• doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      3 hours ago

      It was one more Steam early access survival crafting game, though it made quite a big splash due to the novelty of having pokey men in it

  • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
    3 hours ago

    Nintendo being shitty? Just another Thursday. What's more it's a SOFTWARE PATENT lawsuit, which means that it's the one kind of lawsuit that's even more fucked than a sketchy ass copyright lawsuit would be. Nintendo wants to make it so that nobody else can make a game with fun creatures that you catch, collect, ride around, etc.

  • Starlet [she/her, it/its]
    4 hours ago

    If Pocketpair were American, I honestly think they might have a chance. But from what I've heard, Tokyo District Courts aren't likely to rule against Nintendo.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    8 hours ago

    Nintendo is the Disney of bideo bames, is up to the same kind of skullduggery, and has a similar toxic fandom that'll go to the mat for them.

  • goose [he/him]
    9 hours ago

    When Palworld came out, I was surprised that the ever-litigious Nintendo didn't take some sort of legal action. So to all the people on here who thought that was a bad take and called me out, all I have to say now is: you're lovely and I appreciate you

  • KoboldKomrade [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    Joke lawsuit. The only valid response is a fedposting to any lawyer or judge who decides to waste time arbitrating whether or not a soulless husk can own a concept.

  • nothx [he/him]
    10 hours ago

    lol nice.

    Fuck Nintendo, but this is funny to me because it’s just another cash grab early access game by a pop up game studio. they are about to spend all their profits on litigation and then abandon the game just like the rest of their projects.

    • Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]
      6 hours ago

      Watching pokemon knock-offs build assault rifles in a sweat shop in a trailer for this game was one of the most edgelord things I've ever fucking seen. Cringy ass game, cringy ass devs. Fuck them and fuck Nintendo, too.


      • StalinStan [none/use name]
        2 hours ago

        There was a meme where people would kidnap the police and force them to work in the mines. That was pretty good though

      • nothx [he/him]
        5 hours ago

        100% agree. The game looked like dog ass from the get-go. My disdain for it only grew as all the rubes who spent $30 bucks on it tried to defend it and tell me it’s good. I knew it wasn’t and I know the hype would fade within a week.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        5 hours ago

        "You don't have to do edgelord shit featured in the game's promotional materials, but if you don't, you're just playing knock-off Pokemon with that edgelord shit in the background." smuglord

  • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
    10 hours ago

    I have pretty ambivalent feelings now, on one side my most hated videogame corpo ever, on the other chuds that openly advertise their game as slavery and exploitation simulator.

    • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
      4 hours ago

      Seems like it’s supposed to be ironic. Basically holding a mirror up to Pokemon. I dont know why people stress out about it lol

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        4 hours ago

        Irony as a universal excuse for everything is a few decades expired.

    • homicidalrobot@lemm.ee
      9 hours ago

      It's insane to me how often I see takes like this, where it's clear that not only did they not play the game, they didn't even watch a second of gameplay.

      If the game didn't HEAVILY penalize you for actually trying to exploit your pals, I'd agree, but mechanically a sweatshop will actually produce nothing at all in a short period of time. Bad working conditions lead to pals stopping work altogether until you let them rest, feed them, etc. to the point it's obvious their marketing and actual game design aren't in lockstep. You're REQUIRED to treat pals well to make substantial progress.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        6 hours ago

        It's insane

        "Everyone who criticizes the treats is mentally ill (and mental illness makes their opinions invalid), a bedtime story for treat defenders."

      • BeamBrain [he/him]
        9 hours ago

        If you advertise your game as a slaveowner simulator, people are going to conclude it's a slaveowner simulator. That's how marketing works.

        • homicidalrobot@lemm.ee
          8 hours ago

          The development team and the marketing team are not the same people. Extremely naïve to come to a complete conclusion with 0 exposure to gameplay. I don't respect the opinion because it isn't informed.

          • BeamBrain [he/him]
            3 hours ago

            I don't respect the opinion because it isn't informed.

