second-plane Mr president, the predominantly cis radlibs claiming that "all tankies are transphobic" are about to visit the trans tankie website and discover we're even more far left because of our queerness, not despite it

  • HornyOnMain
    10 months ago

    Hexbear post reacting to a Reddit post reacting to a hexbear post reacting to a raddle wiki entry which is just reacting to some argument ziq had lea-tired

  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    10 months ago

    Every cishet person who has ever unironically used the phrase "red fash" should stand in a straight line so that we can gayroller-2000

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      Smh smh, red fash trankies discriminating against brave cisgender heterosexuals standing up against the transgenderist menace - it's just like tiananmen square tankman 1989 1984

  • Infamousblt [any]
    10 months ago

    They'll just do the usual cope of "they're only pretending to be queer". Which is basically the same as the entire anti tankie cope of "they're only pretending to be left" anyway so they're already well practiced

    • Infamousblt [any]
      10 months ago

      As a follow up to myself although it's a funny cope it's still kinda harmful because a lot of queers suffer from all sorts of queer imposterness (like me yay!) and it really sucks when folks tell me I'm not queer. It took years of being told I am and I'm positive this is a very common experience. So yeah. Funny cope but also still harmful. So when they inevitably brigade us, fellow queers, you are queer enough. I promise.

      Being told I'm not left enough is just funny though they can keep that cope.

      • AcidSmiley [she/her]
        10 months ago

        As a follow up to myself although it's a funny cope it's still kinda harmful

        Denying that trans people are actually trans is textbook transphobia, but i wouldn't expect anything else from liberals after the whole federation disaster. These people cannot conceptualize that we exist as actual human beings they can have a conversation with, we're just a political wedge issue to them. We're something they can use to set themselves apart from Republikans, we do not exist to these solipsistic lanyard-wearing asses as distinct individuals with agency and the fact that we, by the very nature of our existence, know a million times more about queer issues than them, is completely unbearable to liberals. I don't think any of these cis shits has ever consciously talked to a trans person before, they're completely overwhelmed when they see that people here have other pronouns than "he/him". Any time i've argued with stupid fuckheads like that, they adamantly refused to say "you" when talking about trans people, it was always "they" as if i wasn't even there.

        • Infamousblt [any]
          10 months ago

          I see this a lot with folks talking about how we defederated from blahaj. "Well their head mod is trans so how can they be an unsafe place for trans people!" We have many trans mods and trans users Hexbear and everyone agreed that blahaj was not a safe space for our trans community. Libs ignore the multitude of trans voices here in favor of the few trans voices elsewhere that agree with them because they don't really care about trans people in the first place. It's all tokenization. Insert any marginalized group in place of trans folks and the point stands. Libs don't care about anything but their own image and they don't care who they use or who they hurt to maintain that image. It's kinda disgusting. But they'll say we're somehow the ones harming marginalized communities because Stalin did a bad thing once 70 years ago or something.

          Our cis straight folks here are generally at least pretty good about listening instead of tokenizing. It's not even hard just...don't post dumb opinions about groups you aren't a part of. Pretty much job done. Libs can't even do that.

          • kristina [she/her]
            10 months ago

            It's pretty common that trans spaces online get swarmed by cissie chasers, even Chinese ones. If you don't stamp that shit out it's not going to be a good space

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      Or alternatively that we're just a token minority that the 'silent cis majority' of tankies on this website keep around and pretend to respect and publicly defend all as a cynical ploy to rainbow wash themselves - despite how the majority of the mod team is trans, the majority of power posters are trans, almost a majority of the semi-active users are trans, and how, despite our limited federation, we still have the most active trans specific comm on lemmy/kbin almost entirely from trans users on just hexbear and lemmygrad

      If anything the cishet users on this are the token 'minority'

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      10 months ago

      I find it weird cuz it's not like having shit politics means you can't be trans, everyone seems to recognize this. I'm pretty confident Blair White ain't faking it she's just dumb as shit.

      • kristina [she/her]
        10 months ago

        Idk if she's dumb or not, I think she's just a pro grifter. She's had her mask slip a handful of times

  • ashinadash [she/her]
    10 months ago

    I adore how libs and whoever just cannot fathom how trans people can be tankies! Where does the "tankies are transphobic" shit even come from anyway, did they just invent it?

