"Some of you may be willing to die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make" but unironically

Edit: The user has since apologised https://hexbear.net/comment/3848285

  • Egon [they/them]
    10 months ago

    Whoops I cut off their reply halfway thru.

    I know you all hate Ukraine and think they should lay down and let Russia steamroll into Kiev and annex the whole country. But reality doesn't always reflect your geopolitical wet dreams.

    Geopolitics is when you think people shouldn't die in a senseless war. It's also somehow unrealistic

    • lesseva96@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Yeah they should just submit to a genocidal invader! That's WAY better than dying!

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 months ago

        The only one cheering for a genocide of Ukrainians is you buddy. I think they shouldn't die in a massive murder machine.

        • lesseva96@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          I have not cheered for anything. I regret this situation as much as anyone. I simply think that it's plain silly to capitulate to a mafia state that kidnaps and "re-educates" your children, bombs your hospitals and schools, massacres your villages and whose leaders have openly questioned the need for a Ukranian identity. I also think it's quite telling that these "peace appeals" are only made to Ukraine, even though it takes two to tango and Ukraine isn't the one trespassing.

          • Egon [they/them]
            10 months ago

            Well first off: if we're just making shit up, you might as well get creative with it. The Russians are actually harvesting the Orgon energy of the Ukrainians in order to fuel a massive necromantic rite that will imbue a thousand golems with life, which will create an indestructible army of russian super soldiers.

            Secondly: The Russians aren't actually just bombing hospitals and murdering children, I don't know where you get these claims from, but you might've confused Russia with the US and Ukraine with Iraq. Even if the Russians were copying the American Shock and Awe strategy of warfare, that still doesn't really change anything does it? The Ukrainians still can't win, the longer they fight, the worse their negotiating position will be. But you think they still should fight.
            So just to be clear: You think the Ukrainians should continue to be killed by the Russian military as they attack the defensive positions? You want this war to continue until all Ukrainians are dead? I just want to be sure I understand your position, which seems to be that you want all the Ukrainians to die and then Russia can just pick the corpse of the country as it wants.

            • lesseva96@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              Wow dude, this little number you've written here has so many logical fallacies and projections.

              First of all, in no way am I defending the US invasions of the Middle East. Shit was bad and unnecessary.

              Second of all, Russians are absolutely bombing hospitals and buildings full of children. They bombed a building in Mariupol that was used to house children and had that written on the roof. I'm also worried that they're kidnapping children and robbing them of their Ukranian identity.

              I think the war should continue for as long as Ukrainians are willing to fight. And not because I'm a cartoon villain that wants them all to die; I think any deal with Russia's mafia leadership isn't worth the paper it's printed on. The Russians have already stomped all over the Budapest memorandum that guaranteed Ukraine's territorial sovereignty, why would they honor any other deal? At best the Russians would use the peacetime to resupply and rearm and try again later.

              • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                10 months ago

                First of all, in no way am I defending the US invasions of the Middle East. Shit was bad and unnecessary.

                The people who lied to you about those wars are telling you today's war is totally a good one. Why would you believe them?

                • lesseva96@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  I don't like being painted as someone who is told what to think. I do not think the Ukraine war is a "good one", there are no "good" wars. I simply empathize more with the victims of imperialism and not the perpetrators of imperialism.

                  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    imperialism isn't "when a country invades another country" for fuck's sake, stop dressing your libshit in the facade of left-wing rhetoric.

                    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                      10 months ago

                      That's a challenge rating impossible. I see libs do this constantly. Invasion=imperialism for them, i think mostly because like you said, they want to use our words to sound more left wing even though they don't know what they're saying

              • Egon [they/them]
                10 months ago

                First of all, in no way am I defending the US invasions of the Middle East. Shit was bad and unnecessary.

                I wasn't saying you were. Improve your reading comprehension.

                Second of all, Russians are absolutely bombing hospitals and buildings full of children. They bombed a building in Mariupol that was used to house children and had that written on the roof.

                I wasn't saying they weren't, improve your reading comprehension. I was saying they weren't doing these things on purpose.

                I'm also worried that they're kidnapping children and robbing them of their Ukranian identity.

                I'm worried they might conscript the tooth fairy. As other users have already noted in this very thread, Russia is actually contacting families in order to reconnect them with their children.

                I think the war should continue for as long as Ukrainians are willing to fight.

                You mean the Ukrainians that are being forcibly conscripted and prevented from leaving the country so they can be forcibly conscripted? Seems like they don't want to fight if you ask me.

                The Russians have already stomped all over the Budapest memorandum that guaranteed Ukraine's territorial sovereignty, why would they honor any other deal?

                The Budapest memorandum??? You have got to be kidding me. A 30-year old document written shortly after the collapse of the USSR is somehow worthy of discussion? And it's Russia that should be critiqued for breaching it? Euromaidan was a coup of the Ukrainian government led by far right militias funded by the United States Department, which then installed their own puppet government with their picked stooges. This government then continually shelled another russian-speaking part of Ukraine for 8 years (in spite of other treaties I might add). The Budapest memorandum was already trampled by the United States and then Ukraine itself.
                Of course later treaties were written - like Minsk II, which was breached continually by Ukraine. Russia did seek diplomatic solutions before invading - which I think was an overreaction, but pretending it was unprovoked is silly.
                Yet you think Ukraine should be worried Russia won't follow treaties?
                Of course I know what you will do, you will call me a bot or dismiss this as propaganda or drivel or whatever else. I also know what you won't do: you wo t engage with the argument, and you won't take the time to check it. You will dismiss it, because you are incapable of actually considering you might be misinformed.

                Edit: And since we're pulling treaties out of our ass, what of that of NATO encroachment? The agreement that NATO would not incorporate ex Soviet countries? That which had been broken, and which was being waved around at the time of the invasion, that's of course nothing right? Because that different because we're the ones doing it.

                • Joe@discuss.tchncs.de
                  10 months ago

                  I wasn't saying they weren't, improve your reading comprehension. I was saying they weren't doing these things on purpose.

                  Wait a sec, Egon. How would you know that? If you don't, why claim it? There have been a lot of attacks on civilian infrastructure and reckless attacks in civilian areas. I'm not quite convinced that russia is as innocent as you seem to believe.

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    There is no proof that Russia is deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure like hospitals. Likewise there is no proof it isn't - how do you prove a negative?

                    We can however observe the slow pace in the beginning of the war, where Russia broke with modern doctrine of taking out critical infrastructure.

                    We can also look at the many long lasting sieges of large cities, where Russia made sure to create humanitarian corridors (the corridors that have received immense critique for being kidnapping operations somehow).

