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  • keki_ya [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    the Viet Cong did more for socialism than that Gamer Bro Liberal ever will, but since Anarcho-Market-Socialists like Vaush have never had even a modicum of success historically, they have to point to youtube video makers as true revolutionaries instead of the actual people building socialism right before their eyes.

      • keki_ya [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        the thing is that anarcho-market-socialism just seems like Ancapistan but with worker co-ops to me. I don't get why, in this age of technology, you would ever choose to unironically have firms and markets when we could just centrally plan everything.

        • Liberalism [he/him,they/them]
          4 years ago

          I think he does see it as a transition stage, though? I used to keep up with him before he really showed his true colors, and I'm pretty sure he saw market socialism merely as a logical next step from where we are now.

          Tbh, that's definitely not his worst opinion

          • keki_ya [none/use name]
            4 years ago

            yeah I edited my comment, although I'm sort of skeptical of the "transition stage" argument. In a first-world country with a million little firms producing lots of different commodities it would make sense, but for third-world nations (let's be honest - that's the only place where revolution is going to be happening for a long time) then I think it's easier to nationalize the little industry that exists and skip the whole part where you have to root out and dismantle the market system.

            This also depends on the state of the world too, since nations like Vietnam and China had to kind of convert back to market-states since they were sanctioned and deprived of any sort of foreign investment. Without another USSR it's hard to commit to a command economy.

            • kristina [she/her]
              4 years ago

              waiting for xi to nationalize the entire chinese economy

            • anthm17 [he/him]
              4 years ago

              The USSR also did markets for a bit, but Stalin shut that down.

              There are arguments for Market Socialism, but unless you seriously address the fact that it's capitalism it's just going to eat you alive.

              • Oni [any,comrade/them]
                4 years ago

                And also that the inherent anarchy of markets rather than a centrally planned economy creates waste and other inefficiencies, something we can't afford if we are serious about dealing with the climate crisis.

          • anthm17 [he/him]
            4 years ago

            It's basically the opinion of the chinese government.

            Dress up capitalism with fancy words and pretend it isn't nearly unfettered wealth extraction from your populace.

              • anthm17 [he/him]
                4 years ago

                Completely applicable and completely fair. Continue simping for Jack Ma you lib.

                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    God damn right I'll shit on fake socialists and dictators.

                    • lilpissbaby [any]
                      4 years ago

                      you do realize that you're the type of "leftist" who would've denounced the USSR and sided with the US over it?

                • volkvulture [none/use name]
                  4 years ago

         this guy was corrupt af and got owned just this year LOL

         this guy was similarly involved in corruption scandal and international intrigue/organize crime... got owned

         and this shit is just sad LOL... another billionaire OWNED

                  Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about, Chinese billionaires are kept coloring within the lines & many have been executed for their very serious corruption & dealings with the black market & mafia

                  You're a lib if you think that jailing a billionaire for 18 years for his fucking slimy corruption is the same as Western capitalism & "liberal democracy" giving Jeffrey Epstein a fucking plea deal


                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    You’re a lib if you think that jailing a billionaire for 18 years for his fucking slimy corruption is the same as Western capitalism & “liberal democracy” giving Jeffrey Epstein a fucking plea deal

                    What am I if I point out that they were fine with his exploitation of the workers and only went after him after he critized Xi?

                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                        4 years ago

                        That's racist just like a liberal too.

                        Weird how I'm talking about billionaires and leadership and you just keep yelling at me for being white and referencing "yellow hordes".

                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                            4 years ago

                            when attempting to influence the government away from socialism (4 Cardinal principles) is literally the most common grounds for said government expropriating your wealth and corporations.

                            Damn and all the billionaires get out that is a free hand to extract immense value from the population.

                            Fucking great form of socialism.

                              • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
                                4 years ago

                                You are arguing in bad faith at this point. You need to shut the fuck up and log off. Come back when you are willing to actually say something of purpose.

                              • anthm17 [he/him]
                                4 years ago

                                If you want to settle for better for now capitalism go right ahead.

                                Don’t whine when trying to keep pet capitalists bites you in the ass.

                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                    4 years ago

                                    uh huh.

                                    China is capitalist now and will only get more capitalist over time. It's a corrosive force.

                                    • SheetsOfLenin [he/him]
                                      4 years ago

                                      Imagine posting an uninformed opinion on a site of 10,000 about a country of 1 and a half billion. There are many transcripts straight from the horse's mouth that talk about this exact shit ya know

                                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                                        4 years ago

                                        There are many transcripts straight from the horse’s mouth that talk about this exact shit ya know

                                        See I'm gonna try to avoid mentioning guys like Zenz, and keep as open a mind as I can given the situation.

