I like these kinds of threads just not when reddit is answering them

Damn, u mfs living wild lives. Mine is boring af compared. Thanks for the cool stories to read on my break

    • openthroat [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I’ve been in a situation where I’ve had to keep my cool while a spoopky ass person was creeping along just out of sight and I was the only one who noticed them and it’s an awful stomach dropping feeling you can’t forget.

        • openthroat [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Happened to me by the train tracks at this remote overgrown bamboo forest I thought nobody used except for the occasional biker. We were all on psychedelics and I had to keep my cool and get us out of there quick. Pretty much said the same shit you did about leaving to make sure we weren’t bothering anyone but damn I thought we were done for. Didn’t tell anyone what happened until we came down later that night.

    • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If this story is real, you probably ran into a krokodil addict. Google image search if you want to scar yourself.

    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Straight outta a horror film. Glad you’re still with us

        • Sus_fecal_testes [it/its]
          4 years ago

          I was once exploring an abandoned train station in an extremely poor area of a city in the US. Came up to a hallway and there was a little room turned hovel complete with broken glass collages, pictures with peoples faces scratched out, human shit and needles all over and children's clothing strewn around.

  • rozako [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Trying to ignore the more traumatic shit and go for more lighthearted stuff here.

    1. Almost got sent to one of those super shitty "troubled teen" places. Long story involved there, but luckily my father decided against it.

    2. I am scared shitless of home breakin stuff. When I was 14 and basically living alone, I heard someone come inside the house. I knew it wasn't my dad, but there was no reason it'd be anyone else. They went downstairs, and I was just trying to assess what to do. Eventually (because I was a stupid and cocky child) I took the baseball bat I had and went to confront them. Ended up just being my brother who got kicked out trying to get some of his stuff back. BUT THEN like a week later I realize he stole a lot of our coin-money and our dead mom's jewelry to sell because he had a bad heroin addiction at the time. AND THEN my father blamed it on me and changed the locks on the house without telling me when I was at school so when I went home, I was locked outside (in the snow) until he decided to come home hours later. And that was my lesson on not "letting people into the house."

    3. During the summer of 2014, I had a really bad mania episode and probably slept on average like... maybe 1-2 hours a night, sometimes 4-5 if I was lucky, and stayed up 3 days in a row often. Got to the point where I was hallucinating and having really bad delusions. Almost begged my dad to take me to a psychiatric hospital cause I was terrified, but I couldn't really explain why I just kept saying "this summer is the worst", and his legit response was, "Is it because you think you're gay?" WHICH HE SAID HE THOUGHT BECAUSE I ONCE SAID BOYS IN MY SCHOOL WEREN'T ATTRACTIVE. well he was right i am bisexual but i always laugh at the fact he thought my mental breakdown was because of gayness

    • Amorphous [any]
      4 years ago

      And that was my lesson on not “letting people into the house.

      ohhh boy. that one made me mad just reading it. holy shit

      • rozako [she/her]
        4 years ago

        Yeah my dad was really... unique. Another great lesson I got taught was I didn’t do the dishes right after dinner on a night he came home, so he took all the pots and pans away for like a week. Just the littlest weird punishments someone could come up with.

    • rozako [she/her]
      4 years ago

      OKAY I HAVE SOMETHING ELSE TO ADD once took my statistics final exam my sophomore year on college fucking high as hell from an edible. genuinely to the point i remember thinking "i have no clue what i'm writing right now." so i can only imagine what the hell i wrote on that exam cause we never got them back. i took the edible the night before, but it was intense and lasted the rest of the next day.

  • opposide [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I mean I guess this isn’t the craziest thing but I’ve met AOC personally and do have her actual phone number from working closely with her campaigns (I live in her district).

    I don’t want to share too much info because I’d prefer to remain pretty anonymous but I will say that I still know and am in touch with a few people I met working on the campaigns who still work for her directly. I’m going to bed but if you all have any questions I’ll try to answer them tomorrow morning

      • Awoo [she/her]
        4 years ago


        Would be happy to speed up making the guides needed to that in order to match the approach they have at iama. Getting them written up has been on the backburner for a bit as getting mod at /r/greenandpleasant jumped on me and I've been working very hard to put it on the right direction(starting with de-libbification and making sure MLs know it's a space they can use), but if we need it sped up it can happen.

        • opposide [none/use name]
          4 years ago

          Thanks I’ve noticed that sub has gotten much better! And I’ll definitely let the mods know if I think the winds change on this at all

          • Awoo [she/her]
            4 years ago

            Yeah we're working bloody hard on delibbing it that's why!

      • opposide [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        It was a great experience. Amazing group of people and she really did work from the ground up. One small thing pretty recently was that she reached out to me and my mutual aid group to help distribute food and masks door to door at the start of the pandemic. We thought she would just be having us give them out after she made the purchase but she asked the day before where to meet up with us and she went door to door also handing out supplies.

        Funny story, I did ask her to do an AMA on the old Chapo subreddit and even though I played it waaaaaaaaaay up it seemed she also had a vague idea of what that was at that point in time and declined. The catch though was “for the time being” so maybe one day?????? Lol

    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Even if we don’t do an AmA with her. Just let her know we exist so we can get some more cia pigs in here. We need some cred

      • opposide [none/use name]
        4 years ago

        At least two people who still work with her use this website so I’m sure the CIA is aware lol

  • TheaJo [she/her,comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    mom dug up years old real estate information on one of my friends just to check if their parents were gay, cause she saw a pic of 2 men standing close together outside the house once, nearly stopped me cause she thought they were (they werent, that was their dad and uncle)

    • TheaJo [she/her,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      runner up would be when i came home from work, only to find the PC i left on was off. started it up and everything was ok but when i go to google all my history is gone, like passwords, search history. parents could have done it but not sure

      • TheaJo [she/her,comrade/them]
        4 years ago

        Alright explicit confirmation that my parents cleared it, they found my trans stuff fml

        and now they are tracking the sites i go to, so i can only go on here with my phone data lmao shits fun

  • Multihedra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I had a wild turkey try to fight my car while I drove it once.

    I saw a car stopped on the road, slowed down to see what was up, and a turkey ran up. The other car sped away and the turkey was just in front of my car being angry (presumably the turkey was blocking the other car previously).

    I tried to back up since it was right against my hood and I didn’t want to run it over, but it just chased after me closing the gap.

    I had to wait for a car to come from the other way, and the turkey to chase it. Then when I sped off after getting an opening, it chased me until I got up to 10 or 15 mph.

    It was surreal

  • lilyenta [she/her]
    4 years ago

    when i was in high school there was some stupid ass sorority that hazed girls in (think dazed and confused) and actually made you do some pretty nasty stuff. the senior girls intimidated us into even doing it by threatening to beat our asses if we refused (i never wanted to do it in the first place), so anyway under duress i did the stupid ass initiation where they kidnapped us, made us say which senior guy we most wanted to have sex w/ on a microphone in front of a crowd of spectators, wrestle the other freshman recruits in a kiddie pool of fish guts, and dance on a pole in front of everyone. cops rolled in right as it was my turn to go. added layer of insanity, my best friend at the time's mom (who supplied us with weed and booze from age 14-16) volunteered her house to have the event. she hid in the closet when the cops came, they didn't find her. the "sorority" disbanded that year.

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Short version: I got shot with a crossbow

    Long version: I was hanging out with some friends, we got a couple of beers and we're all having a good time.

    Then one of them goes "check this out" and pulls out one of those little crossbow pistols.

    He starts waving it around and before I can say "Don't fucking do that" he shoots it right into my right shoulder.

    Lucky me, the bolt glanced off the bone and tore a gash across my chest before landing on the floor.

    My friends start freaking out about the blood and to be fair, so did I.

    I managed to tamp the wound with a towel and call up another friend who drove me to the hospital (best bud foreverz believe it).

    I went into the ER knowing that my parents would fucking kill me if they knew that not only had I been underage drinking, but had gotten shot because of it, so I hatched a really stupid plan.

    I gave my friend my wallet and phone and went into the hospital.

    Gave them a fake name, but real address and pretended like I didn't speak English very well.

    I got stitched back up and before anyone else could ask me anything (or God forbid, call ICE), I booked it out of there.

    I went back home and basically spent a month hiding the fact that I had a grievous wound from my family.

    Learned how to change bandages and keep a wound clean and how to remove stitches real damn fast.

    Lucky as hell I didn't get an infection or anything, but I did have a boss scar for a while.

    Suffice to say, I didn't ever hang out with that first set of guys ever again

  • Bread_In_Baltimore [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Was chased by a drug dealer with a baseball bat, when I sped off one of his boys tried to block me in with his car so I hopped the curb and barely got away without crashing into anything. He wasn't even after me, just someone in my car lmao

  • deadbergeron [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    when i was a little kid for some reason i woke up in the middle of the night. i began to get out of bed, maybe to go to the bathroom, so i bring myself to an upright position and find myself staring at the dark silhouette of a woman going through my bookcase. I sit entranced for a while, because for some reason the whole situation didn't feel weird, maybe I was half asleep. But then she turns her head and looks straight at me, which pulls me out of my stupor. She senses this and puts her finger to her mouth as if to say "shh." And so I nod my head, lie back down and pull the cover over my head. Eventually I fall back asleep

    The weird thing I remember is not really being scared at all. Once she looked at me it was just sort of oh shit, this is what I need to do right now. Fear is not an emotion I remember.

    Anyway I checked the bookcase the next day, nothing was out of place, everything was still there, nothing in the house was taken. Interesting.

  • sandinista209 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Back when I was a kid a guy who stole a Pepsi truck crashed into a streetlight outside our house and it fell into our yard.

  • GhostOfChristmasAss [any]
    4 years ago

    I was staying alone in a small shrine on top of a forested mountain in Japan, and in the middle of the night I woke up to something growling and scratching at the door trying to get in. It was either a demon or a bear, I don’t know which. Five minutes of staying dead still and the bastard wouldn’t give up, so I said fuck it and turned on my head lamp. It went silent and disappeared right after that.

  • Electrickoolaide32 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    My mom worked for this guy who had a bunch of land somewhere out in the country. He invited everyone over for like a bbq. Guy was loaded and had like multiple golf carts on his land with driving paths. I brought a friend with me.

    I look back on this now and along with some other crazy shit this dude did, but it should have been more apparent but I think this “friend” of my mine tried to kill me in one of the golf carts. Basically we were bombing around in this thing being shit heads, doing donuts all that. Throughout the whole thing he became more “annoyed” with me for no real reason. We both were going full speed and I told him to slow down, he then yanked the wheel hard left and just flipped this thing with my face and arms just driven into the ground. It fucking hurt, i was cut up and my arm barely could move and my knee just felt busted.

    This kid was laughing and tried kicking me as I was picking myself up off the ground. Golf cart all fucked up, I was like “what the fuck dude this guy is going to fire my mom over this shit and I’m fucked up”.

    Somehow we got the cart flipped over and restarted and I drove. Got it back to garage and parked it all the way up front so it didn’t stick out as it was all scraped the fuck up. Just went back to the bbq and I couldn’t shake this psycho the rest of the day.

    I can’t remember much more about that incident to be honest, we made it back and then the thing was ending and we left shortly after that.

    I wish it could say it ended there but I was friends with that guy for years after that, he tried something like a year and a half later and tried to strangle me and I beat his ass with an old AT&T telephone i had.

    He did treat others like shit and caught a terrible beating for it. He dropped out of high school like a 1.5 years later and at that point I was distancing myself pretty far from him.

    Anyways, I’m cool now, I honestly only think about all that shit maybe once or twice a year and I have had a lot other things hurt me that I worry about mad

    I have no clue what happened to that guy. He is still around I think but I have no clue really. In retrospect tho, I consider me and anyone else that survived being around that guy to be some of the craziest shit I’ve ever had to deal with.

    • Maldandlonely [he/him,comrade/them]
      4 years ago

      Reflecting on people you knew and wondering, were they a straight up psychopath? is definitely an unsettling experience. Weird that you mentioned strangling in particular. I had an ex that randomly started grabbing at my neck and trying to strangle me while we were just chillin on the couch. This wasnt some kind of roughhousing that we did sometimes and made sense it was just very out of left. No fighting, no trigger at all, and she wasn't angry. She was actually laughing her creepy head off and kept trying to do it. Another time I did get into a little argument with her in her car. I decided to get out and go back to her place for my stuff because we weren't very far yet. When I got there she'd beaten me there. I said Im just looking for my phone and then I'm gonna leave. When I couldnt find it, I picked up her phone to call mine and goes NO! DON'T! So i did, and my phone rang from way up on top of her desk/ cabinetry thing. Fucking weird. And then other moments I just cant even explain. Ive often wondered what her path of destruction has been like.

      • Electrickoolaide32 [he/him]
        4 years ago

        A very unsettling experience, and another friend of mine pointed that out to me after the strangling, like a “hey didnt he like wreck a fucking golf cart with you in a few years ago? “ and we both came to the realization that he’s like tried to kill me a few times. It was and still gives me a deep chill.

        To the point about the strangling, it was over a game of trivial pursuit and it was another instance where I was like “you’re wrong” and then i got the right answer. He was also grinning and laughing while he tried head locking me. I grabbed the phone next me and beat him in the head with it until he let go and then i just gave him a good phone bomb and threw the whole thing at him. Told him to get the fuck out and then threw his ass out.

        That is bizarre about the phone though, I had a friend who’s ex would hide his shit all the time to keep him around. It was fucking strange

    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This but it was my father and he didn’t kick me when I was down, but did throw me out of a golf cart and then just kept driving looking for his ball acting like he didn’t notice I wasn’t there anymore.

        • BillyMays [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Yeah he’s a megalomaniac and out of my life. Thankful everyday I’ll never have to speak to that piece of shit again.