• SacredExcrement [any, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Even the US' intelligence apparatus is a bunch of Putin shills now

    But seriously, no shit lmao. Did libs really think Putin was gonna try and pull an Ögedei Khan and try to take Europe?

    • Jobasha [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      They literally think the Russian brainpan is incapable of comprehending democracy due to them assimilating Mongolo-Asiatic authoritarianism genes in the time they were under Mongol rule so probably, yeah.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      3 months ago

      I particularly love the fact that libs simultaneously believe that Russia is on a brink of collapse and about to roll over Europe as soon as it's done with Ukraine. They see no contradiction there.

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Did libs really think Putin was gonna try and pull an Ögedei Khan and try to take Europe?

      Yes. You should see the bullshit the European media keeps shoveling.

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      3 months ago

      Did libs really think Putin was gonna try and pull an Ögedei Khan and try to take Europe?

      They did unironically think that, yes.

    • Sasuke [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      Did libs really think Putin was gonna try and pull an Ögedei Khan and try to take Europe

      they definitely do here in europe

      • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
        3 months ago

        He has also said that he is proud to have been the first black woman to serve with a black president.

        In general, I would not associate Biden with the word 'intelligence'.

        And yeah, no, if Putin was trying to reestablish the USSR, he would be much better than he is. An anti-colonial power that massively improves its people's lives? Sign me up.

          • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
            3 months ago

            Considering that Biden is a lib, your reply, at best, supports the comment that you were replying to.

            Furthermore, you seem to think that this point about Biden somehow contradicts the fact that 'NY Times just casually dropped that the official U.S. intelligence assessment has always been that Putin didn't want to expand the Ukraine conflict beyond Ukraine'

            • Hurculina
              3 months ago

              I didn't comment on the post to refute it, I replied to a comment to refute the comment. that's how threads work. anyway

              comment: "Did libs really think Putin was gonna try and pull an Ögedei Khan and try to take Europe?"

              me: this lib certainly said he thought so.

              that's how conversations work.

              • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
                3 months ago

                He also said he'd seen photographic proof that Hamas had decapitated 40 babies.

                He also said he would cure cancer, I am not joking.

              • Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
                3 months ago

                this lib certainly said he thought so.

                Most of us are pretty skeptical he actually did think so, especially considering a lot of experts in his circle have said things that contradict it. Case in point: the article being discussed.

              • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
                3 months ago

                I didn't comment on the post to refute it, I replied to a comment to refute the comment

                And all you did is support - not refute - the comment. Just as I said here:

                Considering that Biden is a lib, your reply, at best, supports the comment that you were replying to

                comment: "Did libs really think Putin was gonna try and pull an Ögedei Khan and try to take Europe?"
                me: this lib certainly said he thought so.

                Case in point.

      • RustyVenture [he/him]
        3 months ago

        He also managed to mumble this out during the debate a week ago, too. However, we can't be sure Biden even knows what year it is, so it's unclear if he still believes this hilarious lie or if he thinks it's 2022.

      • Egon
        2 months ago

        deleted by creator

      3 months ago

      Ögedei didn't even tried to take Europe, it was a really big scout party which casually obliterated every army they encountered, arrived at Hungary, seen the pushta and considered staying because it reminded them of home and then went back because khan died and new one had to be elected. In the meantime collective Europe was thrown into a state of abject terror not known since Attila the Hun. But of course as soon as it passed, islamophobia kicked in, they started to blabber about Prester John and tried to use Mongols against muslims.

    • Flaps [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Its one of the excuses they use to keep sending weaponry

    • plinky [he/him]
      3 months ago

      baltic mindset, i'm waiting if that lady will outbang the gardener

  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    Still not as embarrassing as angular-merkel admitting the Minsk agreements were all just to buy time for Ukraine.

    The original narratives about Ukraine no longer matter, the only thing left in the collective consciousness is Ukraine is a democracy therefore the war is about "western values". The good thing is since then even a good part liberals don't care about that anymore, its impossible to manufacture a narrative that Ukraine is winning right now, at best they "resisting" evil Putler and Zelensky does nothing but beg for more aid.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      3 months ago

      The Western media's admission of the deceitful nature of their narrative exposed liberals, who mindlessly parrot the same talking points despite the revelations, as nothing more than gullible buffoons.

