• anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
    2 days ago

    I'll say it once again: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

    It didn't matter because, as the recent ruling shows us, we live in a fucking bourgeois dictatorship!

    • BurgerPunk [he/him, comrade/them]
      2 days ago

      I'll say it once again: Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

      Libs never remember this when they're scolding the people who they believe didn't vote hard enough

  • Procapra [comrade/them, she/her]
    2 days ago

    Remember when ContraPoints compared her fans to kiwifarms users after calling her out for collaborating with buck angel?


    • ssj2marx@lemmy.ml
      2 days ago

      What a fall from grace its been, Contra was one of the people who turned me on to leftist politics back in 2015ish

  • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
    2 days ago

    Natalie Wynn and James Somerton are exactly why I don't claim white queers without actually knowing and vetting them

    • FlakesBongler [they/them]
      2 days ago

      Some of the worst shit I've ever heard was from queer people who immediately retorted with "It's fine, I'm gay"

      Which, so am I, and also fuck you for trying to shield yourself with that

      • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
        2 days ago

        Some of the worst shit I’ve ever heard was from queer people who immediately retorted with “It’s fine, I’m gay”

        I'm convinced this is what spurs the Three No's queers to never once self-crit their fuckery tbh

          • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
            2 days ago

            Something I used to frequently see (98% of the time on a white gay's profile) back when I still had the tolerance for Grindr. "No Blacks, no fats, no fems"; sometimes they'd substitute Black for any other subset they considered undesirable, sometimes they'd get cute about "no rice, no spice"; but it's all bigotry at the core

            • corgiwithalaptop [any, love/loves]
              2 days ago

              Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I've seen that plenty. I want to respect people have preferences but that whole vibe always felt icky to me. I never talked to people like that though so never thought about it much.

              • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
                2 days ago

                To me, 'preferences' were always like-- where I'm concerned, I prefer dallying with creatives; I prefer painters, musicians, and sculptors; I prefer people who are well-read. While I can respect some types of preference, the ones I don't respect are the ones that smell like "nah, you don't have a preference; you're just saying that so a Black person-- or even just a person with exceptionally dark skin-- can't romantically get close to you".

                That just reeks of uninvestigated bigotry to me-- and note; I don't say this as a 'we should be able to hook up' kind of thing-- if anything, I don't believe the uninvestigated bigot deserves to be with anyone, really.

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                2 days ago

                I want to respect people have preferences but that whole vibe always felt icky to me.

                Speaking to the subject of "racial preferences" generally since I'm a het:

                So long as we're dealing in a paradigm where physical attraction to things like facial features is to be expected (i.e. all of human existence so far and for the foreseeable future), there is going to be bias in a given individual towards and against certain races, e.g. some races have more prominent jawlines on average. These things simply will have racial correlates.

                However, that is many layers removed from what we are seeing here. There is a profound difference between "I like narrower noses" and "If you're black, swipe left" because, among many other things, these are averages and not cookie-cutter predetermined features (e.g. you will get people of all races each with widely varying nose widths). There is a substantial extent to which preferences for certain features will have racial correlates, but that doesn't mean the preference is itself racialized. If you're putting "no blacks" in your bio, you are obviously and openly operating from a racialized paradigm, and that deniability is out the window. You're just a bigot.

                The stumbling block for this issue on Hexbear is usually the following: Something does not need to be explicitly racist to be racist. You can be racist without thinking to yourself that you hold races in different regard. Your preferences can "just happen" to be for someone with blonde hair, blue eyes, alabaster skin, a Hellenic nose, etc. but wow, isn't it such a coincidence that your preferences, which clearly just fell into your head from a coconut tree, just happen to perfectly line up with Aryanism? Even though the number of people you've known in your life with these features all together might be very, very, low? It's just a crazy coincidence that you can go to some college campuses when they are in session and see genuinely the majority of girls have their hair dyed roughly the same color blonde.

                It turns out someone's aesthetic sensibilities can be informed by implicit racial ideology as well. In America, it's overwhelmingly Aryanism, and therefore Aryanism is popular in many other countries as well (along with the countries that were innovators in it, like Germany), but I'm sure there are other racialized ideals in other societies that are similarly pervasive, I'm just not familiar with them.