                                        But you cannot seriously expect me to take state published documents seriously?

                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                            4 years ago

                   OK Capitalist.

                              • anthm17 [he/him]
                                4 years ago

                                Long explanation

                                you called me a racist and a brocialist.

                                That's an explanation like state capitalism is socialism.

                    • volkvulture [none/use name]
                      4 years ago

                      no one's invented the "communism" button yet, and Marx himself just critiqued capitalism... if only to reveal contradictions that must be addressed and utilized in a less exploitative & socially deleterious manner

                      "productive forces" have to be utilized and improved and turned toward social ends. firms have to be organized & workers have to be engaged in production

                      if you don't think the "mass line" & nationalization of large industries just this year are tantamount to an actual full-on display of the power of "labor theory of value", you're losing the thread imo

             PRC just reported 4.9% growth yesterday, their consumer spending is returning. And yet, we will only see losses in any other major capitalist country. India shrank something like 30% in the 2nd quarter, that's devastating.

                      China still leads the world in manufacturing output, the raw numbers of comparative global economic activity & dynamism make this clear

                        • volkvulture [none/use name]
                          4 years ago

                          i'm just not going to try to blame the CPC for the West's failure to socially address economic issues

                          Did PRC socially address this year's economic downturn or nah?

                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                            4 years ago

                            So that's a yes.

                            Screw off capitalist.

                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                              4 years ago

                              anti-capitalism is easy, but how would you suggest one build a civilization without first examining and utilizing the tools we have?

                              western liberal democracy created catastrophic horrifying nuclear weapons technology using state capitalism, does that mean USSR and communists should've planted flowers in missile silos?

                              material circumstances require tempered material responses, not wishful thinking & ... what else are you suggesting again?

                              i didn't say that Deng Xiaoping was right, I said that CPC is doing the thing right now to weather this year's material circumstances using anti-capitalist measures

                              but again

                              state capitalism and this discussion we're having right now is literally the primary stage of socialism

                              • anthm17 [he/him]
                                4 years ago

                                state capitalism and this discussion we’re having right now is literally the primary stage of socialism

                                If you're a lying piece of shit who wants to betray a revolution it also works really well. I don't know which Deng Xiaoping was, most likely the former, but his shortcut means China is capitalist now.

                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                    4 years ago

                                    Which stage is this?


                                    • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                      4 years ago

                                      This is the Kuala Lumpur paper? Lol, I wonder if they have an ideological bias or have ever been involved in political bias scandals

                                      At any rate, here's what that article says about PRC "the country is on track to become the only major economy to expand this year, according to the International Monetary Fund.... The urban jobless rate inched down to 5.4 percent in September"

                                      I wonder what the US' jobless rate is atm.

                                      Basically all I am seeing is that the communists are better at developing past the conventions of capitalism, especially considering how no other capitalist economy is doing so hot...

                                      or maybe the Chinese billionaires were just creating racism in America, and that's where all that money went


                                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                                        4 years ago

                                        Maybe black people they just need reeducation and forced relocation to where better jobs are.

                                        • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                          4 years ago

                                          are you saying that something like a PRC-style developmental outreach initiative would definitely work within areas of the US where poverty and systemic legally codified racism & capitalism have left centuries of scars? that's actually not that bad of an idea, though I disagree with your cynical & lib characterization. really reaching

                                          • FailsonSimulator2020 [any]
                                            4 years ago

                                            It’s more like using the government to scoop up specifically Q Anon/ facsist brainwormed people and giving them education and bringing them out of impoverished rural towns to places with better wages and working more productively with the same effort because of developed labor skills. We would definitely hate that and call it “cultural genocide” 🙄

                                            • ComradeMikey [he/him]
                                              4 years ago

                                              white people have no culture lmao take all the white supramcists improve their lives and educate them sounds great

                                            • anthm17 [he/him]
                                              4 years ago

                                              Except in this case the "q-anon" people happen to compose an ethnic minority.

                                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                              4 years ago

                                              where you compare PRC's actual outreach and socioeconomic development to USA who has literally waged racist and genocidal campaigns against both Black & Indigenous

                                              not to mention the ACTUAL comparison to be made which is America's Global War on Terror... lol

                                              you have nothing

                                              • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                4 years ago

                                                who has literally waged racist and genocidal campaigns against both Black & Indigenous

                                                Canada did too.

                                                Infamously via forced education.

                                                you have nothing

                                                All you have is weird whataboutism where you pretend that I support any of those things.

