I live in Georgia. Stacey Abraham is a corporate fraud who denied Tara reade in defense of joe biden using sources such as the nyt. Then the New York Times said they didn’t absolve joe biden of guilt and that she was full of shit basically and she got a head pat from pedo joe. She is not a fighter she is a career politician who literally runs a democratic super PAC. Fuck this asshole shes never going to win by sucking off the corporate teet in a place like georgia, only an actual leftist would win the governorship promising legal weed universal healthcare free college 15 dollar minimum wage. That candidate would destroy Brian kemp.

  • emizeko [they/them]
    3 years ago

    sometimes I like to rewatch the video of her finding out she's not going to be VP on live TV

  • Three_Magpies [he/him]
    3 years ago

    She lost in 2018 by 50k votes, in an election cycle that saw Democrats highly motivated by Trump after 2 years of being locked out of power.

    She doesn’t have a prayer in 2022 when Republicans will be way more motivated than Dems.

    • Ziege_Bock [any]
      3 years ago

      yeah, but wasn't that the election that people like to say Brian Kemp stole? Her opponent was in charge of elections in Georgia while being a candidate. Also you can say 50k votes likes it's a big number or whatever, but in a race where 3,900,000 votes were cast, it's actually a really thin margin; and since then, she's started Fair Fight, an organization to do voter registration and outreach. She's not some loser like Beto, she's a full on lizard person aiming to outgrow her fishbowl.

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        3 years ago

        She’s not some loser like Beto

        Beto significantly boosted Dem registration and turnout in 2018. She's the exact same "loser" Beto is. She's just working in a smaller state with a more concentrated black population all based in Atlanta. Beto's forced to bounce between four different major metro areas and still compete against the heavily conservative rural neighborhoods that Republicans consistently dominate.

        Stacey's theory was that you could flip Georgia almost entirely by boosting turnout in Atlanta and she was right.

        Beto's theory was that you could flip Texas almost entirely by boosting turnout in Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio and he was wrong.

      • Three_Magpies [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Would Brian Kemp still be in control of the process, in this next election though? Unless Fair Fight has done something to address that or to otherwise get out the vote -- but I don't trust corporate Democrats to do either of those things successfully. The GOP probably did cheat, but they always cheat and I don't think Abrams will have what it takes to overcome the factors against her.

        Like, she defended Michael Bloomberg then got behind Joe Biden so she's pretty far into the right wing of the Democratic party. I think this will be an incredibly difficult position to sell in '22 -- I don't think it will motivate people. I'm sure she wants to see her star rise but I think it's going to be a real challenge to do that with austere liberalism.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      Republicans will be way more motivated than Dems

      Maybe. Trump was a huge boost to participation between 2018 and 2020. He's not on the ballot in 2022. He's not even on Twitter.

      Off-years always suck for the Presidential incumbent, and Dems are practically guaranteed to lose Congress. But that's going to be thanks to the baseline R/D polling split. It's got nothing to do with Trump-mentum. If anything, I think Republicans clawing at each other in the primary and competing for the QAnon vote will further undermine their own decrypt scam-filled establishment.

      People really do overestimate how successful the GOP is at organizing people. They're just as bad as the Democrats and float just as many turd-ass candidates and grifter campaigns.

      • Three_Magpies [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Kemp signed into law SB202 which, according to Fair Fight / NYT analysis, severely constrains the exact voters that Abrams would need to win. The GOP's strategy seems to depend more on suppression / cheating, than within organizing people. What can Abrams do in return? She doesn't have Obama's oratory skills to sell the same hollow Democrat platform.

        I think voters will realize that Biden / the Dems didn't do a damn thing except tell people to get vaccines more often than Trump did. Abrams is going to be the avatar of Dems that have given almost nothing to their base, after years of allowing them to see Biden get clowned by Manchin. It's far too early to say, but I don't think her expensive super PACs will be able to overshadow these things.

        • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
          3 years ago

          The GOP’s strategy seems to depend more on suppression / cheating, than within organizing people. What can Abrams do in return? She doesn’t have Obama’s oratory skills to sell the same hollow Democrat platform.

          She doesn't need them. She's building up a political machine not just a brand. What she needs is the Atlanta mayorship and city council to resist implementation of SB202 and undercut its impact in her territory.

          I think voters will realize that Biden / the Dems didn’t do a damn thing except tell people to get vaccines more often than Trump did.

          Nationally, I think you're right. And 2022 will suck for Democrats nationally. But Abrams isn't operating nationally. She's not married to the Biden brand, either. So she can continue to run on a progressive message while calling Kemp an obstructionist. And I'm confident Kemp will fill that role neatly.