                Sorry, I just wanted to rant about this again.

            • Angel [any]
              2 days ago

              Ah, my guess was way off then!

    • Angel [any]
      2 days ago

      The feeling that I can't be included in a lot of queer events and spaces simply because I have to fear about my race causing problems for LGBT crackkkers is very depressing. On top of that, I have a "niche" queer identity (non-binary and pansexual) as opposed to one of the more common identities that liberals will bring up to performatively speak on how "inclusive" they are (e.g. cisgender gay men/cisgender lesbians).

      The transmisogynoir problem is deeply frustrating too. You have some TERFy bioessentialist queer people who view transfeminine people as a "threat" to queer cis women, then you couple that with the fact that I'm black, a people perceived as "dangerous, violent, and aggressive," and this all leads to reactionary LGBT people who will try to avoid and exclude me at all costs for """"safety reasons.""""

      • SUPAVILLAIN@lemmygrad.ml
        2 days ago

        and this all leads to reactionary LGBT people

        But y'know, as soon as they're the ones being threatened, it's "oh, we need to come together, we need you to do the emotional labor for us so we can throw you to the side as soon as the rain passes" bullshit. I feel you, homie; that's another substantial chunk of why I just don't fuck with white queers. I'd fw ballroom folks if I lived anywhere near any of the hotspots; from what I've seen of it, that feels like what our gay culture should be.

        Let the crackers have their parades with corporate logos every two feet and a cop for every dangling peckerwood; they already done forgot their 'parades' were our riots in the first place. I'd rather have warehouse parties with the most flamboyant of those who'd live loudly in their truth.

  • AssortedBiscuits [they/them]
    2 days ago

    Putting the accent mark in the e in Pokemon

    Jesus Christ, she really is this insufferable. Can't imagine being stuck in a room with her for anywhere longer than 5 minutes.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 days ago

    We live in the present, we confront the problems of the present.

    But the democrats? they never came home from the horrors of 2016.

    Oh fuck, serously Contra? Jesus christ.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      2 days ago

      I'm not surprised. Natalie is the archetype of that one problematic girl on your biggest trans discord that you've blocked ages ago but you can't stop clicking on her bad takes. Not getting into all the internal struggle sessions of the trans community here, so let's just leave it at the fact that she's been an out and proud anti-communist turbo lib since the 2020 electoral cycle and that she's been on some weird interview format hosted by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.

      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 days ago

        she's been on some weird interview format hosted by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.


      • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
        2 days ago

        she's been on some weird interview format hosted by Hillary and Chelsea Clinton.

        Lord, I'm glad I stopped watching her after 2020. She fell

    • TrashGoblin [he/him, they/them]
      1 day ago

      The Democrats never came home from the horrors of 1972, I regret to say. The subsequent history of the Democratic Party is shaped by the fear that somehow George McGovern might get nominated.

  • Black_Mald_Futures [any]
    2 days ago

    we should have voted for the person who wanted trump to win his primary and helped that happen so that she could beat trump instead of lose to a monster of her own creation

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    2 days ago

    Shit. Is that contrapoints? 😬

    Haven’t seen much from them in a minute but looks like they aren’t doing great

  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    2 days ago

    Hilldawg would have gone full Cersei "Gambo Thrones" Lannister the nanosecond that the SCOTUS ruled that the President has immunity from prosecution for official acts. The drones would have already been in the air before the ink on the page was even dry.

  • HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
    2 days ago

    Should have voted for the candidate whose pied piper strategy helped Trump win the RNC nomination?

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    2 days ago

    There's this one bit from Chomsky that is really good and it's this - you can tell what the opinion of the masses is towards the government when it comes to pay taxes.

    To stretch that a little bit further, you can tell how enthusiastic people feel about their political candidates by how many of them go out and vote.

    Instead of yelling at people to vote, start yelling at the government to pass legislation to make voting more accessible (in particular making it a public holiday on voting day) and start yelling at your political party of choice to start running candidates and election platforms that people feel enthusiastic about supporting. Or don't and let your shit hole country collapse. Either are acceptable options as far as I'm concerned.

  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    2 days ago

    If you don't like her support of Pokemon Black market dealings, you'll be put to the Pokemon Sword