When I decided to host the mega again a bit ago, I had no idea what to make it about (of course). So it fell between two topics: a post on the importance of sleep, or a post on just how much I love Fire Emblem: The Sacred Echoes. Well, I felt like the importance of sleep was well-known, and could always wait for the next time I host a mega. I wanted to make sure I hit the Sacred Echoes iron while it's hot, because I've almost finished my play through at this point, and it might genuinely be one of the best games I have ever played.

Sacred Echoes feels so polished, considering it's a fan-made romhack of Sacred Stones, with the goal of bringing the 3DS game, Shadows of Valentia (SoV), to the GBA. Everything about the game aesthetically is very well-done, from the portraits, to the battle sprites, and literally anything else that could be thought of about a game. This includes new character writing, which helps the game in areas where Shadows of Valentia was a little, well, off. That's what I want to go over first, and although I've made a post before, I had only played a little bit of the game. Being at the end, I've noticed more things, and grown to appreciate this game even more than I already did.

Let's start off with the relevant (and interesting) bits: Sacred Echoes actually does a really good job at representing a variety of backgrounds, while also being diverse in a way that doesn't feel like it's simply to have a token character. This game doesn't suffer from the cracker curse, for example. Although most of the characters are white, there is more than one person of color (congratulations) . In terms of LGBTQ+ representation, it's even better. There are many gay/lesbian characters, whose sexuality actually plays a role in the plot and how they interact with others. There's also an aroace character, Lukas, who goes through a whole arc of self-discovery in his support conversations (support Python). It's good stuff, and not things I would normally expect from a Fire Emblem game. I hesitate to bring up the (possibly) only trans character in the game, Jesse. HOLD ON, NO HESITATION AT ALL! I just decided to do more research, and I wasn't just projecting. He is 100% trans, and it's in supports, and it's relevant to his plot and backstory, so it's just like the rest of them, thank goodness, I was worried he was a token. So yeah, support Clive and Jesse. Good stuff, and good luck getting to the end of the game so they can actually meet, one fights for Alm and the other for Celica...

This is Jesse


Here's some dialogue between Clive and Jesse, in the context of a will:

Clive: Only the following will be yours - your mother's wardrobe, her jewelry box, and all corresponding contents.

Jesse: Urgh. Even from halfway in the grave he's trying to tell me what to wear. So yeah, he's still the same tyrant he always was. Hasn't changed a bit.

In terms of character background, it's more diverse than one would think, and it addresses the issue of feudal class. Not all of the characters are nobles, and one of the main characters is a commoner from a random village. The plot regularly deals with the fact that nobles and commoners do not get along. However, it does not try to redeem most nobles. If they aren't proving themselves with their actions, they're probably shitty. Even if they are supposedly "one of the good ones", there's usually some underlying prejudice that comes out when you might not expect it. I love it so much, and I am extremely impressed that the plot doesn't try to redeem nobility as a whole, but rather allows the noble characters within the cast to have character development that feels less like justification and more like re-education.

Pictured is the class traitor Lukas absolutely destroying Fernand



For other details about the story, I'll link my original post. I don't want to drag this on too long, and I mention most of the improvements there. It also includes where to find the patch for the game, and how to play the game for yourself. If you enjoy SRPGs, or are new to the genre, I recommend this game. It has an easy mode for the newbies, and hard mode for those of us who hate ourselves (/s), and a normal mode for everything in-between niko-happy

The Echoes cast is amazing, and I love how they interact with each other and the world. Each character stands out, and they feel unique in their relationships with the other characters. Even characters that suffer in SoV, like Faye and the Masked Knight (has a name but it's spoilers), benefit from the Sacred Echoes writing, making them actually enjoyable characters. The villains of the game are also great. I don't want to go too deep, because I don't want to spoil too much, but they aren't just pure evil, and for that I applaud the SoV writers. Berkut is probably the highlight of the game, being the heir to the throne of the empire. I am once again asking you to play the game, because IT IS SO GREAT, and I would not have expected these good of villains to pair with Alm and Celica, as well as their armies.

Pictured is the Masked Knight being a gay little guy. The other guy (Saber) is threatening his life...


Everything about the game design is also amazing. It's GBA Fire Emblem, so the animations are peak and the pixel art is stellar. The maps are improved from the original SoV maps, and they are definetly much better, and much less repetitive. Classes in the game are fun in how they work, each character being able to promote 2-3 times. Mages also work really uniquely and well in this game, with spells costing HP to cast. They learn spells as they level up, rather than by purchasing tomes, which makes for (in my opinion), better gameplay. Sacred Echoes also adds the GBA weapon and magic triangles!

All in all, Sacred Echoes is a great game, and even if you never ending up playing it, you now know of its existence. It stands out as a great romhack, as well as a great Fire Emblem game, AND it has the gay. Can it really get better than that?

If you want my original (and more in-depth) analysis, check out my original post. It's mostly about what Sacred Echoes improves upon the original Shadows of Valentia.