                    We can also think for ourselves: if Russia was deliberately targeting such buildings, why did it not do so at the start of the war, and why does it not target all of these building, or target them in such a way that they are permanently and completely destroyed?

                    What's more likely: Russia is deliberately targeting schools and hospitals (but only kinda) in order to kill civilians because... Russia is just super evil? These deliberate acts of violence are carried out against a population that has shared a border with Russia for more than a century, with many russian citizens having family and friends in the country, yet Russia just wants to murder civilians.

                    OR Russia is fighting a war against an enemy that uses civilians as human shields and the war is often in large urban centres, which means that civilian targets are nigh impossible to completely avoid?

                    • Joe@discuss.tchncs.de
                      10 months ago

                      Why would you think the best of russia to begin with? They send conscripts & mobilized citizens off to a war that didn't need to happen. They prevent many of their own from leaving the country... it's the poor who will suffer the most.

                      Why now and not in the beginning? I don't know for sure, but wars often end when one side loses the will to fight ... maybe they are trying to wear down the will of the Ukrainians and allies? If the Ukrainian media is to believed, it doesn't seem to be working. It sounds like it will be a long one.

                      Edit: Your last link didn't link to the original OHCHR report, and presents a one-sided view. You can find the proper report linked to from here: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/07/high-commissioner-human-rights-high-numbers-civilian-casualties-ukraine

                      • Egon [they/them]
                        10 months ago

                        I try not to assume anything. Which is why I responded to you with observable facts.
                        I then led these lead to ask you questions, which you fail to answer. You also fail to engage with the arguments presented to you, instead inventing a reality of your own whole cloth.
                        Russia is not preventing people from leaving Ukraine is. Russia has, as I've said already ensured to create humanitarian corridors for which it has been critiqued. Russia isn't the one using civilians as human shields, Ukraine is [1] [2].

                        I frankly find it insulting how you keep asking questions, get responses and then choose to write these half-assed replies barely responding to the content of what the other writes to you. Fuck you.

                          • Egon [they/them]
                            10 months ago

                            Yeah good okay, keep doing this then, why would you ever want to argue in good faith, fuck me for assuming you weren't just being a dumbass debatebro nitpicking bullshit. You linked to the press release by the way, and you linked in the edit after I responded, and the report still states they make use of human shields. But hey why argue in good faith, when you can be just like Ben Shapiro instead? Why ever discuss in good faith, you might learn something or change your perspective, or at least foster an environment where we can have am open exchange of knowledge and disagree on analysieswithout bad vibes. No this thing you're doing is clearly the way forward.

                            Eat shit asshole

                            • robinn2
                              10 months ago

                              deleted by creator

                              • Egon [they/them]
                                10 months ago

                                Such a weaselly thing to do. And they still stick to engaging with very select parts of the argument. It's disingenuous and weak. They should've been shoved into more lockers as a child.

                            • Joe@discuss.tchncs.de
                              10 months ago

                              The press release contains a clear and obvious link to the report itself. I didn't claim otherwise.

                              You provided a link to some pro-russian propaganda that selectively quoted from what seems to be a fair and balanced report. I provided a link to the press release for the original report, and point out that it has more to it than the selective quotes.

                              You then claim bad faith. Given the ease with which you claim bad faith whenever anyone argues with you, I think that you should define what you mean by good and bad faith.

                              And now you promote bullying/violence with the reference to school lockers? Grow up.

                              • Egon [they/them]
                                10 months ago

                                Fuck you, stop nitpicking, stop doing weasel shit, engage with the arguments instead of doing this debatebro bullshit. You say I "claim bad faith" despite me clearly describing TWICE what it is you are doing that is bad faith. You're not being clever, it's obvious what you are doing, you're a sad little impotent porridge farmer, with nothing between the ears.
                                Fuck you, I hope you get an open fracture

                                  • Egon [they/them]
                                    10 months ago

                                    You're doing it again :) You focus on one single issue presented amidst a wealth of others (this I have already explained to you twice, but of course you do not engage with it, instead pretending you have not had this and other things explained), which you then misrepresent in order to create a point that's easier for you to prove. fuck you.
                                    The report itself still details the use of human shields used by Ukraine. This point was one of many, but instead you choose to focus on me not picking the official press release, rather than the contents of the argument - an argument that was not just about Ukrainian civilians being used as human shields. You are willful- why am I walking you thru this again? I know you're just going to misrepresent and misinterpret a single point made, focus on that and then act as if you've done something. Fuck you.

                                    • Joe@discuss.tchncs.de
                                      10 months ago

                                      Most of the time I am on my phone which isn't the best for essay style responses. If I notice a particular point that is worth commenting on, then I focus on that point. Sometimes I forget to quote just that point which may be confusing, and I apologise for that.

                                      You tend to write a lot and jump all over the place trying to answer everything at once and introduce new points, preempting questions, and throwing in personal criticisms and judgements, which is quite exhausting. I suspect that you also jump to the conclusion that because I am criticising one point, that I am criticising everything.

                                      I used to write work emails a bit like that, until I got similar feedback a few years back. The threaded approach is also common in business messaging apps, shared editing of documents, etc.

                                      I do appreciate your good English. It's far too rare these days.

                                      I wonder whether it would be worth it for hexbear to maintain an FAQ or wiki, as I think you and others spend a lot of time repeating the same things to many people. Sometimes a link is worth a thousand words.

                      • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
                        10 months ago

                        maybe they are trying to wear down the will of the Ukrainians and allies? If the Ukrainian media is to believed, it doesn't seem to be working.

                        the favorite thing that pro-Ukraine libs love to do is make up a goal for Russia out of thin air and then boast that they haven't achieved it. as if they uniquely understand and can remotely probe the Slavic brain with their superior Western minds. If Ukraine puts combatants inside hospitals or schools, which they have done, then Russia is under no obligation to not hit them. clearly, Russia's track record of not bombing hospitals or schools with civilians inside isn't 100%, because that's almost impossible to do in a war this size without clairvoyant abilities - there is always uncertainty. we don't excuse those hits when they happen, but let's also not pretend that Ukraine hasn't been hitting Russian civilian buildings too.

          • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
            10 months ago

            I simply think that it's plain silly to capitulate to a mafia state that kidnaps and "re-educates" your children, bombs your hospitals and schools, massacres your villages and whose leaders have openly questioned the need for [your] identity

            so you support the struggle of the DPR and LPR against Ukraine?

          • cricbuzz [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I simply think that it's plain silly to capitulate to a mafia state that kidnaps and "re-educates" your children, bombs your hospitals and schools, massacres your villages and whose leaders have openly questioned the need for an...identity.

            sorry not totally clear, you talking about USA? amerikkka

              • nxdefiant@startrek.website
                10 months ago

                Weird, I got this as a reply but then it was just gone:

                *removed externally hosted image*

                So the implication is that the Russian invasion was (and continues to be?) a false flag?

