MFW Pordan Jeterson just called personally offending him "authoritarian".
He has become the SJW he claims to hate: A smug college professor that thinks he knows everything because he gets jacked off on the regular and constantly does bodies and spaces for his own pet group and twists science to push an agenda where his pet group is the best group and therefore should be given special treatment above all other groups.
Not to mention claims to NOT have fascist tendencies but thinks personally offending him and his preferences should be made illegal.
Basically, he's Al Sharpton for white people.
CHUDs see agendas everywhere because they are always pushing an agenda themselves.
I understand and agree with what you're trying to say about beauty standards and attitudes toward fatness varying throughout history and across cultures.
But also, if you're talking about the Venus of Willendorf and the other "Venuses", I feel like I should say that nobody has any actual idea what the intention behind those artifacts is, and the assumption that they're sexual simply because they depict feminine bodies is pretty sus.
The best explanation I have heard is that it they are self portraits of women looking down at themselves. Thats why they seem to have a top down forced perspective with the tiny pointy feet and all, atleast thats what I read in an anthropology paper years ago.
The figures in that article comparing the statue and a pov from similar angle were quite convincing to me, I'm on board.
But if you are doing a self portrait in a world before mirrors how else are you going to do it? You are also assuming that all real art is attempting to accurately represent the world from a neutral perspective.
They'd also felt their bodies before and used them. I don't think anyone is saying that's what they thought they looked like, just that they were showing their perspective through art.
The assumption they are sexual ideals is because we are horny monkies and almost every artist goes through a porn phase. So we can assume historically they be horny flint knapping
You'd think he'd know that given that his shtick is Jungian mystical bullshit.
This is just bait, he is trying to get people to ironically send him thist traps of of absolute snacks.
This is his most respectable hustle to date.
:volcel-judge: :spray-bottle: Keep your bodily fluids to yourself.
How am I ever going to explain to someone in my real life why this is so funny.
Jordan Peterson being an unironic "2/10 would not bang :le-pol-face: " guy makes a lot of sense, yeah.
Honestly he could have gone with some Jungian bullshit anf ancient fertility goddesses but he knows the targets of his grift.
A 50 year old benzo addict claiming that he can't get it up is maybe not the slam on Yumi Nu that Peterson thinks it is.
I'm going to hate myself for asking, but....
what is the context? I've seen another comment about Larry the Lobster being into some granny stuff.
To be fair, you warned me and I said I'm going to hate myself for it.
When someone on here gives you a warning like that it's usually best heeded, there is nothing to be gained and a lot of psychic damage to take.
Understanding obscure internet humor and being able to more accurately dunk on reactionaries is worth the psychic damage in my opinion.
Also, for anyone about to read, that disturbing text is a lot funnier if you read it in Kermit the Frog's voice.
lol at some of the replies to Felix's tweet about this incident
@TheoFan21372004 Lol yeah ok..maybe intelligent people are tired of seeing overweight women being glamorized and lauded. Noone wants to see that in a bikini. Liberals are rewarding unhealthy lifestyle choices with garbage like this.
@newswarriorxx Or maybe you’re just gay? It’s ok bro we won’t judge
1776 Ultra MAGA 1776 Dont deflect your perversion onto others. No normal man is looking at that cover and thinking about "jacking off"
Angry Black Sheep "Authoritarian tolerance" means we're ordered and commanded to like and not like certain things. That's why meaningless words and concepts keep popping up, like "fat-phobic". Say in public you don't find fat people attractive and you will be labeled thusly. It's the new "racist".
I can't believe these people are real and rushing to defend the honour of Professor Lobster when he's plainly just embarrassing himself by posting cringe
felix always has the worst reply guys of any of the chapos by far and i have no idea why. not even talking about the maga guys here, just a lot of weird irony poisoned people who seem to hold felix in weirdly high regard and desperately want him to laugh at their jokes
desperately want him to laugh at their jokes
I thought desperately wanting someone to laugh at our very funny posts was the reason we're posting on hexbear dot net
theres a difference between posting for a crowd (which we are doing, albeit for our own, small crowd) and posting for a single individual imo
I agree. I was just trying to make a funny self-deprecating post
curse of being the funniest and youngest. we all want to riff so good that he recruits us to his CS:GO team
curse of being the funniest
virgil was the only funny one tbqh
Say in public you don’t find fat people attractive and you will be labeled thusly. It’s the new “racist”.
I wonder why these people never give us the precise words they used to get called racist/etc. Must have just been overactive sjws
If you're an asshole in public, people won't like you :surprised-pika:
hexbear users, the most normal posters on the internet, will simply flip through the SI swimsuit issue and nodded respectfully
Lobsters really are some of the most impressively clueless people on the internet
"my dick doesnt rise when i look at this thicc lady therefore her lifestyle choices are unhealthy and her sin is gluttony"
found this in the replies
*Peterson voice*
"And you know I look forward to that issue every year. And the women! Let me tell you they’re quite beautiful just bloody amazing examples of you know almost selective breeding one might say. And the excitement I feel when it arrives is no small thing!"
*begins blubbering*lmao
I swear, modern conservative ideology has to 90% be Do-gooder Derogation.