Hope you enjoyed my little nerd-out session, and have a good week everyone! niko-dance

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  • Caruna [none/use name]
    22 minutes ago

    Hello everyone 👋 I'm a refugee from the bloodthirsty land of reddit and very happy to be here. Will take me a minute to adjust to people not constantly wat mongering for battles they will never fight in or assuring me that "Putin is just bluffing " (but also will take over the world if he isn't stopped )

    Oh and killing children with Battery bombs is "Kingsman shit"

    Anyway if my account didn't get approved here , I was about to have my doctor contact the mods and request emergency approval on the basis that reddit is giving me brain cancer

    • magi [null/void]
      10 minutes ago

      Welcome to the community, take a breather now you've escaped reddit-logo c:

  • Tommasi [she/her]
    42 minutes ago

    Okay, so I broke my volcel pledge and got with this guy I know and I just feel kinda lost. I was very nervous and he was good at reassuring me and making me feel less anxious, but the sex was pretty bad for both of us, and I'm not sure if he's really that into me, and I didn't really get to try any of the things I wanted to. I also maybe overshared some things by the end, and ended up making things weird. I'm sure we'll stay friends, but I wanted this to be something really fun and satisfying, but instead it was mostly awkward and confusing for me


  • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
    15 minutes ago

    Thank you everyone who responded to me last night cat-trans It helped so much, I cried a little at some of them. Felt very cared about cuddle

  • imogen_underscore [it/its, she/her]
    19 minutes ago

    getting more confident with liner. discovering puppy style (hehe) a while ago was a game changer for my hooded downturned eyes. practicing feels more doable and less scary than ever now that i have a liquid liner pen and a pencil liner, as well as a great oil cleanser to remove it easily. the oil cleanser is effective enough to even do little adjustments/fix errors easily with a q-tip. feels good:) got to crack eyeshadow next...

    also i have a hair appointment tomorrow that i'm super excited about. keeping most of my length but i need a trim badly and i'm finally gonna be getting the deep cherry red/copper colour i've wanted for ages! i think it's gonna suit me super well.

    • magi [null/void]
      11 minutes ago

      Always nice to do a bit of pampering, nice to see you having fun and it's always fun learning makeup especially when you get better at it, good luck for your appointment tomorrow ^^

    • magi [null/void]
      23 minutes ago

      Jumpers, Cardigans, Turtlenecks, Blouses, but fall and winter you'd be looking also to layers so thinner clothing can be layered too. Skirts you'd probably want to be a little thicker and heavier or go with pants, jeans and such, really depends on the outfit.

    • rtstragedy [she/her]
      9 minutes ago

      i literally have a drawer full of tights of all colours (mostly dark colours) and patterns. they are Cool, highly recommended. I wear them with skirts, used to do mid-thigh brown skirt + dark brown tights + black ankle boots (as an example), I thought I looked nice :) (now I work from home, so I don't dress "up" as much, mostly I wear slippers instead of boots lol)

  • Eco [she/her, he/him]
    1 hour ago

    brevity is the soul of fucking losers. suck on my nine hour video essay, cucks

    • Eco [she/her, he/him]
      1 hour ago

      your analysis of one theme in one game does not need to be nine hours long please i beg you

      • Eco [she/her, he/him]
        1 hour ago

        i think tv producers honestly nailed it when they made most tv shows at most an hour long, potentially split into multiple parts if need be, rather than just unloading nine hours of something onto the airwaves that could have been edited down significantly with nothing of value lost

  • Babs [she/her]
    1 hour ago
    medical/sex stuff and dysphoria

    Hemorrhoids are fucked yo. I've been waiting months for a surgery referral for a painful injury I've had for months and months now. Between this and my bottom dysphoria, I feel like a fucking mermaid girlfriend for how much it's killed my sex life. I so wish I could just walk into a clinic or something to get this shit fixed but instead I guess I'll be celibate and in daily pain until my doctor and insurance company figure out WTF they are doing.

    It makes me feel so gross and inadequate and I worry that I'm missing some essential step to getting it fixed. Doc said she put in a referral and now I should wait for insurance to pick a butt doctor for me, but I'm still waiting

    Kinda in despair powercry-2

  • magic_smoke@links.hackliberty.org
    1 hour ago

    Was super nervous at first but since I've setup my appointment for HRT, I've been feeling so much better and sure of my gender.

    Super stoked to start.

  • SwitchyWitchyandBitchy [she/her]
    1 hour ago

    Hiiiiii everyone! I've missed you all but I've been hanging out in the Tracha room on Matrix. More of you should come join us :P

  • Yor [she/her]
    2 hours ago
    Surgery consult



    The surgeon was very confident about creating the phallus itself and my arm is indeed a good candidate - that's good. My arms are pretty thin, so I'm also hoping this will avoid the indent that comes from the transition from skin to scar after surgery. I really do not want an arm scar. It upsets me tbh, but there are such drawbacks to each technique that RFF (forearm) is my preferred method. Thigh would be too thick for me, shoulder gives no tactile sensation, abdominal is low to no erotic sensation. RFF gives the most in tactile and erotic sensation and can be a small(er) dick too. All results can look good, but I'm so consistently impressed with RFF results.