                Yeah, I'm still not seeing how the US got Putin to go along with this false flag, any more details?

                • RollaD20 [comrade/them, any]
                  10 months ago

                  They were engaging in a dang whataboutism bawllin-sad

                  Its a cheeky joke that is wondering why the United States has the moral authority to hypocritically police another state for actions that the USA engages in regularly and yet does not receive a fraction of the pushback.

                  It's also worth pointing out, however, that the USA has been stoking the flames of Russian-Ukraine conflict for decades beginning with Operation Aerodynamics.

                    • RollaD20 [comrade/them, any]
                      10 months ago

                      Yeah that's fair, these threads aren't great for getting a sense of what people's ideas are here. Especially since folks end up fairly antagonistic and the comments pile up. If you are curious, Here is a pretty good comment on the war, and I do recommend using the search function and just perusing the longer (especially sourced, read the sources!) and more effortful comments.

              • Fuckass
                10 months ago

                deleted by creator

          • Fuckass
            10 months ago

            deleted by creator

          • robinn2
            10 months ago

            deleted by creator

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        10 months ago

        Don't worry, the people of the Donbass and Crimea will never surrender to a bunch of western armed Ukrainian Nazis

        • lesseva96@lemm.ee
          10 months ago

          The intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. Russia is doing that to Ukraine.

            • lesseva96@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              This is in no way equivalent hahaha. What kinda swill do they hand out in the IRA breakrooms these days?

              Russia is invading the heartland of another distinct ethnicity and purging it. Ukraine is not doing that. It is simply clamping down on political liberties to ensure a stable war economy and political situation. This happens in every country that is forced to fight for it's own existence.

                  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                    10 months ago

                    Rescuing children from a warzone is genocide? Are you serious, you do realize the majority of those children are native Russian speakers and are reunited with their families when they're located, like you do know those basic facts right, and aren't just talking out your ass?

                    • lesseva96@lemm.ee
                      10 months ago

                      Those children should have been led to Ukraine to reunite with their Ukranian relatives since they are citizens of Ukraine. And if you are not talking out of your ass, would you kindly provide proof that they're "reunited with their families when they're located" and not just assigned to whichever family is keen to get govt money for raising kids?

                      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                        10 months ago

                        MF the Ukrainian state doesn't give a shit about Russian-speaking children or their relatives, hence the fact millions of Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens fled to Russia, their relatives are in Russia and if they're not then it's the responsibility of the Kiev regime to negotiate in good faith with the Russian authorities to reunite the families, but again the nazis in Kiev don't give a fuck about the children beyond their use as propaganda tools

                        You literally don't know basic facts about Ukraine or the conflict, instead of basing your takes on your bullshit intuition maybe go do some basic research

                      • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
                        10 months ago

                        Why do you assume children from ethnically russian regions, who statistially are more likely to speak russian would be better off being sent to Ukraine than Russia?

                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    I'm sorry, what does that have to do with "purging" as it relates to genocide? Surely you understand that relocating orphans - not "purging" them - and then repatriating them when their Ukrainian family can be found does not constitute genocide, right? This is basic, "what do words mean" level shit, so if you're having trouble here then you might need to take a few steps back on making declarative statements about geopolitics.

              • CyborgMarx [any, any]
                10 months ago

                lmao the Ukrainian state was committing those actions before the invasion you dumb fuck, hence the civil war between the years 2014 and 2022, also trying to erase the identity of half your population is not an example of a wartime measure, it's ethnic cleansing and the Ukrainians are pretty open about it

                Hence why the separatist Russian-speaking regions (especially Crimea) should win the war and prevent the expansion of state backed neo-nazism

              • FlakesBongler [they/them]
                10 months ago

                Perhaps the Ukrainians should concentrate the population that shows Russian sympathy into small camps

                You know, to keep a better eye on them and to ensure the security of the Ukrainian identity against the perfidy of the Russian abhumans

              • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Russia is invading the heartland of another distinct ethnicity and purging it.

                Do you think Russia is running death camps? Where are these purges supposedly taking place?

              • KurtVonnegut [comrade/them]
                10 months ago

                the heartland of another distinct ethnicity

                Kievan Rus exists

                Russian and Ukranian are almost the same language, as different as modern English is from Shakespearian English

                Why do white people try to create ethnic differences where none exist? Russians and Ukranians are visually / genetically / culturally pretty much identical. It's like saying North Korea invaded South Korea to purge it of Koreans!

              • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                10 months ago

                So if chinese language is taught in your country and chinese publications are sold, this means your nation and culture has submitted to China?

                • Egon [they/them]
                  10 months ago

                  Or English for that matter. The schools in Ukraine teach English and you can buy English books there

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    Lmao no it doesn't. Do you think the us was right to put Japanese citizens in internment camps?

                    • aport@programming.dev
                      10 months ago

                      God no. I think there's some misinterpretation here. I was saying that blocking the media of an invading country does not equate to genocide. That's it.

                      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                        10 months ago

                        That's interesting that you think one of us did the misinterpretation, because that's not what happened - they did not block the import of media produced in Russia. They blocked all Russian language media. There's an important distinction there that I'm certain you will pretend to not understand.

                        • aport@programming.dev
                          10 months ago

                          I'm fine admitting the misinterpretation was mine. In that case I think it's a bit too far, also considering the large number of Russian speakers within Ukraine

                          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                            10 months ago

                            It's not just a bit too far - it fits most definitions for cultural genocide, particularly when you include that Ukraine banned teaching in Russian, all Russian books in schools, etc. Imagine being a Russian speaking Ukrainian child: all of a sudden all of the books you can read are gone, your teachers must speak Ukrainian.

                            So we have Ukraine committing cultural genocide, and still zero evidence that Russia is committing any kind of genocide.

                            • aport@programming.dev
                              10 months ago

                              Thanks for the document. I'm a bit confused because I can't find where the Commission's opinion agrees with your statement. Can you help me find it?

                              • StalinwasaGryffindor [he/him, comrade/them]
                                10 months ago

                                Apologies, I’m not great at linking stuff and I’m better at scrolling than posting on mobile.

                                I’d recommend reading section 3, starting on page ten. I also want to say that this doesn’t to me justify the invasion, but that I can see why Russian speakers/people in both Ukraine and Russia felt threatened

                          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                            10 months ago

                            Do you think that it's "too far" or aimed at doing something you are not inclined to admit? It's not like Russia doesn't have people who know Ukrainian and English to publish things in those languages to reach Ukraine for propaganda purposes, but totally unrelated media that just happens to be in Russian (and thereby part of the survival of Russophone culture) is being banned. The goal is not simply fighting Russia, but genuine ethnonationalism.