      • NapoleonBlownApart [he/him]
        3 months ago

        I don't think liberals could have had a worse week. The cracks in their dome are apparent and aren't going away. Some people are checking out, some people are saying "enough" to the constant stream of bullshit right to their faces. /R/politics is a hoot right now.

        But do they change anything about their approach? Of course not.

            • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]M
              3 months ago

              I mean, for them to stop believing in their ideology, they'd have to find something else to believe in. What would that even be? Most of them are probably innoculated against ideas left of Mussolini due to the constant government programming happening on reddit, so they'd either become anarchobidenists and believe 95% of the same things by saying to themselves "anarchism is when you hate authoritarian governments (read: governments who are resistant to being totally rolled over by American monopolies) and love western democracies. who the fuck is kropotkin? gelderloos? I'm listening to a 3 hour video essay by a breadtuber"

              or, I guess, they'd turn even further conservative and/or libertarian and start frothing at the mouth about the federal reserve and age of consent laws

              • sexywheat [none/use name]
                3 months ago

                In my observations on Libs, I think the biggest challenge for them is that they fundamentally trust the institutions that govern our society. In order to believe in something else, they would have to break that trust on a fundamental level. But that trust underpins their entire worldview, so in doing so they would not only have to fundamentally alter their core values, but also in doing to have to admit that they have been wrong about everything their entire lives. That's a pretty tall order.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
              3 months ago

              I'd argue that mainstream libs represent the segment of the population that still hasn't been significantly affected materially. They still have their jobs, they can pay their bills, and there really hasn't been any dramatic change in their lifestyle. They also tend to stay in their bubble avoiding interaction with people who are struggling. This segment of the population is rapidly shrinking though, and we can see them starting to freaking out that their voices are increasingly challenged nowadays. It's a huge shock for them that their narrative can't spread unchallenged.

        • Muad'
          3 months ago

          They're gonna continue to childishly point fingers at everyone else. "All the mistakes I have made and continue to make are because of the chyna-ruzzia-woke-tankie-bots"

  • itappearsthat
    3 months ago

    No, it was always this way. We always knew this. The way the government is admitting things are is the same as what they've been saying all along. Your left-wing views always make you say paranoid stuff like this. This is not an unexpected departure from the official line. The only people who were trying to scare us about how Europe could be invaded next were misinformed marginal figures, not the actual authority figures who always had a reassuring firm grip and level gaze toward reality. If it were really a big change then someone would make a big deal about it, and I don't see anybody making a fuss.

  • Rx_Hawk [he/him]
    3 months ago

    If you use an ounce of critical thinking it was always clear NATO wants a war with Russia, not the other way around.

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Yeah, no shit. These pathetic eu-cool vassals don’t care though, they’ll keep throwing money down the pit of “increased defense spending because NATO wants it”.

    • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
      3 months ago

      Is that how you read it? In my head their username is "Yog-... Is that even an o? y- ahhh fuck it, the cosmonaut"

        • TheLepidopterists [he/him]
          3 months ago

          I thought they were letters from another alphabet or something, had no idea they were just another font.

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            3 months ago

            It's the thing where similar-looking letters are taken from other alphabets to make fancy looking letters. The not-O there is a Greek letter, for example, specifically I think it's lowercase Sigma.

            Ironically, given Yog is a Russophone and people do this with Cyrillic all the time, much to the chagrin of those who can read Cyrillic.

            • someone [comrade/them, they/them]
              3 months ago

              A very mean, and sometimes fun, trick to play on others in a collaborative programming environment is to randomly replace semicolons with Greek question marks and watch them slowly descend into madness during debugging.

              • D61 [any]
                3 months ago

                Captcha: Type these letters (and its just ones, capital I's and lowercase l's in that font where they all look the same)

            • Tomorrow_Farewell [any, they/them]
              3 months ago

              The not-O there is a Greek letter, for example, specifically I think it's lowercase Sigma

              As a person with a math degree (meaning that I'm an expert on the Greek alphabet), I confirm, that is lowercase sigma.

  • What_Religion_R_They [none/use name]
    3 months ago

    if i were a (لا سمح الله) and I saw this thread and the idiots that post here I would delete my account out of shame

  • EmoThugInMyPhase [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Look. We HAVE to shoot up a grocery store in order to stop the Soviets. It’s for the greater good.

  • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Wait, but that would mean all the libs saying that Putin would invade everyone if he wins in Ukraine were brainwashed liars???