            That's fine, I don't respect yours because you're a tool

          • glingorfel [he/him]
            7 hours ago

            why would I play a game that was marketed in a way that makes me not like it at all? I don't need to be "informed" by being exposed to gameplay. it's not naive to reject something based on how it was sold to me lmao. it's not my fault that the marketing people are casting the game in such a bad light

          • Smeagolicious [they/them]
            7 hours ago

            I don't respect you being smuglord

            It's not an "ill-informed" take you obtuse nerd! A good part of the advertising & marketing of the game, the material that is proliferated and shown to potential buyers, emphasizes casual cruelty and slavery.

            It's not ill-informed to not want to play because of that! It's still an option in the game, no? You can work your cute little anime animals to death, you can butcher and eat them. The shock value was capitalized on by scumlord streamers for views much the same way as it was by the marketing - one has to wonder why these systems were included if not explicitly for the shock marketing value.

        • Smeagolicious [they/them]
          6 hours ago


          Nerd got banned and took it to dms lmao. If you're reading this, you can eat my ass, punk

          • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
            6 hours ago

            He also send message to me about good devs and evil marketing. Real g*mer moment. And the second dude is being ever funnier blaming it on... language barrier because it's 1830 and obviously Japanese devs don't know English.

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              6 hours ago

              He also send message to me about good devs and evil marketing.


              Could you explain this one or summarize the message?

              • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
                6 hours ago

                The game had a 6 Million+ USD equivalent budget, they hired marketing. Banning people randomly looks stupid.

                With the context of discussion, it's clearly just devs good and innocent, marketing bad. As if that main game page on the biggest game store in history wasn't unchanged for months despite controversies. So the devs either are: a) hostages of their hired marketing people b) completely disinterested how their work is being advertised c) perfectly ok with it

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  5 hours ago

                  I haven't even looked much into Palworld, but what I did get from marketing blurbs was "what if Pokemon... but edgy and grimdark?"

                  Those Schrodinger's Asshole claims that the marketing isn't the game's intended way to play seem rather after the fact to me.

                  I heard similar bullshit about the "Postal" series and how a player didn't have to do any edgelord atrocity enjoying at all if they chose not to.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            6 hours ago

            Toxic treat defending freeze-gamer fandom keeps collecting those Ls.

        • Smeagolicious [they/them]
          8 hours ago

          I was interested in the concept at first but it's the exact shit you mention that killed any enthusiasm I had.


          "It's not optimal to be cruel" and "you can fight the poachers" c'mon now, they clearly know what they're implying and to assert otherwise is dishonest.

          Maybe I'm "too sensitive" but them leaning into the vibe of cruelty and exploitation of deliberately cute, innocent sentient beings just made the whole thing feel gross to me. Personally I'd rather it not be an option at all but I'm clearly not the target demo, a not insignificant portion of which is irony poisoned chuds

          • IWantToMakeProgress [any]
            8 hours ago

            Check the trailers. I was put off at first but tried it after checking the trailer and read the reviews which most of them state that the exploit/slavery is not the focus. There is free straw-hat-pirates demo btw.

            • Smeagolicious [they/them]
              7 hours ago

              I am aware it's not the focus - I just find it gross that 1) it's an option in the first place and 2) that it was marketed on this and emphasized by certain streamers and LPers. I don't have interest in the game, I know what it contains and I don't want to play it even though slavery "isn't the focus". Just very much not my thing

    • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
      9 hours ago

      Is it just the advertising that you disagree with? Kinda seems like pokemon is also a slavery and exploitation simulator but all the slaves have happy faces instead of sad ones

      • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
        10 hours ago

        Agreed honestly. I just think this is a really fuckin stupid move on TPC's part because this TOTALLY is going to have a Streisand backlash regardless of the outcome of the suit. Which means we have to hear even more chud bullshit about it.

    • IWantToMakeProgress [any]
      9 hours ago

      Slavery playstyle is more of a meme. You're more pushed into the playstyle of improving the Pals's condition, upgrade path from better bed, better hotspring, better food, ... so they can work and rest better. It's a sandbox survival game, you can choose how to play it.

      You can improve the pal's life ingame, but you as the pal in real life is kitty-birthday-sad

  • StalinStan [none/use name]
    9 hours ago

    Having played palworld it is a significantly diffrent product. I don't see specifics in thr article but it is unclear to me what the actual claim could be

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    11 hours ago

    I’m sorry but uh, for what? The concept of collectible battle monsters?

