For me it's anything involving cars or horses, also american football, and sumo, how about anything in general that intentionally harms the players health just by playing?
I think wanting to outright ban certain sports is a reactionary mindset. Sports are what the people will do with their time when they've reclaimed it from the capitalists, the only thing that should be done is to reform them.
Golf is cool when it uses the terrain and plants of the area it's located in, and when it's a park that those who live by it all have joint ownership of and access to. Yeah it's an inefficient use of space, but so are parks generally and we want to have those in our better future.
Anything involving animals is more difficult to call. Obviously animal competition in its current form is a breeding ground for cruelty and must be stopped - but animals like to play too, so i think that some kind of amateur setup with strong animal welfare safeguards is possible and preferable to banning those sports outright.
Golf is one of those things like hunting/guns or boating, where your perception is highly colored by where you grew up. I grew up in a place where all of those things were very accessible to ordinary working people (municipal courses in wet climate, lots of places to put a boat in, lots of state hunting land and a strong cabin culture), within reason, so it took me a bit understood the attacks on "beautiful boaters" and such.
I honestly think hunting is more morally justifiable than golf is, as long as it's controlled. I live in an area where nearly all the deer's natural predators have been driven to extinction so the only thing left keeping their population from overrunning the ecosystem is people.
We intentionally drive those predators to extinction though, partially so there are more deer to shoot
Well also because they'll tear you in half if you walk between them and their favorite trashcan
Its super obvious that the doggie obstical course dogs are having a great time. Stuff like that is something that could totally translate into the ~good future~
and when it’s a park that those who live by it all have joint ownership of and access to.
You'd have to make it like a time share situation for that to work, getting hit by a golf ball is really dangerous
Booking tee-times? There are public golf courses (City-run, still pay but don't need country club membership), the stupid shit is when they make lush grass ones in arizona or california.
If there were Mario-golf style themed courses in deserts it wouldn't be as terrible there either, just sucks because rich people form the area for the golf course instead of the other way around.
rodeos are inhumane and the people who run them should be gulaged.
Alternate idea: keep the rodeo but we get to watch the organizers get trampled
This would work for one last rodeo, then there would be none left :inshallah-script:
Is Dog Sledding really that bad? Like the non-racing kind, not the long marathon style ones.
I would hope it'd be better with how it's tied into Inuit culture. Inherently it's not worse than any other working dog, but I also know nothing about northern dogs physiology. The main thing about dogs in general is how bad the inbreeding gets because of stupid breed standard, but I don't think people with working dogs care about doing that stuff as much.
Sled dogs really, really like pulling sleds. I just saw some getting ready to go once, and they were like... vibrating with excitement. Like a dog that gets really excited about going on a walk, but way more so.
I don't know anything else about the conditions of sled dogs.
Over hundreds of years we created creatures that are so purely happy to do the task we need them to do. Nothing in the world excites them more than the thing we need them to do. Ngl that’s pretty cool
To paraphrase Cesar Millan, every animal wants to have a purpose, and gets satisfaction out of engaging in it.
Yeah, kind of cool. Also pretty creepy to be honest. But the dogs are like that now, regardless.
Were not having a natives peoples use of animals struggle session here.
probably checks out. I don't know enough about Iditarod- style racing to know if that's possible to adapt / salvage. I've heard it's significantly less messed up and focused around consent from the dog's somehow(?) that also came from people who do it, however, so :fry:
I thought Huskies liked to do it, so long as the group isnt pulling anything too heavy
They do, sled dogs fucking love pulling sleds. Watch videos of them and right before a race they look like a dog that can’t contain its excitement to go on a walk
The same goes for being out on the snow in general, people who have arctic dogs in the snow can hardly get them to come inside
a thousand white faces drinking burbon on a 90 degree day in kentucky yelling at horses to go faster.
I know it's BMF but ain't no face staying white, or any other non-strawberry color, in that heat
can it even be fixed? would it be remotely the same sport? better to just get rid of it probably
How dare you threaten my caveman sport of hitting each other with giant clubs until one of us collapses?!?
i'd rather watch that than football, at least
(yeah yeah i know it's also bad)
it definitely can be. rugby is similar and doesn't have the same head injury problem because the rules mandate wrap up tackles and, ironically, because they don't wear pads and helmets. the pads and helmets actually made things worse from a TBI perspective.
EDIT: It turns out Rugby does still have a concussion problem. RIP
is that, like, just less fucked than american football, or actually not a problem at all?
actually, your question had me do more research, and I think I was wrong. it seems that rugby still has a problem with head injuries.
Probably true. Unless it become professional touch football. Current football is somehow safer than it used to be FFS.
Flag football, while incredibly dorky, solves this and makes refereeing clearer.