                                                • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                  4 years ago

                                                  every advanced country on Earth has some form of mandatory schooling lol... what are you talking about?

                                                  adult education & deradicalization is only bad if the PRC does it? but the fact that the One Child Policy only applies to Han families in Xinjiang means that cultural genocide is occurring? what are you talking about?

                                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                    4 years ago


                                                    What percentage of Uyghurs does the Chinese government consider radicalized?

                                                    • SheetsOfLenin [he/him]
                                                      4 years ago

                                                      Regular massive terror attacks in one's country tend to be a sign action is necessary. I'm sure the Chinese imams who support such programs are just puppets, and education is just a ploy by the devious Asiatics of course

                                                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                        4 years ago

                                                        Does this trust of the state extend to things like the Patriot act?

                                                        • SheetsOfLenin [he/him]
                                                          4 years ago

                                                          Are you a fucking anarchist lmao? The fact that you'd ask for me to spell out the difference is childish and almost certainly in bad faith.

                                                          'State do thing? Oh really? Have you heard of other state that do other thing'

                                                          You're wasting everyone's time

                                                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                            4 years ago

                                                            I don't trust broad counter-terror programs, sorry.

                                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                    4 years ago

                                                    every advanced country on Earth has some form of mandatory schooling lol… what are you talking about?

                                                    I'm talking about how attempting to forcibly erase a culture is a crime against humanity.

                                                    • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                      4 years ago

                                                      any actual proof such things have occurred, or just rabid anti-communist speculation & sensationalism?

                                                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                        4 years ago

                                                        You wouldn't accept proof because you're a zealot.

                                                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                            4 years ago

                                                            Adrian Zenz

                                                            He's not a zealot he's a crank :p

                                                            Massive gulf between believe the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation and being completely uncritical of China's actions.

                                                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                              4 years ago

                                                              No, Adrian Zenz is literally a zealot

                                                              he said that Jews have to accept Christ to be allowed into heaven. Zenz also said that he was sent to Earth by God to destroy Communism. Is that what you want too?

                                                                • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                  4 years ago

                                                                  wait, did requiring engravings of knives purchased in these areas start before or after the fundamentalist sectarianism?

                                                                  Hui Muslims also do not completely escape this terrifying inculcation. Which isn’t to say it’s some inherent feature of Islam, obviously not if these groups have co-existed for so long, but we can’t ignore the extent to which a recent narrative of “cultural genocide” gets slathered on these stories.

                                                                  Hui Muslims are socio-linguistically & historically of Chinese descent. And they are also known to have Salafist & extreme sectarian groups moving in and out of these areas in Xinjiang. Hui muslims have been implicated in Heroin rings & moving those drugs to those Uyghur areas.

                                                                  To what extent is Daesh and its outgrowths an encouragement for these groups elsewhere & why was the reporter A. Vltchek found dead under suspicious circumstances in Turkey?

                                                                  Is this global nexus of oil money & militant funding & state surveillance not just a way to encircle China from Central Asia?

                                                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                    4 years ago

                                                                    Hui Muslims are socio-linguistically & historically of Chinese descent. And they are also known to have Salafist & extreme sectarian groups moving in and out of these areas in Xinjiang. Hui muslims have been implicated in Heroin rings & moving those drugs to those Uyghur areas.

                                                                    Well damn, better do some collective punishment then.

                                                                    • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                      4 years ago

                                                                      No, that's the thing, Hui muslims are also involved in criminal actions and stoking seditionist sentiment

                                                                      You want Daesh in PRC? pretty weird ngl

                                                                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                        4 years ago

                                                                        You want Daesh in PRC? pretty weird ngl

                                                                        Yes, and I want it here too obviously. That's why I'm not demanding Ilhan Omar be sent to a camp.

                                                                        I just love terrorism.

                                                                        • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                          4 years ago

                                                                          education & economic development are not law enforcement issues in the same way as the United States’ War on Drugs & racist for-profit prison industry.

                                                                          you can parse the lasting social benefits & fundamental uplifting aim of one over the other, i am sure of this.


                                                                          the way news & sensationalism & outright lies blend so perfectly into jingoism can’t be ignored. none of us are immune to propaganda, but I think we can comb through most of these claims about PRC and find very little real or irrefutable evidence.

                                                                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                            4 years ago

                                                                            education & economic development are not law enforcement issues in the same way as the United States’ War on Drugs & racist for-profit prison industry.

                                                                            Except you just implied it's part of counter-terror efforts.

                                                                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                              4 years ago

                                                                              yes, people who have access to gainful employment and are able to socially advance within society are far less likely to become violent seditionists, wouldn't you agree?