                      • Egon [they/them]
                        10 months ago

                        This is part of the larger conversation of persecution of russians, that you were denying was occurring. A user links you to examples, which you then answer with "not submitting to another country is genocide now?". Thereby implying that because russian is spoken in Ukraine and you can purchase russian-language media, Ukraine was subjugated to Russia, and this thing where speaking russian - which parts of the Ukrainian population had always done - is being eradicated and russian-language media being removed, is somehow NOT oppression, but instead Ukraine bravely standing up to its invaders. A user then highlights the flaw in your logic - Which is that because Russia is invading, it's not actually persecution to suppress your native russian speakers.

                        So if chinese language is taught in your country and chinese publications are sold, this means your nation and culture has submitted to China?

                        That depends, is china invading my country.

                        Thereby claiming that pursuing and eradicating another culture is a-ok if a nation with a majority of that culture is invading you. Following that logic, it was all right to intern the Japanese.

              • jack [he/him, comrade/them]
                10 months ago

                They've been bombing civilian population centers and infrastructure

                By this metric all war is genocide

                • jackmarxist [any]
                  10 months ago

                  Ukraine uses child soldiers and brag about it so it's a wholesome thing now I guess.

                • lesseva96@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  Are you saying that there are only two options? You either leave them to die or indoctrinate them into Russian families? No in-between?

                  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    You know the Russians are contacting family members and reuniting children with families, right? https://www.rferl.org/a/ukrainian-children-returned-illegal-deportations-russia/32355290.html They try to frame it in a vicious manner because the liberal brain is soft and easy to manipulate, but the facts are those children were in Russia and given back to their families.

                    You're just making up unhinged fantasies.

                      • Egon [they/them]
                        10 months ago

                        So the article claims, but it fails to refer to an incident. Russian fire has hit humanitarian corridors, as have Ukrainian. It is however only Ukraine that has shut down corridors and it is only Ukraine that has a track record of using civilians as a human shield

                        • aport@programming.dev
                          10 months ago

                          Ukraine that has a track record of using civilians as a human shield

                          Well that was a horrifying read.

                    • lesseva96@lemm.ee
                      10 months ago

                      Here, you attempt to flame Ukraine for shutting down humanitarian corridors because Russians attack them, and your source also states that Russians attack them? Do you even read your sources?

                      And this doesn't even mention that, when Russia opened their own humanitarian corridors, they conveniently only led to Russian or allied Belarusian territory (instead of back to Ukraine, where a lot of these fleeing Ukranians wanted to go).

                      • Egon [they/them]
                        10 months ago

                        My source states that Ukraine claims Russia might attack them. Do you think they might have an agenda with statements such as those?

                        How would the corridor be able to lead back to Ukraine, if Ukraine shuts down such corridors? Of course it is not surprising, when Ukraine makes use of civilian human shields

                        • SeducingCamel [he/him]
                          10 months ago

                          So they set up in this "strategic" care home and refused to assist an evacuation? That's a nightmare

                  • Fuckass
                    10 months ago

                    deleted by creator

              • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
                10 months ago

                They've been bombing civilian population centers

                this is the only part of ur comment that could feasibly be considered genocide and you didnt provide a source. and wikipedia isnt a reliable source

                and Ukraine has been bombing civilian centers for the past decade. and that is well documented. maybe Ukraine is the real genocidal power

          • jackmarxist [any]
            10 months ago

            No just no. I lot of Ukrainians live in Russia or fled to russia. Russia would've started with them first if they wanted to do something that.

            It's a imperialist war at best started to secure a very strategically important location.

      • robinn2
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

          • KarlBarqs [he/him, they/them]
            10 months ago

            For apparently being a genocide, this war has had less civilian casualties in the nearly year and a half it's been on than there were in the first week of the US invading Iraq.

              • RollaD20 [comrade/them, any]
                10 months ago

                Different people have different perspectives about the conflict? Different discussions have different topics and histories to bring up depending on the context?

                Genocide obviously does matter (I'm not sure who you are insinuating says otherwise), the commenter was discussing how the concept of genocide has been watered down largely as a means to manufacture consent for western military operations. Some people claim that Ukraine was engaging in genocide against the russian minority esp. through violence (by far right military orgs) in the east of Ukraine and legislation that suppresses russian minorities.

                If you are confused you should ask some actual questions (or use the search function, find some of the effort posts). You will get genuine answers if you ask in good faith.

                  • RollaD20 [comrade/them, any]
                    10 months ago

                    But as far as I can tell, you made up the false flag thing entirely because of an image that disappeared. At least that's what I can only assume based on your other comments. No one made that claim (as far as I can see). Please link the comment of someone saying the war in Ukraine is a false flag.

                      • RollaD20 [comrade/them, any]
                        10 months ago

                        Yeah, I'm not sure what that is on about. If it was actually someone commenting that the war was a false flag they'd probably end up getting roasted because I don't really know what the mechanisms for that would be. It's possible they were talking about the pipeline attack, which depending on how they define a false flag operation could make sense (I have not spent a lot of time looking into the pipeline stuff tbf).

              • RedDawn [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Yeah you’re clearly a bit confused, probably because you’re mixing things people here might say with ridiculous strawmen that you dreamed up and pulled out of your ass.

              • Egon [they/them]
                10 months ago

                What the fuck are you talking about? You're just making up people to get mad at. If you have any integrity you engage with the arguments presented to you rather than making shit up and strawmanning. Who that you are discussing with in this thread is claiming the war was started due to a false flag? You must be willfully misinterpreting @robinn2@hexbear.net if you could somehow get their response to you to mean that they think genocide doesn't matter. What's this about a death threshold? Are you willfully being obtuse about the point made with relating this war to that in Iraq?
                Why do you choose to be willfully obtuse? Why are you so focused on scoring points from some imagined audience rather than engaging with the argument presented to you? Are you this scared you might be misinformed?

          • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
            10 months ago

            True, they probably care more that the Azov goons that were doing it to them are hamburger now.

          • robinn2
            10 months ago

            deleted by creator

      • cynesthesia
        9 months ago

        deleted by creator

    • aport@programming.dev
      10 months ago

      "it's senseless to resist Putin, give your country to him and nobody will get hurt"

      Serious mode: what is your ideal outcome of this conflict? I'm genuinely interested and willing (and hopefully able) to learn.