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      In the UK at least CPGB-ML is like extremely transphobic and the TERF that Rowling did a shout out for that started her whole public transphobia thing was a member of it iirc but they're basically just like the British version of the CPI. They're basically just chauvinistic patsocs

    • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      it's best to understand that liberals don't believe in politics as much as they believe in a pantheon of polytheistic deities that people pray to. They believe they pray to the god of freedom who grants wealth and good harvests. They think communists pray to a trickster god like Loki who will betray everyone, despite promising good things.

      Liberals can't conceive of communism as a living political movement comprised of real people. They can only see it as a cartoonish version of the USSR in the 1930s. If enough people pray to the communism god, a literal demon will manifest into reality and conjure up the exact situation of what liberals think the USSR was, regardless of what communists are demanding or organizing for.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        10 months ago

        I am now praying to the communist trickster god for the manifestation of the demon who will herald a return to the 1930s USSR.

        For real though it surprises me that people go through life with such a simplistic view of things they don't even remotely understand and have never investigated...

    • HumanBehaviorByBjork [any, undecided]
      10 months ago

      presentism and pyschosexual fascination with the specter of the authoritarian strongman. being queer was only invented in 1991, and surely a world leader Back Then couldn't have killed 1,234,567,890,000 people without actually believing in the traditional cisheteropatriarchy.

    • HornyOnMain
      10 months ago

      Lmao, it took me like a good thirty seconds to understand that while I was just goingjesse-wtf

      Up until then I was looking at it like it was like some bear-site version of the "skibidi gyatt in Ohio fanum tax for the sigma rizzler" thing

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    10 months ago

    Finally a history thing that affects me

    My family had nothing after the war

    Ok, how long before they say tankies stole my mansio-

    My collective ancestors had built themselves great estates in Czechia, Poland and Ukraine.

    OK, I guess "tankies stole my mansions" is new

    • Sarcasmenul [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      the parasitic leeches i call a family were rightfully depossesed of all they stole

      Get rekt nerd farquaad-point

    • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
      10 months ago

      Parasitic tapeworm descendants crying about how their landleech ancestors were expropriated from, more on Fox at 11

      10 months ago

      If today some Pole is rising their ass-chin and brag about noble title like count or something their ancestors held, know two things:

      1. Except elective king and few dukes which got to keep their titles since their ancestors were signatories of the Union of Lublin, there were no noble titles in Commonwealth, instead it had noble offices. Therefore every baron, count, marquis, cavalier etc. etc. title was bestowed by Russia, Austria or Prussia/Germany for bootlicking.

      2. Due to point 1 and generally excessive shittiness and uselessness of Polish nobility, one of the first acts of independent Poland in 1918 was getting rid of the entire concept of nobility in law. Iirc some noble estates of open collaborators were also expropriated back there. Of course as every burgie government the interwar system did bootlicked landowners, but you can also heard the squawking of butthurt nobles in the background as landowning and power get more and more into burgie hands (so basically like everywhere else since the 1918 independence served as kind of bourgeois revolution for Poland).

  • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    The old sub was accused of being transphobic even though it was one of the more trans-friendly spaces on Reddit. They also accused the sub of being full of college frat boys who loved bigotry.

    Hate when libs project their miserable college experience onto every leftist sub they don't like.

  • LeZero [he/him]
    10 months ago


    The history understander has logged on

    We all know about roman capital, dont we folks?

  • axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    That person claiming Catherine the Great and not Lenin established the German Volga is either very pedantic or has the worst reading comprehension I've ever seen. Lenin's administration established the Volga German Autonomous Republic, which was roughly based on the territory and composition of where Volga Germans had settled 150 years prior. Clearly that's what the Hexbear poster was referring to.

    It would be like if I said the current Italy was founded on a 1946 referendum and someone says "Nuh uh, Italy was founded by Romulus and Remus while drinking wolf milk"

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    10 months ago

    the predominantly cis radlibs claiming that "all tankies are transphobic" are about to visit the trans tankie website and discover we're even more far left because of our queerness, not despite it

    Nah... They're going to conclude that we're homophobic for being anti-western and anti-zionist. And they'll probably make up some hallucination about us being transphobic for, I don't know, having visible pronouns or something.

    • Dolores [love/loves]
      10 months ago

      yeah the ethnicity-shuffling was bad policy but these jokers seem to believe the USSR kicked them out of the USSR, lol. and the thread they're yelling at was not about volga germans, it was east prussians, sudetenlanders, livonians, etc.