    Nintendo about to start suing plumbing companies for stealing the concept of Mario

    • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
      3 hours ago

      In another thread someone linked Nintendo's patent on mounting a creature and being able to both fly through the air and run along the ground while riding said creature.

      We don't know what Nintendo is suing about yet, and it's possible they have something real like they found out that the devs ripped an asset from a pokemon game and tweaked it with AI like a lot of people were speculating at one point, but right now I'm leaning towards this lawsuit is fucked and if Nintendo gets away with it they will be stifling every game with collectable creatures in the industry.

      • keepcarrot [she/her]
        1 hour ago

        That does not sound like a real patent. Or at least something that should not be a real patent

    • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
      10 hours ago

      To be fair I saw one "Pal" that just straight up used Zoruas model.

      Nintendo never cared about stuff like Digimon or Cassette Beasts, so I'm guessing the problem is actual models made by Nintendo were used. Buuuuut this is Nintendo and they sent people cease and desists over Pokemon fan games FFS, so who the hell knows.

      I mean, Palwords developers are skeezy, but on the other hand so is Nintendo, also fuck copyright.

      • Anvil_Lavigne [she/her, they/them]
        9 hours ago


        i get that they're commonly seen as rivals outside of japan (because saban localised the anime w/ the very intention of challenging pokemon, instead of leveraging the obvious differences), but like, if nintendo had gone after digimon, they'd be going after literally anything featuring monsters. the original 1997 iteration of digital monster was "tamagotchi for boys," which is where battling & evolution comes in comrade-raccoon

        obv the similar names might seem awfully sus, but as i understand, the abbreviating of names like that is fairly common in japan. like, if we knew the franchises as pocket monster & digital monster, there would still be a similarity there, but it would seem less egregious ig.

        thank u for suffering my autism

      • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
        10 hours ago

        Since it's a patent lawsuit they're going after game mechanics rather than character designs, but we don't know which mechanics yet

      • Infamousblt [any]
        10 hours ago

        Honestly Nintendo has had some big wins lately getting people to fold rather than fight in court even when the fight should be winnable. Maybe they're just hoping that happens here too. Get these guys all tied up in court even if Nintendo knows they won't win just to keep the Palworld devs occupied with the court fight rather than making their game

    • doublepepperoni [none/use name]
      11 hours ago

      They didn't specify which patents were being infringed upon. It'll be interesting to see how this goes. It's in Japan so I assume Nintendo's got this in the bag

      • PKMKII [none/use name]
        10 hours ago

        According to a Mastodon post, the speculation is it’s over “patents such as one for throwing and using Poké Balls in a 3D space (JP,2023-092953,A); and one for automatically switching between ride Pokémon as a player transitions between different terrain, such as between air and the ground (JP,2023-092954,A)."

        IANAL, certainly not in Japanese patent law, but the first one sounds stronger to me, but still not bulletproof.

          • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
            3 hours ago

            AFAIK game mechanics in the US can't be patented, especially board games. It's one of the few things American copyright law isn't fucking stupid about.

          • huf [he/him]
            10 hours ago

            the idea of patents were sold to us with this romantic tale of the lone inventor being able to live off his genius.

            none of that is real. patents are absurd and should be abolished, just like copyright (sold to us with a similar fairytale).

            • PKMKII [none/use name]
              9 hours ago

              The fundamental flaw with patents is being transferrable and the property model of them. Within the context of the current political economy, it would make more sense if someone used another’s patent commercially, the patent holder just gets a tax credit equal to some small percentage of the sales. And sweet Jesus the entire concept of being able to buy and sell patent rights is fucked up.🔝

        • Roonerino [they/them]
          10 hours ago

          That latter one is interesting because I can think of multiple MMOs with mounts that worked that way long before Nintendo did it. But I guess Nintendo is the only company that bothered to patent it in Japan.

          • PKMKII [none/use name]
            9 hours ago

            Which would work out in Pocketpair’s favor; establishing that it was an existing, common mechanic before the patent was filed will typically get it nullified.