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    • modsarefascist [he/him]
      3 years ago

      IDK if it was some intentional thing, but yea crazy theories get blown up and endorsed all the time so that more mundane (but true) things are swept under the rug. Hell the CIA and FBI were caught doing it in the 60s and 70s, it'd be fucking idiotic as hell to think they wouldn't do that stuff in today's world where it's a million times easier. I mean what the fuck do people think Plantir is???

    • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
      3 years ago

      If it wasn't directly organized by the US government (possible), then they at least let it happen. After all they've provably done in the past, is it so insane to think that's possible?

      • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
        3 years ago

        After all they've done in the past, its not so much that its insane as it is naive.

        9/11 conspiracy theories like many others give our government and the ghoulish opportunists running it way too much credit, when all the evidence I see kind of exposes what a bunch of chuckleheads they are. People talk about how many inconsistencies and questions there are or how this or that could have happened, but if it was an inside job there's even more things that don't make why they didn't actually fabricate anything to tie it to Iraq or saddam hussein for example.

        Read the shock doctrine. That's the real truth behind 9/11. They don't need to directly engineer or be in charge of things like 9/11. The system just makes such events inevitable and is insanely effective at using them to justify even further power grabs.

    • AdamSandler [he/him]
      3 years ago

      They also do that to sweep under the rug much more blatant shit like Oklahoma City

  • SerLava [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If he thinks Bush let it happen, he's cool. Bush either let it happen on purpose, or didn't give a shit about warnings and was busy doing Christian supremacy shit at the time. Both valid possibilities.

    But if her boyfriend said the words "steel beams" he's a fucking idiot. Reveal yourselves, come fight me.

    • Audeamus [any]
      3 years ago

      Senator Bob Graham who led the Joint Congressional 9/11 Investigation repeatedly implied in interviews (while underlining that he's constrained by law from speaking directly) that A) defenses were weakened on purpose across the board, which means central orders to the effect were issued, he thinks by Cheney, B) Saudi hijackers were being paid by the Saudi government while living in the US with an FBI informant, who was then protected from testifying before Congress by the FBI.

      Here's one of his interviews and you can find more:

      The steel beams BS is planted propaganda meant to make everyone else questioning the official story look ridiculous.

  • Sphincter_Spartan [any,comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    If it's an insane conspiracy theory to think America would get thousands of its citizens killed for its own gain, then is it crazy to believe America lied about WMD's in Iraq, getting thousands of their citizens (and a million Iraqis) killed for their own gain? Because they admitted to the latter, and the former isn't too different. I'm in the camp that they probably knew an attack was coming and let it happen, but I don't think it's stupid to think they outright did it themselves.

    Also very telling that she listed 'Epstein' in the conspiracies he believes. Like what about him? That he trafficked children for rich people? Because that's an established fact. She thinks talking about him is being a conspiracy theorist for aesthetic reasons, because he's talking about conspiracy stuff, regardless of it being factual. The same for the Clintons knowing Epstein, Bill Clinton is on the flight logs a few million times, but again it's about rich people and pedophilia, which she associates with cranks. Classic case of lib brain, judging by aesthetic similarity without regard for content

        • sailorfish [she/her]
          3 years ago

          For me, the acceptable range is from at minimum "he was genuinely suicidal and the guards/prison psychologist/whatever were all bribed/threatened/whatever to allow /encourage it to happen" to "he was assassinated". I don't know anybody who believes nothing hinky went down there either

  • Flaps [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Imagine asking for relationship advice from people on reddit. The times actual advice is given can be counted on one hand.

    My (M27) SO (F301) didn't flush and now her shit is just floating around in there. Should I dump her? Reddit: Yes. Shit is yukkie.

            • BasedGiraffe [none/use name]
              3 years ago

              I don’t remember the OP of that copypasta’s name offhand, but they were a great shitposting account that even had a post on the prolife subreddit about making a game where you’d play as a fetus trying not to get aborted, and they were trying to take suggestions in the comments

              Oh the name was dennismiller2024 i guess; someone said it higher up here

    • Hungover [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I only ask for relationship advice on Chapo Dot Chat.

      From the Volcel police :sankara-salute:

      • VolcelPolice [any]
        3 years ago

        :volcel-judge: We have the only advice you need brave poster

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      3 years ago

      50% of the comments say you should just talk to the other person. 50% say you should break up. It's the same response to every single relationship question on that cursed site.

  • radicalhomo [he/him]
    3 years ago

    imo the boyfriend should break up with her for being more sensitive about a couple thousand american deaths than the millions of deaths that resulted from the war on terror perpetuated by the great satan

  • BillyMays [he/him]
    3 years ago

    None of those are conspiracies at this point, just because you weren’t spoon fed the info doesn’t dismiss its reality.

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      The only one that's not a clear fact is 9/11 being an inside job, and even there it's at absolute minimum plausible that the Bush Administration intentionally sat on intel predicting an imminent terrorist attack.

        • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing 'God Bless America.' No, no, no, God damn America, that's in the Bible for killing innocent people... God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.

          We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye... We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost.