          • Zrc [she/her]
            10 months ago

            guy who wishes for Ukrainian victory talking about realistic outcomes

          • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
            10 months ago

            you asked for an ideal outcome. and that is a very practical outcome.

            but fine, ill play ur game. a realistic and practical outcome that i prefer would be Russia preventing Ukraine from entering NATO, limiting the ability for the global empire to conquer everything

            • aport@programming.dev
              10 months ago

              if Putin never invaded, Ukraine wouldn't be trying to join NATO

              This is some strong "stop hitting yourself" energy

              • Adkml [he/him]
                10 months ago

                And if ukraine hadn't violated rhe Minsk agreement Russia wouldn't have done that.

                Fun fact did you know there's history before the last 2 years?

                • aport@programming.dev
                  10 months ago

                  Lol all signatories wiped their asses with minsk 2, while Putin played stupid by pretending he had nothing to do with LPR and DPR.

                  Once Putin realized he wasn't going to get his pro-russian dickriders into Ukraine he literally invoked Godwin's Law and invaded Ukraine because "muh nazis".

                • lesseva96@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  I did know. That why I remember the Budapest Memorandum, in which Ukraine's territorial sovereignty was guaranteed by Russia in exchange for their nukes. I wonder why y'all didn't bring that up?

                  • BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    The Budapest memorandum??? You have got to be kidding me. A 30-year old document written shortly after the collapse of the USSR is somehow worthy of discussion? And it's Russia that should be critiqued for breaching it? Euromaidan was a coup of the Ukrainian government led by far right militias funded by the United States Department, which then installed their own puppet government with their picked stooges. This government then continually shelled another russian-speaking part of Ukraine for 8 years (in spite of other treaties I might add). The Budapest memorandum was already trampled by the United States and then Ukraine itself.

                    You got a response to this upthread that you didn't reply to. Maybe address @Egon@hexbear.net before repeating yourself.

                    • Egon [they/them]
                      10 months ago

                      Thanks! I also posted it to them myself lol. I also called out that I knew they wouldn't respond, because it's clear they're cowards. I should probably have added that other treaties and agreements have been broken as well - such as that of NATO expansion.

                  • Egon [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    The Budapest memorandum??? You have got to be kidding me. A 30-year old document written shortly after the collapse of the USSR is somehow worthy of discussion? And it's Russia that should be critiqued for breaching it? Euromaidan was a coup of the Ukrainian government led by far right militias funded by the United States Department, which then installed their own puppet government with their picked stooges. This government then continually shelled another russian-speaking part of Ukraine for 8 years (in spite of other treaties I might add). The Budapest memorandum was already trampled by the United States and then Ukraine itself. Of course later treaties were written - like Minsk II, which was breached continually by Ukraine. Russia did seek diplomatic solutions before invading - which I think was an overreaction, but pretending it was unprovoked is silly.

                    And since we're talking treaties and agreements, what of that of NATO encroachment? The agreement that NATO would not incorporate ex Soviet countries? That's of course not worth anything, because that's different because we're doing it, right?

                • lesseva96@lemm.ee
                  10 months ago

                  Yeah, because in 2014, half their country was occupied by a foreign invader lol.

                  Oh no my neighbor is seeking alliances after I annexed their shit, how conniving of them!

                  • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
                    10 months ago

                    this was 5 years later. Ukraine wouldnt need an alliance if they didnt consistently violate the Minsk agreements by bombing civilians in the DPR and LPR, giving Russia a reasonable casus belli

                    • aport@programming.dev
                      10 months ago

                      bombing civilians in the DPR and LPR


                      giving Russia a reasonable casus belli

                      Putin didn't even recognize DPR and LPR until the day before he invaded Ukraine. This is some concentrated revisionist history.

                      • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
                        10 months ago

                        here is the info abt civilian bombing and here are some other war crimes.

                        recognizing the DPR and LPR would seriously escalate tensions between Russia and Ukraine/NATO. Russia did, however, maintain informal relations with them, including providing aid. DPR and LPR invited Russia to liberate them from Ukraine. you have no idea what revisionist means if you think thats what im doing here. Russia absolutely had a justified casus belli

                        • aport@programming.dev
                          10 months ago

                          recognizing the DPR and LPR would seriously escalate tensions between Russia and Ukraine/NATO

                          That's why he did it the day before invading. Putin was hoping his separatists in DPR and LPR could weaken Ukraine without getting his hands dirty. When he saw that wasn't working, he got involved.

                          DPR and LPR invited Russia to liberate them from Ukraine.

                          Yes, that's kinda what pro-Russian separatists are supposed to do. Next you'll tell me CPC members in Taiwan want one country, two systems.

                          Russia absolutely had a justified casus belli

                          Sorry I'm still not seeing it

                          • Egon [they/them]
                            10 months ago

                            Next you'll tell me CPC members in Taiwan want one country, two systems.

                            What do you mean? Taiwan is a part of China. It's already one country

                            • aport@programming.dev
                              10 months ago

                              Oh boy can you start another dunk thread on this so I can flex my myopic, limited understanding of complex socio-political situations and make another fool of myself?

                              • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
                                10 months ago

                                Not a bad idea tbh, you're incredibly uninformed and that's what we thrive on.

                                You suffer so other people can learn

                              • robinn2
                                10 months ago

                                deleted by creator

                              • Egon [they/them]
                                10 months ago

                                No reason to, you haven't posted anything dunk-worthy with regards to Taiwan. I posted this thread to the dunk tank because I thought the callous disregard for human lives was dunk worthy, not because you didn't know enough about Ukraine or something.

                                Most of us here are westerners, we all se the same stories, we all know what we were told in school.

                                There's no shame in being misinformed, we all are - the shame is choosing to stay misinformed, when one is confronted with it. I try to read up on the takes that I disagree with, to see where they are coming from and wether I might be in the wrong.

                                This also generally seems to be the culture of hexbear, which is why users are constantly asking for sources - it's not to do some smug gotcha, but instead to do some investigation and possibly self-crit.

                                I am not super well-versed in Taiwan, so if you want to know a lot I would recommend searching thru this site. There are lot of good effortposts with first-hand sources. I know @robinn2@hexbear.net has posted a lot and knows a lot about China, so you could also look thru his account for good knowledge.
                                I will however just to be quick point out that the United States itself does not recognize Taiwan as a country - really no one does. They all recognise the one china policy.

                          • robinn2
                            10 months ago

                            deleted by creator

                        • aport@programming.dev
                          10 months ago

                          split the difference, three days? He officially recognized LPR and DPR on 21 Feb and invaded Ukraine on 24 Feb

                          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                            10 months ago

                            Ah, I thought he recognized them, declared their annexation three days later, and invaded three days after that.

          • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
            10 months ago

            I'll flip that one back on you, what's your realistic and practical outcome?

            Implementation of the Minsk agreements and ceasefire in Donbass?

            Referendums in the region to find out what the people in the occupied territories actually want?

            Return of land to the collectives that had it ripped from them after the war heated up?

            Or are you just jingoistic and care about the territorial holdings of nation states that don't represent the will of their people?

              • aport@programming.dev
                10 months ago

                Because my answers won't matter. I'm wholly uneducated on this topic and my point for being here was to act in bad faith and kick the beehive.

                After reading so many good faith responses from the posters here, I rightfully feel like a dumbass so I'm tucking tail and trying to diffuse the situation.

                I am literally the "joke's on them I was only pretending" meme, and I'm really not proud of it.

                • Egon [they/them]
                  10 months ago

                  Well, I can't say I wholly believe you due to how you've behaved in this thread, but I really hope what you're saying is true, and I appreciate the sentiment.
                  If you're interested in more discussions like these, I'd recommend you to hang out in the hexbear news mega.
                  Disagreement is cherisehd, as long as you're not being smug or condescending about it. We all learn something every day.

              • invalidusernamelol [he/him]
                10 months ago

                We both know the answer, but I hope they respond and show their whole ass. Fucking warmongering scum.

          • Adkml [he/him]
            10 months ago

            Ok so ukraine winnings off the table.

            I guess in that case cede the territory Russia captured and stop sending thousands of conscripts to die for nothing.

      • Egon [they/them]
        10 months ago

        it's senseless to resist Putin, give your country to him and nobody will get hurt.

        If you take a step back from your regularly scheduled CNNBBCMSNB propaganda and actually look at the facts of the situation, then you'd see that yes it is in fact senseless. You'd also see that Putin isn't actually claiming the entirety of Ukraine - The Russian government is claiming the region's that had been shelled by Ukraine since 2014 in breach of the Minsk II treaty. Russia has since added additional demands as Ukraines bargaining position has weakened during the war. It has weakened because Ukraine is losing, and it is continuing to lose.
        It is senseless because Ukraine can't win. Right now the long-propagandised glorious Ukrainian counteroffensive can't even break the first of the three defensive lines. Thousands have died, thousands more are dying, and they are no step closer to accomplishing the goals of the counteroffensive. Even in a far off fantasy land where some of the goals would be accomplished, they'd come after thousands more dead Ukrainians. And for what? Russia has hundreds of thousands in reserve, a wealth of equipment stockpiled. There are no significant gains to be made, and every day as more Ukrainians die, their bargaining position gets worse.
        Me thinking they should bargain from as strong a position as possible is somehow less supportive of Ukraine than yours that posits they should all just throw themselves to their deaths, and then let Russia pick the corpse of the country as it wants.

        Serious mode: what is your ideal outcome of this conflict? I'm genuinely interested and willing (and hopefully able) to learn.

        Since we're being Serious(tm) let's drop the idealism which permeates liberal discussion of this war. Let's instead be realistic.
        Ukraine should negotiate for a peace immediately, with as good terms as it can get, and take it. That peace will probably involve ceding the autonomous regions, maybe also the major cities that were captured in the latest russian offensive as well. It will also include the decoupling of the azov-battalion and other Neo-nazi related officials and institutions from Ukraine and probably a promise of no NATO membership.
        That's what I would imagine the current peace treaty would result in. Do I think it's "fair" or "moral" or whatever? No not really, but it's not gonna get any better, and at least thousands can go home and be with their families instead of bleeding to death after stepping on a mine.

        • aport@programming.dev
          10 months ago

          Is this a Chamberlain impression? You think Russia is going to stop? Putin is an imperialist megalomaniac who wants fealty and submission.

          If Ukraine signs on the dotted line, Putin will take it as explicit approval of his imperialist expansion on behalf of the entire West. There might be months to a year of tenuous peace then he'll march onward until his puppet is sitting in Kyiv and Ukranians are speaking Russian.

          • Egon [they/them]
            10 months ago

            Ahahaha yes of course appeasement is when you acknowledge that either they can get a decent treaty now, or unconditionally surrender after their entire able bodied population has died.

            Why do you think Russia would want to annex the entirety of Ukraine? Because Putin is evil? Because they're just horrible villains over there, for our GI Joe heroes to fight the good fight against?
            Be real. Be realistic. Putin is a leader of a country with many factions. He's not so e irrational James Bond Saturday Morning BreakFast Cereal Cobra Commander, doing stuff because he hates the world or whatever, if he were he wouldn't have been stable enough to hold power for this long. If he were Prigozhin would actually have had support for his coup.
            What would Russia gain from occupying the entirety of Ukraine? Massive unrest, constant resistance, territorial issues en masse. What base do you have to assume that the Russian government would want this?

            • Vncredleader [he/him]
              10 months ago

              It's funny how appeasement is the word liberals drool over. It is their ONLY historical anecdote and used to defend opposing any movement towards peace, ag Korea. The reality is Chamberlain's big crime was no the act of appeasement, it was knowingly stringing along the French and Soviets only to bail officially when there was no means of changing plans for the USSR and Czechoslovakia.

              Beyond that the comparison also doesn't work because peace talks had occurred multiple times without excluding relevant parties. Minsk was a thing that happened.

              • Egon [they/them]
                10 months ago

                Yeah it's kinda wild how it's just the same tired shit year after year. They know one book, one failure of a western leader, and one fallacy in discussions

              • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
                10 months ago

                It's just really useful. We want to do something. Remember the time we didn't do something?

            • lesseva96@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              You are still operating on the assumption that Russia can somehow win this war? Despite its best soldiers and equipment already being spent while the Ukies bathe in the latest NATO gear? Sure, they may be having trouble with their counteroffensive, but that don't mean that the Russians can mount one of their own. The best case scenario for Russia is a ceasefire and a North/South Korea situation, with a backwards, authoritarian North (Russia) and a prosperous, democratic South (Ukraine).

              • Vncredleader [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Democracy is when you have streets named after literal fascists leading to the sites of the Holocaust.

                Also that equipment is not winning Ukraine any territory back. That's like saying the Soviets couldn't win WW2 in late 1944 because Germany was developing a jet fighter at that time.

              • Egon [they/them]
                10 months ago

                The assumption? Russia is winning, where are you getting your news from, reddit?

                Despite its best soldiers and equipment already being spent.

                :doubt: I thought the narrative was that Russia had thrown poorly equipped penal battalions at the Ukrainians, and it is only just now that we're seeing a change in their troops and equipment? Now it apparently reversed? They started off with well-equpped and trained soldiers?

                Ukies bathe in the latest NATO gear?

