ok gang I'm thinking of leading a wretched of the earth book club in January and after that we do a trinity of fundamentals thoughts?
please comment or donate if you can!!
Thank you so much for the repost 🙇🙇🙇 this kindness means a lot to me
Edit for clarification: not Mem just a concerned friend!
of course, the least i can do for another black audhd enby out there, i know how much harder it is for us. i just hope for the best!
sorry ive been so busy everyone. i will respond to the dm's uhhhh maybe tomorrow, today is rough for me
Can people be more specific about the situations on this site they're vaguing about 😭
I'm always confused when I log back on
My bad, this is the exchange I was vagueposting about.
I mean I'm very open to being wrong about stuff, but uhhh... I don't get it. Z Poster took some kind of victory lap about how my heuristic fell flat on it's face, but I really wasn't following by that point, so I disengaged. The hexbears all seem big brained enough to get it though judging from the votes, but nobody elae cared to elaborate.
Maybe my comment got seen as "syrian people should be so happy to be liberated by good guys HTS", but that feels like a stretch to me to interpret it that way idk
Honestly, I'm over that one. Just another not-like-us tryna browbeat us into accepting tacit white supremacy as the law of the world; that's the exact kind of mf my blocklist made for.
Next I'm finna have to hear crackers and foreign mfs who don't even live here and know nothing of our culture talm bout 'Black liberation and nationalism is "inherently reactionary" and "counterrevolutionary"'(in a country that has no real left) (don't laugh!) if we're not willing to fight for the same mfs enslaving us two hundred years ago
I’m wary of that news com.
And I’ve seen several obnoxious comments from this Zposter.
‘I’m not white’
In other words, you’re pretty much white.
They are an arab-american from their comments, but that doesnt stop him from being obnoxious
I’m wary of that news com.
Even ignoring puk gai pricks like him, it does feel a bit like a Moon of Alabama comment section
It’s always something along the lines of ‘Man, that obscure racist post someone made is really making me question my sanity’
And the post in question is just mildly insulting white women.
What i genuinely don't understand is why they aren't saying the user or describing the post without @ing someone
I got youre not allowed to restart struggle sessions but if youre vaguing, youre still mentioning the struggle session
yeah but the em poc com serves as a place to vent about such things without being harassed by crackers.
I give up. Apparently living in a world where white people talk down to you is an "imperialist narrative" and thinking about who is reading what you write is "post modern slop"
Every week the crackers give me a new reason to be sick of their shit, it's the new primetime tv
I love how it's hella crackers crying in the mega about how all their favorite cracker modlog issues caught bans or "left because of mod heavy-handedness". Like, can these crackers please say what their actual problem is with their whole chest? If I've gotta see another cracker whining about a disrespectful becky catching a shorter ban than any he/him would catch for the same actions, and call what she did "no good reason", I'mma crash out again and a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE are gonna leave with they fragile-assed feelings hurt.
Angel's right; this is the only mega I feel is worth engaging with at the moment. Also, what is it with foreign mfs and thinking Black folk should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with white supremacists and trust they'll work with us toward liberation? Nobody is immune to cracker thought apparently
They don't want to spend even the smallest effort to understand why said mod was removed. Yeah, I'm sure it's just "teenager clique drama." Not "mod advocating doing an adventurism while downplaying user concerns about bigotry."
Also this got me to see my post about blocktube got restored, hooray!
TY @sweet_pecan@hexbear.net
It's an older Firefox add on that got removed from the official add-ons list a while ago. I didn't make it, but that's the list of channels I have blocked. Someone a while ago was looking for a way to get rid of Simon Whistler recommendations, so that's why I made the post.
Like, can these crackers please say what their actual problem is with their whole chest?
If they did, they'd be thoroughly banned af, lmao...
Hence, the vague reasons such as the familiar "my father was killed in WW2 by the Russians, cuz he was
fascistanti-communist"My favorite is asking descendants of kulaks why their kulak relatives were liquidated. You'll hear some real ghoul shit like "Well it was their right to set an entire barn of wheat on fire, it was their property! But then big mean Stalin came and took away the rest of their grain so they couldn't sell it at a 1000% markup!"
I'm like mildly apprehensive when my parents hit up old friends for any help with me landing a job, last job I was an emergency hire and dumped after a week while another place I just wasn't qualified for. Tempted on working on my CV first before I reach out because end of the day I really don't know how tight they are with each other/how useful it all is. Got that whole thing where parents think I'm good with computers when they don't know that that means something different in hiring (my ass can't code) since they don't know how to turn on any tech.
Has anyone else been triggered by anti discrimination training at work?
I was taking it the other day and like as the example of what not to do they literally just had a dude on their saying racist stereotypes about a fictional character with my name and I was like uhhh
Jesus, you prolly have a colleague with a grudge against you...