      • _else [she/her,they/them]
        3 years ago

        predicting? dude it had already happened like five times, to that building. once by bin laden. the bombs just kept getting found or not detonating.

        they didn't even need to master the present tense to know this shit was happening, much less "predict" shit.

        but also thinthread, so you know for a fact them knowing was only a matter of desire. they had none.

        im not sure what counts as 'inside' but that's not even a point of concention. the owner wanted the building gone (it was about to cost him a LOT of money, it was insured, and people tried to blow it up a lot), the american signals intelligence had it (they had turned the machine off like a year earlier, literally because it wasn't expensive or corrupt enough), human intelligence had people LITERALLY CALLING THEM and saying 'uh, hey, I don't know who to report this to, but this guy who just took a flight class and didn't care about landing? he said some stuff about blowing up these specific buildings.(plus some probably racist xenophobic shit because they were americans and what proper red blooded american passes up an opportunity to say something unabashedly racist?)' and the guy who ordered it was a family friend of the president at the time. it was definitely "inside".

        the only question is whether it was a 'job', the intention of it. a lot of people would say that doesn't matter. im not sure I would agree with them, but where exactly do you draw the line between incompetence and malevolence, especially in such a large structure when there's so much of both going in so many directions with so many influences and levels of management muddying everything? is anything intentional in such a system? and if not, then we must look at the function of the system, at what its 'job' is, and find there was absolutely none tasked to prevent this eventuality, despite robust knowledge and no small amount of theorizing, and when that 0 systems tasked with making it not happen lined up with several that caused the WTC attack, there you fucking go. they didn't even have to be much. some trashy geek who sent a friend's kid with a pocket knife, an asshole rich dude literally trying to burn a building down for the insurance money in what must be the actual oldest cliche in the book

        so 9/11 was definitely an 'inside job' for any value of 'inside' and 'job' I can think of.

        • Pezevenk [he/him]
          3 years ago

          so 9/11 was definitely an ‘inside job’ for any value of ‘inside’ and ‘job’ I can think of.

          If this was indeed intentionally let to happen and not just a case of oversight, it wouldn't be what most of the "9/11 was an inside job" people are saying. Idk how much interaction you've had with them, but they believe it was controlled demolition, and some believe there weren't even any planes that crashed into the building at all, although that is more rare. But yeah, when people say it was an inside job, 9/10 times they mean someone literally planted explosives to blow them up, and out of those, 9/10 times it has something to do with Jews. So allow me to be very skeptical of anyone who says they're a 9/11 truther.

          • _else [she/her,they/them]
            3 years ago

            okay so you're saying literal nazis are closer to correct than libs, but they use that as an excuse to be literal nazis, so...

            god its fucked up but i see no flaws in how you got there.

            • Pezevenk [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I used to post in a small forum where there was a number of these kinds of people around, because it had an extremely lax moderation stance, and I lurked a bit at 4chan and 8chan and whatever just to see what the fuck is going on there. Nazis don't like the status quo. So they don't really have an issue taking stuff that's wrong with it and twisting them into a horribly perverted narrative.

              • _else [she/her,they/them]
                3 years ago

                that is kind of the whole thing of reactionaries.

                you're saying we shouldn't take away their excuses because...???

                • Pezevenk [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  I'm not sure what you mean by the last sentence, but I said that most 9/11 truthers saying 9/11 is an inside job aren't saying what you are saying, and you should be very skeptical of all of them.

                  • _else [she/her,they/them]
                    3 years ago

                    right, fascists start with "X is wrong" which is usually a true statement, if based on very oversimplified shit, and then say "because Y" which is a little absurd or stupid, "so we must do Z", where "Z" is literally always "exterminate the jews and kneel before your god emperor" unless they're zionists, in which case it gets weird but all that's changed is the names of groups.

                    and im saying that's not necessarily a reason to not point out that X is wrong

      • SoyViking [he/him]
        3 years ago

        If it was an inside job, why would they target financial ghouls and warmongers, their own people? Wouldn't they have bombed some hospital or school instead?

          • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
            3 years ago


            1. It's plausible that anyone in the know didn't have any personal friends working in the twin towers, or
            2. Someone willing to let thousands die in a terrorist attack to fuel a forever war that kills millions might not give that much of a shit about Jimmy from college who's now some finance bro.
  • kristina [she/her]
    3 years ago

    im the op of this, i think my boyfriend is crazy because he didnt think 9/11 was done by aliens

    • hogposting [he/him,comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      I broke up with someone because they were the type of crank who believed the twin towers ever existed :sadness:

  • WhatDoYouMeanPodcast [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, she's the asshole in this situation. We stan a king who avoids a woman who believes Am*rica is just.

    What is full support of 9/11 conspiracies? Like, no matter what somebody posts on youtube, he does that pointing Leo meme to it?

  • shoko_babishmo [they/them]
    3 years ago

    believing 9/11 conspiracy theories means you won't believe that Al Queda attacked America because America deserved to be attacked. Ditch his white ass.

    • Sealand_macronation [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      labor aristocrats are so fascist they remove the agency of people to challenge imperialism. It's like the "black people are only rioting because (((Soros)))"

  • acealeam [he/him]
    3 years ago

  • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    WTC7 didn't kill himself

    I would question the suitability of a partner of anyone who looked at what happened on 9/11 and went "yeah that's legit"

    I like the Corbet reports 5 min video on all the shit you have to ignore to take that view

    Also the fact that Project for a New American Century (the guys that got Bush into power) only a few years before called for a "new pearl harbour" and a "catastrophic and catalysing event for USA to dominate the next century")

    The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only recently. What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world's resources, it said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor".

    John Pilger reveals the American plan: a new Pearl Harbour

    On the last 9/11 anniversary I went back and rewatched The New Pearl Harbour. It's a relentless 5 hour documentary piling up all of the evidence at the time. The firefighters that testified to hearing controlled demolition explosives going off when they were attempting rescues/demolition experts explaining how buildings can't fall at freefall speed (because the floor beneath slows the speed of the fall unless it has been exploded at the same time)

    You have to be one naive, dumb son of a bitch to believe anything but it was a false flag by the national security apparatus and an attack on their own people to bring about the hellworld the boys from Project of a New American Century wanted

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      3 years ago

      The biggest problem there is that natsec ghouls are just really, really, mindboggingly stupid and barely able to do more than throw guns and money at the worst people they can find in a country they don't like. They're vicious monsters and entirely morally and psychologically able to want to do something like that, but if they'd tried to actually carry out something so complicated with so many points of failure it would have either blown up in their face or come out immediately.

      Even when it comes to things they're good at (death squads, drug smuggling, funneling money and weapons to fascist militants, targeting activists for persecution or assassination, etc) they're shit at keeping it secret and only get away with it because of the massive institutional support they have and because all of those things are acceptable to the American ruling class. Wiping out a bunch of white collar workers and traumatizing an entire city that's home to a large chunk of the American bourgeoisie isn't exactly the sort of thing that gets them glowing opeds in the NYT praising them for training hErOiC fReEdOm FiGhTeRs like that scrappy young Saudi noble who's taking the fight to the Soviets in Afganistan, whatever his name was.

      • JoeySteel [comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I mean....It did come out immediately

        A lot of this stuff was mainstream knowledge at the time. You got WTC7 collapsing for no reason, missing plane engines in the Pentagon that hit the side of the Pentagon that was investigating 2.7 trillion USD missing (lol)

        You got all the firefighters that testified to hearing controlled demolition explosives as they were going into rescue (who signed documents testifying to this as most of them are dead from types of cancer they got in the rescue now)

        Controlled demolition experts testifying that there's no way a building can fall at free fall speed (because the floor beneath it slows the speed of a building collapse) and that what you see in the towers collapsing is controlled demolition

        Awful saudi pilots doing perfect 270 degree turns in a jumbo jet that most professional pilots with years under their belt were unable to recreate

        And like all the invasions, death squads, drug smuggling and weapons to fascist militias or jihadis they don't even really bother to cover it up.

        It's all there you can go read about it. The problem is it's not on mainstream news so is on fringe outlets that have integrity that only a handful of people read.

        What they've successfully done though is give their population brainworms by popularising "conspiracy theory" and for their population to have a reaction to it like Pavlovs dog (where you ring a bell before feeding a dog and after a while when you ring the bell they start to salivate). They just say "conspiracy theory" and the population has that reaction despite the absolute mountains of evidence against it.

        • AdamSandler [he/him]
          3 years ago

          They’ve pretty much gaslighted the public into believing that conspiracy theories are wrong by default.

    • space_comrade [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Honestly I'm not sure about the controlled demolition theory. The amount of coordination that would require is pretty big, I don't think you could keep that a secret really.

      Also what's the point of killing WTC 7 too? Wouldn't the two biggest buildings be enough? Also that video doesn't really look like any controlled demolition I've seen.

      I mean there's definitely a lot of shady shit about the official story but I don't think they blew it up themselves.

      • AdamSandler [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Well, we do know sniffer dogs were removed from the building in the days leading up to the attacks. We also know that buildings only collapse in their own footprint in controlled demolition. Comparing damage to the Empire State Building from a previous plane crash and the plane hitting the towers, we should be able to see that a plane alone cannot take down a building.

        As for Building 7, it was being used as the FOC for 9/11. That was where all the planning and data shit went down. It was demolished because it contained too much evidence and taking it out would be the perfect way to ensure no one could figure out what happened. And it wasn’t kept a secret. I’ve interviewed former CIA members in private about the events of 9/11. One of them was one of the people who staffed Building 7. He told me all about how they planned the escape in advance.

        • space_comrade [he/him]
          3 years ago

          I'll be honest my dude, that sounds like a bunch of conspiracy theory nonsense that I honestly have no chance of verifying for myself.

          We also know that buildings only collapse in their own footprint in controlled demolition. Comparing damage to the Empire State Building from a previous plane crash and the plane hitting the towers, we should be able to see that a plane alone cannot take down a building.

          Do we know that? I sure as shit can't really know that for sure. Are you a civil engineer / architect yourself or are you just repeating what other people said?

      • Audeamus [any]
        3 years ago

        Seconded. Corbett believes in nothing, has no integrity. He's nerdy Alex Jones.