Actually, being incredibly dorky is a plus.
for me the ones that potentially harm the players are fine (within reason) if it's an informed, non-coerced choice by the participant
ones that require a horse can get fucked though
if it’s an informed, non-coerced choice by the participant
Didn't the NFL and other sports organizations cover up information about CTE risk?
There's a risk of injury for all physical activity, sports that have an unreasonable risk like American football should be banned. Personally I think anything that has physical contact shouldn't be played by children. Martial arts maybe the only exception because knowing self defense outweighs the physical injury from the sport itself. Of course we shouldn't have children training for mma.
We will not make excuse for our terror :knifecat: :gamer-gulag:
martial arts isn't bad for your body though and practitioners are very careful about not injuring each other
it's a pretty good workout too as the adrenaline makes you not realise your tired till after
practitioners are very careful about not injuring each other
This is not true at all. The intent is to hurt your opponent. (I am a practitioner.)
I mean long term injury if for example you were in a judo match you would stop the second your opponent tapped the mat
Martial arts are perfectly fine. If you actually mean MMA as a combat sport, it gets much more complicated. I don't think people should intentionally give each other concussions or break each other's legs for money. MMA training on the other seems like a fantastic work out.
Idk sports are such a huge part of our culture that I don't see it ever going away and I personally wouldn't want them to be anyway. They're a great way to bring people together and create a sense of community in places where that sense is being challenged. Futbol and weightlifting have taken a lot of troubled teens and put their frustrations to better use than joining gangs.
anything that uses fossil fuels. if those NASCAR losers wanna play their Left-Turn-Dont-Earnhardt shit, better call up the eggheads and figure out some electrics or magnets or some shit.
i don't doubt it. NASCAR is more of a big deal culturally where i've lived, so it felt more cathartic for me to wipe my ass on it specifically.
Sumo is cool though. Why ban it? Just because some of the wrestlers are too fat? It's safer than MMA since there's no punching and stuff. Not to mention it has a lot of cultural value in japan and is the only country with a serious sumo presence anyway.
Sumo wrestlers are fat but not obese like normal people that is a common myth.
First they have a lot of muscle mass and to maintain that they do a lot of exercise(and I mean a lot), and most importantly the fat is accumulated underneath the skin(subcutaneous fat) and not inside the organs(visceral fat).
Visceral fat is very bad for your health but subcutaneous fat is not as bad or at all. I think the scientific consensus is that sumo wrestlers are healthier than most Americans and probably about on par with the normal Japanese. It is not perfect once they retire they suffer a bit if they don't control the weight, but during their career they are healthy.
It's not. It reduces their lifespan by ~10 years and unlike mma no one gives a fuck how hamburger your brain becomes. Shit's brutal af
And the "fat" helps cushion them and let's them hit extremely hard
For me it’s anything involving cars
Boooooooooooo :PIGPOOPBALLS:
Motorsports are unquestionably lame, but I'm not sure that's a sufficient reason to ban them. Lots of sports are lame.
Motorsports use fossil fuels, until sufficient electronic vehicles are made (ignoring the embodied carbon in making them) there isn't really a place to be burning fuel for fun like that
I don't know, I think the amount of fossil fuels used specifically for motor sports is pretty small relative to the number of people they entertain and they are not the reason we have a climate crisis.
If you want to go down the list of marginal emission luxury activities that we should eliminate, like you'll be eliminating a lot of much more basic luxuries like having access to food that can't be grown within like 1000km of you and shit before you get to like ten guys trying to go around a track as fast as possible.
Sure, I mean I'm fine with all of that if that's what it takes, I just think that's not the best way to think about climate action. Like we don't have to bring everything to zero and end all treats, we just have to address a few major things seriously (like how we design and interconnect metropoles, renewable in the energy grid, cattle and tropical fruits in diets, home size, monitoring and reducing flights, international shipping, etc). Like if we do those things right there are a lot of basic niceties that would still be fine, like having access to a personal vehicle to go hiking on the weekend or something isn't actually that big a problem.
Transportation is a pretty tiny part of the footprint of most foods. You'll lose your red meat before your imported veggies.
My hatred of motorsports has less to do with the fossil fuels and more to do with the amount of land racetracks occupy. Shit can be worse than a golf course.
There are waaaay less tracks though. And they don't require nearly as much maintainence, yeah they need to be resurfaced every so often but it's not like golf courses
Motorsports are great imo. Simracing is very fun, and that has gotten me into watching motorsports, which are very fun to watch. If ultimately everything moved over to electric though (looks like it will in the coming years), that would be fine.
Motorsports though ultimately don't burn a significant amount of fossil fuels compared to the larger population. I don't see why it should be banned now, we should focus on changing infrastructure
Boxing and etc, that shit gives permanent brain damage to most practitioners
Didn't bare knuckle boxing come with fewer fatalities and less concussions?
Maybe because people stopped much earlier cuz the blood was messing everything
The only sports that should be left are baseball, minigolf, and bowling