                                                                              poverty is endemic to these regions, but the knife attacks coincide with the rise of CIA backed fundamentalist Salafism.

                                                                              • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                                4 years ago

                                                                                yes, people who have access to gainful employment and are able to socially advance within society are far less likely to become violent seditionists


                                                                                Now do it while respecting human rights.

                                                                                • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                                  4 years ago

                                                                                  yes, giving people gainful employment and education and opportunities for advancement is literally guaranteeing autonomy & self-reliance & engendering human rights

                                                                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                                    4 years ago


                                                                                    So these are all volunteers?

                                                                                    • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                                      4 years ago


                                                                                      "According to the official Chinese version, during the past three years voluntary education has been imparted to the Muslim population of Xinjiang so that their extremist tendencies may be rectified."

                                                                                      • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                                        4 years ago

                                                                                        According to the official Chinese version

                                                                                        According to the state the state didn't do bad things.

                                                                                        You can always trust the state.

                                                                                        • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                                          4 years ago

                                                                                          Well, you posted New Strait Times... so you must trust them, right?


                                                                                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                                            4 years ago


                                                                                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                                              4 years ago

                                                                                              weird, that article you sent says

                                                                                              “The purpose [of the camp network] was to try to indoctrinate and change an entire population by channeling them through this dedicated system,” said Adrian Zenz, a leading researcher into the Xinjiang internment camps, who is senior fellow in China studies at the victims of communism foundation"

                                                                                              So you take that Guardian's interpretation of Zenz' lies as fact huh?

                                                                                              • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                                                4 years ago

                                                                                                No, but it's hard to find a publication that put out the leaks without referencing that anti-communist wacko.

                                                                                                Doesn't change the contents of the leaks.

                                                                                                • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                                                  4 years ago

                                                                                                  yes, if these speculations contain positive references to Zenz in any way, then they are suspect

                                                                                                  • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                                                    4 years ago

                                                                                                    The news is the leaks not the biased presentation.

                                                                                                    • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                                                      4 years ago

                                                                                                      Have you seen the provenance of these supposed "leaks"? Because, without actual verification of that information, it's just badly written Chinese script on paper.

                                                                                                      Have you seen actual footage inside the schools?

                                                                                                      Have you seen any physical evidence to suggest that people are being abused or culturally genocided or killed by PRC?

                                                                                                      Because I don't think you've seen anything of that nature, you just take Adrian Zenz' sensationalism & anti-communism as unquestionable

                                                                        • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                          4 years ago

                                                                          and yes, US has racist extrajudicial Muslim torture camps LOL... I wonder wtf you're actually standing up for here?

                                                                          • anthm17 [he/him]
                                                                            4 years ago

                                                                            Obviously we just need more of that.

                                                                            I wonder wtf you’re actually standing up for here?

                                                                            Does it help to point that I'm

                                                                            1. not a nationalist
                                                                            2. not even an American, I just live here.

                                                                            In other words I'm not standing up for anything except people I think deserve it.

                                                                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                                              4 years ago

                                                                              sounds like you just need cope because USA is melting down and PRC is actually holding together and improving the lot of their people using ideologies & economic models that defy Western imperialism

                                                                              you can try and harp on unsupported & biased Western propaganda on PRC. I will wait for actual evidence

                                                            • volkvulture [none/use name]
                                                              4 years ago

                                                     this is from last year & seems to indicate things are improving from the perspective of government openness & goodwill

                                                     this is also from last year and maybe passes the sniff-test for you here for “East vs. West media bias” maybe not idgaf

                                                     this is VOA, so it’s definitely tripe, but even it still was giving somewhat of an even-handed & in-depth perspective on the issues at play here in the Obama era

                                                     this too gives nuance and offers wider connections to the general state of Islam globally. But it leaves out key connections between the “openness” reforms of Deng’s era & how these have always led to potentially dangerous Western & even extreme theocratic influences into the country

      • Express [any,none/use name]
        4 years ago

        I think this is exactly right. He talks and acts like an ancap but wants to dress himself up in progressive values.

    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I'm guessing it's Luna Oi! he was talking about?

      Pretty rich, seeing as how she has family members who were literally Viet Minh.

        • HarryLime [any]
          4 years ago

          I saw Luna Oi pissed off about it on twitter but didn't know what she was referring to. Vaush is such a douchebag.

          • emizeko [they/them]
            4 years ago

            keep me looped in, I still have that super soaker full of lime juice

            • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
              4 years ago

              Ooh yeah, now we're talking...

              Seriously though, this has me genuinely fucked up. How dare this dweeb bitch call himself a socialist, and then turn around and shit all over the brave people of Vietnam? Like what the actual fuck!?

