I did not have this on my bingo card.
The chapos are right, this is the funniest of all possible worlds.
Edit: Damn folks, a hundred upbears? I've never broken triple digits before, thanks for the serotonin!
Six degrees of Chapo to Elon Musk:
Musk -> Grimes -> Chelsea -> TruAnon -> Chapo
Musk -> Grimes -> Chelsea -> TruAnon -> Chapo -> Hasan -> cumtown
it's even shorter, hasan fucked elon's mom before he became a streamer
Absurdity aside (what the fuck is happening), why does this video go from "Chelsea Manning is trans" to "she massively exposed the US army" to "here's what she looks like in a bikini!". Feels creepy
:liberalism: Trans women are women
:awooga: Which means they get sexualised regardless of context.
ive only seen the trans version, i thought it was the original ngl LOL
Thats because it absolutely is creepy as fuck and immediately indicative of the exploitative nature of this fucked up society.
To transition and immediately be sexualized, while I have no idea how it might feel for the person in question, is so fucking horribly wrong whoever edited that video needs to be :gulag:
To transition and immediately be sexualized, while I have no idea how it might feel for the person in question
The fucked up thing is, for a little while it's actually validating (while also being uncomfortable). Like "oh nice, they actually see me as a woman!" Same with shit like catcalling.
It's all awful
I literally, and I mean literally, refuse to believe this is true.
Anyone who tries to provide evidence to me or make me learn more about this is commiting a crime. I reject all knowledge about this.
My dream. Start a commune. Grow food. Practice practical skills. Have 0 knowledge about who any of these people are.
Chelsea loves Hasan, is always in chat, and Grimes has been interacting with her and Hasan a lot on Twitter, I believe it
If the reason someone says “tankie” on CNN is because Grimes and Chelsea Manning are Hasan superfans, I will be forced to assume reality is fake.
He said earlier Grimes is coming on his stream because of Chelsea
I think this is what dipping your brain in a deep fryer feels like...
So, is Grimes an op who's part of one of those whacko CIA cultural psyops that we won't fully understand or grasp the scope of for at least a decade? Or is this actually happening?
She’s a privileged wasp who doesn’t have clear political ideology and because of that is all over the place.
She wants to be a Posadist but she has no idea what Posadism is, it seems to me
Someone send her the selected works of J. Posadas, including all the unironic Volcel, dolphin and nuclear stuff. And the aliens, definitely the aliens.
We need to make this even more absurd.
Imagine Elon Musk finding out about posadism through that, what would happen. He already wants to nuke Mars...
You didn't DM them it to them did you?
Hopefully they use a social media manager or something
Yes she was/is? Back on :reddit-logo: the automoderator would also reply amber like that. Basically there was a lot of annoying debates about her takes, partly because of sexism as she was the only women on the podcast, and because a lot of her takes verged on stupididpol stuff. So the automoderator was set up to do that to get everyone to shut up about amber.
Thats what I absorbed by using the cth subreddit, I haven't actually listened to the podcast so I could be wrong.
and after that, AOC dates Peng Shuai while Musk and Manning enter into a polycule with Xiomara Castro
I will be more surprised if, within the next eighteen months, it doesn't turn out that AMLO has been getting cucked by Jagmeet Singh and Melinda Gates at Lenin's Mausoleum
Fuck it, I’m done. Let kids operate the lathe. No safety barriers anymore.
What the hell? I thought Vaush getting into an argument with JK Rowling was weird enough. But this. I don't even have words.
This is some Doctor Who shit. These timelines aren’t supposed to exist together
Since when are they broken up? Wasn’t there that whole thing about their new kid and wha?
It’s honestly amazing how much this is like 13 year olds “dating” each other in a group Skype chat in 2009
They have birth to the kid though a surrogate I think. I don't actually know, and don't want to find out
hiring someone to do the labor of pregnancy for you is bourgeois, adoption is proletarian
Everyone seems to forget that a lot of surrogacy is people doing it voluntarily for friends and family
Since when are they broken up?
she said in the interview were she confirmed she's got a second child that :my-hero: and her have broken up again. maybe it's shaping up to be one of these toxic on-off relationships, elon is a type of dude for that, or maybe she runs away with chelsea and starts the lesbian space commune she's been talking about with what she gets out of the divorce.
She also says in that interview that they plan to have more and that musk is the love of her life.
Grimes REALLY trying to become cool after dating Elon Musk.
Anyone who dates Chelsea Manning is cooler than they were before. That’s a fact
The world ended in 2012 and everything since then has been the collective death throes of our species. This is the last thing we see before we finally cross over.
Honestly making me see this should be considered a human rights violation
the world ended when the berlin wall fell :soviet-huff:
this is the history 2 you all were begging for. Fukuyama's revenge
Nothing has seemed real to me since Steve Irwin died :yea:
The Matrix was a documentary in every way except that the simulation was super glitched from the start. We're just become aware of them...