This is a very inoffensive swimsuit model (plus-size models have been around since the 1920s) and I have seen plenty like this in my life, and here comes Jordan Peterson angry because he feels judged. So he rants that this is just someone being open-minded just to get his goat and that it would actually be more ethical if people were more narrow-minded.
certainly "plus size" models have always existed, it's just now they are showing up in all of the catalogs and not just Lane Bryant. and that makes the incels mad.
Man, it would be a REAL shame if they fought back and made some fashion magazines with average-looking men, giving them advice on how to make the most of what they got and how to deal with insecurities. My woke SJW ass would be Sooooo owned.
Shit that'd actually be really cool - "So you've got a beer gut" - what to do about it and how to deal in the meantime".
We should unironically have this though, right? Like, half the point of feminism is pointing out that toxic masculinity is bad, and part of that is not having average male role models who aren't roided up super-hunks.
Oh yeah, by all means I genuinely think this is a good idea. Capitalist or not, people will ALWAYS have insecurities and stuff like this validates them having their insecurities, offers them a path to work on them but doesn't beat them up for having them. Furthermore, having some style tips on how average-looking men can dress and stuff like that.
Oh yeah 100%. I wish there was a more institutional push for male body positivity.
Good. If we can improve body standards for women, that can open up to improving body standards for all. Seethe and cope, misogynists, everyone will be attractive by 2030.
Poor Dr Peterson was looking forward to jacking off to the SI cover model the exact age and looks of his daughter, but instead is confronted with something that we wasn't expecting! Authoritarian!
Oh yes, if there's anyone whose taste in women I trust and respect, it's legendary CHAD Jordan Peterson.
...There are very sad dudes who unironically think that.
JBP be like: not enough granny pubes, no me gusta :jordan-eboy-peterson:
I had scrubbed that from my consciousness with alcohol until I spent a minute trying to understand what they were talking about.
Pleasantly surprised by the minimal hornyposting. You've passed the test, comrades. :volcel-vanguard:
there would unironically be more horny posting from the :liberalism: in here if the model was more conventional
The trick to non-horny posting is to be very horny while posting. It's called horseshoe theory.
smh that's just because the authoritarian tolerance mods banned free speech :shapiro-gavel:
There was a TikTok where a curvy woman said:
“How are you gonna say you want your girlfriend’s body to look like this?” and she faced forward.
“But not like this?” and she faced sideways.
And I think that really says a lot about society.
People spend too much time staring at 2D manufactured and groomed images instead of at real human beings
When I was like 14 I remember being like "uh I guess I don't really find chubby girls attractive" but then in college I went out, actually hooked up with people, and learned the error of my ways
Honestly male perspectives on their ideal sexual partner's appearance has cockblocked more men more than some evil feminist agenda.
is it really a block if they're not interested in the first place? I carry a lot of the baggage of beauty standards i was indoctrinated with and it seems real weird to say i should miss something I don't want.
or are you talking about chasers who are terrified to be seen in public with who they're really attracted to?
is it really a block if they’re not interested in the first place?
I mean, yeah, I'd say so. The point is that men's standards for women's beauty are based on a simulation of women and not real women as they exist in the world. I don't think it's moralizing to recognize that as a problem, where people have trouble being attracted to actual real world people that otherwise meet their general preferences for a sexual partner because they expect the manufacture perfection of an image.
idk, not to horny post but i have different standards for... erotic materials... and actually being in a room with someone because those general preferences do matter. A picture or video doesn't have much for personality or intellectual fulfillment. That said, there's just no shot for a cool person that's physically repulsive if you want physical arousal from a partner. (speaking as a straight-passing allo)
you're getting dangerously close to saying people should be attracted to people they aren't attracted to.
Not to be too aggressive in interpreting language, but it's interesting that you wanted to couch erotic materials as being potentially uncouth but not the phrase "different standards." I don't think anyone is arguing that you have to find any particular person attractive, or even any particular image or simulation or simulacrum of a person to be attractive. However, we can recognize that a person's sexual desires are shaped not just by their genetics but by the conditions of their socialization and the development of their psychology. So as materialists, we can observe that the presentation of sexual media that exaggerates what normal human beings in a society look like, by an atomized process of producing that which is most immediately hedonic to consume, has at least some impact on how people go about pursuing real sexual relationships and who with.
Which is to say that your ideas of standards and "physical repulsion" are dependent on a wide variety of factors, the most predominate and structural of which outside of genetics are those created by capitalism. We're talking about people whose sexual experience is so online that they don't have any interest in pursuing any person around them.
yes i directly acknowledge this when i said I'm carrying the garbage that was handed to me by society.
that doesn't change the part where none of us are interested in people we aren't attracted to, regardless of the contingent beauty/wanting-sex-with standards we develop and whether those are aligned with the prevailing culture or not.
Honestly male perspectives on their ideal sexual partner’s appearance has cockblocked more men more than some evil feminist agenda.
This is another one of those things I wish I could stamp on my own forehead, listening to my guy friends talk about how much they hate being single followed by descriptions of people they never called back for the lamest reasons imaginable.
"Why can't I get a girlfriend?"
"Anyway here's why all feminists are overweight and ugly and have coloured hair and I hate them"
Basically :le-pol-face: calling women "roasties" when they have never even seen an actual genital that isn't theirs.
The good doctor is completely losing his shit, and I'm so here for it.