              • keki_ya [none/use name]
                4 years ago

                How dare this dweeb bitch call himself a socialist, and then turn around and shit all over the brave people of Vietnam

                Western Leftism with Cracker Characteristics. Get used to it, it makes up the majority of leftists in the USA

                • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
                  4 years ago

                  I see what you're saying, but I dunno. I have a feeling that at this point anti-communism is already so ingrained in the western "left" that it self-perpetuates without the need for any ops. It's become organic and as natural as breathing air.

                  Depressing as fuck, but I fear it's true.

                  • CommieGirl69 [he/him]
                    4 years ago

                    I see what you’re saying, but I dunno. I have a feeling that at this point anti-communism is already so ingrained in the western “left” that it self-perpetuates without the need for any ops. It’s become organic and as natural as breathing air.

                    it started as an op way before but now it's just cultural and western leftists are happy to do the CIA's job for them :capitalist-laugh:

                  • emizeko [they/them]
                    4 years ago

                    good perspective and I think part of the reason I don't keep it in mind is how depressing it is, tips me into misanthropy

                    • Ram_The_Manparts [he/him]
                      4 years ago

                      Yeah, it can definitely lead to some dark corners of the mind.

                      We are still right though. Never forget that.

      • mrbigcheese [he/him]
        4 years ago

        think she was talking about him in this

  • SteveHasBunker [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Vaush is just lashing out because the fact Luna is dating a kinda dorky white guy makes him horribly jealous and insecure.

    Hanoi wept.

    • DasRav [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      I had a few days where i watched the guy. You are so spot on. His constant shouting about America #1 is what turned me off. At first I thoguht it might be a bit, but he kept doing it without a hint of irony. Fuck this guy.

  • BreadPrices [he/him,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    The US faked an attack on their own warship to go to war with Vietnam during their war against communism because....why?

      • keki_ya [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        Collective farming? Healthcare, literacy, food security? stable government that lasts more than 3 years and roots out capitalists and Nazis? Yep, just found out I'm talking to a tankie. Wowzers, you're getting blocked. Smh Red Fash taking over this forum

    • snackage [he/him]
      4 years ago

      They did for the 'gram

      They did it for the memes

      They did it for shits and giggles

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I hate how people like Destiny, and Vaush are considered like, prominent leftists and/or what a lot of folks think any sorta leftism is. It's so bad man

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        They definitely use to, he would be lumped into the liberal-to-leftist streamers/content creators. He isn't a leftist at all, he is a fucking reactionary

          • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
            4 years ago

            Yeah for sure agree with that, he is has always been one of those "outrage" type streamers who got most of his attention by saying incredibly toxic and vile shit. If I recall correctly he really blew up when Starcraft 2 came out. I'll never forget when he made a very colorful r*pe joke in sc2 that really blew up and basically writing him off as another edgy right winger, only to late find out he has some liberal views, which apparently doesn't make him a reactionary or something stupid? He use to(or still?) debate right wingers so I think that is mostly why people think he is a "leftist."

    • Magjee [any]
      4 years ago I old?

      I don't have any clue what's going on

      • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
        4 years ago

        You could be old, but I also envy your nonawarness about these people cause, truly, if i could, i would men in black erase my memory of them forever if i could with a flash

    • HalfeMoon [they/them,she/her]
      4 years ago

      That second quote doesn't even begin to cover it. He goes on a whole rant about how they're all mentally ill and worse for leftism than its enemies.

      I posted a compilation on my YouTube channel a few months back and it nearly got the channel taken down from Vaush reports--most of my videos, including done Minecraft videos from middle school, of all things, were taken down in the brigade.

  • domhnall [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Vaush fucking sucks. I’m becoming more and more convinced that the only goal he’s ever had was to replace Destiny as the internet’s #1 shitlib streamer.

  • ShoutyMcSocialism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Holy shit if I see this person's name one more time. Can one of us just challenge him to a pistol duel?

  • ethereal_wave [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    Idk about yall but Luna oi fucking predicted this shit like AGES ago, she fuckin had a parody skit of western leftists saying "VIETNAM ISN'T SOCIALIST!!!11!!" in her own video and proceeded to deconstruct it.

  • CenkUygurCamp [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I don't care about the Contrapoints shit, but I do care about the fact that today Vaush said tha-

    Stop the tape right there. This where it went wrong. Caring about insufferable youtuber's opinion is how you have a bad time online.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    4 years ago

    I am pleased and proud to say I don't know who Vaush is and, in fact, I frequently think people are talking about noted rapist Roosh V.