                Ah yes the wunderwaffe. The leopards that are getting owned by unique technology like "landmines" will surely turn the war in Ukraines favour. Do you play a lot of HOI IV? You must, because it seems you have a completely wrong understanding of how equipping works. Do you think you just click the "upgrade" button? They're not trained to use the myriad of different equipment they're receiving, and even when they can use it, they're trained with NATO doctrine, which laughably assumes constant air superiority. Of course the equipment is better than russias, because uhh... Because russias is worse! The T-72s have no chance against the leopard! The F16s are coming any day now, and the will definitely own the Russian jets!

                Sure, they may be having trouble with their counteroffensive.

                That's putting it mildly.

                that don't mean that the Russians can mount one of their own.

                Not constantly attacking doesn't mean you're somehow the losing side. Russia controls the territory it wants to claim and then some. It is in a war of attrition against Ukraine and NATO equipment, and you have far less casualties on the defensive. Why would Russia abandon a strong position, when Ukraine is throwing itself into the meatgrinder?

                The best case scenario for Russia is a ceasefire and a North/South Korea situation, with a backwards, authoritarian North (Russia) and a prosperous, democratic South (Ukraine).

                susie-laugh okay this must be a bit. You got me, thanks for making me laugh. I should've read to the end before responding, sorry for taking you so seriously

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                10 months ago

                Remind me, how was the South doing when the DMZ was designated?

              • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
                10 months ago

                You are still operating on the assumption that Russia can somehow win this war?

                Yeah, it's so stupid to believe this, I mean, look at who's doing all the conscriptions. Oh. Fuck. Uh, okay, look who has doesn't have a functional air force and is chronically short on ammunition, as admitted by the actual president of the actual United States (who, I hope you agree, is not a puppet of Putin). Hm. Well, look at all the territory that Russia still has in Ukraine! They must be just down a few villages by now considering that Russia is completely out of missiles, is fighting with shovels, is out of artillery, has no ammo, their soldiers are completely demoralized and also all dead! Fuck. Shit.

                Look, if Russia's army is so awful, so utterly and completely imcompetent, so out of ammunition, so demoralized, and Ukraine still can't make a sizable dent in their defences after two months, then holy shit, Ukraine's army must be fucking terrible. Like, holy shit it must be bad.

                • JuneFall [none/use name]
                  10 months ago

                  The people having lost are the people being dead, the families separated and people traumatized. Like in all wars. The victims are mostly the working class.

                  That said, there are plenty of ways to spin winning and losing for both Ukraine and Russia. Of course for NATO this war war somewhat good, but there can be a couple of things be found that are bad, will not focus on that though.

                  Having secured the Krim, having secured a Krim land bridge, having ensured a close alignment of Donbas and Luhansk, having secured control over the Sea of Azov and in addition relevant parts of the North Western section of the Black Sea (and with that ensured access to gas and other resources while denying it to Ukraine), having the river as border in the South between the occupied territories and Ukraine, with mined and defended territory near Donetsk Oblast reduced the open flank of Russia (and its Krim) somewhat. This means millions of people who are effectively living on territory controlled by Russia. This also means a propaganda victory for Putin and thus support from some circles of nationalist society in Russia (for which the education in military basics adds something, too).

                  Hard to call all those things failures. That said during a war of attrition and position war is slow till it isn't anymore. I am not on the side of Russia, but I can see how stuff could be spun.

              • Gelamzer
                7 months ago

                deleted by creator

          • AntiOutsideAktion [he/him]
            10 months ago

            It's honestly really insulting how you just completely ignore entire paragraphs someone spent time writing for you after saying you were interested and willing to learn.

          • uralsolo
            9 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • aport@programming.dev
              10 months ago

              Remind me, where were Russian forces marching in February last year? It was some city... A capital even. Started with a K.

              • uralsolo
                9 months ago

                deleted by creator

                  • Adkml [he/him]
                    10 months ago

                    Yea it's deffinitly that and not the fact they had taken the territory they stated from the start they were trying to take.

                    • Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
                      10 months ago

                      also didn't it come out later that african states had gotten russia and ukraine to get peace agreements in place so russia withdrew to the single eastern front?

                    • aport@programming.dev
                      10 months ago

                      Yes the stunning military victory knows as "retreat from Kyiv"

                      As you say this I imagine you standing on an aircraft carrier with a big banner behind reading "mission accomplished"

                      • Adkml [he/him]
                        10 months ago

                        That's fucking hilarious because Kyiv not falling in a week has been touted as a Ukrainian victory even though it was them who set that goal and them literally declaring victory while the russians actually accomplished all their stated goals.

                        Since your such a military genius it's weird how the concept of cutting supply lines to the territories you're trying to take is an unfamiliar concept. Obviously they weren't trying to stop supplies to the actual contested regions they were just yoloing a mission to a capital they never claimed as a goal for no apparent reason.

                          • Adkml [he/him]
                            10 months ago

                            Russia: currently holding all the territory they said they wanted to take before the invasion and for the last decade

                            Ukraine: conscripting people to throw at russian defenses resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and retaking zero ground, complaining that the counter offensive is failing because Russia is cheating by using anti tank mines to stop tanks

                            If this is copium it's some good shit

                          • dialectical_analysis_of_gock [she/her]
                            10 months ago

                            Comrade the SMO objectives are demilitarization which a grinding war of attrition will yield by the depletion of military supplies as well as the casualties wrought upon the Ukrainians. Russia holds the territory that voted to join the Russian Federation so they have succeed in that objective, the objectives of denazifying the Ukrainian military is achieved by the aforementioned demilitarization so what exactly are you getting at?

                            There are many informed sources discussing the pros and cons of the pivot from a maneuver based doctrine into a attrition based one however we cannot judge this until the SMO is over, but at this juncture I can state that the Ukranian counter-offensive is a failure, this is supported by many western sources.

                            This is not some Civilization 6 based war where controlling a capitol is the objective, we have seen the utter devastation sustained by the NATO forces by engaging in Russian lines with the tactics they trained on, other posts touch on the fact that once Ukranians abandon such training and resort to Soviet doctrine there is the success of taking small villages however trench/artillary based warfare does not favor Ukraine and it is in their best interest to negotiate a second cease fire, but the Boris Johnson simalcrum that is the military industrial complex will not permit this.

                          • Egon [they/them]
                            10 months ago

                            Why are you so afraid to engage with the arguments presented to you?

            • lesseva96@lemm.ee
              10 months ago

              Damn this is like, triple-distilled Kremlin Copium Reserve right here. Putin is an entirely rational actor? Lmfao! Is that why he picked a fight with a country a quarter the size of his and got a black eye? Is that why he flip-flopped in the Budapest memorandum? Is that why he blew up Priggy and pals for everyone to see?

