Liberals when communists joke about killing a Russian monarch :NOOOOO:
Liberals when they see a Russian child crossing the street :unsure:
CW for unhinged westoid fantasies about violence and mass death
Every dead Russian solider brings joy to my life and I, using my wealth and control over the media, will fight to the last Ukrainian. If Ukraine loses 90% of it's population I'm going to be on the sideline goading on the last 10% to suicide charge at the Russians hoping to at least get a few of em
Genuinely at a loss for words, these people are irredeemable.
Real boom times for these sickos, dead slavs all around.
Rich slav, poor slav, anti west slav, pro west slav.
Still slav.
Still slav.
This has to be someone from here doing a bit, it's too on the nose
See this is why the CIA can't do coups anymore because it's filled with these dorks that think themselves as either the next Tom Clancy and Dave Chappelle but really they are just some guy putting in frequencies in some spreadsheet and getting paid to reddit really hard. Like who gives a fuck about Patton anymore what a gigantic loser lmao, what's next is he gonna quote Kitchener on how to solve the middle east?
there's likely a connection between the limited pool of whitebread squares the CIA is able to hire and their inability to do good HUMINT anymore. thinking of that hilarious recruiting commercial where the CIA hire lists off how incredibly diverse she is
CIA can’t even find enough people who can understand Chinese lol. With the rampant sinophobia on the rise, I imagine that shortage will increase even more
They won’t hire people who have smoked weed. Well not directly. The CIA has ridiculous standards for hires that basically block out everyone.
Hmmm How did the rest of the Patton’s quote go?
“We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. But while we're here (on the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually.“
I wonder why the neoliberal here didn’t mention the entire quote.
As far as I'm concerned now there's no discernible difference between neoliberalism and fascism outside of the aesthetics at this point. The USA is a fascist country cooked up in a neoliberal laboratory and the monster they made is going to kill them.
Your link is dead, fortunately it's archived:
one tiny note, Nazi privatisation was of assets seized during the Great Depression, not things that came under state ownership in ww1.
If we were to try to compile an exhaustive list of people, animals and inanimate objects that George Patton referred to at one time or another as "the bastards", we'd probably be here for days.
He also talks a lot about how he wrestles and his deadlift. Did we just find Senator Armstrong's Reddit account?
You know the deadlift and wrestles comment got me curious and holy shit is he the most reddit guy ever 255lbs bw and can't bench over 200lbs and can only deadlift 355lbs and is like "yeah I mean this is the max I'll ever be able to lift" what a guy, you know what I'll take it back, this guy works some data entry job at an insurance company where everyone hates his 'comedy' and he takes it all out online.
Edit: I feel like I should put his lifting numbers into context like this, the reason he says "Patton would've attacked the commies" isn't because he read some book on Patton or even watched the movie Patton, he saw the youtube clip of the opening speech to Patton and was like "Oh yeah I'm a Patton guy now, I'm Pattonpilled"
A push up is equivalent to benching 65 to 75% of your bodyweight depending on the range of motion and foot elevation. So 165 to 190lbs for this guy. He is barely strong enough to do one proper push up. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I wasn't bragging about my fitness when I could barely do a push up.
He's also weirdly self hating with that incel misandry. That this is the best he can do. Very self defeatist mindset. I bet with a proper diet and exercise program he could massively improve, so I don't understand the self sabotage.
He's like the un-incel. Most incels are like "women hate any man who is not a certain level of attractiveness, so life is unfair and I hate them!" Whereas he's like "women hate any man who is not a certain level of attractiveness. Therefore, I know my place, and every other guy at my level should too!"
Yeah that's what I mean when I say "incel misandrist". He just hates men and himself. At the end of the day it's still involuntary celibacy, just one rooted in deep self hatred instead of hating women.
Honestly I wish more liberals would be this upfront with their ghoulishness. They believe the same things this guy does, but at least he's not a liar on top of it.
And we would have listened to Patton, except that by that point the Soviet war machine would have absolutely crushed the comparatively paltry and much greener U.S. forces in Germany. Maybe there would have been more of a fight in Italy, but with the large amount of communist partisans, it would have been a tough row to hoe for the U.S. to maintain footing.
Nuking any city in Europe regardless of occupation status with regards to the Soviets would have turned the entirety of Europe against the U.S. in a heartbeat. At most, they could have nuked Eastern Russia, which, while not good, would not help them in a theoretical Western theatre.
You are vastly overestimating the capabilities of nuclear weapons of that time period in a conventional war and vastly underestimating the political costs of using them. The only reason we got away with using them on Japan is that, we won the war, we rebuilt their infrastructure, and because everyone was incredibly racist with the exception of the Soviets who were only a little racist.
I know nukes are terrifying and cause lasting environmental damage, but back then and even now, conventional warfare still dominates if you want to control territory. Nuclear weapons are a little overrated in their full effects honestly.
Nukes are good at horrifying surprise attacks. They're terrorism weapons. If your goal is winning a war and holding territory, you're still going to use artillery, airplanes, troops, and drones.
The scary part of nukes is when your opponent also has nukes, so is also able to do sudden nightmare attacks you can't expect or defend against. Nukes also make everyone on earth hate you. They have a political cost of making you seem untrustworthy or insane.
:blob-no-thoughts: well according the my playthrough of civ 5 when i turned entirety of australia into a nuclear wasteland no-one cared so honestly the science is still trying to figure it out
your liberal co-worker who wants to nuke china & russia really badly, blurts out during a watercooler conversation
How many atomic bombs could the US even produce at that time? Nuclear material suitable for bombs wasn't exactly easy to make.
They could produce about one every few weeks or so by the end of the war in the Pacific. And they 100% would've irradiated all of Europe if thats what it took.
How compelling, now please put your face in the toilet and flush :iron-soviet:
Churchill (may he rest in piss) asked the British General Staff to plan out "Operation Unthinkable", a surprise attack by the US and UK against the USSR in 1945. Even taking into account the rearming of 10 Nazi divisions, the General Staff said that the plan had almost no chance of success and it was quickly discarded.
Don't think the soviet union would mount a counterinvasion against the US at that time, as they and all of Europe would be reeling from an even worse WW2. It would probably just lead to an even worse cold war, and even more horrifying conquest of south america to bolster US power.
If you were a Ukrainian, you'd also want to. He mentioned also not giving any shit about Ukrainians beyond them being useful for killing Russians. Every Ukrainian dying is fine as long as it means more Russians dying.
Funny how they say "I" like they have any kind of agency in the decision making process.
Also what the fuck is r/purplepilldebate, those posts are weird
It's a debate between people from TheRedPill and TheBluePill. It's a fucking gold mine for awful takes.
(For context, when he said "I", he was referring to something where you can pay money to get Ukrainian missiles signed, not that he has any part in sending US money to Ukraine.)