• Gorb [they/them]
    1 month ago

    God creating a spine with planned obsolescence sicko-jammin

    • Hexboare [they/them]
      1 month ago

      Made this comment on opening the thread only to scroll down and see yours

    • Bureaucrat
      1 month ago

      God is a transhumanist confirmed? pog

  • PointAndClique [they/them]
    1 month ago

    Lmaoooo could you imagine designing this shit box of flesh? stabby-crab is right there. Armour plating, claws for snipping, legs for scuttling. Now that js an animal designed jn gods own image

  • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
    1 month ago

    Fun fact! All mammals have a nerve that starts off in the upper neck, goes down the neck, loops through an artery, and then goes back up. It doesn’t connect to anything on the way, it’s just the path it follows.

    In giraffes, this means this nerve goes two meters out of its way. The reason it does this is because back when we had gills, it was a straight line.

    As gills gave way for a heart and lungs, things got a bit tangled. But it’s always easier to make the nerve a little bit longer and keep it looping like that than to actually undo it, because with evolution every step has to be as good or better at surviving than the last.

  • lost_in_time [none/use name]
    1 month ago

    These people think evolution says things were shaped chance. It's the opposite: evolution says things were shaped by necessity. That's the main misconception they have.

  • geese_feces [comrade/them, love/loves]
    1 month ago

    God's an asshole and I'm glad he's dead.

    I believe that God was real but then he came to earth and humans killed him; and its good that they killed him when they had the chance, he deserved it.

  • this_dude_eating_beans [any]
    1 month ago

    Had an old boss that tried to convince us intelligent design was real and compared the human body to a car. "The car is a perfectly designed machine with each part working in sync with each other. It's incredibly efficient just like the human body."

    The irony wasn't lost on me as my car was broken down and I had to take an uber or ride to work with another co worker because i couldnt afford to get it fixed because they didn't pay me enough, and my back was in pain from standing on my feet for 8 hours. But yeah, man cool

    • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
      1 month ago

      Trying to convince me God is real by saying he’s just like a mechanical engineer is not a good approach lol

      • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
        1 month ago

        Old Testament God seems like an Engineer, but not in the good ways.

      • Bureaucrat
        1 month ago

        God wouldn't be a mechanical engineer, he'd be the designer who decided to put a bolt ½ inch behind a massive steelrod so I have no fucking way of actually tightening it. Because it's not a bolt but that thing that requires something on top of it to be properly fastened, but I forget the word for it.

        edit: wait I mixed up mechanical engineer and machinist. Yeah god would be a mechanical engineer

      • Bureaucrat
        1 month ago

        this would've done numbers on old twitter or 4chan

  • elpaso [he/him]
    1 month ago

    God is clearly an American Urban planner. Who else who puts a waste disposal system in the middle of a recreational zone?

    • Alisu [they/them]
      1 month ago

      Some people want to have fun in the waste disposal too

    • Bureaucrat
      1 month ago

      At least he's not an architect who decided to put an artificial skislope on top of a waste disposal facility, ignoring the pressure vents that go on top of those facilities and thus risking boiling people alive.

      This was a subtweet about BIG group. I hate their projects ever since I experienced them in NYC

    • Crucible [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 month ago

      It's a classic anti-catholic jab from protestants. Catholic Jesus is permanently on the cross, dying/'dead' while protestant jesus is off the cross and resurrected thus 'living'

          • Cammy [she/her]
            1 month ago

            Wait, so Catholics believe Jesus is in a perpetual state of suffering while also existing as the Father and the Holy Spirit?

            • Crucible [he/him, comrade/them]
              1 month ago

              It's more that during the reformation everyone was publishing leaflets about how everyone they disagreed with was actually worshipping the devil so they came up with actually really inane divisions like kinds of iconography and worked backwards from there to develop brand new theology on the fly to justify the insane things they published. For most people 'guy on the cross' just equals 'be thankful that's not me' but when some Luther fanboy writes a pamphlet about how catholics love to see jesus suffer eternally because they're satanists you end up inventing new theology to say 'no, actually jesus's sacrifice is eternal and you just don't get it like I do'

              • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
                1 month ago

                It's more that during the reformation everyone was publishing leaflets about how everyone they disagreed with was actually worshipping the devil

                Reformation culture war was not too different huh

            • NephewAlphaBravo [he/him]
              1 month ago

              No, he's resurrected and ascended to heaven, so I guess they're mad about the symbol of the crucified jesus? Idk I only have catholic brainworms not protestant ones

            • Sulvor [he/him, undecided]
              1 month ago

              Nah, Catholics believe he was born as a person, lived, suffered, and died as a being that was both fully human and fully divine. His suffering and death were him being punished for our sins, “bearing our cross”, so to speak.

  • Philosophosphorous
    1 month ago

    i don't think it was designed intentionally by some anthropomorphic creator but it's pretty good for a vessel that can operate in such a variety of earth's climates doing such a variety of different tasks without ever getting ready-made replacement parts. amazing self-healing capabilities for minor damage and wear, sure a lot of other animals might be tougher but humans are pretty good for such a versatile dex/int style build. we have more of a learning curve than other animals for operating this vessel i guess, but thats just because of our multipurpose brains. if there is a god he is clearly just a huge standing desk and squat toilet kind of guy, or he wants us to laze around and nap more instead of sitting straight up in chairs and standing all day.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    1 month ago

    Thank you Lord for giving me this body which at any moment could just spontaneously develop cancer, who wants to live and not die a horrible death anyway 🙏

    • Lemister [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      Well only large animals develop cancer- the largest even develop so much cancer that they stop each other. Humans are in the cancer goldilocks zone

  • Bureaucrat
    1 month ago

    Everyone knows humans have easily injured knees