              Also, what kinda American provocations are you talking about? Was it the billions in IMF money Russia got in the 90s? That was provocative for sure. Or is it when they sent a spy to infiltrate your ruling party? Oh wait, Butina was Russian, it was the other way around, nevermind.

              • uralsolo
                9 months ago

                deleted by creator

          • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
            10 months ago

            Schroedinger's Russia: simultaneously on the brink of defeat and collapse, but also this close to taking over all of Europe if we dont send $80 billion more dollars to some nazis right now.

      • ImOnADiet@lemmygrad.ml
        10 months ago

        Like snap my fingers ideal? What @ZoomeristLeninist@hexbear.net said.

        What’s actually possible as part of negotiations? This would be (an) ideal outcome to me (but is still never going to happen):

        my general ideal framework for a potential peace agreement is obnoxiously long so I put it in this spoiler

        1) Ukraine agrees to commit to purging their military and government of white supremacists (and Russia agrees to do the same! Although I think you’ll find that they wont have nearly the same kind of problem). This includes any official or officer who has said things like Russians being “Asian” or some other nazi dogwhistle bs like that. Oh and also anyone who has glorified Bandera in anyway, they’ve got to go too (he is seriously irredeemable, please look up the history of the OUN and all the truly horrible white supremacist shit they did)

        2) Ukraine agrees to never attempt to join Nato again because of Russia’s valid security concerns. This is probably by far the most important measure, and it should be put into the agreement that any attempts to skirt around this will be met with military force.

        3) After maybe a year to give everything time to settle down, all territory that Russia either fully or partially occupies is given a referendum on whether they want to be fully reintegrated into Ukraine, reintegrated but given autonomy, integrated into Russia but given autonomy, or fully integrated into Russia. As part of this Ukraine must also demilitarize to a certain extent so they don’t just start shelling any autonomous territories like they did before. Ukraine must also give up any claim to these territories that vote to integrate as part of Russia, including Crimea.

        4) Russia agrees to help de-mine/de-bomb both Ukrainian territory and newly integrated Russian territory (NATO should also be a part of this particular part, but good luck getting them to actually help once the war is over)

        5) Russia commits to a plan to help reunite families torn apart by the war, and both governments set up a plan to support war orphans so they don’t fall into human trafficking rings.

        6) Russia helps Ukraine re-establish its peacetime agricultural production in return for certain economic trade agreements remaining favorable to Russia for a certain period of time.

        7) Finally a joint commission to investigate war crimes committed by either of the 2 sides, and agreeing to abide by their findings.

        (Final notes: As a part of #3 it will only be a ceasefire until certain things are completed, and would be broken by obvious signs of aggression etc. etc.)

        I doubt any of this will actually happen because Ukraine’s government has been instructed by its western masters supplying it with all of its weaponry to not negotiate or else they will cut their weapon supply off, which will immediately weaken their position at any negotiating table with Russia.

        an even longer obnoxiously long explanation of my position

        These probably seems overly favorable to Russia, and they are favorable towards them, because they’re well positioned to win any war of attrition, so they’re in no hurry to give favorable terms to Ukraine, but I also laid out some propositions that would benefit Ukraine. Honestly, a few of my propositions may even be too favorable to Ukraine for what the Russian government would be willing to accept. Also, they help Ukrainian proles, not bourgeois really, so the Ukrainian government may not even like those propositions that are supposed to be favorable towards Ukraine! Still, this is roughly what I would hope to see coming out of a peace agreement between the two.

        If you really can’t accept that these are the best terms Ukraine could get, I’ll just say they should have accepted the peace deal (and its much more favorable terms) a year ago before good ole Boris Johnson meddled and convinced them they could either win or get better terms later somehow. Every month that they wait their position gets weaker, and the terms will be more and more favorable to Russia. I would prefer that tens of thousands of more Ukrainians and Russians not die just for Russia to have better terms for Ukraine’s inevitable surrender, so ideally they should negotiate now, not then. The only way the tide of this war turns is if NATO actually gets directly involved, and I would really hope that we don’t risk nuclear annihilation over a war between two bourgeois-led states.

        We could argue about the inevitability of Ukraine’s defeat, I guess, but I seriously doubt either of us are well educated on military affairs so that would be a pointless argument, I’m pretty much just having to go based off of what people I trust say in this field and do what little research I can to make sure they’re not just completely making something up.

        My final statement is that I’ve seen convincing arguments that even if Zelensky tried to negotiate at this point, the fascists he’s surrounded himself with would just kill him and take power to keep the war going, so this is all could just be useless speculating anyways.

      • HiImThomasPynchon [des/pair, it/its]
        10 months ago

        The new border between Russia and Ukraine will be defined by the crater caused by the impact of a giant meteor which gives both parties something more pressing to deal with.

      • jackmarxist [any]
        10 months ago

        Not speaking for everyone here but an ideal outcome would be:

        1. Peace treaty
        2. Russia gets to keep crimea because there is 0 chance that Russians will give up Crimea. Also Ukraine can no longer try to start a drought there. The donbass gets an option to stay in Ukraine with actual guarantee that Ukraine will not try to bomb them again, independence or joining Russia depending on vote.
        3. The other two oblasts go back to Ukraine as long as Ukraine doesn't prosecute anyone for "collaboration" like they did with garbage collectors and other civil servants in Kherson.
        4. Removal of Nazis from government positions in Ukraine. Destruction of Nazi paramilitaries. Removing ban from Socialism and banning nazism instead.
        5. Putin dies or something and hopefully Russia doesn't collapse.

        Further outcomes would be that Ukraine doesn't pay back the loans to the west because they simply can't afford to. I have no idea how they'll manage post war even if they win or lose. Worker rights in Ukraine have been demolished and the country has been sold to Blackrock and Co.. And with Ukraine sending their working age population to the meat grinder, the future becomes bleaker every day.

        • aport@programming.dev
          10 months ago

          Thanks for your response. I don't entirely agree with all of your points but I can respect the thought you've put into the situation.

          • jackmarxist [any]
            10 months ago

            No problem. It's Always nice to have someone willing to participate in open minded discussion.

            • Adkml [he/him]
              10 months ago

              Hey just a heads up that lib you complimented on having a nice discussion just told me I was huffing copium for saying Russia was winning because they've taken and held all the territory they stated they wanted to before the war

      • CyborgMarx [any, any]
        10 months ago

        The wishes of the people of Crimea and the Donbass are respected and neo-nazism in Ukraine is destroyed, that would be a good start

      • Fuckass
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator