• Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    Ohhh now I remember. This is the girl that slept around with fucking Destiny lmao and then she accused Hasan of being a pedophile.

    God, I'm way too online.

          • CyborgMarx [any, any]
            6 months ago

            Not gonna lie I've never seen a group of people as unhinged and obsessive as Hasan's haters

            They have the uncooked minds of early pedo-era redditers but with the frenzied energy of kpop or barbz fans

            • GinAndJuche
              6 months ago

              What’s wrong with disliking a grifter? He’s very good at adopting the aesthetic while, as you admit, being a John and wasting money on thousand dollar dogs instead of praxis.

              Has an lovers are the real redditors

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                6 months ago

                There is a difference between being a "Hasan hater" and just disliking him. I think he's a grifter, but I'm not going around stuffing my little piggy snout in every bit of Discourse that I can find about who he fucked when he was 19 or whatever, and I can't imagine someone doing that who is the slightest trace of well-adjusted unless perhaps they've got some people in their lives who attached to Hasan, but even then there's only so much that posting about it online can accomplish.

                • GinAndJuche
                  6 months ago

                  Hm, good points.

                  Out of curiosity and the desire to self-reflect: is pointing out he is a grifter and self-admitted John “piggy snout shit” in your opinion? I admit to being the sort who feels the need to shit people when they are, in my opinion/from my perspective praised unjustly. I hate parasocial nonsense, hence my desire to shit on the targets of Parasociality if that makes sense.

                  Feel free to be brutal, I would not have said this if I wasn’t open to being told I’m being wrong

                  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                    6 months ago

                    I appreciate the invitation but I don't especially feel a need to dunk here. It comes off as a little bit para-antisocial to talk about someone having sex with an escort once when they were younger as though it is a significant point of evidence to who they are now, but pointing out that he is a grifter is a much more reasonable thing to say (which is why I reaffirmed that claim).

                    It's getting deep into the Lore about their personal life and shit that I think can come off as some measure of obsessive or creepy [ and to be clear, I know a decent amount of Lore about other figures, I just don't rush to exposit about it unless I think it's funny or important -- and e-celebs are rarely important in any facet] Like when LiberalSocialist made that post about Hasan fucking Michael Jackson's daughter or whatever, I think it was pretty consistently the reaction from others in the comments that LibSoc should find something better to do than learn the names of every woman Hasan has been inside and how they (LibSoc) feel about the moral ramifications of each case.

                    By contrast, having a basic judgement of someone, "grifter", "interesting", "conspiracist", "not for me", etc. is much more expected because that's just how we navigate our respective environments when it comes to most things in life.

                    Does that make sense?

                    • GinAndJuche
                      6 months ago

                      That makes a lot of sense, but the LS stuff all went over my head. Before my time. The MJ stuff is admittedly, intriguing, but if you don’t want to take the time to explain I won’t hold it against you.

                      I still feel using somebodies financial status to leverage them into sex aka CW:R (which is something all Johns do) is wrong and should be yelled at people who it.

                      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                        6 months ago

                        The MJ stuff is admittedly, intriguing,

                        God damn it, this is exactly . . . look, I know you said I could not but the tl;dr is just that he had a sexual relationship with some lady (who I remember being related to MJ) when she was, like, 17 and he was maybe 21, and they were basically inviting us all to engage in moral outrage over this fact like we should care or know his life enough to understand relevant dynamics. Some people had a Take but most people, not being Hasan biographers, basically did a jesse-wtf. You can look in the modlog or whatever to find the post if you want to, LibSoc didn't make that many posts and it was toward the end of their tenure here.

                        I still feel using somebodies financial status to leverage them into sex aka CW:R (which is something all Johns do) is wrong and should be yelled at people who it.

                        I agree, though there are a lot of radlibs on our instance who vehemently oppose this view. My point, however, is that from the sound of it this happened some time ago and isn't necessarily something Hasan is proud of, so it seems like an unimpressive thing to bring up without further context. It was bad of him to do, but it is highly normalized -- including deliberately and emphatically by maybe the bulk of the supposed "far left" in America -- and not obviously violent (though you and I understand social violence), and it sounds like he was again pretty young at the time, so it's the sort of thing where if he said "I know now that it's shitty and don't condone such activities" I think it's just not very useful to litigate about it or hold it as some Scarlet Letter marking him forever.

                        I admit that, as someone who is pretty committed to the bit of Marxist philosophical theory, it is my inclination to say that moralizing and getting caught up in the mythos of individual public figures is broadly a waste of time, but that's why I've been trying to couch things in terms of what comes off as being a bit too obsessive in one's hatred.

