ass and so on, but again, I am willing to accept I had heard incorrectly (and possibly heard from the doomposters you mentioned) but either way I only lurked those forums and only occasionally to begin with.

                  I can't be too hard on the people that finally told Harmony Gold to legally fuck off.

                  It's too bad I'm not likely to ever get to fly a Phoenix Hawk LAM outside of the Advanced BattleTech fan mod because of the lingering meat hooks that Harmony Gold has in the IP, that have long made LAMs themselves just about a forbidden concept.

                  • KhanCipher [none/use name]
                    14 days ago

                    that have long made LAMs themselves just about a forbidden concept.

                    Right now given that HG doesn't have any real grounds to come after BT ever again, the only thing that is keeping LAMs from being messed with right now per the current BT line developer is the aerospace rules themselves, like he wants to completely redo them as they are uniquely dogshit for a lot of reasons.

                    • UlyssesT [he/him]
                      14 days ago

                      they are uniquely dogshit for a lot of reasons.

                      The established centuries of lore made them dogshit, for sure, but considering their origins as Macross veritech where they were awesome there, I'd love to see them made good.

                      • KhanCipher [none/use name]
                        14 days ago

                        LAMs themselves are really good units, but they cost so much BV that you can get the same thing by just taking a bunch of fast hovertanks or a bunch of 7/11/7 mechs. The thing is right now CGL doesn't really want to do anything with LAMs until they go and redo the aerospace rules, which the aerospace rules themselves are really bad, sorta...

                        • UlyssesT [he/him]
                          14 days ago

                          LAMs are brutal for back-shotting everything in BattleTech Advanced. Ton for ton, a bunch of medium LAMs can utterly obliterate units twice their size and quickly, but if one of them loses their evasion counters for any number of reasons, it's smoked pretty much instantly. High risk, high reward.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          It was a steak dinner, like the kind you'd get from any franchise restaurant, except this one costed thousands of dollars and was mostly there to coerce the steak dinner guests to buy another internet spaceship that was exclusively offered while they were there. morshupls

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    14 days ago

    Have an excerpt from one of the loudest and biggest spending true believers on the official forum:

    This year was set out at CitizenCon. For the first time we had some fuzzy estimate of when the final tech pillar would go in. Dynamic Server Meshing is not something that will affect the players experience hardly at all, DSM is about streamlining and reducing the cost of game service delivery for CIG. I'm getting older now and don't feel the need to be 'first' for every single feature addition. I knew after watching CitizenCon I'd be mostly sitting it out until after Server Meshing goes in. Call it the deep breath before the plunge, I'd be happy to forego the boiled frog experience after so long. I am happy that I now know how this particular sausage gets made, a sausage many didn't believe would ever get made. The PU was always supposed to come after the players experience of Squadron 42. It's that 'connectedness' that I'm interested in seeing how they do it now.


    For me it has always been about the 'how', not the 'when'. I leave the 'when' questions to those much much younger than me, which is ironic since I have much less time left to see that eventual 'when' than they do. Many of CIG's team are in the same position, Chris Roberts is only 7 years younger than me.


    Many features people are still asking for are in Squadron 42, so the answer to 'when' for those features is.. after Squadron 42 release. Because. No spoilers.


    As Chris says, it'll be done when it's done - great! See you (all) then! I have other things to think about right now. Keep up the good work. The run up to Squadron 42 starts in Q4 (hopefully), in a years time people will be no more interested in Server Meshing than they are interested in Object Container Streaming or full persistence today, when it 'just works' you can forget about it. That race has been run. 4.0 means the end of the 'will they do it' patch watch cycle. The 'how' only matters when you can't do, once you can do no-one will even bother to think about 'how'.


    Am I better off with 3.24? Not really, didn't expect to be. As Richard Tyrer said, for 95% of a games development time you are playing a broken game, we aren't near 95% yet. They are still building the game engine the whole game is based on.


    There is no more mystery to chew over endlessly about 'how', only the 'when'. I have experience in building things, it's always the most frustrating time between knowing the 'how' and waiting for the 'when'. There are plenty of 'why' questions to ask, but Chris won't address those until the full and final picture is made known and they are only just thinking about what that final picture will look like... so... not for a good while yet, hence all 'why' questions are treated as 'when' questions by CIG. Many don't like it. I don't like it, but you can't answer all the 'why' questions until you've finished putting all the pieces in place, so I at least understand it.


    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
      14 days ago

      This year was set out at CitizenCon

      Someone please tell me they don't have an annual convention for a game that is over 10 years in development with no release date, please.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        14 days ago

        Someone please tell me they don't have an annual convention for a game that is over 10 years in development with no release date, please.

        They have more than an annual convention.

        They also had a le epic steak dinner with thousands of dollars per seat where each le epic steak enjoyer had the rare privilege of early access to buying an internet spaceship (that is STILL NOT IN THE GAME ALMOST A DECADE LATER!). I had pictures of the le epic steak dinner on my old computer; it was like this emoji aged up 30+ years. flashbang

        • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
          14 days ago

          Steak dinner

          rare privilege


          I'm not gonna lie, when I first heard about this game, I was a bit hype about it but like I basically parked it in my mind and only really caught a few updates on it, like Scott Manley showing off a ship he had one time on his YT channel.

