• MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    2 days ago

    Why go to restaurants when you could just eat take out at home?

    Why talk to friends about things when you could just watch the news?

    Why have sex when you can jerk off in the mirror?

  • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
    3 days ago

    Uhhh, have you considered that I want to get drunk while listening to a bad cover band of 40 year olds play 80s hits and then stumble to a shrimp taco shack before taking the bus home to pass out with my pants still on? Checkmate liberal!

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      3 days ago

      I think he's 100% serious. I made a joke about a party filled with centrists - https://hexbear.net/comment/5069712

        • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
          3 days ago

          I've never met anybody in real life who considers themselves to be a centrist. Maybe they're sort of rare in the US - I don't know. But the ones online are so weird. In everyway imaginable - they seem soulless, heartless, and awful. Yet they believe every single take they have is highly principled, well-reasoned and well-thought out. But they're wrong. Sometimes they are stupendously wrong to the point they have reached Not the Onion territory.

          My favorite centrist is Noah Smith. After October 7th - although he didn't know anything about Israel or Palestine - he came up with what he thought was a workable solution.

          archive.today • Economic possibilities for Gaza - by Noah Smith

          It doesn't hurt to dream of better days.

          NOAH SMITH

          OCT 19, 2023

          A sampling - he has a section called "Easy wins: tourism, tax haven, and natural gas".

          • ashinadash [she/her, comrade/them]
            3 days ago

            he has a section called "Easy wins: tourism, tax haven, and natural gas".

            fedposting centrist

            Sounds like a fucking dull, empty existence!

          • Runcible [none/use name]
            2 days ago

            In my experience centrists self-describe as progressive or liberal but practical, they would love to do nice things but you have to recognize that the overwhelming majority of the country, probably everyone beyond the conversation they are having right now is deeply conservative and would never go for [good thing].

  • Rojo27 [he/him]
    3 days ago

    I can tell this guy is the life of every social gathering he goes to.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      3 days ago

      At least libs have a sense of humor and their passionate outrage about Trump (and the GOP) could be amusing. But a party filled with centrists would have smugness, arrogance, unfunny jokes, takes so wrong they weren't funny and a pronounced lack of empathy (and sympathy). Imagine if somebody told a joke about the homeless [redacted].

      I'd rather spend a few hours in hell instead.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        3 days ago

        "I saw a homeless man with an iPhone!"

        "Phaphaphapha!" - the sound of them all laughing with their noses jammed firmly up their own asses.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    3 days ago

    Why drink surrounded by working-class people ready to socialize when you could lock yourself in your room and cry into a beer bottle?

    • Speaker [e/em/eir]
      2 days ago

      They changed it at Ellis Island from Sbarro and locked themselves out of the shitty pizza fortune.

  • ButtBidet [he/him]
    3 days ago

    Please forgive my ignorance as someone who rarely drinks. But what is the appeal of dive bars? Or even posh bars? Frankly I'd rather drink at my friend's place if I had the chance.

    Edit: wow, thanks for all the high effort answers guys (not being sarcastic)

    • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
      3 days ago

      If you've been to one corpo gastropub you've been to them all, but every dive bar is a special and unique kind of shitty. The vibes are unassailable. It is the proletarians bar genre

    • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
      3 days ago

      It's a public space where you can drink alcohol for relatively cheap.

      IDK, maybe it's not as common as I think it is, but personally I often feel a weird urge to just get the fuck out of my apartment and be in a public space. Even if I don't actually socialize or do anything interesting, just nice to like, be out of my room. And sometimes that takes the form of a walk in the park or whatever, but later in the day I guess I just like getting a beer in a cool little basement room with mood lighting.

    • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
      3 days ago

      It's so you can drive home afterwards. (Though personally I prefer to drink alone with a banjo or video game in front of me.)

    • GaveUp [she/her]
      3 days ago

      more social ambience than my apartment. better decor/vibes. live music (sometimes). beer on draft. mixed cocktails. easier to get friends out to a bar than to my apartment. nice to get out and breathe fresh air. can smoothly transition to a club or rave afterwards

      • Gorb [they/them]
        3 days ago

        I've never been to a bar where anyone wants to socialise. Everyone is already in their little group or intends on drinking solo. I get told these places exist and I've never seen one, the only person I end up talking to is the bartender so I'm entirely certain these places aren't real and I've been lied to all my life.

        • GaveUp [she/her]
          3 days ago

          Go during weekdays, especially at the daytime

          Also better to go to less popular bars

          • Gorb [they/them]
            3 days ago

            The only people at pubs during that time are retirees. I feel like the next requirement is to draw a summoning circle or input some code by pissing in the urinals in a certain order.

    • RyanGosling [none/use name]
      3 days ago

      You can drink 50 brands of alcohol without having 50 different bottles in your house that you eventually have to finish or else it’ll be a waste of money.

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      3 days ago

      People go to bars because they are more social places and dive bars are the best vbars in my opinion.

      Everybody is welcome in a dive bar, old or young, rich ior poor, pretty or ugly, it is one of the least snobby places you can find. You can still smoke in many of them. They don't have a seven kilometre long drinks menu with posh hipster crap, you can just drink regular beer and that will be fine. Oftentimes people there are open to socialise.

    • Bnova [he/him]
      2 days ago

      The dive bar that I used to frequent, but do so less because I have less time, was a favorite because they had great prices on drinks depending on the day of the week so you'd be able to try new things for less. It was also the one bar that I wouldn't find my students at since it was mostly populated with 30+ year olds and blasted punk, metal, and experimental hip-hop depending on who was behind the counter. It also had several pool tables and a shuffle board table. It was nice because I'd run into people from around town there because it's just where people over 25 congregate. They also have an open mic night, which brings in some interesting acts.

    • Drewfro66@lemmygrad.ml
      3 days ago

      I'm a dive bar frequenter. Here's my list:

      • I like to drink

      • It's easier than drinking at home. I could go to the store, lug a 12 pack all the way up front, stand in line, lug it to my car, drive home, lug it up the stairs to my apartment, have it taking up space in my fridge. Or I could just stop at the bar on my way home from work, stumble in, ask for a beer, drink a couple, hand the bartender my card, then stumble out and drive the rest of the way home.

      • I have a tiny apartment and it's nice to get away

      • Even if I don't really socialize, it's nice to just be around other people

      • I go with my partner a lot, and they're better at striking up conversations with strangers

      • one of the servers at my local (actually a bar and grille, but sue me) flirts with me a lil bit

      • the dive bar I go to with my partner has a hole in the wall that lets you order tacos from the place next door, and they only charge $2 for Wells on Taco Tuesday

    • booty [he/him]
      3 days ago

      Frankly I'd rather drink at my friend's place if I had the chance.

      And if you either don't have any friends or don't have any who want to drink with you right now, and I tell you there's a place where you can go meet other people who wish they could hang out and drink with friends but are similarly lacking the prerequisites... are you going to say you're not interested?

    • Dr. Jenkem@lemmy.blugatch.tube
      3 days ago

      Frankly I probably would too. But bars are good if no one wants to host though. Also if you're into chatting with strangers they can be good for that. Dive bars are good if you want the bar experience for cheaper and/or don't want to dress up fancy. I generally just feel more comfortable in dive bars, the closest to a casual hangout experience as if you're hanging in a friend's living room without actually hanging out in a friend's living room.

  • Barx [none/use name]
    2 days ago

    Cracker goes to dive bar alone, decides he deserves an opinion

    • Nakoichi [they/them]M
      2 days ago

      I go to my favorite local dive bar alone all the time and almost without fail I make a new friend every time.

      Also their pool table is free. Dive bars are the shit.