    In previous communication, he said both urethra lengthening (UL) and scrotoplasty were higher risk and there's not much of any published research or methods for this post vaginoplasty. Today he said neither would be possible, but I pushed back and reminded him that he said there's a chance, so he conceded there is a chance. I probably did a bad thing, but I let him know that I'm willing to take on the risk because not even trying is not worth continuing to live imo (I said it nicer than that). He wants to talk to my therapist to make sure I'm in a good place in case things do not work out (losing scotum, UL fail, etc).

    • Scrotoplasty uses the labia skin and he's concerned of bloodflow issues considering these are not natal labias. I've been reading today that there is another technique that can also use the clitoral hood as well if you're getting clitoral burial, which I want. I wonder if he's thought of that, since he didn't bring up burial or not.
    • UL is the rough one. I've seen many people post about months of being on catheters due to strictures, fistulas, and other complications. Messing with the urethra really seems to be just risky all around. Many transmasc people in particular told me if I don't have stand to pee dysphoria, I should forgo UL entirely due to the complication rate. The issue is I don't think I can fully feel connected to my dick if I can't pee out of it. Maybe I can find a path if I tried and failed for UL, but not trying at all isn't an option.

    If I can't get scrotoplasty, I can't get an erectile device. Unlike my willingness to look for a path in a post-failed UL world, I will not look for a path without an erectile device. Nobody really likes to hear me say that, but it's my life and I'm the only one who has to live every day with what's on my body. I hope he finds some optimism after talking to his urologist, my therapist, and me again. He also wants me to talk to his urologist soon too.

    Other surgeons?

    There are other surgeons as well, but not as many my insurance covers currently and if I'm being honest I'm so worn down. I'd like it to be where this all happened in the first place. It makes sense symbolically. Speaking of symbolism, the very last item related to surgery/recovery that I didn't throw away was my dilators. They give you them when you leave the hospital. I hate those things so much and the dumpster outside my apartment didn't feel strong enough to get them away from me. So I held onto them until today and threw them away in a trash can in the hospital. Begone.

    Now back to waiting

    • Yor [she/her]
      2 hours ago

      Unrelated, but I was sheepishly asked what my HRT situation is like and if I were thinking about getting on T. How many ways can a fem presenting person say, no, I'm absolutely still happy with being a woman. Even the most knowledgeable cis people still suffer with cis brainrot

      • magi [null/void]
        2 hours ago

        Even the most knowledgeable cis people still suffer with cis brainrot

        It's unfortunately the case, I had similar issues with the gender clinic when I initially went through that system with a lot of brainrot and assumptions from the staff. My impression was they were outdated in a lot of things and even my doctor I was schooling on medication and what diy I was taking lol. I do wish they would get schooled on lgbt+ identities and presentation and such, they fucking need it.

  • pooh [she/her, any]M
    1 hour ago

    This should be my week where the big thing happens. Anxiously waiting.

  • rtstragedy [she/her]
    2 hours ago

    how does my entire body get sore when i barely did anything? wow, lucky i have the day off

    • magi [null/void]
      2 hours ago

      I get sore just sleeping, some days are worse than others. Weather changing tends to affect me a bit too so it may be that too. At least you can rest up today c:

      • rtstragedy [she/her]
        2 hours ago

        damn yeah, i can relate to being sore from sleeping. this time, of course, it's probably the prolonged allergen exposure, having a loud conversation for several hours (due to noisy environment), and uh also i got some exercise last night lol (I didn't feel sore at the time!!!). i didnt expect my jaw and shoulders to hurt so much tho!

        and yes my plan today is to listen to all the music recs i've gotten from you, LocalOaf, etc. bake a babka (uh maybe, once meds kick in), and poooost, lol

        • magi [null/void]
          2 hours ago

          Sounds like social battery related along with the allergen exposure.

          i didnt expect my jaw to hurt tho!

          It's all that yackin' /jk but I hope you can rest up and hopefully feel better, some chill music should help with that too c:


          Always have to be postin, not slackin! ^^ screm-cool

        • Luna [she/her]
          1 hour ago

          Jaw could be because of grinding or clenching teeth, if you didn't know that already...

          • rtstragedy [she/her]
            42 minutes ago

            yeah, i get it really intermittently, my dentist has mentioned it, but the wear on my teeth isn't increasing year-over-year and this one time I got a mouthguard I couldn't sleep and then also it stopped fitting like a week later lmao (I guess my teeth move around a lot)

            i used to chew on metal soda tabs, it was really really dumb, that's probably the real cause