          Abrams is going to be the avatar of Dems that have given almost nothing to their base

          Abrams is comfortably distanced from the DC shitshow. And when Biden collapses on himself, she'll be in a great position to move in as the Next Thing. If she can take the Georgia governor's mansion, she might even be able to deliver on some shit that Sleepy Joe can't be bothered with.

          She's hardly a shoe-in, but the notion that Democrat voters have just vanished off the face of the earth between 2020 and 2022 is as absurd as assuming Trump voters did the same. It'll be a low-turnout "everyone sucks" year, and folks like Abrams - who have a committed base that mechanically Souls To The Polls - every two years, are in a stronger position than you give them credit.

  • happybadger [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I want to be a liberal journalist. A steady gig just rewriting the same article entitled "Stacey Abrams- the new Jesus Christ?"

    She literally did everything to get people to vote. Stacey is the only democrat in those campaign offices and she deserves literally all of the credit.

      3 years ago

      I want to be a liberal journalist. A steady gig just rewriting the same article entitled “Stacey Abrams- the new Jesus Christ?”

      NPR just called and offered you a lifetime anchor seat, but you have to occasionally ask a nazi why they should be taken seriously.

  • Mindfury [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can't find the link, but someone once posted here "Stacey M1 Abrams" and I cried of laughter

  • infuziSporg [e/em/eir]
    3 years ago

    If she loses, you know the takeaway for the Democrats is going to be that they didn't court the center-right hard enough.

    • machiabelly [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Of course it is, the question isn't what the democrats will do but how the people will react. The more the democrats have to use that excuse the less faith that voters have in them.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    IIRC she once said Atlas Shrugged was one of her favorite books.

    • Ziege_Bock [any]
      3 years ago

      Yeah, and IRC she endorsed Bloomberg in the primary. I'd rather her win over some good ol' boy, but her politics seem grim all around.

          • TruffleBitch [she/her]
            3 years ago

            No arguments here. Love how the Dems won Georgia off of her organizing and they repaid her with shit. Better to give the VP spot to a cop from the bluest fucking state.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      Biden winning over Trump will be a complete disaster for the left.

      If that's true, then the Left was already fucked.

      The biggest indictment against Biden is that he's not doing any of the left-wing shit he promised. Leftism is popular. Leftists have every reason to organize with that in mind. Keep preaching unionism. Keep preaching for worker's rights and worker's solidarity. Keep denouncing the economy as a rigged game and the private sector as mired in corruption. Keep championing shit like Social Security and Medicare.

      we still end up with the same outcome as a second Trump presidency would anyway, except with all the left wing momentum neutered

      I haven't seen anything in 2021 to suggest a left-wing movement has been neutered. I'm seeing people organization and agitating outside of electoralist channels. That's exactly what leftists have been agitating for since Obama.

      The folks that are eating shit are the corporate liberals.

  • eduardog3000 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    lol she could have had an easy Senate seat, but I guess she was dead set on Governor.

    Or maybe it was because she thought she would be Biden's VP pick.

    • Ziege_Bock [any]
      3 years ago

      She's stated before that she specifically wants to be in the executive branch. likely because she knows that being a legislator is to be a dweeb and loser. unless you get to be a whip, but that could take 2 to 4 decades.

  • toledosequel [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    There are worse democrats than her who win virtually unchallenged and better progressives who get crushed, much of this post is just wishful thinking.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    Stacey Abraham is a corporate fraud who denied Tara reade in defense of joe biden using sources such as the nyt.

    I just don't give a shit.

    From an electoralist perspective, she's clearly a winner. Ralph Warnock is one of the least-bad members of the US Senate and getting him over the line was worth the price of admission. Kemp sucks. The state is overflowing with corporate hacks, so Abrams isn't any kind of step backwards.

    She is not a fighter she is a career politician

    The fuck does this even mean? What do you think Vangardism involves if not career political operatives? You can indict her for being a Fucking Liberal, but you're out of your mind if you think she's not in a struggle with the overwhelmingly GOP Georgia political establishment.

    Fuck this asshole shes never going to win by sucking off the corporate teet

    She's going to win by doing what any Democrat worth their shit does. By marrying the interests of the working class with big business along identity lines. Georgia's black population is one of the largest in the nation and that community is overwhelmingly Democrat. Abrams has mobilized millions of new black voters for the purpose of winning the electoralist contest.

    She's done it twice already. There's a very good chance she'll do it again. Quit the whining and defeatism and consider the popular appeals she's championing. She's not perceived as a corporate shill. She's advocating plenty of popular policy. And Leftists in Georgia should feel free to piggy back on her successes wherever they can in order to entrench themselves in a future government. Picking a fight with one of the few bright spots liberals have in 2022 is idiotic.