          I figured it was gonna take a few years to make but after a this much time and almost a billion dollars later, a tragedy ends up becoming a comedy.

          Meanwhile, I just want a goddamn space truck driving simulator. sadness

          • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
            14 days ago

            Meanwhile, I just want a goddamn space truck driving simulator.

            Star Trucker was revealed at Gamescom last month, has a 2024 release date, and PC Gamer recently wrote an enthusiastic preview after playing it. It seems like it really leans into the classic American trucker aesthetic while also being very much set in space. Might not suit if you're looking for something more 'hard scifi' but it looks neat.

            • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
              14 days ago

              I have Star Trucker on my wishlist already lol. It's close but real a dream game of mine is closer to something like X4 mixed with ETS2. Start Trucker leans pretty heavy into the gimmick of "trucks in space". I am eager to check it out though. I also just learned about Dust and Diesel: Deadland Delivery, which is a truck sim I never knew I wanted until I saw it. I'm currently obsessed with Mad Max and a truck sim in a post-apoclyptic wasteland where you get to drive your own war rig sounds dope as fuck. I sort of want to suggest to the dev to add multiplayer so friends can play as "war boys" and drive cars and stuff while you haul stuff from one base to another.

              • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
                14 days ago

                I had no idea about Dust & Diesel. That looks kind of rad if the gameplay stays fun. You're right that multiplayer would be awesome.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            14 days ago
            Steak dinner
            rare privilege

            I gotta practice my dad jokes. sans-troll

            Meanwhile, I just want a goddamn space truck driving simulator.

            They'll sell you the dream of that, like they'll sell you the dream of being a space airline flight attendant mixing cocktails for irate and fussy passengers (I am not fucking joking there)


            or a space reporter getting the big scoop with a spaceship with a big space camera on it. Or a space hacking ship with a special hacker computer on it that doesn't do anything yet but trust in the plan morshupls

            • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
              14 days ago


              in stock

              My brother in Christ, it's a digital download, what the actual fuck is in stock?

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                14 days ago

                My brother in Christ, it's a digital download, what the actual fuck is in stock?

                It implies urgency and fear of missing out. It gets the people going. stonks-up

          • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
            14 days ago

            Cosmoteer is more like Dwarf Fortress than an actual sim, but if you just wanna take apart asteroids and move stuff between space stations, it has lots of that. Despite being a dev team of exactly one (1) guy, it left early access years ago and is still getting updates. Recently he added a larger mining laser and some kind of new missile system. I haven't been playing it as much lately because of Against the Storm and Balatro, so I'm not fully up to date on what's new.

            • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
              14 days ago

              I could never really get into DF honestly. I might give it another go since it was released on Steam with a UI I won't struggle as much with sometime lol. I played a bit of Rimworld and it felt a lot like DF and I did enjoy that. There is a first person space ship salvage game out(I forget the name) that I've been seeing a bit of and sort of wanna check out some day. So instead of rocks, it's busted up ships.

              • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
                14 days ago

                DF's learning curve is still pretty steep. It's come a long way and the devs finally added mouse support and moved beyond ASCII graphics (only took like 20 years). I never got into Rimworld cuz the devs are Gamergate chuds.

                • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
                  14 days ago

                  devs are Gamergate chuds.

                  Wasn't aware of this. I can do without playing it ever again after all lol.

                  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
                    14 days ago

                    It was only like one or two of them and I'm not sure if they're still working for the dev company. But for me it was one too many.

                    It's funny the Star Trek colonizer sim was made by reactionaries and the private prison simulator was made by left-ish old guys.

                    • roux [he/him, comrade/them]
                      14 days ago

                      the private prison simulator was made by left-ish old guys

                      Referring to Prison Architect?

                      Meh, I feel you on the one too many aspect. I would rather devote my gaming time ingesting content created by people that don't suck if I can help it.

                      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
                        13 days ago

                        Yeah Prison Architect. The creators have been pretty upfront about how fucking cruel the American prison system is. They wanted to make a game highlighting how bizarre it is we just accept having slavery.

                        You'll see inmates with biographies like "serving 70 years with no parole for stealing newspapers off their neighbor's porch."

    • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
      14 days ago

      Am I better off with 3.24? Not really, didn't expect to be. As Richard Tyrer said, for 95% of a games development time you are playing a broken game, we aren't near 95% yet. They are still building the game engine the whole game is based on

      Then why is the game publicly available and receiving obscene amounts of money from in game purchases and donations?

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        14 days ago

        Then why is the game publicly available and receiving obscene amounts of money from in game purchases and donations?

        Why indeed? cap-think

        • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
          14 days ago

          They somehow managed to turn a publically available early access alpha game build, full of scope creep and feature creep, into an endless money printer because it's easy to take advantage of hopeful video game nerds with more money than sense. As a hopeful video game nerd (with no money though) the whole thing has been a continuous embarrassment.

  • miz [any, any]
    14 days ago

    "zero gravity" does NOT mean "zero mass"

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      Chris Roberts demonstrated his understanding of space physics once, on camera, by doing a "swimming" motion to show how he'd maneuver in space. It was with Richard Garriot sitting next to him with a very what-the-hell face because even if he's a grifting piece of shit, at least Garriot's actually been in space and knows that's silly.

      • neo [he/him]
        14 days ago

        I guess he slept through class when they were studying Newton's three laws

        • neo [he/him]
          14 days ago

          Really. I cannot get over what you said. he pretended to "swim". What a ridiculous notion. You may have to be an Einstein-level genius to have thought for the first time in human history about the free-falling elevator shaft vs the elevator shaft with thrust that provides 9.8m/s^2 acceleration, but you don't have to be an Einstein-level genius to understand an explanation of the idea.

          And if you're making a game set in space maybe a cursory understanding of these things would be of interest to you?

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            14 days ago

            Really. I cannot get over what you said. he pretended to "swim". What a ridiculous notion.

            Well, Chris Roberts also came up with this le epic scene in his personal cinematic labor of love:


            • neo [he/him]
              14 days ago

              wh...why am i seeing real actors like matthew lillard?

              e: just finished watching. wh...what?

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                14 days ago

                Chris Roberts enjoys throwing money at big Hollywood people and basically pissing away their talents. It's a big part of Squandered 42, too. kelly

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    14 days ago

    Oh no you've returned to star citizen posting.

    The countdown to UlyssesT logging out of hexbear to resurrect kissinger to kill him once more touch grass has started once more

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      Oh no you've returned to star citizen posting.

      I was posting Star Citizen fuckery a few days ago, and a few days before that.

      It's a slower burn than it used to be, but like that mine fire in Silent Hill, it continues all the same and I am pleased to report on it. dumpster-fire

  • EstraDoll [she/her]
    14 days ago

    that door clearly says "Do not block" and you blocked it anyway smh my head

      • EstraDoll [she/her]
        14 days ago

        nobody will be laughing soon when some guy has to pull his space laundry cart through and he can't get his rounds done

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          He'll be late to buying a space hotdog from the space mall vendor before he suddenly dies when his hunger meter reaches zero. (that actually fucking happens too)

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      Context: this is a le epic loot event where you can loot the privilege of buying an internet spaceship for a hundred something dollarydoos. morshupls

      • AlyxMS [he/him]
        14 days ago

        They expect the players to earn the right to spend money on something?

        Star Citizen players are truly built different.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          They expect the players to earn the right to spend money on something?

          This isn't the first time they had the "golden ticket" event for the same internet spaceship.

          They're getting increasingly efficient at it.


  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    14 days ago

    It's not about the finished game at this point and more about the vibes and the vibes are this game will make white people great again.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      That really is seriously a big part of the appeal of the grift to aging gamedads. It became glaringly obvious when "make space simulators great again" became a common chant in the official forums around 2016. Also, every time the corpos tried to do a bare minimum rainbow flag thing during corpos-do-rainbow-flag-month, like clockwork their own fandom begin chanting about attack helicopters and concern troll about mental illness accusations, year after year.

        14 days ago

        Space simulators aren't even in a bad place now, basically only thing missing is capital ship sim which would feel like capital ship but not having learning curve resembling neutron star gravity well.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          Star Citizen could have reignited interest in the genre back in, oh, like 2011 but other games did that instead.

            14 days ago

            Oh i do remember having a slight hype about it, but soon forgotten, i like this genre but it's not even a priority. I would love proper Rebel Galaxy 2 or Freelancer but with capital ships (which Rebel Galaxy exactly was to be honest). I have few interesting space sims on wishlist, but now that i looked at the dates literally all of them seems to be in dev hell, though not even ankle deep in SC-like bog.

            Breachway is supposedly releasing this month, though after multiple delays and it's a roguelike more like FTL but i played demo and it was fun.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              14 days ago

              I admit I was interested in Star Citizen early on as an enjoyer of the old 90s Privateer game as well as Freelancer, but fortunately I never actually committed to any "pledge" amount and just watched it from afar.

              Eventually, that viewing became more schadenfreude. sicko-peepin

  • nothx [he/him]
    14 days ago

    Star citizen was doing NFTs before NFTs.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      Come to think of it, considering how aging gamedads on the official forum talked about how their nerd chariots would generate them passive income (as in, dollar income) once the game became some DAE LE OASIS everything for everyone virtual world, they were NFTs at least in rent-seeking ambitions from the rubes buying them.

  • Huldra [they/them, it/its]
    14 days ago

    After over a decade in development they have replicated Roblox physics that I experienced back when I was 12 years old.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      14 days ago

      After over a decade in development they have replicated Roblox physics that I experienced back when I was 12 years old.

      There's a healing beam.

      And a repair beam.

      And a salvaging beam.

      And a move-boxes beam.

      I think Roblox beats them there.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          14 days ago

          While lucrative for the head grifter, the monetization model is "whale fracking" which inhibits further revenue except from the most dedicated of big spenders, too. It's doomed to be less successful than Roblox, even as a resource extraction racket.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    14 days ago

    I missed your star shitizen posting ulysses