That sounds really hard, I'm sorry you're having to deal with that every day. Sending lots of love comrade
I feel sorry for them, they won't last the week.
I hate AI so much, especially when it's used by fellow em_POC who just want to pass their classes because academic resources are systemically denied to them. None of these people run local models they're just using models created by White techbros who want to see the world burn. I'm fearful for the amount of settler propaganda that Silicon Valley can disseminate just through the guise of being "a friendly AI assistant"
I'm kind of at a point where "honestly they were already here, look at the likes of Awoo and her news mega white knight
s of the Confederacybrigade"I had talked about this a couple weeks ago on one of the general megathreads, but yeah. It honestly scares me a bit just how much the students I know talk about using it. One of my cousin's kids recently started college and he was telling me about how he got in trouble for using an AI to write a paper and the paper got flagged for plagiarism. Setting aside the plagiarism or even the settler propaganda as you mentioned, what does a student gain from having an AI write a paper for them. And its not like the educational system, especially in the US, fosters much critical thinking skills. In all my time working its always taken me aback just how little people seem to be able to do problem solving. AI is just going to make things so much worse.
Silicon valley is just a breeding ground for what parts of society they can capture and profit off of. Sure, Imperial Core Jimmy can pay 20 American bucks a month for ULTRA-MEGA CHATGPT INFINITY to give him all his answers but Global South Pedro has to do it "the old way" and he should strive to be able to buy AI services.
Imperial core Jimmy gets to cheat on his exams and also contribute to climate change destruction onto the Global South, Win Win for the US.
I would love to join the reading!!! Ahhh it is so hard to read by myself I think this would help 🫂🫶🏼🫶🏼
wretched of the earth book club in January and after that we do a trinity of fundamentals thoughts?
Hell yes; I'm in. Anything that might make a Hexbear cracker stop and actually think about colonialism and the effect it's had on our society anymore
wretched of the earth book club in January and after that we do a trinity of fundamentals thoughts
Yeah, why not? It's like one of those books everyone here's, including me, has heard of, yet not much has read about
Is there any other group of people, besides white people, who put a lot of time and effort in tools that cause mass death? I'm mediocre on history, but were/are there any other group of people that's even as close to as destructive? I guess the Japanese could be one.
Also a genuine question. I want to be correct
Idk... well, there was Genghis Khan whose ravaging Mongol Empire army may've indirectly killed 37.5-60 million people, judging from the 700 million tons of carbon wiped out of this map.
If we're talkin' recently, you could look at Pakistan's U.S-backed war against the newly-indepedent Bangladesh and the Second Congo War in the DRC... (0.300 - 3 million, in their genocide against Bengalis over one year, and 5.4 million dead in the Congo)
If we want to talk about "what not to do", regarding constructing socialism, we could talk about Khmer Rouge Cambodia's Killing Fields and DERG Ethiopia's famine in 1983 (0.165 to 4 million, depending on talking to Noam Chomsky or a western scholar) and (Up to 1 million, according to western scholar)
Then again, I may be talking from liberal brainworms
Also genuine, if it's U.S. backed is it technically still white focused ? Just cause they found faces to carry out their destruction doesn't remove them from it.
And no, I'm not including Mao's Great Famine (16.5-60 million, depending on whether you're talking to Deng Xiaoping or the China Quarterly)
I don't think it was purposeful, to say the least, it was major catastrophic policy failure but just at that
If you want to include things like that, I will include post-independence India as another example "India seems to manage to fill its cupboard with more skeletons every eight years than China put there in its years of shame."
You talking about lobbing dead things into castles during sieges? Not to excuse the Mongols, but everyone was doing that the moment fortified cities and catapults became a thing. I don't know if the Mongols invented it or learned it from someone else. Could also be a case of convergent evolution. Torching crop fields and sowing them with salt was another tactic used everywhere to limit enemies ability to wage war.
I'd be curious to know if this stuff did start with the Mongols. They were known for being really good at fucking up people's shit.
lobbing dead things into castles im not sure if the mongols invented it, but they did invented the a unique way to make poison arrows by mixing poop and rotten food in their quivers so that their arrows would be cover by deadly infections was were sure dead to anyone struck by them and in some cases cause a plague
also they poison waterways but thats something people before them had done before
Ah I didn't know about the poop quivers. Poison darts have been a thing for a long time. I don't know when the use of poison dart frogs started in South America.
Guys I solved the UFO/drone craze.. apparently my plug started using a drone to sell 😭😭 so all these drones are just weed dealers, mystery solved! Thank you everyone
Oh... I didn't notice that, since you don't usually come here much... sorry for questioning you
You're good,
I might be one of the few hexbear users who doesn't frequent any megathreads lol. Dunno why. It's just never been my thing.