Like I don't really use any other social media, but sometimes (like this past week) I venture outside of my hexbear bubble and I browse twitter, or reddit, or instagram, or tiktok, and holy shit I just browse those websites for a minute or two and feel worse about myself, worse about the world, it honestly seems like everyone on those sites is completely insufferable and every post is designed in some CIA laboratory to make me irrationally angry. Like look, sometimes we can all get annoyed at each other here, and I am no exception to that, and nowhere is perfect, but wow this place is 1000% better than like the majority of the internet, I honestly don't know how people go through life at this point browsing the regular internet.

  • Beaver [he/him]
    6 days ago

    The ironic effect of Hexbear has been to significantly reduce my time on the Internet, because almost everywhere else seems so shitty by comparison.

    • Inui [comrade/them]
      5 days ago

      My time spent sitting in Discord calls or scrolling for hours is significantly lower recently because somewhat ironically, the quality of posts here (outside of bad posting, DOWN with beanis) is higher so it takes less for me to be satisfied and logout for a while. If not higher quality, less mentally draining or bad vibe generating. Has been good for my mental because I've spent more time doing things I actually enjoy.

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        5 days ago

        Shortly after I discovered Hexbear I simply stopped going on Twitter. The quality of engagement there was so low. Apart from a handful of people who were nice and based it was all smug liberals and frothing Nazis.

        On Hexbear you can actually have a rewarding exchange on politics with someone. You divvy have to constantly defend the right if queer and non-white people to exist or to reach through generations of anticommunist propaganda.

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    6 days ago

    The more time I spend on the internet, the more I’m convinced that it’s so much more useless than we think

    This feels like the internet away from the internet, I think because it gives me late 2010 vibes

    Best described as the misfits that find each other at a party and go smoke imo. God I miss that shit, we’re in such a cyberpunk age

    • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
      6 days ago

      Best described as the misfits that find each other at a party and go smoke imo.

      I would always end up in that lowkey kickback room at big parties in college.

      Hexbear really is that room and the internet is one huge frat rager.

    • rootsbreadandmakka [he/him]
      6 days ago

      the misfits that find each other at a party and go smoke imo. God I miss that shit, we’re in such a cyberpunk age

      Every day I cry for this shit. My life used to be just sitting around in the woods smoking all day. Now I just sit at the computer staring at the bleakest shit imaginable (outside of hexbear). Retvrn to stonerdom

      • Hohsia [he/him]
        6 days ago


        I’m afraid it’s just life as you age (when you live in the decades where weeks happen era)

        Like, think about it. Do you think a Lenin equivalent would have allowed Silicon Valley to get this far?

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          6 days ago

          Do you think a Lenin equivalent would have allowed Silicon Valley to get this far?

          lenin-crush-capitalism sicko-wistful

    • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
      6 days ago

      Best described as the misfits that find each other at a party and go smoke imo.

      I would always end up in that lowkey kickback room at big parties in college.

      Hexbear really is that room and the internet is one huge frat rager.

  • 12022081631 [he/him]
    6 days ago

    its my best kept little secret--- like a little fairy door or that hole where him henson kept the fraggles. except inside this hole its mostly queers and commies. christ!!! its a good thing somebody put them there or i would never find them in that mess they call "the world"

  • Shaleesh [she/her, comrade/them]
    5 days ago

    This place legit motivates me to improve myself and I can't think of another online space as mind-opening or conducive to healthy discussion. The reputation this place gets as some kind of toxic shitpit is totally unwarranted.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      6 days ago

      Reject bazinga.

      Embrace Queen thought.

      what is queen thought?



    • hypercracker [he/him]
      5 days ago

      Mastodon is not bad although it is Going Through It right now about how if you’re a person of color the platform is absolutely terrible because it doesn’t have any safety features. Specifically it’s the case that nobody sees the exact same set of replies to a given post so racists can hide their posts targeting PoC and the clueless white people don’t think racism exists. Then default to their midwit FOSS-splaining “if you don’t like it open a PR” as though the mastodon project hasn’t had a million discussions on this topic and leadership decided it isn’t worth solving.

  • TawnyFroggy [she/her]
    5 days ago

    Sometimes I try to go to reddit to talk about my special interests but holy shit everyone there is so fucking dumb. It's not even politics sometimes, just terminal reddit brain and absolutely 0 media literacy. Hexbear is also the only "social media" site I've been a part of that isn't just constantly enshittified.

  • CommunistCuddlefish [she/her]
    5 days ago

    Y'all keep me sane. I love this place so much. It's so nice to not have to deal with shitty fascist white racist liberal genocide apologists.

  • iByteABit [comrade/them]
    5 days ago

    Good post, I can't explain how much I love this place. Anywhere else on the internet it takes such little time until you come across some liberal/fascist take that tries to push the Overton window all the way to the Third Reich, this is a safe haven I can't do without anymore. Lemmy being a great platform also contributes a lot, but its all of you that make it what it could never be otherwise. I'm gonna really miss you people if this site gets fedposting

  • Flutterpuff [she/her, doe/deer]
    5 days ago

    I like this site so much that I made an account despite not posting much anyway, I just love listening to you comrades, you guys are the realest people I have ever seen on the anonymous internet. rat-salute-2

    Took me time and courage to write this comment, I should probably go and touch grass now.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    6 days ago

    This is my only social networking anything. I like it here most of the time, and yes, it does feel free of the increasingly enshittified (and chuddified) state of Reddit and related monopolies that have swallowed up pretty much all populated forums that used to exist.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    5 days ago

    Nobody is trying to sell you something

    There are no Nazis

    There are no smug liberals

    There is no homophobia and transphobia

    The only racism there is is the background radiation you get from growing up in a racist society and even that is being minimised

    There are almost no debate lords

    There are nobody bragging about their perfect lives

    Is Hexbear even a proper online community?