                        I'm a complete hypocrite in this regard almost any time someone brings up, for example, the Hamilton musical. Every single time I just completely take the bait and talk about a bunch of different things I hate about that fucking thing because I really hate it, but in those cases I just sort of accept looking unhinged because I just don't have a very good personality for being, say, a mod. I always get preoccupied with bugbears and axes-to-grind and such, though for some others I control it with a general audience because being able to repeat the bulk of lyrics from like 8* full albums of rappers I hate (don't worry, I'm talking about shitty white rap) is not something you would be well-advised to demonstrate you can do with people who don't already know you.

                        *and probably another good 12 for "mixed feelings that include severe criticism"

    • iheartmold [she/her]
      6 months ago

      It's really funny that she accused someone of being a pedo even though she is one.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    6 months ago

    Critical support to her grifting right-wing men tho, get that bread. You could work the Baphomet tattoo as part of your like finding god and becoming trad or w/e

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      6 months ago

      Why is it that it seems like many leftists can conform to CHUDs own snooty standards better than the CHUDs themselves? Andrew Tate is a literal gigolo, there's the whole stereotype of nazis being rednecks in the US and then there's chav culture in the UK. Sure, there's bourgeoisie dumbasses like this, but I'm surprised at how many CHUDs fail their own high standards, yet not seem to care.

  • machiabelly [she/her]
    6 months ago

    She has a twitter post where she calls herself a eugenicist. Obviously this is ragebait but she still sucks.

    • Tachanka [comrade/them]
      6 months ago

      she calls herself a eugenicist. Obviously this is ragebait

      idk if someone calls themselves a eugenicist I'm just going to assume they're not lying picard-direct-action

      • machiabelly [she/her]
        6 months ago

        Oh! the ragebait is this photo. The eugenicist bit was a different tweet, and super sincere. Thats why I said she sucks.

        look at this BS

    • silent_water [she/her]
      6 months ago

      god they made me read that in high school and I immediately turned on the class with "wait, you all worship this guy?? what's wrong with you??"

    • GinAndJuche
      6 months ago

      Fr, the OT is full of ducked up shit

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    6 months ago

    What the heck is her whole getup supposed to be? Squad Harley Quin if she was in the Confederacy?

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Tina Armstrong? I genuinely love some of those games. They're like Tekken, but with more fluid gameplay and better arenas.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    6 months ago

    Hmm not ahegao-y enough, I will only consider it if you dial up the stupid hentai face by 300% to show you're serious.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      6 months ago

      I did slightly wonder for a second if Belle Delphine became a Gun Girl when I saw this

  • regul [any]
    6 months ago

    Remember all those jokes after 9/11 about the 72 virgins in heaven?

    • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
      6 months ago
      talking about it

      Time to explain it: yeah there's sexual partners in Islamic afterlife, but idk where they got the 72 number from, and "virgins" doesn't make sense Islamically speaking. if I remember correctly they're creatures that were created for that purpose and not people from life, they're also fully customizable, I don't want to get into an ethicality discussion about something in the afterlife because we're not in the afterlife and we kinda don't know if the afterlife is real. What matters is how it affects the thought process of who believe in it, and the conclusion that I and multiple people I've discussed it with reached is that it's a promise to keep Muslims away from sexually assaulting in war, a man who believes in afterlife where he'll have his sexual urges satisfied forever will not risk it to sexually assault a helpless person in a war, and I think we've seen how effective it was with Al Qassam on oct.7.

      • Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]
        6 months ago

        I always heard 72 virgins was a thing Hasan-i Sabbah and his followers made up. They'd get a recruit high and laid and when he woke up they'd tell him that it was a vision from Allah of a fraction of their rewards for martyrdom.

      • regul [any]
        6 months ago

        After 9/11 the thing about how Al Qaeda taught would-be martyrs that they could expect 72 virgins in heaven got joked about a lot. With the implication that you would have to be stupid to believe that there are 72 virgins waiting for you in heaven.

        And yet here we see the exact same thing reduplicated on the US side. Same with the IOF thirst traps.

        I'll say it does seem incredibly stupid to go to war to get pussy, but you can't argue with the recruiting results, and there's certainly precedent!

        • RyanGosling [none/use name]
          6 months ago

          We’re not stupid enough to believe in 72 virgins. Every patriot knows there are 1776 virgins waiting for them in heaven.

          • star_wraith [he/him]
            6 months ago

            American Christians will mock the 72 virgins thing and then pull out their massive poster than explains the end times according the Book of Revelations. Like people flying in the air and part human part locust part lion (IIRC$ creatures stinging people

  • theposterformerlyknownasgood
    6 months ago

    It's a bit I imagine. She's forming engagement, she's gonna pivot to "lol trolled u or that was already the angle before. She probably makes a bunch of rage bait content.